

  • 王国利 , 1, 2 ,
  • 吴桂凯 1 ,
  • 王晏民 1, 2 ,
  • 郭明 , 1, 2, * ,
  • 赵江洪 1, 2 ,
  • 高超 1
  • 1. 北京建筑大学,测绘与城市空间信息学院, 北京 102616
  • 2. 古建筑健康与精细三维重构北京市重点实验室,北京 102616
*通讯作者:郭 明(1981-),男,副教授,主要从事遗产保护数字化、低空摄影测量、移动道路测量等领域研究。E-mail:


收稿日期: 2017-09-22

  要求修回日期: 2018-01-25

  网络出版日期: 2018-04-20






Deformation Monitoring of Ancient Pagoda with Multi-source Data

  • WANG Guoli , 1, 2 ,
  • WU Guikai 1 ,
  • WANG Yanmin 1, 2 ,
  • GUO Ming , 1, 2, * ,
  • ZHAO Jianghong 1, 2 ,
  • GAO Chao 1
  • 1. School of Geomatics and Urban Information, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 102616, China
  • 2. Beijing Key Laboratory for Architectural Heritage Fine Reconstruction & Health Monitoring, Beijing 102616, China;
*Corresponding author: GUO Ming, E-mail:

Received date: 2017-09-22

  Request revised date: 2018-01-25

  Online published: 2018-04-20

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41601409

National Natural Science Foundation of Beijing, No.8172016

The Development Project of Beijing Municipal Science and Technology, No.KM201510016016, KM201810016013

Special Entrustment Project of Scientific Research Fund of Beijing University of Civil Engneering and Architecture, No.KYJJ2017024.


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有




王国利 , 吴桂凯 , 王晏民 , 郭明 , 赵江洪 , 高超 . 多源数据古塔变形监测研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2018 , 20(4) : 496 -504 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.170446


Deformation monitoring of architectural heritage plays an important role in Sustainable Heritage Protection. Ancient pagoda is one of the typical categories of architectural heritage with complex structure, high height and various models. The deformation of pagoda includes subsidence, tilting, bending and twisting etc, and it is difficult for conventional deformation monitoring methods to meet the monitoring requirement. Terrestrial LiDAR and UAV photogrammetry technology become more and more popular in 3D data acquisition of cultural heritage with fast speed, high accuracy and non-contact capabilities. However, most of the LiDAR and UAV data are used for detail surveying and documentation. In this paper terrestrial LiDAR and UAV photogrammetry technology were selected to obtain the 3D data of ancient pagoda for deformation studies. A comprehensive comparison and analysis is made for mornitoring process, characteristics and the accuracy of three methods and complete analysis on fusion model with UAV photogrammetry and LiDAR data is made according to the monitoring index of pagoda. The main conclusions are as follow: The conventional deformation methods is flexible and have more advantages in precision, and is more suitable for monitoring of the overall attitude of ancient buildings and their typical characteristics. Terrestrial LiDAR technology has advantages in overall and local deformation of pagoda, but it′s also susceptible to scanning angle. The 3D model of pagoda built by UAV close range photogrammetry technology has high precision and real color, and performs well on the whole and detail textures, however it′s hard for the technique to acquire the 3D data of narrow space inside ancient pagoda. Fusion data model can effectively make up the defects of the single data source and realize a comprehensive deformation analysis for ancient pagoda. For accuracy of the results, terrestrial laser scanning and photogrammetric techniques can reach millimeter accuracy and is better in the comprehensive monitoring. The traditional monitoring method is superior in settlement and tilt monitoring to the first two methods.

1 引言


2 监测方案与数据获取

2.1 古塔概况

Fig. 1 Deformation monitoring of ancient pagoda

图1 古塔变形监测

根据古塔的形状以及周围的环境状况,布设导线控制网和高程控制网。导线依据《工程测量规范》(GB50026-2007)选用三等导线布设,监测网有布设3个永久点(K1-K3),6个导线点,以K3-K2为参考边构成闭合导线(图2),由于现场条件限制,导线边长无法满足,只能满足角度(单测回方向标准0.5″)和边长精度(≤1 mm+1 ppm)的要求。以K3为工作基点,在塔周边布设6个水准监测点(S1-S6),布设闭合水准路线,按照二等水准精度观测,测站高差中误差±0.5 mm。在进行监测之前首先要根据导线控制网对2个工作点(D3,D5)进行坐标检核,以保证工作点的稳定性。
Fig. 2 Layout of transverse control network and monitoring points

