

  • 江岭 , 1, 2, * ,
  • 凌德泉 3 ,
  • 赵明伟 1, 2 ,
  • 王春 1, 2 ,
  • 曾微波 1, 2
  • 1. 滁州学院 安徽地理信息集成应用协同创新中心,滁州 239000
  • 2. 安徽省地理信息智能感知与服务工程实验室,滁州 239000
  • 3. 南京信息工程大学 地理与遥感学院,南京 210044

作者简介:江 岭(1987-),男,安徽人,博士,副教授,研究方向为数字地形建模及高性能地学计算。E-mail:

收稿日期: 2017-07-28

  要求修回日期: 2017-10-30

  网络出版日期: 2018-03-20





Object-oriented Terrain Position Classification Based on Multi-scale Geomorphons

  • JIANG Ling , 1, 2, * ,
  • LING Dequan 3 ,
  • ZHAO Mingwei 1, 2 ,
  • WANG Chun 1, 2 ,
  • ZENG Weibo 1, 2
  • 1. Anhui Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Integration and Application, Chuzhou University, Chuzhou 239000, China
  • 2. Anhui Engineering Laboratory of Geo-information Smart Sensing and Services, Chuzhou University, Chuzhou 239000, China
  • 3. School of Geography and Remote Sensing, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing 210044, China;
*Corresponding author: JIANG Ling, E-mail:

Received date: 2017-07-28

  Request revised date: 2017-10-30

  Online published: 2018-03-20

Supported by

Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41501445, 41571398

Program of Provincial Natural Science Foundation of Anhui, No.1608085QD77

Key Project of Natural Science Research of Anhui Provincial Department of Education, No.KJ2015A171.


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


地形部位是地表形态的基本单元,其分类和提取在地貌发育、数字土壤制图、景观生态制图等领域有着重要的应用。康鑫等提出的多尺度Geomorphons地形部位分类法(简称多尺度Geomorphons法)利用高程相对差异信息和地形部位多尺度特征,可避免受地形属性计算及单一分析尺度约束而误分类,然而其存在分类破碎及分析尺度域难以确定的问题。基于此,本文以多尺度Geomorphons法为基础,提出了其适宜分析尺度域确定方法,建立了以初始地形部位数据层组合的对象多尺度分割和分类方法,进而构建了顾及多分析尺度的地形部位面向对象分类方法。以陕北黄土高原区域5 m分辨率DEM为实验数据,对面向对象分类方法进行了验证与评价。实验结果表明:①均值变点法可有效解决分析尺度域难以确定的问题,实验样区适宜分析尺度域为[5×5, 33×33]栅格单元;②以0,255为二值化的地形部位数据层组合适用于多尺度分割,尺度、形状及紧致度参数组合影响分割结果,且对于实验样区存在最优分割参数;③与多尺度Geomorphons法相比,本文方法得到的地形部位分类结果完整性较好,在地表形态对应和地理认知等方面更具合理性。


江岭 , 凌德泉 , 赵明伟 , 王春 , 曾微波 . 顾及多分析尺度的地形部位面向对象分类方法[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2018 , 20(3) : 281 -290 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.170350


Terrain position is the basic morphologic feature on the surface of the Earth. The classification and extraction of terrain position have been widely applied in many research fields such as landform evolution, digital soil mapping and landscape ecological mapping. Proposed by Kang X et al. (2016), the multi-scale Geomorphons method maps terrain position by recognizing the morphology of each interest cell in a DEM according to its relative altitudes within the neighboring window. Multi-scale Geomorphons method can avoid the shortnesses of other classificaton methods, which are caused by different terrain attributes and a single analysis scale. However, there are still some drawbacks in the multi-scale Geomorphons method. For example, the classification results are fragmented and the domain of the analysis scale is difficult to determine. To solve the above problems, this paper presents a new method to classify terrain position, which is based on object-oriented segmentation and multi-scale Geomorphons. First of all, we propose an approach of determining the domain of optimal analysis scale of the multi-scale Geomorphons method. Then, the multi-scale segmentation and classification methods are constructed according to the initial terrain position data via the multi-scale Geomorphons method. At last, the presented method is evaluated by the experimental data of the DEM with 5 m resolution in the loess plateau region of northern Shaanxi. The experimental results show that: (1) the method of mean change-point analysis can effectively solve the problem which is difficult to determine the domain of the analysis scale of the multi-scale Geomorphons method. The domain of optimal analysis scale of the sample area is 5×5 to 33×33 cells. (2) The layer of each terrain position type with the value 0 for non-type cells and 255 for type cells is suitable for multi-scale segmentation. The parameters (i.e. scale, weight of shape and weight of compactness) for multi-scale segmentation have deep influence on segmentation results. There is optimal segmentation parameters for a experimental region. There is optimal segmentation parameter for an experimental region. (3) Comparing with the multi-scale Geomorphons method, the classification results of the present approach are more integrity and reasonable in the aspects of morphology correspondence and geological interpretation.

