

  • 赵心怡 ,
  • 蒲英霞 , *
  • 1. 南京大学地理与海洋科学学院,南京 210023
  • 2. 江苏省地理信息技术重点实验室,南京210023
  • 3. 江苏省地理信息资源开发与利用协同创新中心,南京 210023


收稿日期: 2018-01-02

  要求修回日期: 2018-04-04

  网络出版日期: 2018-06-20





Space-time Spillover Effects and Driving Forces of Regional Migration Process

  • ZHAO Xinyi ,
  • PU Yingxia , *
  • 1. School of Geography and Ocean Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
  • 2. Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210023, China
  • 3. Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application, Nanjing 210023, China
*Corresponding author: PU Yingxia, E-mail:

Received date: 2018-01-02

  Request revised date: 2018-04-04

  Online published: 2018-06-20

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41271388, 41771417

Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions (PAPD)

Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有




赵心怡 , 蒲英霞 . 区域人口迁移时空溢出效应与动力机制分析[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2018 , 20(6) : 817 -826 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.180015


Interregional migration is a significant component of regional population growth as well as a major driving force in urbanization process. The evolution of migration flows is not only related to the characteristics of origin and destination regions, but also the past and surrounding migration flows. Most empirical migration studies based on traditional gravity models have failed to capture space-time spillover effects during the migration process due to ignoring time or spatial dependence among migration flows. By introducing several space-time interaction effects, this paper constructed the space-time gravity model of interprovincial migration flows in China over the period of 1985-2015 and estimated the model using Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. The space-time spillover effects evaluation framework further explained the space and time dynamics in the evolution of interprovincial migration associated with changes in regional GDP per capita and population size. The preliminary results are as follow: firstly, the estimates of time, spatial and space-time diffusion dependence are all significant, which can provide powerful means for exploring complex and systematic behaviors among regional migration flows. Secondly, regional population size dominates the Chinese interprovincial migration process more than twice the influence of regional GDP per capita. Thirdly, the spillover effects of regional socio-economic factors play a quite significant role during regional migration process, which are greater than the corresponding origin and destination effects in the short term. More importantly, the decaying spillover effects through the whole space-time network will help the migration system stay at an equilibrium state over the long term. All in all, the coupled space-time gravity model contributes to capture the space-time spillover effects and driving forces during the regional migration process, which provides a scientific basis for predicting future migration trends and promoting balanced regional population development.

1 引言

本文在传统重力模型基础上,同时考虑多种形式的时空依赖(时间依赖、空间依赖和时空扩散依赖)关系,构建时空重力模型,将区域要素的空间效应在时间维度上加以分解,形成二维多向的时空溢出效应评价框架,以更好地探究区域人口迁移过程的时空动力机制。具体以1985-2015年中国省际人口迁移面板数据为例,构建中国省际人口迁移时空重力模型,并采用贝叶斯马尔可夫链蒙特卡洛(Markov Chain Monte Carlo,MCMC)方法对模型系数和效应进行估计。通过与非空间的动态重力模型估计结果比较,进一步考察区域经济社会要素变化如何通过时空依赖结构对中国省际人口迁移规模产生影响,以期对区域人口迁移过程的时空动力机制和系统演变规律做出合理解释。

2 研究方法

2.1 重力模型

y = α ι N + x o β o + x d β d + γg + ε (1)
式中:yn×n的O-D流矩阵按列排列的N×1(N=n2)列向量;ιN为所有元素均为1的N×1列向量;xoxd)为迁出地(目的地)经济、社会等要素构成的解释向量,假设xn×k的解释变量矩阵,xoxd)可以通过克罗内克积$\otimes$运算生成,即 x o = x ι n ( x d = ι n x );gn×n距离矩阵按列排列的N×1列向量;ε表示均值为0,方差为常数的误差向量;αβoβdγ为待估系数或向量,分别表示常数项、迁出地与目的地因素以及距离因素的系数。

