
基于纹理数据和SCSG-BR表示的城市建筑物混合 建模

  • 周国清 , 1 ,
  • 黄煜 1, 2 ,
  • 岳涛 , 1, 2, * ,
  • 王浩宇 1, 2 ,
  • 贺朝双 1, 2 ,
  • 李晓柱 1, 2
  • 1. 桂林理工大学 广西空间信息与测绘重点实验室,桂林 541004
  • 2. 桂林理工大学 测绘地理信息学院,桂林 541004
*通讯作者:岳 涛(1987-),男,硕士,主要从事摄影测量与遥感、三维建模等研究。E-mail:


收稿日期: 2017-11-30

  要求修回日期: 2018-02-09

  网络出版日期: 2018-04-20




Hybrid Modeling for Urban Buildings Based on Textures and SCSG-BRs Representation

  • ZHOU Guoqing , 1 ,
  • HUANG Yu 1, 2 ,
  • YUE Tao , 1, 2, * ,
  • WANG Haoyu 1, 2 ,
  • HE Chaoshuang 1, 2 ,
  • LI Xiaozhu 1, 2
  • 1. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Spatial Information and Geomatics, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin 541004, China
  • 2. College of Geomatics and Geoinformation, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin 541004, China
*Corresponding author: YUE Tao, E-mail:

Received date: 2017-11-30

  Request revised date: 2018-02-09

  Online published: 2018-04-20

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41431179

Guangxi Natural Science Foundation, No.2015GXNSFDA139032.


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


随着城市建设的迅猛发展,城市建筑物建模的复杂性和实景化要求越来越高。因此,进行高精度的城市建筑物建模,建立有效的数据结构成为一项具有挑战性的工作。针对结构实体几何(Constructive Solid Geometry, CSG)模型建模的局限性,本文提出了一种结合CSG和BR(Boundary Representation)的混合建模方法。该方法改进传统的CSG为“空间CSG(SCSG)”,利用维度扩展的九交模型(DE-9IM)表示体元间的拓扑关系,确定唯一的SCSG树来表示城市建筑物的外部结构,同时用BR表示城市建筑物几何要素间的拓扑关系。然后,本文结合文件数据库和关系数据库来联合管理模型数据。关系数据库存储模型和纹理的属性信息;文件数据库存储模型和纹理图像。在存储和调用纹理影像时,关系数据库中的面ID将城市建筑模型ID和纹理ID关联,纹理图像和城市建筑模型同时被加载和存储。另外,本文采用最小二乘法对建筑物多边形进行正交化和拓扑调整处理,以保证模型数据的精确性。本文选择美国科罗拉多州丹佛地区和瑞士苏黎世地区的数据进行实验,并根据不同的建模方法进行模型加载耗时的比较,证明本文提出的方法耗时较少。实验结果表明,该混合建模方法不仅可以有效地表示实体的拓扑关系,还可以加快纹理加载,实现建筑物的快速精确建模,有效实现空间查询。


周国清 , 黄煜 , 岳涛 , 王浩宇 , 贺朝双 , 李晓柱 . 基于纹理数据和SCSG-BR表示的城市建筑物混合 建模[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2018 , 20(4) : 543 -551 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.170574


