

  • 武恩超 , 1, 2 ,
  • 张恒才 2, 3 ,
  • 吴升 , 1, 2, *
  • 1. 福州大学福建省空间信息工程研究中心,福州大学数据挖掘与信息共享教育部重点实验室,福州 350002
  • 2. 海西政务大数据应用协同创新中心,福州 350002
  • 3. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室,北京 100101
*通讯作者: 吴 升(1972-),男,福建南平人,理学博士,教授,研究方向为时空大数据分析与可视化、信息共享与智慧政务、应急信息系统等。E-mail:

作者简介: 武恩超(1990-),男,山东德州人,硕士生,研究方向为地理信息服务。E-mail:

收稿日期: 2017-12-03

  要求修回日期: 2018-03-03

  网络出版日期: 2018-06-20





Automatic Generation Method of Indoor and Outdoor Integrated Navigation Network Based on Medial Axis Transform Algorithm

  • WU Enchao , 1, 2 ,
  • ZHANG Hengcai 2, 3 ,
  • WU Sheng , 1, 2, *
  • 1. Spatial Information Research Center of Fujian, Fuzhou University, Laboratory of Spatial Data Mining and Information Sharing of Ministry of Education,Fuzhou 350002, China
  • 2. Fujian Collaborative Innovation Center for Big Data Applications in Governments , Fuzhou 350002, China
  • 3. State Key Lab of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
*Corresponding author: WU Sheng, E-mail:

Received date: 2017-12-03

  Request revised date: 2018-03-03

  Online published: 2018-06-20

Supported by

National Key Research and Development Program of China, No.2016YFB0502104

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41771436

Fujian Provincial Science and Technology Innovation Platform Construction Project, China, No.2015H2001


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


室内外一体化导航路网的快速生成与更新对面向行人的跨场景导航具有重要意义。当前研究主要关注单一场景下的导航路网构建,对于跨室内外场景的导航路网自动生成研究较少。本文基于对偶图思想与二维平面多边形中轴变换(Medial Axis Transform)算法,提出一种室内外一体化导航路网自动生成方法,并以某建筑CAD平面图及周边路网环境为基础数据进行了实例研究。结果表明:该方法能够根据原始数据的几何、拓扑、语义信息自动构建导航路网,并支持室内外跨场景的最短路径查询,在最短路径查询效率上较传统分场景寻路模型整体提升10.18%;相较单一场景下的导航路网,一体化导航路网可结合语义信息将室内及室外导航路网有机统一起来,解决跨场景寻求最优路径的问题,为最优路径规划的相关研究提供了新的思路。


武恩超 , 张恒才 , 吴升 . 基于中轴变换算法的室内外一体化导航路网自动生成方法[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2018 , 20(6) : 730 -737 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.170582


The rapid generation and updating of indoor and outdoor integrated navigation network are of great significance for pedestrian-oriented cross-scene navigation. The current researches mainly focus on the establishment of the navigation network in a single scene, and few researches on the automatic generation of the navigation network across the indoor and outdoor scenes. In this paper, a method for automatic generation of indoor and outdoor integrated navigation network is proposed based on Dual Graph and Medial Axis Transform algorithm, then a case study was carried out based on the data of a building's CAD plan and it's surrounding road network. The results show that this method can automatically build the navigation network according to the geometry, topology and semantic information of the original data and support the shortest path query of indoor and outdoor cross-scene. Compared with traditional sub-scene, the overall efficiency of the proposed routing algorithm has been improved by 10.18%; the integrated navigation network can combine the indoor navigation network with the outdoor navigation network reasonably through the semantic information. Compared with the navigation network under single scene, this method could solve the problem of finding optimal path across scenes, and provide a new idea for the research of first-best path planning.

1 引言


2 一体化导航路网构建方法

室内外一体化导航路网是室内三维立体空间导航路网与室外二维平面导航路网的有机统一。一体化导航路网构建主要分为3个步骤:① 室内空间对象建模,原始CAD数据中带有室内空间的几何、语义信息,首先对其做分层处理,再借助FME(Feature Manipulate Engine)转换工具提取各室内空间对象的几何形状及其对应的语义信息进行室内空间对象的建模,主要的建模对象包括楼梯对象、电梯对象、房间对象、走廊对象和门对象;② 室内导航路网自动构建,根据之前步骤所建模型提取室内空间对象的几何信息并以组合图的方式表达室内平面空间,平面图取对偶,进行对偶简化后形成导航边对象,导航边与导航节点对象构成原始的导航示意图;建立走廊路网节点与走廊抽象节点的满射关系,细化走廊内部导航路网,完成室内导航路网的自动构建;③ 室内外导航路网融合,通过锚点将其与室外路网融合形成室内外一体化导航路网,整体流程如图1所示。
Fig. 1 Flowchart of indoor-outdoor integrated navigation network construction