2.2 时空重力模型

结合时间滞后效应以及3种空间依赖关系,对式(1)进行拓展,构建覆盖T个时期的时空重力模型,具体如式(2)所示,其中 η = μ N × T + ε N × T
Y = ρ o ( I T W o ) Y + ρ d ( I T W d ) Y + ρ w ( I T W w ) Y + ϕ Y - 1 + θ o ( I T W o ) Y - 1 + θ d ( I T W d ) Y - 1 + θ w ( I T W w ) Y - 1 + α ι N × T + X o β o + X d β d + γG + η (2)
式中:因变量 Y = ( y 1 ' , , y T ' ) ' y t = ( y 1 t , y Nt ) ' 是第 t时期O-D流矩阵按列排列的N×1列向量。相应地, Y - 1 = ( y 0 ' , , y T - 1 ' ) ' 表示Y的一阶时间滞后项。 ITT维单位矩阵,IT$\otimes$Wo,IT$\otimes$WdIT$\otimes$Ww通过结合时间和空间上的依赖关系,表达T个时期内的时空权重矩阵。(IT$\otimes$WoY,(IT$\otimes$WdY和(IT$\otimes$WwY描述同一横截面上的O-D流在不同空间自相关作用下的多种影响形式;同理,(IT$\otimes$WoY-1,(IT$\otimes$WdY-1和(IT$\otimes$WwY-1是O-D流的一阶时间滞后项在不同空间自相关作用下对当前O-D流的多种影响形式。ιN×T为所有元素均为1的NT×1列向量。 X o = ( x o 1 ' , , x oT ' ) ' Xd= ( x d 1 ' , , x dT ' ) ' T个时期的迁出地(目的地)的解释向量,组织形式类似于Y G = ( g 1 ' , , g T ' ) ' T个时期起讫点间的距离向量。此处时空重力模型中误差项被分解为个体随机效应μN×T和随机误差项εN×T,其中μN×T各个时期上的μN值相同,反映N条O-D流之间不随时间变化只随个体变化的个体异质性,且μi(1≤iN)服从正态分布 N ( 0 , σ μ 2 ) 。同时,假设εN×TμN×T无关,且其中各个误差项εj(1≤jN×T)服从正态分布 N ( 0 , σ ε 2 ) 。此外,(ρo,ρd,ρw),ϕ和(θo,θd,θw)分别表示空间依赖,时间依赖以及时空扩散依赖的程度[19]
对于中国省际迁移过程而言,时空重力模型 可以描述迁移流之间二维多向的复杂依赖关系 (图1)。相较于传统重力模型,该模型不仅考虑了同一横截面上相邻迁移流之间的空间相关性,还 从动态连续的角度考虑各个横截面之间的纵向关系[8,20],包含更丰富的信息,一定程度上提高了模型估计结果的准确性[21]
Fig. 1 The chart for spatial dependence, time dependence and space-time diffusion dependence structure of Chinese interprovincial migration process

图1 中国省际迁移过程的时间依赖、空间依赖以及时空 扩散依赖结构图

p α , β o , β d , γ , σ ε 2 , σ μ 2 , ρ o , ρ d , ρ w , ϕ , θ o , θ d , θ w | Y f Y | α , β , μ , σ ε 2 , ρ , ϕ , θ p μ | σ μ 2 p ( σ μ 2 ) p ( α ) p ( β ) p ( ρ ) p ( ϕ ) p ( θ ) p ( σ ε 2 ) (3)
式中: β = ( β o ' , β d ' , γ ), ρ = ( ρ o , ρ d , ρ w ) , θ = ( θ o , θ d , θ w ) f Y | . 表示似然函数; p ( . ) 表示各个参数的后验分布。从各参数的条件后验分布中进行抽样,并对抽样序列进行均值以及其他统计指标的计算,最终得到参数估计结果以及显著性条件。
α ~ N ( α 0 , M α - 1 ) β ~ N ( β 0 , M β - 1 ) σ ε - 2 ~ G ( v 0 / 2 , S 0 / 2 ) σ μ - 2 ~ G ( v 1 / 2 , S 1 / 2 ) (4)
由于αβ、存在先验不确定性,因此对其设置非信息先验,即设α0=0,β0=0以及 M α - 1 = 10 - 12 , M β - 1 = 10 - 12 I 2 k + 1 。同样,Gamma先验的参数v0, v1, S0S1都设置为0.001。由于α, σ ε - 2 σ u - 2 的条件分布的形式已知,采用Gibbs抽样方法进行抽样。而对于时空依赖参数ρ,ϕθ,规定满足区间(-1, 1)内的均匀分布[25,26],由于该分布不是已知的标准形式,本文选择Metropolis-Hastings(M-H)抽样方法,从均匀分布中进行抽样并伴随调和随机游走过程产生候选值,以完成参数估计。