1 引言


2 多尺度Geomorphons地形部位分类

Fig. 1 Diagram of terrain position

图1 地形部位示意图[17]

在Geomorphons方法的基础上,康鑫等[2]提出了多尺度Geomorphons法,采用Douglas-Peucker线简化算法替代原方法中的开放度算法,并通过综合多分析尺度(即分析尺度域)下分类结果得出地形部位分布情况。多尺度Geomorphons法避免了原方法中因单一尺度而引起的分类结果与地形部位所应具有的多尺度特征不相适应问题。同时,多尺度Geomorphons法引入熵值以度量分类结果的不确定性,且熵值大小也可表征不同分析尺度域下分类结果的差异性。栅格单元(i, j)的熵值计算公式为:
En tr op y i , j = - x = 1 10 m ij ( x ) lo g 2 m ij ( x ) lo g 2 10 其中 , m ij x = k = 1 n m ij k ( x ) / k (1)
式中: m ij k x 为栅格单元(i, j)在尺度k上对第 xx=1,…,10)类地形部位的隶属度;mi,jx)为整个分析尺度域(1,…,n)内对x类地形部位的隶属度。

3 面向对象地形部位分类

Fig. 2 Flowchart of the presented method

图2 技术流程图

3.1 分析尺度域确定

(1)令 i = 2,3 , 4 , , N ,对每个i将样本分为 2段: X 1 , X 2 , , X i - 1 X i , X i + 1 , , X n 。计算每段样本的 X i 1 ¯ X i 2 ¯ 及统计量。
S i = t = 1 i - 1 ( X t - X i 1 ¯ ) 2 + ( X t - X i 2 ¯ ) 2 (2)
X ̅ = t = 1 N X t N (3)
S = t = 1 N X t - X ¯ 2 (4)

3.2 面向对象分割

作为当前处理高精度“影像”数据的主流方法,面向对象分析法依据栅格单元异质性相近程度将 “影像”分割为多个对象,并将对象作为分析单元进行后续分析[11,22]。在进行分割时,多波段或单波段“影像”数据是基础。本文以多尺度Geomorphons法初始分类结果组合作为“影像”数据。由于初始分类结果中类型值(1-10)无数值含义,而在分割时,异质性是通过计算对象组内方差得到,故不能直接将分类结果作为“影像”。充分借鉴影像灰度级别,且最大程度消除不同地形部位之间数值差异影响,本文提出了由类型值空间数据生成多波段“影像”的变换分层规则:将每一类地形部位分为一个数据层(即共有10个数据层),并将每个数据层地形部位所在栅格单元值设置为255,其余栅格单元值设置为0。

3.3 地形部位分类

K a , n = i = 1 Num a , n 1 - Entropy a , n , i ) × S j = 1 M 1 - Entropy a , j ) × S (5)
式中: Entropy ( a , n , i ) 为分割对象a中第i个属于地形部位n的栅格单元对应的熵值; Entropy ( a , j ) 为分割对象a中第j个栅格单元对应的熵值; Num a , n 为分割对象a中属于地形部位n的栅格单元的个数;M为分割对象a中栅格单元的总个数;S为栅格单元面积。