图2 导线控制网与水准监测点布设

利用徕卡TS30全站仪对古塔2个相互垂直的方向进行倾斜控制观测,该仪器测角精度为0.5″,测距精度为0.6 mm+1 ppm。通过对塔身上的反射片进行位移监测,同时作为摄影测量模型定向的控制点(选不同层面分布的5个点),反射片实物如图3所示。反射片分布在不同古塔从高到低的多个层次,观测采用测回观测法,点位精度优于0.5 mm。
Fig. 3 Distribution of reflectors

图3 反射片分布示意图

利用扫描仪获取古塔三维空间数据,建立三维模型,进而分析其倾斜变化和扭转变化。Faro Focus3D X130主要技术指标如表1所示。
Tab.1 Parameters of Faro Focus3D X130

表1 Faro Focus3D X130扫描仪及主要技术指标

配置 Faro Focus3D X130
测程/m 0.5 ~130
距离精度指标 0.6 mm/10 m
扫描视角 360°×120°
扫描分辨率 0.1mm/50m
数据获取速率 120万点/s
利用无人机航拍近景摄影测量技术获取古塔的影像数据,建立彩色模型,然后分析其倾斜和扭转变化。如表2所示,无人机摄影测量装置,AscTec Falcon 8无人机搭载双鱼座倾斜摄影云台,索尼ILCE-6000相机单镜头像素2430万,双镜头摇摆倾斜摄影。该装置通过移动地面控制系统(MGS)可以实时的控制系统设备,如相机快门调整、曝光调整以及视频变焦等,整个系统能够从不同角度获取目标影像。
Tab. 2 Parameters of AscTec Falcon 8

表2 AscTec Falcon 8无人机及参数

飞行器类型 V字形飞行器
机身自重/g 940
任务荷载/g ≤1200
机身尺寸/mm 770×820×125
最大巡航速度/(m/s) 15

2.2 地面激光扫描方法数据获取

在扫描测量之前首先根据古塔周围的环境状况确定扫描站点,要求所设站点能够全面获取古塔的三维数据且没有多余站点,而且每两站之间至少有3个以上的配准标靶球,以便数据配准。扫描站点分布,站点到古塔距离范围是10~50 m。根据古塔监测要求,采用Faro扫描仪分辨率7 mm/10 m,具体扫描站点分布如图4(a)所示,塔内部空间狭窄,只能采用激光扫描方式获取。其中内部点云数据通过上下层楼梯接口设置控制球及重叠点云连接,内外点云则通过塔身各层窗口设置特制球形标志来连接,如图4(b)、(c)所示。图4(d)-(f)显示古塔单站扫描点云数据及拼接后的外部及内部点云数据,点云拼接及控制点坐标转换几何误差控制在±3 mm以内。
Fig. 4 Data collection of ancient pagoda

图4 古塔现场数据采集

2.3 无人机近景摄影测量数据获取

在进行航拍之前需要对古塔周围的环境进行实地勘察,为起降场地的选取、航线规划以及应急预案制定等工作提供资料[19]。在古塔变形监测中通过设置地面基准站,设置无人机飞行速度4 m/s,影像分辨率是6000像元×4000像元,曝光时间 1/800 s。对于古塔单体建筑采用上下飞行模式获取影像数据。如图5所示,相邻2张影像图片重叠度达到65%以上,共采集照片659张。
Fig. 5 Overlap region of adjacent images

图5 相邻两张影像重叠区域示意图

3 古塔变形分析


3.1 多源数据融合

多源数据融合中,数据融合几何的精度非常重要,其核心是要通过控制将多源数据拼接并转换到监测坐标系中。本文采用特制标靶(图4(b)),经过TS30观测控制坐标,数据拼接约束误差(主要为同名点误差)保持在3 mm以内。
Tab.3 Comparison for targets of TS30 and photogrammetry