With the complexity of and the photorealistic requirement for urban buildings in rapid development of urbanization, the high accuracy of modeling for 3D urban buildings and the establishment of an effective data structure for those complicated building becomes a challenging work. With consideration of the shortage of the current CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry) modeling, this paper presents a hybrid modeling, which combines CSG and BR (Boundary Representation). In the proposed model, the traditional CSG model is improved by what is known as "Spatial CSG (SCSG)", which uses the dimensionally extended Nine-Intersection model (DE-9IM) to represent the topological relations between voxels and determines the unique SCSG tree to represent the exterior shape of the buildings. And then, the BR is used to represent the topological relationship between geometric elements of the urban buildings, which considers the texture as the attribute data of the wall and the top and combines SCSG as SCSG-BR method. This proposed method combines the file database and the relational database to manage the data of three-dimensional (3D) buildings. The attribute information of the building model and the texture are stored in the relational database. The file database contains a model file and a texture image file, which are used to store the building and the texture image. The texture images are separately stored in another relational database by a variable-length binary data type. During the storage and recall of texture images, the urban building model ID and the texture ID are linked through face ID in relational database. The texture images and the urban building model are loaded and stored at the same time. Thus, the management method has less complex processes in texture mapping and improves the model loading speed. In the data processing, the least squares algorithm is used to normalize the building polygons, and adjust the polygon topology to ensure the accuracy of the modeled data. Data sets, located in Denver, Colorado, USA, and Zurich, Switzerland, are selected to validate our method. The time-consuming comparison of model loading using the different modeling methods are conducted, and the experimental results demonstrated that our method consumes least time out of all methods. The experimental results also demonstrated that the hybrid modeling method proposed in this paper can not only accurately represent the topological relations of the building entities, but also quickly load the building texture images, which is capable to achieve fast and accurate modeling buildings, and effectively realize spatial query.

1 引言

国内外的学者对建筑物的三维建模做了大量的研究。Gruen等[1]设计了一种拓扑生成器CC-Modeler,通过改正概率松弛方程来拟合平面并进行最小二乘调整,最终获得建筑物模型。Mathias等[2] 使用文法驱动建模方法,并根据模型形状语法重建完整的建筑物。Mao等[3]提出了使用城市树作为城市三维模型的数据结构。该方法首先生成建筑物平面图,再简化平面图,然后将建筑集群,并创建城市树,最后进行可视化,生成城市三维模型。Sugihara[4]提出了一个GIS和CG的集成系统实现建筑物多边形(建筑物廓)的3D建筑模型的自动生成方法,该方法通过骨架线计算来自动生成有屋顶形状的3D建筑模型。Baig等[5]提出了构建建筑物的三维模型的三步策略,首先进行建筑物最小边的简化,然后使用P-树凸包技术进行平面聚合,最后重建建筑物泛化模型。Sasaki等[6]讨论了如何从给定的一组Facetons模型中计算网络多边形模型,以此来构建建筑物模型。Sugihara等[7]通过构建改正多边形自动生成三维建筑模型。但该方法创建三维建筑模型假设多边形是正交的,不适用于非正交多边形。王继水等[8]提出了一种改进的CSG建模方法-体素生长法,并提出了基于结构实体几何模型(Constructive Solid Geometry, CSG)和边界表示法(Boundary Representation, BR)的混合建模方法,用CSG模型表达外部形体,用BR表达内部关系,精细表达建筑物的结构。在数据集成方面,Zhou等[9]提出了一种将影像和LiDAR点云数据相结合的方法来进行城市数字地形模型(DTM)和数字建筑模型(DBM)集成。其中DBM是面向对象的数据结构,使用多边形代表建筑物的屋顶表面。在上述理论基础上,Zhou等[10]设计了一个在Web浏览器环境下可视化三维城市模型的系统。Zhou等[11]根据立面图,利用了几何、结构、形状等房屋特点进行了LiDAR与航空影像的无缝融合。其中三维体元表示建筑物,并用立面表示。在立面图中,结点表示的面和弧段通过编码规则获得的属性来描述,并且实现立面和LiDAR数据之间的配置,然后用平面方程拟合房屋来创建数字建筑模型(DBM)。

