

  • 陈泽东 ,
  • 谯博文 ,
  • 张晶 , *
  • 1. 首都师范大学三维信息获取与应用教育部重点实验室,北京100048;2. 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院,北京100048
*通讯作者:张 晶(1966-),女,教授,研究方向为地理信息系统与应用。E-mail:


收稿日期: 2017-11-11

  要求修回日期: 2018-01-17

  网络出版日期: 2018-03-20



Identification and Spatial Interaction of Urban Functional Regions in Beijing Based on the Characteristics of Residents' Traveling

  • CHEN Zedong ,
  • QIAO Bowen ,
  • ZHANG Jing , *
  • 1. MOE Key Lab of 3D Information Acquisition and Application, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China; 2. College of Resource Environment and Tourism, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China
*Corresponding author: ZHANG Jing, E-mail:

Received date: 2017-11-11

  Request revised date: 2018-01-17

  Online published: 2018-03-20

Supported by

The Open Fund of National Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems, No.01117220010020.


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有




陈泽东 , 谯博文 , 张晶 . 基于居民出行特征的北京城市功能区识别与空间交互研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2018 , 20(3) : 291 -301 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.170531


Affected by the differentiation of regional functions, the urban residents' activities presents specific timing characteristics. Different traveling patterns could indicate differences in regional functions. Meanwhile, the interactive features of regional function can be reflected by the spatial interaction activities of residents' trips. The advent of the big data era makes the individual geographical big data represented by the GPS data feasible to reflect residents' trip characteristics from the micro perspective. In this paper, the individual geographical big data and data mining method are employed to study the diversities and connections of urban regional functions under the perspective of residential perception. The study area enclosed by the Sixth Ring Road in Beijing is divided into regular grids, for the convenience of extracting timing characteristics of residential activities from 3 months' GPS data on taxis. Specifically, the cluster analysis based on expectation maximization algorithm, the point of interest and the daily traveling characteristics of residents are used to identify functional regions into six types, such as residential districts and commercial entertainment districts. Finally, the spatial interaction characteristics between functional areas are analyzed from two dimensions of distance and time, revealing that functional complementation weakens the influence of distance on the spatial interaction strength and the functional interaction indicates significant temporal differences.

1 引言

在土地利用和经济活动的共同影响下,同类经济活动在空间上呈现高度聚集,因而形成了功能分区。同时,为满足城市居民的居住、工作、娱乐等不同生活需求,城市内部逐渐形成了居住区、工作区、商业区等不同的功能单元[1]。不同功能区的空间分布和组合模式是城市空间结构的重要组成部分, 反映着城市中各物质要素在空间上的分布和组合规律[2]
城市地块在城市空间内部不可能孤立的存在,其必以物质、能量、人员和信息的形式发生着作用和联系,这种地理过程称为空间交互[22]。Liu等[23]从空间交互的视角出发,根据城市地块间的交互模式的相似性进行聚类分析,对城市土地利用进行分类。空间交互产生的重要条件之一为互补性[24],空间上彼此分离的城市功能区因功能互补需求,通过空间交互作用实现彼此间的联系,成为相互联系的有机整体。但现有的研究对不同功能区之间的空间交互特征探究较少。在此背景下,本研究以 500 m规则格网对北京六环区域划分城市地块,基于北京出租车GPS数据分析地块居民出行量时序特征。采用期望最大化算法对地块进行聚类分析,并结合兴趣点和居民出行特征,对聚类结果进行诠释,从居民感知视角实现不同区域功能的识别。与此同时,通过出租车上下车点对(OD)数据分析功能区之间的空间交互特征,从距离和时间两个维度探究功能区之间的联系性。研究结果对于了解北京城市功能区域分布和空间联系具有一定的理论和实践价值。

2 研究区域与数据源

2.1 研究区概况

本文以北京市六环为边界划定研究区域,其中包括传统的北京城六区,以及通州、大兴、顺义、房山等周边地区的部分区域。此区域作为北京主要的城镇区域,拥有大量的常住人口,且交通网络发达。本文考虑到北京城市空间布局以及区域功能混合性,选择以500 m规则格网对研究区域进行地块划分,最终将北京六环内区域划分为9286个规则地块,作为基本空间单元(图1)。
Fig. 1 Division results of urban land within the sixth ring road of Beijing