图1 室内外一体化导航路网构建流程图

2.1 室内空间的对象建模


2.2 室内导航路网自动构建

2.2.1 室内导航节点构建
Tab. 1 Construction of indoor navigation nodes

表1 室内导航节点构建

导航节点类型 图标 属性
房间门 {坐标,门号,方向,时空限制,备注}
建筑物出入口 {坐标,方向,时空限制,备注}
电梯出入口 {坐标,楼层号,电梯号}
楼梯出入口 {坐标,楼层号,楼梯号}
房间节点 {坐标,房间号,功能,说明}
转向点 {坐标}
电梯出入口:类似门节点,利用电梯出入口节点,室内移动对象可以实现在垂直方向上的空间 转移。
2.2.2 室内导航边构建
室内导航边构建的基本原则是在两相邻且相连通室内空间之间建立路网连接,其思想与平面对偶图生成一致。Edmonds[20]和Tutte[21]首先提出了组合图的概念,组合图提供了一种拓扑等价的表达嵌入图的方式,如图2所示。组合图 M < S , α , τ > 由3部分组成:
Fig. 2 Indoor spaces and embedded graphs

图2 室内空间及其嵌入图表示

(1)有限集合 S ,其组成元素为有向边,该集合的元素个数为偶数,如式(1)所示。
S = { a , a ̅ , b , b ̅ , , k , k ̅ } (1)
(2) α 为平面空间单元集合,其元素代表某具体空间单元。图2中的A房间可表示为:
α A = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ̅ , 5 (2)
(3) τ 为集合S中元素的一个排列,可表示某条边,以括号对的形式给出。图2右红色边可表示为:
τ 1 = ( 1 , 1 ̅ ) (3)
对给定的组合图 M < S , α , τ > ,嵌入图的每条边由一对组合图的单向边表示。 α 中固定元素的一组序列代表嵌入图中的一个面,该面为沿单向边箭头方向左侧所围成的空间。如图2所示,以组合图 M < S , α , τ > 表示:
S = { 1 , 1 ̅ , 2 , 2 ̅ , 3 , 3 ̅ , } (4)
α = { ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ̅ , 5 ) , ( 3 ̅ , 6 , 7 , 8 ̅ ) , } (5)
τ = { ( 1 , 1 ̅ ) , ( 2 , 2 ̅ ) , ( 3 , 3 ̅ ) , } (6)
Fig. 3 Dual graph generation

图3 对偶图生成

Fig. 4 The sketch map of navigation

图4 导航示意图

走廊路网的结构近似于走廊多边形的中轴 线[22,23,24],可用其中轴线来近似。令R表示一个平面多边形区域, R 表示其边界,PR内任意一点,M表示 R 上到P距离最近的点,即对 T R , M R ,总存在 | PM | | PT | 。如果在 R 上存在到 P 距离最近的点数多于一个,则称 P 为多边形区域R的一个骨架点。所有骨架点的集合称为该平面多边形R的中轴线,中轴线同样也是R的最大内切圆沿其边界绕行一周圆心所走过的位置。图5中线段集合{m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6,m7,m8}为平面多边形R的中轴线示意图。对比发现,相较真实走廊导航路网,中轴线上存在过多的冗余线段,如图5中以多边形顶点为端点的虚线段集合 { m1,m2,m4,m7,m8},由凹顶点—边确定的抛物线型曲线段m6也需要进行“化曲为直”处理,处理成如m6′所示的线段。因此,走廊内部导航路网生成主要分为2个步骤:走廊中轴线自动提取;中轴线冗余线段去除及曲线段的“化曲为直”。
Fig. 5 The sketch map of medial axis transform in planar polygon R