2 基于纹理和空间SCSG-BR的城市 建筑物表示方法

2.1 城市建筑物SCSG-BR混合模型

Fig. 1 The description of SCSG representation

图1 SCSG表示的描述


2.2 城市建筑物的数据组织方法

Fig. 2 The data organization of urban building model

图2 城市建筑物模型的数据组织

2.3 城市建筑物数据存储方法

Fig. 3 The storage method of urban buildings

图3 城市建筑物数据存储方法

Fig. 4 The relationships of urban building models in the relational database

图4 关系数据库中城市建筑物模型的关系

3 实验与结果分析

3.1 数据源

数据1: 研究区为美国科罗拉多州丹佛地区,将通过DSM(数字表面模型)获得的DBM空间数据作为第1组实验数据,它只包含建筑物的三维信息,包括平面坐标和屋顶的消除信息[21]
数据2: 本文使用ISPRS提供的瑞士苏黎世区域部分DSM和DTM数据作为第2组实验数据,其中包含所有附加信息(2个DSM、1个DTM、建筑物为DXF,DGN和DWG文件,每个切分为对象和像素坐标的6个对象点)。本文使用包含建筑物的DXF、DGN和DWG文件,由CyberCity Modeler制作的测量数据集提供。其中单独的DXF文件包含屋顶模型,这些屋顶模型以线实体表示。
纹理数据:使用Google Earth上截取的影像图片和照相机拍摄的建筑物墙面纹理和顶面纹理图片。本实验选取200张墙面纹理和30张顶面纹理。

3.2 实验过程与结果分析

3.2.1 数据预处理
Fig. 5 Topology adjustment of building polygons[23]

图5 建筑物多边形的拓扑调整[23]

Fig. 6 The result of building polygon orthogonalized and the adjusted building polygon topology

图6 建筑物多边形正交化和拓扑调整

3.2.2 建立建筑物三维模型
Fig. 7 The construction demonstration of simple buildings

图7 简单建筑物的构建

Fig. 8 Formation of the complicated buildings

图8 复杂建筑物的形成

Fig. 9 Modelling the complicated buildings

图9 复杂建筑物建模

Fig. 10 Three-dimensional urban building model represented by SCSG-BR

图10 空间CSG-BR表示的城市三维建筑物模型

3.2.3 实验结果分析
Fig. 11 The comparison analysis of three different types of methods for modeling urban buildings

图11 3种不同城市建筑物建模方法的比较分析

本文利用以上3种不同的建模方法与本文的建模方法,分别对模型加载所耗费的时间进行10次计时统计,最后时间结果取平均值,它们比较的结果如表1所示。从表1可看出,本文的建模方法加载含有纹理的城市建筑物模型平均时间为3.57″; ArcScene建模加载模型平均时间为2.69″,但模型并不包含纹理;CAD建模方法加载模型平均时间为6.33″,且不包含纹理;而3Ds MAX建模方法加载含有纹理的模型平均耗时3.84″。总体来看,本文提出的建模方在加载含有真实纹理的城市建筑物模型时耗时相对较短,表明本文的数据表示方法和纹理调用方式能够使得模型加载的速度得到提高。
Tab. 1 Time-consuming comparisons of four different types of modeling methods

表1 4种不同类型建模方法模型加载耗时比较

建模方法 加载模型耗时 平均耗时 说明
SCSG-BR混合建模方法 3.56″、3.44″、3.68″、3.57″、3.65″、3.6″、3.57″、3.55″、3.61″、3.43″ 3.57″ 包含真实纹理
Arc Scene建模 2.56″、2.40″、2.76″、2.72″、2.69″、2.78″、2.77″、2.76″、2.68″、2.75″ 2.69″ 无纹理
CAD建模 6.48″、6.23″、6.36″、6.38″、6.44″、6.23″、6.27″、6.28″、6.24″、6.38″ 6.33″ 无纹理
3Ds MAX建模 3.92″、3.63″、3.99″、3.77″、4.04″、3.66″、3.71″、3.70″、3.93″、4.06″ 3.84″ 包含真实纹理
城市建筑物模型生成过程中,结合2.2节的城市建筑物模型的数据组织方法,在三维建筑物模型的外形使用SCSG树来存储体元,从而正确的表示建筑物外形,并且根据体元之间的空间拓扑关系快速的确定唯一的SCSG树,减少体元遍历的次数,减少建模时间;在内部采用BR表示法来表示边和点的详细信息,能够弥补SCSG不能表示内部拓扑关系的不足,且含有纹理的BR表示方法将纹理当作是面元素的属性信息,改变传统调用纹理图片的方式。 SCSG和含有纹理的BR表示方法相互结合,取长补短,快速建成具有真实感的城市建筑物3D模型。