2.3 时空溢出效应

在时空重力模型中,某区域要素变化产生的时空溢出效应以迁出地效应、目的地效应、网络效应的形式遍布于整个迁移网络系统。其中,迁出地效应(oe)包括2个部分:① 对从该区域出发的所有迁出流产生的直接影响;② 因该区域要素变化而引起其他迁移流变化反过来对该区域迁出流产生的反馈作用。类似地,目的地效应(de)不仅包含该区域要素变化对抵达该区域的所有迁入流产生的直接影响,还包括因该区域要素变化而引起其他迁移流变化反过来对该区域迁入流产生的反馈作用;网络效应(ne)则是对其他区域迁移流受到的时空溢出效应的汇总;总体效应(te)是上述效应之和[4,27]
TE = T E 1 T E 2 T E n = Y 1 / X 1 r Y 2 / X 2 r Y n / X n r = B - 1 J d 1 β d r + J o 1 β o r J d 2 β d r + J o 2 β o r J d n β d r + J o n β o r (5)
式中:B表示空间过滤 ( I n 2 - ρ o W o - ρ d W d - ρ w W w ) Jdi是第i行值为1,其余元素为0的n×n矩阵;类似地,Joi是第i列值为1,其余元素为0的n×n矩阵。因此,n×n矩阵TEi Y i / X i r )的行向量表示对抵达区域i的所有迁入流的影响,列向量表示对从区域 i出发的所有迁出流的影响(1≤ini为整数)。
根据 te = ( 1 / n 2 ) ι n 2 TE ι n 计算整个网络中所有O-D流的累积影响的均值,得到总体效应。
迁出地效应和目的地效应,可以通过类似方式求得: oe = ( 1 / n 2 ) ι n 2 OE ι n , de = ( 1 / n 2 ) ι n 2 DE ι n 。其中,OEDE的定义与TE类似,分别由nOEiDEi构成。
网络效应一般通过nete-oe-de计算得到。在非空间的动态重力模型中,ρo, ρdρw的值均为0,即不存在空间溢出效应。
TE = T E 1 T E 2 T E n = Y 1 ( t + T ) / X 1 ( t ) r Y 2 ( t + T ) / X 2 ( t ) r Y n ( t + T ) / X n ( t ) r = D T J d 1 β d r + J o 1 β o r J d 2 β d r + J o 2 β o r J d n β d r + J o n β o r
D T = ( - 1 ) T ( B - 1 C ) T B - 1 (6)
式中:C表示时空扩散过滤 - ( ϕ I n 2 + θ o W o + θ d W d + θ w W w ) [29]。据此计算该变量在第t+T时期的teoedene
TE = T E 1 T E 2 T E n = Y 1 ( t ~ t + T ) / X 1 ( t ) r Y 2 ( t ~ t + T ) / X 2 ( t ) r Y n ( t ~ t + T ) / X n ( t ) r = s = 0 T D s J d 1 β d r + J o 1 β o r J d 2 β d r + J o 2 β o r J d n β d r + J o n β o r (7)
T趋近于无穷大时,区域要素变化对O-D流产生趋于稳定的长期效应。此时, s = 0 D s = B + C - 1 ,进而可以计算长期的teoedene