图1 北京六环地块划分结果

2.2 数据源

2.2.1 出租车数据
原始出租车GPS数据为2016年北京市5-7月约1.5万辆出租车的运营轨迹,由北京市多家出租车运营公司提供。其中,每条轨迹包含:出租车编号、经纬度坐标、是否空载(1载客,0为空载)、GPS采样时间(10 s间隔)、路程长度。原始数据经过空载轨迹清除、六环内非空载轨迹上下车坐标提取等数据清洗过程,共得到约2000万条上下车点对序列,数据格式如表1所示。
Tab. 1 Pick-ups and drop-offs of taxi GPS

表1 出租车GPS上下车点对序列

111 2016-05-02 8:8:35 116.69 °E
39.85 °N
8:22:21 116.67 °E
39.88 °N
116 2016-05-03 6:56:21 115.97 °E
40.44 °N
7:29:05 115.97 °E
40.45 °N
Fig. 2 The comparison of daily average amount of pick-ups and drop-offs between weekdays and weekends

图2 工作日和休息日每时刻平均上下车数量对比

2.2.2 兴趣点数据
兴趣点(Point of Interest,POI)是指可以抽象为点的,与人们生活密切相关的地理实体,是导航、智能交通、基于位置服务等应用的一种重要基础数 据[18],包含名称、类别、经纬度3方面信息。本研究通过百度地图开放平台(① 百度地图开放平台,拥有六大基础开放能力:定位、影像、出行、轨迹、数据、分析。百度地图API接口位置服务地址http://lbsyun.baidu.com/。),采集北京市2016年POI数据。由于POI数据的坐标信息进行了加密,需要对坐标进行转换。本文选取六环区域内共 352 471条数据,划分为74个小类。根据城市功能区域的基本属性,将POI数据合并为住宅、办公、教育等10个大类(图3)。
Fig. 3 Classification statistics of POIs within the sixth ring road of Beijing in 2016

图3 2016年北京六环内兴趣点分类统计

3 研究方法


3.1 人流吸纳量时序谱线

R i , j = D i , j - U i , j (1)
式中: i 为地块编号( i =1, 2, …, 9286); j 为时刻,包含工作日和休息日( j =1, 2, …, 48); R 为出租车下车剩余活动量; D 为下车量; U 为上车量。

3.2 地块聚类分析

聚类分析是把一个数据对象划分成子集的过程,每个子集是一个簇(cluster),使得簇中的对象彼此相似[25]。城市空间结构研究中,聚类算法被广泛的应用于城市功能区的识别,如K均值[26]、K中值[27]和OPTICS[18]聚类方法。基于本研究地块时序谱线的高维特征,采用在高维数据聚类中表现较好的期望最大化(EM)算法[28]。EM算法是在概率模型中寻找参数最大似然估计或者最大后验估计的算法,其中概率模型依赖于无法观测的隐藏变量[29]。例如,对于2个数据对象集x=(x1, …, xn)和y=(y1, …, yn)的联合概率 P ( x , y ; θ ) ,参数θ可以通过最大似然法进行估计。当y为隐藏变量,可以用初始的θ来计算y的期望值,该过程为E步,此后可以通过y值来计算参数θ的最大似然值即为M步。E步和M步不断进行迭代,直到收敛。本研究的地块聚类过程,首先E步计算每个城市地块的人流吸纳量的时序谱线的相似性,M步将地块聚为K类并赋予地块类别属性,不断迭代直至收敛,输出聚类结果。其中,聚类数目K值的确定需要综合考虑数据本身特征、分类的目的以及聚类效果的有效性,本研究主要采用轮廓系数Silhouette[30]和误差平方和SSE 2种指标来选择最优的聚类数目。首先筛选出活动量为0的地块单独划为一类,对其它城市地块计算聚类轮廓系数值和SSE值如图4所示。轮廓系数从K=2开始呈下降趋势,误差平方和SSE在K=6时迎来拐点。聚类过程中,Silhouette越大且SSE越小,可以得到较优的聚类结果。因此综合考虑,K=6是最优的聚类数目。
Fig. 4 The changes of Silhouette and SSE results with respect to different K values