图5 平面多边形R中轴线示意图

中轴线上每2个节点之间的线段或抛物线称为局部路线,局部路线的形状受主动边界元素类型的影响,主动边界元素是指在该局部路线生成过程中始终与平面多边形最大内切圆相正切的边界元素,由多边形全部的边和凹点组成,在图5所示的平面多边形R中,其主动边界元素集合为{ e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6,v3}。局部路线包括2类:① 由线-线确定的直线型局部路线;② 由线-凹点确定的抛物线形局部路线,在更复杂的多边形中还存在凹点-凹点确定的直线型局部路线。局部路线的生成过程本质是确定局部路线类型的起、止点和形状的过程,局部路线的形状主要由其管理者主动边界元素决定。局部路线管理者主动边界元素是主动边界元素的子集,每条局部路线都有自己的管理者主动边界元素集合。如图5中局部路线m1的管理者主动边界元素集合为{e1,e6},m1位于e1,e6夹角的内角平分线上。局部路线的起、止点主要由凸点的内角平分线与凹点边的垂线的交点及半径函数的关系确定。在图5中,以多边形的顶点(为凸点)v1作为中轴变换初始点,顶点v1的两边e1e2作为主动边界元素决定局部线路m1的形状,顺时针到下一个凸点v2,v1v2的角平分线的交点作为m1的终点,以此类推。图6(a)-(c)为某复杂走廊多边形中轴线提取过程。中轴线冗余线段去除及曲线段的“化曲为直”过程主要是将局部路线类型为抛物线或局部类型路线与角点相连的局部路线删除,对剩余类型为线段的局部路线任意两线段之间求交点,新的交点即为走廊路网新的节点。算法运行结果如图6(d)-(f)所示。
算法1 走廊内部导航路网生成算法
/* Parameters: Graph represented by combinatorial map */
Initialize remainMATPaths
/*extract the medial axis paths*/
While not EmptyPath()do
/* calculate the key point of medial axis path */
If not EndDisc(d) then
/* calculate the next line segment */
For path in newPathList do
/*delete redundant line segments*/
For path in MATPaths do
If type of path is Parabola then /* delete paths of Parabola */
Else if path Intersect with G /* delete paths intersect the nodes of graph*/
Else remainMATPaths ← path
/*generate the final road network*/
For pathA in remainMATPaths do
For pathB in remainMATPaths do
If Intersect point of pathA and pathB in G then
/* extend the two line segments and extend them to the focus */
Fig. 6 Network extraction of complex corridor

图6 复杂走廊路网提取


2.3 室内外导航路网融合

室内外导航路网的连接是建立一体化导航路网的关键步骤。任意一栋建筑至少具有一个入口与外部环境进行连接,定义该类节点为“锚点”。锚点信息包括2部分:① 节点引用,锚点存在一个到室外路网节点的引用和一个到室内路网节点的引用,通过两个引用建立室内外导航路网的连接;② 坐标转换参数,完成室内空间局部坐标系到室外空间绝对坐标系之间转换所需的参数,包括平移向量(dx, dy, dz)、旋转角度(α, β, γ)、缩放因子(sx, sy, sz)。
x 1 , , y 1 , , z 1 , , 1 = x , y , z , 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 dx dy dz 1 (7)
x 2 , , y 2 , , z 2 , , 1 = x 1 , , y 1 , , z 1 , , 1 sx 0 0 0 0 sy 0 0 0 0 sz 0 0 0 0 1 (8)
x 3 , , y 3 , , z 3 , , 1 = x 2 , , y 2 , , z 2 , , 1 cos ( γ ) sin ( γ ) 0 0 - sin ( γ ) cos ( γ ) 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 (9)
Fig. 7 Indoor and outdoor integrated navigation network and route query

图7 室内外一体化导航路网及路径查询

3 实验分析

Fig. 8 Schematic diagram of optimal path inspection

图8 最优路径检查示意图

在试验区中基于传统室内外分开的导航路网和本文提出的一体化导航路网分别随机生成 10 000个起止点对,并针对每组起止点对计算最短路径。试验结果表明,一体化导航路网平均用时为7.890 ms;传统分场景计算的方式平均用时为 8.784 ms;整体上一体化模型比传统模型效率提升10.18%。根据规划路径长度及响应时间,分别计算70 m以下,70~120 m,120~170 m,170~220 m,220~270 m,270 m以上的最短路径平均距离及路径规划平均响应时间,统计图表如图9所示,对于每个路径长度区间,其平均效率分别提升12.36%,9.97%,11.59%,7.24%,19.24%,14.00%。
Fig. 9 Comparison of efficiency of path planning

图9 路径规划效率对比

4 结论与讨论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Needell D, Nelson S.Biquasiles and dual graph diagrams[J]. Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 2017,26(8):64-76.We introduce \textit{dual graph diagrams} representing oriented knots and links. We use these combinatorial structures to define corresponding algebraic structures we call \textit{biquasiles} whose axioms are motivated by dual graph Reidemeister moves, generalizing the Dehn presentation of the knot group analogously to the way quandles and biquandles generalize the Wirtinger presentation. We use these structures to define invariants of oriented knots and links. In particular, we identify an example of a finite biquasile whose counting invariant distinguishes the chiral knot $9_{32}$ from its mirror image, demonstrating that biquasile counting invariants are distinct from biquandle counting invariants.