3 中国省际迁移流时空动态解释

为进一步探索改革开放以来我国省际人口迁移过程中复杂的时空动力机制,本文利用全国31个省(市、自治区,不包括港澳台地区)1985-2015年 6个时期(5年为一个时期)的5580条省际迁移流,构建中国省际人口迁移时空重力模型,并利用MCMC方法进行估计。具体数据来自3次全国人口普查(“四普”、“五普”和“六普”)和3次全国1%人口抽样调查(1995、2005和2015年)[30,31,32,33,34,35]。为确保迁移数据的完整性与连续性,重庆市1985-1990年和1990-1995年的缺失数据根据四川省相应时期迁移数据分配得到,西藏地区1985-1990年的缺失数据通过前后时期迁移数据插值得到。在解释变量方面,选取省会城市之间的铁路里程、人均GDP水平和人口数量表征地理、经济以及人口因素对省际迁移的影响[36,37,38]。由于铁路里程受时间影响较小,默认各个时期铁路里程相等。考虑到因变量是某时期内的迁移总量,解释变量数据来自该时期中间年份(如2010-2015年时期为2013年)的《中国统计年鉴》[39,40,41,42,43,44]。其中,人均GDP是以1980年GDP水平作为不变价,消除价格波动影响。此外,模型中的因变量和解释变量都进行了对数处理。
空间权重矩阵W基于空间邻接关系构造,若两省之间存在公共边界,则对应的元素设为1,否则为0。在此基础上进行行标准化生成Wo,WdWw。本文不考虑省内迁移流,故删除矩阵对角线元素,得到新的矩阵: W ˜ o , W ˜ d W ˜ w 。结合选择的具体变量,同时考虑时间、空间和时空扩散依赖关系,构建中国省际人口迁移时空重力模型,具体表达式为:
Y = ρ o ( I T W ˜ o ) Y + ρ d ( I T W ˜ d ) Y + ρ w ( I T W ˜ w ) Y + ϕ Y - 1 + θ o ( I T W ˜ o ) Y - 1 + θ d ( I T W ˜ d ) Y - 1 + θ w ( I T W ˜ w ) Y - 1 + α ι N × T + X o _ GDP β o _ GDP + X o _ Popu β o _ Popu + X d _ GDP β d _ GDP + X d _ Popu β d _ Popu + γG + η (8)
式中:Xo_GDPXo_Popu分别表示迁出地的人均GDP水平和人口数量;Xd_GDPXd_Popu分别表示目的地的人均GDP水平和人口数量;βo_GDP,βo_Popu,βd_GDPβd_Popu为相应变量的系数; η = μ N × T + ε N × T
Y = ϕ Y - 1 + α ι N × T + X o _ GDP β o _ GDP + X o _ Popu β o _ Popu + X d _ GDP β d _ GDP + X d _ Popu β d _ Popu + γG + η (9)
式中: η = μ N × T + ε N × T

3.1 模型估计

本文在对动态重力模型进行估计时,共进行5000次MCMC抽样,其中前2000次作为预热被舍弃;对于时空重力模型,考虑到待估参数的增加导致模型复杂度提高,将抽样次数增加到35 000次(前25 000次被舍弃),以确保其余抽样最终生成平稳的马尔可夫链。中国省际人口迁移动态重力模型和时空重力模型的系数估计和相应的显著程度详见表1
Tab. 1 Coefficients estimates for dynamic gravity model and space-time gravity model

表1 中国省际迁移动态重力模型和时空重力模型的系数估计结果

动态重力模型 时空重力模型
变量 系数 p 系数 p
α -1.0335 0.0918 -0.6042 0.0395
γ -0.9795 0.0000 -0.2147 0.0000
βo_GDP -0.0665 0.0440 -0.0249 0.0786
βo_Popu 0.8746 0.0000 0.2222 0.0000
βd_GDP 0.7947 0.0000 0.1713 0.0000
βd_Popu 0.5094 0.0000 0.1084 0.0000
ρo - - 0.4381 0.0000
ρd - - 0.3165 0.0000
ρw - - 0.0670 0.0000
ϕ 0.0563 0.090 0 0.5935 0.0000
θo - - -0.2282 0.0000
θd - - -0.1301 0.0000
θw - - -0.2282 0.0000
R2 0.6760 0.7687
修正R2 0.6757 0.7684
AIC -37 679 -39 245
BIC -37 641 -39 207
表1可看出,时空重力模型在数据拟合方面明显更优,其R2 和修正R2高于非空间的动态重力模型且AICBIC也更小。在该模型中,时间依赖系数ϕ显著为正,表明省际迁移在时间维度上存在较强的关联。例如,过去一个时期从湖南到广东的人口迁移会促进当前从湖南到广东的人口迁移,并对未来两省之间的迁移产生潜在影响。同时,迁出地和目的地空间依赖系数 ( ρ o , ρ d ) 也显著为正,表明迁出地之间的空间依赖关系以及目的地之间的空间依赖关系对省际人口迁移起到了重要的作用。例如,从湖南到广东的人口迁移在一定程度上会促进从湖南周边省份(如湖北)到广东的人口迁移(即迁出地空间依赖),也会促进从湖南到广东周边省份(如福建)的人口迁移(即目的地空间依赖)。相比较,基于迁出地-目的地的空间依赖系数ρw数值较小,对迁移流的影响较弱。而显著为负的时空依赖系数 ( θ o , θ d , θ w ) 说明人口迁移过程中存在一定程度的相互制约机制。例如,过去一个时期从湖南到广东的人口迁移会对当前从湖南周边省份(如湖北)到广东的人口迁移起到一定的抑制作用,类似地,也会抑制当前从湖南到广东周边省份(如福建),乃至从湖南周边省份到广东周边省份的人口迁移,并对未来这些省份之间的人口迁移产生潜在的制约作用。