4 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Gruen A, Wang X.CC-Modeler: A topology generator for 3-D city models[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 1998,53(5):286-295.ABSTRACT In this paper, we introduce a semi-automated topology generator for 3-D objects, CC-Modeler (CyberCity Modeler). Given the data as point clouds measured on Analytical Plotters or Digital Stations, we present a new method for fitting planar structures to the measured sets of point clouds. While this topology generator has been originally designed to model buildings, it can also be used for other objects, which may be approximated by polyhedron surfaces. We have used it so far for roads, rivers, parking lots, ships, etc. The CC-Modeler is a generic topology generator. The problem of fitting planar faces to point clouds is treated as a Consistent Labelling problem, which is solved by probabilistic relaxation. Once the faces are defined and the related points are determined, we apply a simultaneous least-squares adjustment in order to fit the faces jointly to the given measurements in an optimal way. We first present the processing flow of the CC-Modeler. Then, the algorithm of structuring the 3-D point data is outlined. Finally, we show the results of several data sets that have been produced with the CC-Modeler.


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Baig S U, Rahman A A.A three-step strategy for generalization of 3D building models based on CityGML specifications[J]. Geojournal, 2013,78(6):1013-1020.3D building models of the world exhibit multi-scale properties. Different level-of-details (LoDs) are important for different applications. Therefore, generation of multi-scale representation of 3D building models to fulfill the demands of these applications is a generalization problem. In order to generalize 3D buildings, different pieces of information need to be preserved or removed to restrict the amount of data represented on a certain LoD. In this work, a three-step strategy based on simplification, aggregation and reconstruction of generalized buildings represented in City Geography Markup Language (CityGML) is proposed. The minimum length of edges (threshold value) for removal of amount of data is restricted to generalization specifications of CityGML characterized by differing accuracies and minimal dimensions of objects for each LoD. The main part of this paper is simplification of ground plans. For this purpose, a new approach is proposed to restrict number of edges, curves, and corners of ground plan of 3D building model on a certain LoD. Algorithms for simplification with the aim to derive LoD1 from exterior shells of buildings at LoD3 are implemented and tested on a number of buildings of Putrajaya city. The experiments showed that length of edge as threshold value is directly proportional to the size of generalized models.


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Zhou G, Song C, Simmers J, et al.Urban 3D GIS From LiDAR and digital aerial images[J]. Computers & Geosciences, 2004,30(4):345-353.This paper presents a method, which integrates image knowledge and ght etection nd anging (LiDAR) point cloud data for urban digital terrain model (DTM) and digital building model (DBM) generation. The DBM is an Object-Oriented data structure, in which each building is considered as a building object, i.e., an entity of the building class. The attributes of each building include roof types, polygons of the roof surfaces, height, parameters describing the roof surfaces, and the LiDAR point array within the roof surfaces. Each polygon represents a roof surface of building. This type of data structure is flexible for adding other building attributes in future, such as texture information and wall information. Using image knowledge extracted, we developed a new method of interpolating LiDAR raw data into grid digital surface model (DSM) with considering the steep discontinuities of buildings. In this interpolation method, the LiDAR data points, which are located in the polygon of roof surfaces, first are determined, and then interpolation via planar equation is employed for grid DSM generation. The basic steps of our research are: (1) edge detection by digital image processing algorithms; (2) complete extraction of the building roof edges by digital image processing and human omputer interactive operation; (3) establishment of DBM; (4) generation of DTM by removing surface objects. Finally, we implement the above functions by MS VC++ programming. The outcome of urban 3D DSM, DTM and DBM is exported into urban database for urban 3D GIS.