Lee J.A Three-Dimensional Navigable Data Model to Support Emergency Response in Microspatial Built-Environments[J]. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2007,97(3):512-529.Since the 11 September 2001 attacks in the United States and the 7 July 2005 London bombings, geospatial researchers have attempted to utilize GIScience technologies in response to disasters occurring in the microspace of multilevel structures (such as the interior of buildings) in urban areas. Such applications require 3D geographic information systems (GIS) functionalities to represent the three-dimensional structures of urban environments and to conduct 3D GIS-based spatial analyses. These requirements motivate this study to represent the complex internal structure of buildings at a three-dimensional subunit level so as to analyze human behavior in an emergency situation. This article discusses the development of a 3D Navigable Data Model (3D NDM) based on the 3D Geometric Network Data Model and representing pedestrian access within buildings or urban built-environments, which can be modeled as a network of walkway sections and connections. Additionally, this article discusses the design of a geospatial database created to manage the physical and environmental factors of disaster sites that are essential for emergency response. To improve planning and facilitate rescue operations in a decision support system, this article presents (1) a 3D geo-coding method to locate rescue personnel and disaster sites within the reference data (a network representation of a building), (2) a 3D map matching method to define the correlation between the location of bottlenecks or disaster sites and the nearest location on the 3D NDM, which represents the internal structure of the built-environment as a network representation, and (3) an indoor navigation model, based on the Dijkstra algorithm, to identify optimal routes within a multilevel structure by measuring relative pedestrian accessibility and to provide navigation guidance for rescue personnel. Lastly, this article presents the results of an experimental implementation of the 3D NDM using GIS data for a section of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte campus.


Choset H M.Principles of robot motion: Theory, algorithms, and implementation[M]. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2005.

Kneidl A, Hartmann D.Generation and use of sparse navigation graphs for microscopic pedestrian simulation models[M]. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, 2012.

朱欣焰,周成虎,呙维,等.全息位置地图概念内涵及其关键技术初探[J].武汉大学学报·信息科学版,2015,40(3):285-295.This paper analysis the limitations and challenges of the traditional digital map in ubiquitous information and big data era.We extend the original concept of a Parrlocation Information Map(PLIM) that in the ubiquitous network environment.PLIM dynamically associates mutli-temporal,multi-thematic,multi-hierarchical,multi-granular information about objects or events based on location,and provides a personalized location and location-related information service platform.Also,we describe the structure and characteristics of a new PLIM and demonstrate the key technologies in three aspects,including ubiquitous information acquisition,semantic location correlation,and establishment of a multi-dimensional visualization map.


[ Zhu X Y, Zhou C H, Guo W, et al.Holographic location map discussion on the connotation and key technologies[J]. Journal of Wuhan University( Information Science ), 2015,40(3):285-295. ]

Edmonds J.A combinatorial representation of polyhedral surfaces[J]. Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 1960,7:646.Search all the public and authenticated articles in CiteULike. Include unauthenticated resultstoo (may include "spam") Enter a search phrase. You can also specify a CiteULike article id(123456),. a DOI (doi:10.1234/12345678). or a PubMed ID (pmid:12345678).

Tutte W T.What is a map. In: New directions in the theory of graphs[M]. New York: Academic Press, 1973:309-325.


[ Hu Y, Wang P.Skeleton extraction algorithm for discrete optimization of Lambda-axis[J]. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 2017,29(8):1505-1514. ]

Birbrair L, Denkowski M P.Medial axis and singularities[J]. Journal of Geometric Analysis, 2017,27(3):2339-2380.


Lee D T. Medial axis transformation of a planar shape[J]. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence, 1982, PAMI-4(4):363-369.Abstract The medial axis transformation is a means first proposed by Blum to describe a shape. In this paper we present a 0(n log n) algorithm for computing the medial axis of a planar shape represented by an n-edge simple polygon. The algorithm is an improvement over most previously known results interms of both efficiency and exactness and has been implemented in Fortran. Some computer-plotted output of the program are also shown in the paper.