3.2 效应分析

Tab. 2 Estimates of the spillover effects from dynamic gravity and space-time gravity models

表2 中国省际迁移动态重力模型和时空重力模型的溢出效应估计

时间T 动态重力模型 时空重力模型
人均GDP 人口数量 人均GDP 人口数量
均值 累积和 均值 累积和 均值 累积和 均值 累积和
0(同期) -0.0665** -0.0665** 0.8746*** 0.8746*** -0.0214 -0.0214 0.4111*** 0.4111***
1 -0.0060* -0.0724** 0.0784*** 0.9531*** -0.0288** -0.0502 0.2047*** 0.6158***
2 -0.0006 -0.0730** 0.0073** 0.9604*** -0.0181** -0.0683 0.1277*** 0.7436***
3 -0.0001 -0.0730** 0.0007* 0.9611*** -0.0119** -0.0802 0.0835*** 0.8271***
4 -0.0000 -0.0730** 0.0001 0.9612*** -0.0080** -0.0882 0.0563*** 0.8834***
5 -0.0000 -0.0730** 0.0000 0.9612*** -0.0055** -0.0936 0.0386*** 0.9219***
长期 - -0.0730** - 0.9612*** - -0.1067 - 1.0142***
0(同期) 0.7947*** 0.7947*** 0.5094*** 0.5094*** 0.2363*** 0.2363*** 0.1776*** 0.1776***
1 0.0713*** 0.8661*** 0.0456*** 0.5550*** 0.1068*** 0.3431*** 0.0619*** 0.2394***
2 0.0067** 0.8727*** 0.0043** 0.5593*** 0.0562*** 0.3993*** 0.0319*** 0.2713***
3 0.0006* 0.8734*** 0.0004* 0.5597*** 0.0301*** 0.4293*** 0.016 5*** 0.2878***
4 0.0001 0.8734*** 0.000 0 0.5597*** 0.0163*** 0.4457*** 0.0087*** 0.2966***
5 0.0000 0.8734*** 0.0000 0.5597*** 0.0090*** 0.4546*** 0.0046*** 0.3012***
长期 - 0.8734*** - 0.5597*** - 0.4655*** - 0.3055***
0(同期) - - - - 0.6980*** 0.6980 1.3208*** 1.3208
1 - - - - -0.0904 0.6075 -0.2313 1.0895
2 - - - - -0.0560*** 0.5516 -0.1592*** 0.9303
3 - - - - -0.0350*** 0.5166 -0.1101*** 0.8202
4 - - - - -0.0200*** 0.4965 -0.0724*** 0.7477
5 - - - - -0.0117*** 0.4848 -0.0486*** 0.6991
长期 - - - - - 0.4662*** - 0.5884***
0(同期) 0.7283*** 0.7280*** 1.3840*** 1.3840*** 0.9128*** 0.9128*** 1.9095*** 1.9095
1 0.0654*** 0.7936*** 0.1241*** 1.5081*** -0.0124 0.9005*** 0.0353 1.9448
2 0.0061** 0.7998*** 0.0116** 1.5197*** -0.0179* 0.8826*** 0.0004 1.9452
3 0.0006* 0.8003*** 0.0011* 1.5208*** -0.0169*** 0.8657*** -0.0101* 1.9351
4 0.0000 0.8004*** 0.0001 1.5209*** -0.0117*** 0.8541*** -0.0074*** 1.9277
5 0.0000 0.8004*** 0.0000 1.5209*** -0.0082*** 0.8458*** -0.0055*** 1.9222
长期 - 0.8004*** - 1.5209*** - 0.8250*** - 1.9080***