表3 TS30与摄影测量模型标靶点对比

层数 控制点 水平坐标 全站仪数据/m 近景摄影测量数据/m 误差/mm 测试点 水平
全站仪数据/m 近景摄影测量数据/m 误差/mm
第2层 S1 X 525.3303 525.3332 2.9 T1 X 525.7066 525.7093 -2.7
Y 391.5596 391.5578 -1.8 Y 391.7824 391.7813 1.1
第3层 S2 X 525.7796 525.778 -1.6 T2 X 524.5897 524.5889 0.8
Y 391.6463 391.6451 -1.2 Y 387.5715 387.5693 2.2
第6层 S3 X 527.7860 527.7874 1.4 T3 X 523.9101 523.9099 0.2
Y 390.2925 390.2936 1.1 Y 389.8885 389.8865 2.0
第9层 S4 X 527.5651 527.5679 2.8 T4 X 524.2115 524.2136 -2.1
Y 389.8459 389.8447 -1.2 Y 389.5765 389.5772 -0.7
第10层 S5 X 525.3883 525.3861 -2.2 T5 X 524.4872 524.4853 1.9
Y 390.0110 390.0132 2.2 Y 387.5796 387.5790 0.6
由上表分析可知,无人机航拍近景摄影测量技术获取的古塔反射片水平坐标与全站仪监测得到的坐标相比,误差都在3 mm之内。在不考虑其它因素的影响下,近景摄影测量获取三维模型数据精度在毫米级,为进一步对比其整体数据情况,将其模型与地面激光点云生成模型进行比对。在Geomagic Qualify中进行三维对比分析,得到结果如图6所示。
Fig.6 Comparison and analysis of 3D model by photogrammetry and LiDAR

图6 摄影测量与激光点云三维模型及其对比分析

Fig. 7 Comparison of photogrammetry model and LiDAR model

图7 摄影测量(图a,c,e)与激光雷达模型(图b,d,f)对比

将激光点云与摄影测量模型数据以激光点云模型为基础,按照“最小点间距法”融合,设定距离阈值为5.0 mm,得到融合点云数据如图8所示。 2种数据的融合,实现了三维数据的劣势互补:一方面能够尽可能提高局部及整体的几何精度,方便对塔的结构进行精细三维分析;另一方面又能够通过纹理分析其局部细节,同时弥补了单一技术视角不足的问题,能够满足全面三维测量需求。
Fig. 8 Data fusion of photogrammetry model and

LiDAR model

图8 摄影测量与激光雷达点云融合

3.2 结构分析

α 0 = α 1 + α 2 - α 1 / 2 (1)
Fig. 9 Tilt analysis of ancient pagoda

图9 古塔倾斜分析示意图

Tab. 4 Tilt angle of Pagoda in Direction X&Y

表4 古塔X&Y方向倾斜角度(°)

监测周期 1 2 3 4 5
全站仪X 0.8572 0.8594 0.8577 0.858 0.8589
扫描仪X 0.8561 0.8583 0.8568 0.8572 0.8592
全站仪Y 2.6886 2.6872 2.6890 2.6873 2.6895
扫描仪T 2.6899 2.6875 2.6892 2.6867 2.6888
m = ± [ vv ] n - 1 (2)
Fig. 10 Crossection of ancient pagoda and details

图10 古塔结构剖面及其细部

3.3 扭转分析

Fig. 11 Twisting analysis of pagoda

图11 古塔扭转分析


4 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Firat Uray A, Metin A, Varlik. 3D architectural surveying of diyarbakir wall’s Ulu Beden Tower with terrestrial laser scanner[J]. Journal of Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 2015,15:73-78.Turkey is one of the countries hosting many historical monuments. Many different cultures left rich traces of civilization in Anatolia. Keeping historical artifacts and documentation of these works is very important for the protection of this heritage. The technological progress changed the methods of surveying applications used nowadays. The changes in the methods of surveying applications reflected in the building survey applications too. The traditional surveying methods were replaced by digital photogrammetry and then by laser scanning methods. This work is contains the building survey of the Ulu Beden tower which is a part of Diyarbakir walls. Diyarbakir is a province in southeastern Turkey and in the past, it was home for many civilizations. Hittites, Persia, Macedonian and Seleucid Greeks, Rome, Byzantium, Arabs, Seljuk Empire, Mongol Empire and Ottoman Empire are among these civilizations leaving the traces in Diyarbakir. Diyarbakir wall is the second longest wall after the Great Wall of China. Hundreds of years after the construction of the walls, it is necessary to protect and restore it due to the corruption and demolition over time. In total, 45 stations were built for an architectural survey with laser scanner and the gathered point cloud data were combined together within computer environment to obtain a 3D model of the structure.