图4 轮廓系数和误差平方和与K的关系

3.3 地块功能识别

3.3.1 POI功能指数
居民出行时序特征可以反映出城市地块类别的差异,但无法了解其具体的功能类型。因此POI功能指数可作为识别城市地块功能的重要参数,统计分析由聚类得到的城市地块内部功能占比,计算每种功能区的频数密度(Frequency Density, FD)即每类POI在每类功能区内的密度,计算公式如下:
FD = 每类 POI 的数量 每种功能区域面积 (2)
根据POI数据合并结果,住宅有61 757个,餐饮有56 733个,而文化旅游只有6746个。不同类别POI数量级的差异会影响频数密度的准确性,因此对频数密度进行Min-max标准化(式(3))处理。
F D nor ( i , j ) = F D i , j - mi n i , j ma x i , j - mi n i , j (3)
式中: i 为功能区类别编码( i =1, 2, …, N); j 为POI类型编码( j =1, 2, …, 10); F D i , j 为功能区POI频数密度; mi n i , j 为密度最小值; ma x i , j 为密度最大值; F D nor ( i , j ) 则为标准值,同时计算功能区的频数密度百分比(Frequency Density Percentage,FDP)。
FDP = 标准化后每种功能区的每类 POI 频数密度 标准化后每种功能区所有 POI 频数密度之和 × 100 % (4)
3.3.2 城市居民出行特征
依据《2014年北京市交通发展年度报告》,2013年北京市中心城区日均出行总量为2779万人次,其中,出租车日均出行量为181万人次。六环内居民出行早高峰为7:00-8:00,晚高峰为17:00-18:00,而出租车出行高峰出现在8:00-9:00,到达峰值为9:00-10:00,比一般早高峰时间延迟1 h左右。刚性出行(上下班,上下学)仍是居民主要的出行目的,占出行量的44.25%,生活类出行(购物、就餐、休闲娱乐)达到37.12%(② 北京市交通发展研究中心,《2014年北京市交通发展年度报告》,2014。)。通过居民出行小样本调查,居民出行目的在工作日和休息日具有明显的差异,工作日主要为刚性出行,而休息日主要为生活类出行[31]

4 功能区识别结果

4.1 地块聚类结果

Fig. 5 The results of parcel clustering

图5 地块聚类结果

4.2 功能识别结果

Tab. 2 POI exponential distribution of functional regions

表2 功能区POI指数分布

POI类别 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
住宅 0.0000 0.00 0.8731 13.48 1.0000 22.32 0.4755 5.28 0.5479 32.49 0.3079 10.95
交通 0.0000 0.00 0.9231 14.25 0.2514 5.61 1.0000 11.07 0.1677 9.94 0.4402 15.65
办公 0.0000 0.00 0.7378 11.39 0.3532 7.88 1.0000 11.07 0.1050 6.22 0.3519 12.51
餐饮 0.0000 0.00 0.4702 7.26 0.2729 6.09 1.0000 11.07 0.1089 6.46 0.1461 5.20
酒店 0.0000 0.00 0.7792 12.03 0.4608 10.28 1.0000 11.07 0.1577 9.35 0.2488 8.85
教育 0.0000 0.00 0.7631 11.79 1.0000 22.32 0.5565 6.16 0.2359 13.99 0.3104 11.04
购物 0.0000 0.00 0.3473 5.36 0.1754 3.91 1.0000 11.07 0.0609 3.61 0.1281 4.56
生活服务 0.0000 0.00 0.5352 8.26 0.4275 9.54 1.0000 11.07 0.1690 10.02 0.1803 6.41
文化旅游 0.0000 0.00 0.6990 10.79 0.3230 7.21 1.0000 11.07 0.0537 3.18 0.5810 20.66
休闲娱乐 0.0000 0.00 0.3502 5.39 0.2165 4.84 1.0000 11.07 0.0800 4.74 0.1172 4.17


Fig. 6 Residents travel flow of six functional areas between weekdays and weekends

图6 工作日/休息日六种功能区居民出行流量


5 功能区空间交互特征


5.1 空间交互距离特征

y = A 1 × exp - x t 1 + y 0 (5)
式中: A 1 为振幅; t 1 为时间常数; y 0 为偏正系数; 1 / t 1 为衰减系数,衰减系数越高表明距离对交互强度的影响越大。
Fig. 7 Interaction strength with distance distribution of functional areas

图7 功能区交互强度与距离分布

Fig. 8 Interaction strength with distance distribution between six functional areas

图8 6种功能区之间交互强度与距离分布

Tab. 3 Time constants of distance attenuation fitting between six functional areas

表3 6种功能区交互距离衰减时间常数

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
C1 4103 19 740 8115 3624 4232
C2 19 740 4518 5542 5935 14 370 5466
C3 8115 5542 4103 10 029 5516 5043
C4 5936 10 029 3817 8431
C5 3624 14730 5516 2502 4431
C6 4232 5466 5043 8431 4431 3116