3.4 不确定性计算

Ea = - i = 1 10 K ( a , n ) lo g 2 K ( a , n ) lo g 2 10 (6)
式中:Ea为分割对象a的面向对象分类结果的熵值; K ( a , n ) 为地形部位n对分割对象a中对应指数。显然,Ea的值域范围为[0, 1],其值越大表明分割对象a内地形部位混合度高,面向对象分类不确定性高,反之,其值越小表明分割对象a内地形部位较为单一,面向对象分类不确定性低。因此,通过不确定性分析可反映分类结果的差异性,并具有一定指示作用:不确定性程度高的区域,指示着该区域面向对象分类误差较大且地形多尺度效应较强;不确定性程度低的区域,该区域分类结果的误差一般也相应较低且地形多尺度效应较弱[2]

4 实验结果与分析

4.1 实验区域与数据

本文选取了陕北黄土高原韭塬沟区域为实验样区,该样区位于无定河中游,隶属黄土峁状丘陵沟壑地貌,丘陵起伏,沟壑纵横,土壤侵蚀极为剧烈。样区海拔814~1188 m,相对高差374 m,地面平均坡度29°,沟壑密度6.52 km/km2。实验数据为国家测绘局生产的1:1万比例尺5 m分辨率DEM和与DEM空间匹配的1 m分辨率DOM数据。样区由4幅邻接的1:1万图幅拼接而成,面积约100 km2。样区位置、样区高程分布以及用于文后实验对比分析的局部区域分布(图3)。
Fig. 3 Location of the study area

图3 研究区位置分布

4.2 结果分析

4.2.1 适宜尺度域分析
Fig. 4 The curve of the average entropy

图4 平均熵值变化曲线

Fig. 5 Classification results by Geomorphons method based on multi-scale morphology

图5 多尺度Geomorphons法地形部位分类结果

4.2.2 分割参数分析
Fig. 6 Results of different segmentation parameters (local area No.1)

图6 不同分割参数所得分割结果(局部区域1)

Tab. 1 Different combinations of segmentation parameters

表1 不同的分割参数组合

光谱占比 形状占比 平滑度占比 紧致度占比 最优分割尺度
0.8 0.2 0.5 0.5 11
0.6 0.4 0.5 0.5 10
0.4 0.6 0.5 0.5 11
0.2 0.8 0.5 0.5 17
Tab. 2 Statistic parameters of segmentation objects

表2 分割对象统计数据

独立栅格单元对象占比/% 含多个初始地形部位对象占比/%
形状权重0.2 22.46 64.53
形状权重0.4 17.82 81.65
形状权重0.6 0.00 96.90
形状权重0.8 0.00 98.68
Fig. 7 The curve of the rate of local variance change

图7 局部方差变率曲线

4.2.3 分类结果分析
Fig. 8 Comparison of different classification rules (local area No.2)

图8 不同分类规则结果对比(局部区域2)

图9为采用本文方法和多尺度Geomorphons法所得地形部位分类结果。通过对比可得出,多尺度Geomorphons法的分类结果中地形部位分类较为破碎,其中以地形变化较为剧烈的地区破碎现象尤为明显。为了进一步分析分类结果的完整性,本文使用了平均地形部位斑块面积、地形部位斑块数以及含岛地形部位斑块数来衡量地形部位的完整性,其中地形部位斑块数及含岛地形部位斑块数越大,代表地形部位斑块完整性越差;平均地形部位斑块面积越大,代表着完整性越好。由表3可知,本文面向对象地形部位分类结果的完整性高于多尺度 Geomorphons方法。综上,本文分类结果中地形部位分类破碎问题得到了有效解决,且分类结果更符合地表形态特征以及地理认知。
Fig. 9 Results of two classification methods (local area No.3)

图9 地形部位分类结果(局部区域3)

Tab. 3 Statistic parameters of classification integrity

表3 分类完整性统计

≥ 1 ≥2 ≥3 ≥4 ≥5
多尺度Geomorphons法 124 677 779.22 9094 5159 3567 2700 2130
本文方法 25 266 3845.10 1271 561 376 282 225
4.2.4 分类结果不确定性分析
Fig. 10 Uncertainty analysis of terrain position classification