Zhou G, Tan Z, Cen M, et al.Customizing visualization in three-dimensional urban GIS via web-based interaction[J]. Journal of Urban Planning & Development, 2006,132(2):97-103.This paper presents our research results of visualizing three imensional (3D) city models in a web explorer environment under the supports of the digital building model, the digital terrain model, large-scale true urban orthoimage, and actual building sidewall pictures. A system has been designed and developed under a client/server architecture, which integrates the Internet Geographic Information System with multitier web applications for creation of a 3D city model. The front-end client provides a user interface for setting the properties of the 3D city model, and the back-end server processes these parameters and generates a 3D model, which is then sent back to the Virtual Reality Modeling Language nabled World Wide Web browser for display and navigation. The technology for display and navigation of the 3D model is implemented using Java Server Pages/Servlet technology built under multitier web architecture. The technology for data accessing and processing is implemented through Java programming language. The displayer is linked to the database, where the required GIS spatial data are stored. The results from our experiments demonstrated that this developed system is able to display and visualize 3D city data in a web environment for public accesses. Using the sidewall pictures taken from real city buildings, we refill the white walls of urban buildings into a real appearance as seen in our real world cities. The player provides several click buttons to enhance the effect and position of visualization, including rotation, zoom, pan, seek, etc. The users can easily view the details of a specified building or/and the entire city in a moving 3D manner, and locate a specific building.


Zhou G, Zhou X.Seamless fusion of LiDAR and aerial imagery for building extraction[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2014,52(11):7393-7407.Although many efforts have been made on the fusion of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and aerial imagery for the extraction of houses, little research on taking advantage of a building's geometric features, properties, and structures for assisting the further fusion of the two types of data has been made. For this reason, this paper develops a seamless fusion between LiDAR and aerial imagery on the basis of aspect graphs, which utilize the features of houses, such as geometry, structures, and shapes. First, 3-D primitives, standing for houses, are chosen, and their projections are represented by the aspects. A hierarchical aspect graph is then constructed using aerial image processing in combination with the results of LiDAR data processing. In the aspect graph, the note represents the face aspect and the arc is described by attributes obtained by the formulated coding regulations, and the coregistration between the aspect and LiDAR data is implemented. As a consequence, the aspects and/or the aspect graph are interpreted for the extraction of houses, and then the houses are fitted using a planar equation for creating a digital building model (DBM). The experimental field, which is located in Wytheville, VA, is used to evaluate the proposed method. The experimental results demonstrated that the proposed method is capable of effectively extracting houses at a successful rate of 93%, as compared with another method, which is 82% effective when LiDAR spacing is approximately 7.3 by 7.3 ft2. The accuracy of 3-D DBM is higher than the method using only single LiDAR data.


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Egenhofer M J, Shama J, Mark D M.A critical comparison of the 4-intersection and 9-intersection models for spatial relationship: Formal analysis[C]//McMaster and M. Armstrong (EDS), Auto-Cartoll, California: American Congress on Surveying and Mapping, 1993:1-12.

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Hmida H B, Boochs F, Cruz C, et al.From quantitative spatial operator to qualitative spatial relation using constructive solid geometry, logic rules and optimized 9-IM model: A semantic based approach[C]//Computer Science and Automation Engineering (CSAE), 2012:453-458.

Zhang J, Qin X.Topological analysis between bodies with holes[J]. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 2008,8(5):167-174.ABSTRACT Summary The topological relation is one of the most important spatial relations. Analysis of spatial relation has great practical value. The possible topological relations between 3D simple body objects can be analyzed using 9-intersection model. An algorithm is proposed to analyze the topological relations between body objects. It decomposes the complicated objects into simple objects, so it can get the topological relations between complicated body objects such as bodies with holes efficiently.