5.2 空间交互时间特征

分析所有功能区之间的日均交互次数随着时间的变化规律(图9),可以发现空间交互强度在凌晨4:00时为一天中的最低谷,之后呈快速上升趋势,9:00时达到高峰。同时工作日与休息日呈现较大的差异性,工作日出现3个明显的峰值(8:00- 9:00,13:00-14:00,21:00-22:00),波动幅度较大,具有明显的时序特征,休息日除在19:00时出现波谷外,整体的波动幅度较小,进一步探究每类功能区与其它功能区之间交互的时序规律(图10)。
Fig. 9 Interaction strength with time distribution of functional areas

图9 功能区交互强度与时间分布

Fig. 10 Interaction strength with time distribution between six functional areas

图10 6种功能区之间交互强度与时间分布

(4)成熟商业区(C4)与不同功能区之间存在时间交互模式差异,与成熟居住区(C2)在工作日 9:00-10:00达到峰值,休息日较为延后,10:00-11:00达到峰值。与科教文化(C2)和新兴住宅区在 20:00-21:00达到峰值,休息日则更为延后。
(5)新兴住宅区(C5)除与待开发区(C1)外,各项功能区交互强度在工作日呈现8:00-9:00和 21:00-22:00的双峰型,而在休息日峰值较为平稳。

6 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Reades J, Calabrese F, Ratti C.Eigenplaces: Analysing cities using the space - time structure of the mobile phone network[J]. Environment & Planning B Planning & Design, 2009,36(5):824-836.Several attempts have already been made to use telecommunications networks for urban research, but the datasets employed have typically been neither dynamic nor fine grained. Against this research backdrop the mobile phone network offers a compelling compromise between these extremes: it is both highly mobile and yet still localisable in space. Moreover, the mobile phone’s enormous and enthusiastic adoption across most socioeconomic strata makes it a uniquely useful tool for conducting large-scale, representative behavioural research. In this paper we attempt to connect telecoms usage data from Telecom Italia Mobile (TIM) to a geography of human activity derived from data on commercial premises advertised through Pagine Gialle, the Italian ‘Yellow Pages’. We then employ eigendecomposition—a process similar to factoring but suitable for this complex dataset—to identify and extract recurring patterns of mobile phone usage. The resulting eigenplaces support the computational and comparative analysis of space through the lens of telecommuniations usage and enhance our understanding of the city as a ‘space of flows’.


Andres Sevtsuk, Carlo Ratti.Does urban mobility have a daily routine? Learning from the aggregate data of mobile networks[J]. Journal of Urban Technology, 2010,17(1):41-60.Does the distribution of Rome's population follow routine hourly, daily, or weekly patterns? And if it does, how do such patterns vary in different parts of the city? This paper reports on our investigation of the aggregate patterns of urban mobility in Rome, Italy for which we used novel data from a mobile phone operator. Unlike research that chartered urban mobility through individual travel surveys, our research determined the aggregate distribution of Rome's population over time by using the volume of call activity in mobile network cells as the unit of spatial analysis. In this paper, we first illustrate and confirm that there is significant regularity in urban mobility at different hours, days, and weeks. We then show how mobility between network cells differs at various times, and we account for the differences by using demographic, economic, and (built) environment indicators.


龙瀛,张宇,崔承印.利用公交刷卡数据分析北京职住关系和通勤出行[J].地理学报,2012,67(10):1339-1352.基于位置服务(Location Based Service,LBS)技术为研究城市系统的时空动态规律提供了新的视角,已往多基于移动通讯(GSM)、全球定位系统(GPS)、社会化网络(SNS)和无线宽带热点(Wi-Fi)数据开展研究,但少有研究利用公交IC卡刷卡数据进行城市系统分析。普遍存在的LBS数据虽然具有丰富的时间和空间信息,但缺乏社会维度信息,使其应用范围受到一定限制。本文基于2008年北京市连续一周的公交IC卡(Smart Card Data,SCD)刷卡数据,结合2005年居民出行调查、地块级别的土地利用图,识别公交持卡人的居住地、就业地和通勤出行,并将识别结果在公交站点和交通分析小区(TAZ)尺度上汇总:①将识别的通勤出行分别从通勤时间和距离角度,与居民出行调查数据和其他已有北京相关研究进行对比,显示较好的吻合性;②对来自3大典型居住区和去往6大典型办公区的通勤出行进行可视化并对比分析;③对全市基于公交的通勤出行进行可视化,并识别主要交通流方向。本研究初步提出了从传统的居民出行调查和城市GIS数据建立规则,用于SCD数据挖掘的方法,具有较好的可靠性。


[Long Y, Zhang Y, Cui C Y. Identifying commuting pattern of Beijing using bus smart card data[J]. Acta Geographica Sinia, 2012,67(10):1339-1352.]