注: ******分别表示1%、5%和10%水平上显著

Fig. 2 The chart of space-time spillover effects trends for space-time gravity model

图2 中国省际迁移时空重力模型时空溢出效应趋势图


4 结论

(3)区域经济社会要素的变化对迁移流产生显著的时空溢出效应。尤其在区域要素变化初期,网络溢出效应明显强于相应的迁出地和目的地效应,反映了区域迁移流之间的紧密联系。随着时间推移,逐渐衰减的溢出效应将在一定程度上削弱区 域要素对周边迁移流的辐射影响,但仍起到不可忽视的抑制作用。在时空交互作用下,区域人口迁移系统存在内在的调控与自适应过程,这与非空间的动态重力模型中持续增长的各类效应形成了鲜明对比。
本文构建的区域人口迁移时空重力模型和效应评价框架,对揭示区域人口迁移过程时空溢出效应与动力机制具有一定的意义。为进一步探究中国省际人口迁移的发展过程与演变趋势,今后需要在以下几方面加以改进:① 从就业环境、教育水平以及自然条件等方面引入更多合适的解释变量,对模型进一步完善,以期更为全面地探究省际人口迁移的影响机制;② 分时期对迁移流进行回归分析,并与整个研究时期的总体回归模型加以比较,以更深入地探究不同时期省际人口迁移的发展机制与演变规律;③ 着眼于当前人口迁移现状,对未来15-30年内人口迁移发展趋势进行短期与长期预测,并对其预测结果进行评价与分析。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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LeSage J P, Thomas-Agnan C. Interpreting Spatial econometric origin-destination flow models[J]. Journal of Regional Science, 2015,55(2):188-208.Spatial interaction or gravity models have been used to model flows that take many forms, for example population migration, commodity flows, traffic flows, all of which reflect movements between origin and destination regions. We focus on how to interpret estimates from spatial autoregressive extensions to the conventional regression-based gravity models that relax the assumption of independence between flows. These models proposed by LeSage and Pace (2008, 2009) define spatial dependence involving flows between regions. We show how to calculate partial derivative expressions for these models that can be used to quantify these various types of effect that arise from changes in the characteristics/explanatory variables of the model.


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王亚平,蒲英霞,马劲松,等.基于空间OD模型的中国省际人口迁移机制分析[J].西北师范大学学报(自然科学版),2015,51(3):89-97.基于网络自相关理论与建模方法,利用全国第六次人口普查省际人口迁移数据和相关资料,分析了迁移流之间存在的几种网络空间依赖形式,据此构建空间OD模型,并对2005—2010年中国省际人口迁移的空间模式及其动力机制进行初步分析.结果表明,中国省际人口迁移流之间存在显著的空间依赖关系;分别选择网络权重矩阵Wo,Wd和Ww,利用Morans I对网络自相关程度进行测度,结果为0.502 5,0.286 7和0.107 8,且均在1‰水平上显著,说明抵达相同目的地(D)的人口迁移流的迁出地之间存在空间集聚现象;由同一迁出地(O)出发的迁移流的目的地之间也存在空间集聚现象;目的地和迁出地均相邻的人口迁移流之间也存在相互影响与制约.几种不同空间OD模型的拟合度均优于重力模型,其中迁出地的网络自相关效应更为显著,表明迁出地在地域空间上更为集中,抵达同一目的地的人口迁移流之间的相互作用更强.同时考虑3种不同网络自相关效应的空间OD模型更优,拟合度更好,该模型可以更加准确全面地揭示经济、就业、人口和距离等因素对人口迁移的影响作用.


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Etzo I.The determinants of the recent interregional migration flows in Italy: A panel data analysis[J]. Journal of Regional Science, 2011,51(5):948-966.ABSTRACT This study investigates the determinants of interregional migration flows in Italy in the light of the upsurge occurred in 1996, after two decades of decreasing internal migration rates. The fixed-effect vector decomposition estimator (FEVD) is applied to a gravity model using bilateral migration flows for the period 1996–2005. It is shown that the FEVD improves the estimates with respect to the traditional panel data estimators. The GDP per capita and the unemployment rate appear to be the key determinants whose changes push migrants out from their regions and direct them to “better off” destinations. Migrants leaving the regions in the Center-North respond differently to the push and pull forces compared to southern migrants. The dynamic model provides evidence for the presence of social networks, which in this analysis take place for each pair of regions.