Clementini E, Felice P D.A model for representing topological relationships between complex geometric features in spatial databases[J]. Information Sciences, 1996,90(1):121-136.Various models for the representation of topological relationships have been developed. The aim of this paper is to show that the set of relationships proposed in (the CBM), for describing topological relationships among two-dimensional simple features, is applicable with few modifications to the case of complex features (that is, areas made up of several components possibly containing holes, lines with self-intersections, and/or more than two endpoints, and so on). The CBM offers a small set of topological relationships with high expressiveness which is proven to be mutually exclusive and complete, and therefore suitable to be embedded in a spatial query language.


Shen J, Wen Y, Guo-nian L, et al. Calculation of topological relationships between bodies[J]. Science of Surveying and Mapping, 2012,37(4):120-125.

Xie M, Zhou G, Li D, et al.Design and implementation of attribute database management system in A GIS: GeoStar[J]. International Journal of Geographic Information Science, 2000,6(2):170-180.This paper presents the design and implementation of an attribute database management system (ADMS) in a Geographic Information System (GIS) system called GeoStar, which has been developed by the center for GIS at Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping (WTUSM) in China.


Zhou G, Chen W, Kelmelis J A, et al.A comprehensive study on urban true orthorectification[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience & Remote Sensing, 2005,43(9):2138-2147.To provide some advanced technical bases (algorithms and procedures) and experience needed for national large-scale digital orthophoto generation and revision of the Standards for National Large-Scale City Digital Orthophoto in the National Digital Orthophoto Program (NDOP), this paper presents a comprehensive study on theories, algorithms, and methods of large-scale urban orthoimage generation. The procedures of orthorectification for digital terrain model (DTM)-based and digital building model (DBM)-based orthoimage generation and their mergence for true orthoimage generation are discussed in detail. A method of compensating for building occlusions using photogrammetric geometry is developed. The data structure needed to model urban buildings for accurately generating urban orthoimages is presented. Shadow detection and removal, the optimization of seamline for automatic mosaic, and the radiometric balance of neighbor images are discussed. Street visibility analysis, including the relationship between flight height, building height, street width, and relative location of the street to the imaging center, is analyzed for complete true orthoimage generation. The experimental results demonstrated that our method can effectively and correctly orthorectify the displacements caused by terrain and buildings in urban large-scale aerial images.


Gruen A, Wang X.News from CyberCity-Modeler[J]. Publishers Proceedings of the Monte Verita Workshop, 2001.ABSTRACT Semi-automated object extraction has become a viable concept for the generation of 3-D city models. CyberCity-Modeler (CCM) has been developed with the aim of creating not only buildings, but also other objects pertaining to a city model efficiently and with a high degree of flexibility concerning the level of detail. In its commercial implementation, CCM has been confronted with a number of user requirements which needed to be observed. This led to some extensions in functionality, which are addressed in this paper: Geometrical regularization of buildings, editing functions for topology adjustment, integration of faades and other vertical walls and modeling of roof overhangs. These extensions of the original concept make CyberCity-Modeler an even more powerful tool for 3-D city modeling.

Ledoux H, Meijers M.Topologically consistent 3D city models obtained by extrusion[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2011,25(4):557-574.One of the simplest methods to construct a 3D city model is to extrude building footprints to obtain ‘block-shaped’ polyhedra representing buildings. Although the method is well known and easy to implement, if the 2D topological relationships between the footprints are not taken into account, the resulting 3D city models will not necessarily be topologically consistent (i.e. primitives shared by 3D buildings will be duplicated and/or intersect each others). As a result, the model will be of little use for most applications, besides visualization that is. In this article, we present a new extrusion procedure to construct topologically consistent 3D city models. It is based on the use of a constrained triangulation, is conceptually simple and offers great flexibility to create city models in different formats (e.g. CityGML or a surface-based representation). We have implemented the procedure, tested it with real-world data sets and validated it.