图10 分类不确定性分布

5 结论

本文以地形部分分类为研究视角,提出了多尺度Geomorphons方法适宜分析尺度域的确定方法,构建了顾及多分析尺度的地形部位面向对象分类方法,并以陕北黄土高原区域5 m分辨率DEM为基本数据源,实现了样区内地形部位分类和提取。实验结果表明:① 均值变点法可有效解决分析尺度域难以确定的问题,样区适宜分析尺度域为[5×5, 33×33]栅格单元;② 以0,255为二值化的地形部位数据层组合适用于多尺度分割,尺度、形状及紧致度参数组合影响分割结果,且对于实验样区存在最优分割参数;③ 与多尺度Geomorphons法相比,本文方法得到的地形部位分类结果完整性较好,在地表形态对应和地理认知等方面更具合理性。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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范建容,张子瑜,李立华.四川省山地类型界定与山区类型划分[J].地理研究,2015,34(1):65-73.山地类型的界定是科学认知山地规律的基础,对山地科学的发展有着基础性的意义。山地科学研究的出发点与落脚点,是为了促进山区区域在各方面的可持续发展,所以在山地类型界定的研究结果基础上对山区类型进行划分,是山区可持续发展的基本科学依据。采用GIS技术并结合DEM数据,对四川省的山地类型进行界定,同时对山区的类型进行划分。在山地类型界定涉及到的地形起伏度计算中,对均值变点法的应用结果进行了讨论与改进,得到地形起伏度最佳统计单元为9.92 km2。将四川省山地类型界定为丘陵、低山、中低山、中山、次高山、高山、极高山;将山区划分为纯丘陵县、半山区县、准山区县、显山区县、整山区县,并对山区发展的政策方向提出了一定的建议。


[ Fan J R, Zhang Z Y, Li L H.Mountain demarcation and mountainous area divisions of Sichuan Province[J]. Geographical Research, 2015,34(1):65-73. ]


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常直杨,孙伟红,王建,等.青藏高原及其邻近地区地貌类型划分[J].山地学报,2017,35(1):1-8.我国至今尚未形成一个公认的地貌分类系统,传统地貌类型的划分主要依据海拔及起伏度,较少考虑地貌的完整性原则,且分类结果琐碎。为了避免此类问题,以我国青藏高原及其邻近地区1000 m分辨率的SRTM DEM为数据源,采用面向对象思想,基于eCognition软件,利用多尺度分割、局部方差法以及决策树分类法自动划分了地貌形态。结果表明:(1)在分割尺度范围为10-1400、步长为100时,青藏高原及其邻近地区的最佳分割尺度为400;(2)依据平均高程及标准差的大小,青藏高原及其邻近地区可划分为极高山、大起伏高山、高丘、小起伏高山、大起伏中山、小起伏中山、高海拔平地、低海拔平地八种地貌类型。相比依据海拔及起伏度的划分方法,分类结果更能考虑地貌的完整性原则,且具有高效便捷性,划分结果更平滑,为我国地貌类型的划分提供了参考。


[ Chang Z Y, Sun W H, Wang J, et al.Object-oriented method based on classification of geomorphic type in the Tibet Plateau and adjacent regions[J]. Mountain Research, 2017,35(1):1-8. ]

Lucian D, Dirk T, Shaun R L.ESP: A tool to estimate scale parameter for multiresolution image segmentation of remotely sensed data[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2010,24(6):859-871.The spatial resolution of imaging sensors has increased dramatically in recent years, and so too have the challenges associated with extracting meaningful information from their data products. Object-based image analysis (OBIA) is gaining rapid popularity in remote sensing science as a means of bridging very high spatial resolution (VHSR) imagery and GIS. Multiscalar image segmentation is a fundamental step in OBIA, yet there is currently no tool available to objectively guide the selection of appropriate scales for segmentation. We present a technique for estimating the scale parameter in image segmentation of remotely sensed data with Definiens Developer. The degree of heterogeneity within an image-object is controlled by a subjective measure called the cale parameter , as implemented in the mentioned software. We propose a tool, called estimation of scale parameter (ESP), that builds on the idea of local variance (LV) of object heterogeneity within a scene. The ESP tool iteratively generates image-objects at multiple scale levels in a bottom-up approach and calculates the LV for each scale. Variation in heterogeneity is explored by evaluating LV plotted against the corresponding scale. The thresholds in rates of change of LV (ROC-LV) indicate the scale levels at which the image can be segmented in the most appropriate manner, relative to the data properties at the scene level. Our tests on different types of imagery indicated fast processing times and accurate results. The simple yet robust ESP tool enables fast and objective parametrization when performing image segmentation and holds great potential for OBIA applications.