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Rainer H, Siedler T.Social networks in determining migration and labour market outcomes: Evidence from the German Reunification[J]. Econ Transit, 2009,17(4):739-767.This paper empirically examines social network explanations for migration decisions in the context of German reunification. Using longitudinal data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we first show that the presence of a family in West Germany is an important predictor for the migration hazard rate of East Germans. We then explore whether pre-migration networks have a discernible impact on the economic and social assimilation of East German immigrants in West Germany. We find that East German immigrants are more likely to be employed and to hold higher paying jobs when socially connected to the West prior to emigrating.


Chun Y, Griffith D.Modeling network autocorrelation in space-time migration flow data: An eigenvector spatial filtering approach[J]. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2011,101(3):523-536.Gravity-type spatial interaction models have been popularly utilized in modeling cross-sectional migration data, but their misspecification also has been raised in the literature. This misspecification issue principally concerns an insufficient accounting of underlying effects of spatial structure, including the presence of network autocorrelation among migration flows. Recent studies reveal that spatial interaction models are significantly improved by incorporating network autocorrelation in log-linear or Poisson regression estimation techniques, which are common estimation methods for spatial interaction models. However, when migration flows are structured as a panel data set from multiple time periods, the data set is likely to display temporal correlation within each measurement unit (here, each flow between a dyad of an origin and a destination) as well as network autocorrelation within each time period. Hence, spatial interaction models should be explicitly specified to account for these two different types of correlation structure. Using the eigenvector spatial filtering technique, this article outlines how to model network autocorrelation among migration flows structured through multiple time spans in either a linear or a generalized linear mixed model. An analysis of annual U.S. interstate migration data reported by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service shows that incorporation of two different types of autocorrelation leads to an improvement of model fitting and more intuitive parameter estimates.


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Fan C C.Modeling interprovincial migration in China, 1985-2000. Eurasian Geography & Economics, 2005,46(3):165-184.Using data from China's 1990 and 2000 censuses, this paper examines interprovincial migration by describing its spatial patterns and estimating models based on the gravity approach. Between the censuses, interprovincial migration increased considerably in size and became more unidirectional and concentrated. Modeling results highlight the role of regional economic disparity and migration stock, as well as the gravity variables of population and distance, in explaining migration flows. Over time, the effect of regional disparity has increased, while that of distance decreased. Findings suggest that models based on experiences of countries lacking migration control are increasingly relevant for China. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: C10, O15, O18. 3 figures, 3 tables, 45 references.



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Chun Y.Modeling network autocorrelation within migration flows by eigenvector spatial filtering[J]. Journal of Geographical Systems, 2008,10(4):317-344.Although the assumption of independence among interaction flows frequently is engaged in spatial interaction modeling, in many circumstances it leads to misspecified models and incorrect inferences. An informed approach is to explicitly incorporate an assumed relationship structure among the interaction flows, and to explicitly model the network autocorrelation. This paper illustrates such an approach in the context of U.S. interstate migration flows. Behavioral assumptions, similar to those of the intervening opportunities or the competing destinations concepts, exemplify how to specify network flows that are related to particular origin–destination combinations. The stepwise incorporation of eigenvectors, which are extracted from a network link matrix, captures the network autocorrelation in a Poisson regression model specification context. Spatial autocorrelation in Poisson regression is measured by the test statistic of Jacqmin-Gadda et al. (Stat Med 16(11):1283–1297, 1997). Results show that estimated regression parameters in the spatial filtering interaction model become more intuitively interpretable.


LeSage J P, Llano C. A Spatial interaction model with spatial structure origin and destination effects[J]. Journal of Regional Science, 2013,15(3):265-289.We introduce a Bayesian hierarchical regression model that extends the traditional least-squares regression model used to estimate gravity or spatial interaction relations involving origin-destination flows. Spatial interaction models attempt to explain variation in flows from n origin regions to n destination regions resulting in a sample of N 02=02 n 2 observations that reflect an n by n flow matrix converted to a vector. Explanatory variables typically include origin and destination characteristics as well as distance between each region and all other regions. Our extension introduces latent spatial effects parameters structured to follow a spatial autoregressive process. Individual effects parameters are included in the model to reflect latent or unobservable influences at work that are unique to each region treated as an origin and destination. That is, we estimate 2 n individual effects parameters using the sample of N 02=02 n 2 observations. We illustrate the method using a sample of commodity flows between 18 Spanish regions during the 2002 period.