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M Martorelli, C Pensa, D Speranza.Digital photogrammetry for documentation of maritime heritage[J]. Journal of Maritime Archaeology, 2014,9(1):81-93.Documentation of maritime heritage is essential for its protection, and for reference in restoration and renovation processes. These functions become problematic in the case of historical ships and boats that lack lines drawings. The purpose of this paper is to describe a procedure for creation of lines drawings based on the shape analysis of surviving historical boats or their small-scale models with the help of reverse engineering (RE) techniques. The paper describes how digital photogrammetry and the iterative method were used to analyze the shape of three historical boats: Tomahawk , Refola and Nada. The application of the proposed procedure produced the lines drawings of the boats as its result. The accuracy of the 3D CAD model obtained with the photogrammetric technique was verified by comparing it against a more accurate 3D model produced with the help of a RE laser scanner. The examination of the resulting lines drawings proves that the digital photogrammetry process and the proposed iterative method are adequate tools for developing lines plans of boat models. The research offers the methodological basis for the creation of an archive of lines drawings of historical boats. Such an archive would provide reference for philologically correct restorations, and permit definition and classification of distinctive elements of various types of historical boats, particularly those produced in the Campania Region.


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孙强,肖云.基于灰色模型的古塔变形分析预测[J].西安航空学院学报,2014,32(3):67-72.通过对某古塔四次观测的数据建 立数学模型,补充缺省数据,通过算数平均数计算出古塔各层中心坐标,利用线性拟合和非线性拟合以及方向余弦等知识对古塔的倾斜、弯曲、扭曲、以及未来发展 趋势作了研究。借助matlab进行大量计算,最终较为客观地反应出古塔近年来的各种变化趋势,所用模型具有可行性。


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黄强. 古塔变形监测的探讨[J].测绘与空间地理信息,2013,36(6):217-220.以上海市文物局对上海市重点保护文物13座古塔进行变形监测的项目为例,探讨了在城市各种复杂地形上采集数据的内容与方法,并浅谈了数据的稳定性和古塔检测的周期。


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Pesci A, Casula G, Boschi E.Laser scanning the Garisenda and Asinelli towers in Bologna (Italy): Detailed deformation patterns of two ancient leaning buildings[J]. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2011,12(2):117-127.The Asinelli and Garisenda towers are the main symbols of the city of Bologna (Italy). These leaning towers, whose heights are about 97 and 48 m respectively, were built during the early 12 th century and are two of the few surviving ones from about 100 tall medieval buildings that once characterized the city. Therefore, they are part of the Italian cultural heritage and their safeguard is extremely important. In order to evaluate in detail the deformations of these towers, in particular the deviations from a regular inclination of their walls, the terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) has been used and an efficient direct analysis method has been developed. The towers have been scanned from six viewpoints, providing 19-point clouds with a complete coverage of the visible surfaces with large overlap areas. For each tower, after the registration of the partial point clouds into a common reference frame, an accurate morphological analysis of the acquired surfaces has been carried out. The results show several zones affected by significant deformations and inclination changes. In the case of the Asinelli tower, for which a finite element model is available, the results have also been interpreted on the basis of the static load and normal modes. The correspondence between the measured deformation and the theoretically expected deformation, caused by a seismic sequence, is clear. This fact suggests a high sensibility of the tower to dynamic loads. Although a direct evaluation of the risk cannot be carried out with the obtained results, they lead to the general indication that the structural health of these buildings must be frequently checked and that man-made loads (e.g. vibration due to vehicular traffic) should be avoided or at least reduced.


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赵云景,龚绪才,杜文,等. PhotoScan Pro软件在无人机应急航摄中的应用[J].国土资源遥感,2015,27(4):179-182.lt;p>在无人机应急测绘保障中,存在航线设计不规则、航摄倾角过大等问题,如果利用传统航摄软件处理这类影像将会消耗较长的时间,进而严重影响应急测绘保障服务的时效性。为此,提出了一种利用PhotoScan Pro软件快速生成正射影像和点云的方法来解决此类问题。通过在多次地质灾害预防及处置中的实际应用,表明该方法能够为测绘应急保障服务提供及时有效的影像数据。</p>


[Zhao Y J,Gong X C, Du W, et al.UAV imagery data processing for emergency response based on PhotoScan Pro[J]. Remote Sensing for Land and Resources, 2015,27(4):179-182. ]