M F G, B K, D G J.A factorial model of aggregate spatio-temporal behavior: Application to the diurnal cycle[J]. Geographical Analysis, 1993,25(4):277-294.The cross-sectional nature of much social data, coupled with the static view provided by maps and current spatial data handling software, have produced a tradition of research on urban spatial structure that is largely two-dimensional and derived from residential locations. The paper presents an analysis of a space-time diary data set collected in Halifax, Nova Scotia. A series of transformations are used to convert the individual diary records to a three-mode matrix of intensities, which is then analyzed using the PARAFAC three-mode factor model. Home/work is found to be the strongest organizing dimension of the urban space-time, followed by entertainment, shopping, and education / work. We show how these dimensions appear to varying degrees in different locations, time periods, and human activities. The paper argues for a dynamic view of urban spatial structure in which only the physical facilities remain static.



[Niu X Y, Ding L, Song X D.Identifying urban spatial structure of downtown Shanghai based on mobile phone data[J]. Urban Planning Forum, 2014(6):61-67.]

Qi G, Li X, Li S, et al.Measuring social functions of city regions from large-scale taxi behaviors[C]// IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops. IEEE, 2011:384-388.



[Han H Y, Yu X, Long Y.Identifying urban functional zones using bus smarts card data and points of interest in Beijing[J]. City Planning Review, 2016,40(6):52-60.]


[Chen S L, Tao H Y, Li X L, et al.Discovering urban functional regions using latent semantic information: Spatiotemporal data mining of GPS data of floating cars in Guangzhou[J]. Acta Geographica Sinia, 2016,71(3):471-483.]

Liu Y, Wang F H, Xiao Y.Urban land uses and traffic 'Source-Sink Areas': Evidence from GPS-Enabled taxi data in Shanghai[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2012,106(1):73-87.Most of the existing literature focuses on estimating traffic or explaining trip lengths from land use. This research attempts to reveal intraurban land use variations from traffic patterns. Using a seven-day taxi trajectory data set collected in Shanghai, we investigate the temporal variations of both pick-ups and drop-offs, and their association with different land use features. Based on the balance between the numbers of drop-offs and pick-ups and its distinctive temporal patterns, the study area is classified into six traffic ‘source-sink’ areas. These areas are closely associated with various land use types (commercial, industrial, residential, institutional and recreational) as well as land use intensity. The study shows that human mobility data from location aware devices provide us an opportunity to derive urban land use information in a timely fashion, and help urban planners and policy makers in mitigating traffic, planning for public services and resources, and other purposes.


Yuan J, Zheng Y, Xie X.Discovering regions of different functions in a city using human mobility and POIs[C]// ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, ACM, 2012:186-194.

王波,甄峰,张浩.基于签到数据的城市活动时空间动态变化及区划研究[J].地理科学, 2015,35(2):151-160.lt;p>借助新浪微博,引入位置服务大数据,以南京市为例,从时间、空间、活动3个方面分析城市活动空间的动态变化,并在掌握变化规律的基础上进一步划分城市活动区域.研究发现:传统的作息规律仍然支配着人们的签到活动,时间与活动内容间的对应关系仍然存在;居民活动在工作日、休息日与节假日,以及主城与外围地区存在差异;城市活动空间在一天内经历了相对分散-集聚-进一步集聚-分散-相对集聚的动态变化;城市活动区域可以划分为就业活动区、居住活动区、休闲活动区、夜生活活动区,及综合活动区;活动功能区呈现出混合化与边界模糊化的特征.</p>

[Wang B, Zhen F, Zhang H. Study on the dynamic changes of urban spatiotemporal activity and activity zoning based on check-in data[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2015,35(2):151-160.]