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Parent O, LeSage J P. A space-time filter for panel data models containing random effects[J]. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2011,55(1):475-490.A space–time filter structure is introduced that can be used to accommodate dependence across space and time in the error components of panel data models that contain random effects. This specification provides insights regarding several space–time structures that have been used recently in the panel data literature. Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods are set forth for estimating the model which allow simple treatment of initial period observations as endogenous or exogenous. The performance of the approach is demonstrated using both Monte Carlo experiments and an applied illustration.


Griffith D A, Fischer M M, LeSage J P. The spatial autocorrelation problem in spatial interaction modeling: A comparison of two common solutions[J]. Letters in Spatial & Resource Sciences, 2017,10:75-86.Spatial interaction models of the gravity type are widely used to describe origin-destination flows. They draw attention to three types of variables to explain variation in spatial interactions across geographic space: variables that characterize the origin region of interaction, variables that characterize the destination region of interaction, and variables that measure the separation between origin and destination regions. A violation of standard minimal assumptions for least squares estimation may be associated with two problems: spatial autocorrelation within the residuals, and spatial autocorrelation within explanatory variables. This paper compares a spatial econometric solution with the spatial statistical Moran eigenvector spatial filtering solution to accounting for spatial autocorrelation within model residuals. An example using patent citation data that capture knowledge flows across 257 European regions serves to illustrate the application of the two approaches.


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LeSage J P. Spatial econometric panel data model specification: A Bayesian approach[J]. Spatial Statistics, 2014,9:122-145.A Bayesian model uncertainty argument is advanced that logically implies we can simplify this task by focusing on only two model specifications. One of these, labeled the spatial Durbin model (SDM) implies global spatial spillovers , while the second, labeled a spatial Durbin error model (SDEM) leads to local spatial spillovers . A Bayesian approach to determining an appropriate local or global specification, SDEM versus SDM is set forth here for static panel variants of these two models. The logic of the Bayesian view of model uncertainty suggests these are the only two specifications that need to be considered. This greatly simplifies the task confronting practitioners when using static panel data models.


Golgher A B, Voss P R.How to interpret the coefficients of spatial models: Spillovers, direct and indirect effects[J]. Spatial Demography, 2016,4:175-205.Abstract This paper briefly reviews how to derive and interpret coefficients of spatial regression models, including topics of direct and indirect (spatial spillover) effects. These topics have been addressed in the spatial econometric literature over the past 5鈥6 years, but often at a level sometimes difficult for students new to the field. Our goal is to overcome this handicap by carefully presenting the mathematics behind these spatial effects and clearly illustrating how they work using two small fictive datasets and one large dataset with real data. The motivation for the paper is primarily pedagogical. Theoretical and conceptual impediments associated with the application of procedures are discussed.


Debarsy N, Ertur C, LeSage J P. Interpreting dynamic space-time panel data models[J]. Statistical Methodology, 2012,9:158-171.There is a vast amount of literature regarding the asymptotic properties of various approaches to estimating simultaneous space–time panel models, but little attention has been paid to how the model estimates should be interpreted. The motivation for the use of space–time panel models is that they can provide us with information not available from cross-sectional spatial regressions. LeSage and Pace (2009) [7] showed that cross-sectional simultaneous spatial autoregressive models can be viewed as a limiting outcome of a dynamic space–time autoregressive process. A valuable aspect of dynamic space–time panel data models is that the own- and cross-partial derivatives that relate changes in the explanatory variables to those that arise in the dependent variables are explicit. This allows us to employ parameter estimates from these models to quantify dynamic responses over time and space as well as space–time diffusion impacts. We illustrate our approach using the demand for cigarettes over a 30 year period from 1963–1992, where the motivation for spatial dependence is a bootlegging effect where buyers of cigarettes near state borders purchase in neighboring states if there is a price advantage to doing so.


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