Ullman E.A theory of location for cities[J]. American Journal of Sociology, 1941,46(6):853-864.Many studies have shown that cities are not scattered over the earth illogically, but a general theory of location has been lacking. The orderly spacing of towns as service centers forms a basis for a settlement-distribution theory. Service centers range in size from hamlets performing a few simple functions up to large cities providing specialized services for a large tributary region composed of the service areas of smaller towns. Thus, in an entirely uniform land the larger the town, the larger its tributary area should be. On the basis of a South German "norm" of areal organization Christaller has worked out deductively the central-place theory for distribution of settlements. He sets up typical settlements sizes, determines the normal number of towns in each class, as well as the spacing of the centers, and the area and population of their tributary areas. The theory applies better to agricultural areas than to industrial districs. It is not static but changes to fit changes in underlying conditions, particularly transportation. The system also varies from place to place in the world in line with population density, type of agriculture, governmental organization, and many other factors. These underlying regional differences make possible comparisons between central-place systems in the United States and elsewhere. After further refinement some form of the theory should provide a logical framework for study of existing distributions and perhaps for planning optimum spacing of new settlements.


Liu X, Kang C, Gong L, et al.Incorporating spatial interaction patterns in classifying and understanding urban land use[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2016,30(2):334-350.Land use classification has benefited from the emerging big data, such as mobile phone records and taxi trajectories. Temporal activity variations derived from these data have been used to interpret and understand the land use of parcels from the perspective of social functions, complementing the outcome of traditional remote sensing methods. However, spatial interaction patterns between parcels, which could depict land uses from a perspective of connections, have rarely been examined and analysed. To leverage spatial interaction information contained in the above-mentioned massive data sets, we propose a novel unsupervised land use classification method with a new type of place signature. Based on the observation that spatial interaction patterns between places of two specific land uses are similar, the new place signature improves land use classification by trading off between aggregated temporal activity variations and detailed spatial interactions among places. The method is validated with a case study using taxi trip data from Shanghai.


许学强,周一星,宁越敏.城市地理学-第2版[M]. 北京: 高等教育出版社,2009.

[Xu X Q, Zhou Y X, Ning Y M.Urban geography, second edition[M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2009.]

JiaweiHan, MichelineKamber, JianPei,等.数据挖掘概念与技术[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2012.

[JiaweiHan, MichelineKamber, JianPei, et al. Data Mining Concepts and Techniques[M]. Beijing: China Machine Press, 2012.]

Víctor Soto.Automated land use identification using cell-phone records[C]// ACM International Workshop on Mobiarch. ACM, 2011:17-22.



[Cheng J, Liu J J, Gao Y.Analyzing the spatio-temporal characteristics of Beijing′s OD trip volume based on a clustering method of time series[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2016,18(9):1227-1239.]

于翔. 基于城市公交刷卡数据和兴趣点的城市功能区识别研究[D].杭州:浙江大学,2014.

[Discovering zones of different functions using bus smart card data and points of interest: A case study of Beijing[D]. Hangzhou: Zhejiang University, 2014.]

Do C B.What is the expectation maximization algorithm?[J]. Nature Biotechnology, 2008,26(8):897-899.Nature Biotechnology journal featuring biotechnology articles and science research papers of commercial interest in pharmaceutical, medical, and environmental sciences.


Rousseeuw P J.Silhouettes: A graphical aid to the interpretation and validation of cluster analysis[J]. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 1987,20:53-65.A new graphical display is proposed for partitioning techniques. Each cluster is represented by a so-called silhouette, which is based on the comparison of its tightness and separation. This silhouette shows which objects lie well within their cluster, and which ones are merely somewhere in between clusters. The entire clustering is displayed by combining the silhouettes into a single plot, allowing an appreciation of the relative quality of the clusters and an overview of the data configuration. The average silhouette width provides an evaluation of clustering validity, and might be used to select an ‘appropriate’ number of clusters.


刘冬梅,齐彤岩,张可,等.北京市居民出行时间小样本调查分析[J].交通运输系统工程与信息,2009,9(2):23-26.为了了解北京市居民出行时间相关特征,特别是出行时间成本的数值情况,组织了一次小样本出行时间特征调查,得到1 305份有效样本.首先介绍了调查方案的设计,包括调查指标的选择、样本量的估算、调查地点的选择等,然后对样本数据按方式、出行目的分别进行了出行时间均值的统计计算,离散系数较小表明了均值的代表性较好.在调查得到各出行方式对应的人均工资、出行时间、出行目的的数据基础上,计算出单次出行各方式、各目的对应的平均出行时间成本.结果表明,以小汽车、公共交通为出行方式的工作、商务出行,其单次出行时间成本约为10~17元.说明如果提高整个路网的交通系统效率,全社会节约的时间成本是相当可观的.


[Liu D M, Qi T Y, Zhang K, et al.A survey of Beijing residents' traveling time in small samples[J]. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 2009,9(2):23-26.]

