

  • 李智 ,
  • 李卫红
  • 华南师范大学地理科学学院,广州 510631

作者简介:李 智(1992-),男,硕士生,主要从事时空数据挖掘与应用研究。E-mail:

收稿日期: 2017-12-28

  要求修回日期: 2018-02-04

  网络出版日期: 2018-06-20



Mining and Analyzing Spatiotemporal Co-occurrence Patterns among Criminal Suspects under Point Pattern

  • LI Zhi ,
  • LI Weihong
  • School of Geography, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China
*Corresponding author: LI Weihong, E-mail:

Received date: 2017-12-28

  Request revised date: 2018-02-04

  Online published: 2018-06-20

Supported by

Technical Strong Police of the Ministry of Public Security of China, No.2016GABJC47


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有




李智 , 李卫红 . 点模式条件下的犯罪嫌疑人时空同现模式挖掘与分析[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2018 , 20(6) : 827 -836 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.180009


Spatiotemporal co-occurrence patterns represent subsets of different object-types whose instances are frequently located together in both space and time. Using movement data to mine and analyze spatiotemporal co-occurrence patterns among diverse criminal suspects not only can help us better understand those unusual moving behaviors and relationships of them, but also provide decision-making supports for police departments in key suspects monitoring or arresting. Therefore, such pattern is one of the most important and useful way for the geography of crime researchers and police officers to extract and comprehend the implicit knowledge in large police databases which hold a large amount of crime data with spatiotemporal information. Additionally, to some extent, mining spatiotemporal co-occurrence patterns can also assist the police departments to save the limited police resources and improve their efficiency of handling criminal cases. However, current methods for mining spatiotemporal co-occurrence patterns can hardly be applied to the geography of crime studies directly because the way of determining spatial and temporal prevalence thresholds is presently difficult and lack of objectivity. Thus, in this paper, a novel candidate spatiotemporal co-occurrence pattern mining model was first built based on the spatiotemporal status co-occurrence pattern and the minimum spatiotemporal participation rate. Then, a framework for mining spatiotemporal co-occurrence patterns among criminal suspects under the point distribution was given through combining our proposed model and generalized ESD test. Finally, based on the proposed framework, a real case study in a province of China was conducted with an amount of real trajectory data of two criminal type (fraud and theft). The result shows that our proposed method is feasible in mining and analyzing the spatiotemporal co-occurrence patterns among criminal suspects. Specifically, 219 candidate spatiotemporal co-occurrence patterns were discovered under the condition that spatial neighbor distance equals to 688 meters and temporal neighbor distance equals to 504 seconds, and 6 of them were identified as the spatiotemporal co-occurrence patterns under the condition that significance level equals to 0.05. Importantly, the spatiotemporal distributions of those detected spatiotemporal co-occurrence patterns are not only approximately consistent with the common sense that criminal activities are more common in non-agricultural production areas, but also conform to the basic viewpoints of routine activity theory. This research expands the application of spatiotemporal co-occurrence pattern mining method to the geography of crime studies, and the study result can play an important role for police departments in key suspects monitoring and police resources allocation and deployment.

1 引言

实际上,现有的时空同现模式挖掘研究可以被分为针对点状数据的挖掘和针对非点状数据的挖掘这两类。在针对点状数据进行时空同现模式挖掘方面,目前已经有不少学者探究并提出了各类时空同现模式的挖掘方法,包括拓扑模式的挖掘[3]、协同演变同位模式的挖掘[4]、混合时空同现模式[2]与局部时空同现模式[5]的挖掘、时空同现规则的传播模式挖掘[6]、将空间和时间频繁阈值进行同步考虑的复合同现模式挖掘[7]、级联时空同现模式的挖掘[8],以及基于滑动窗口的将时间间隔的影响考虑在内的时空同现模式挖掘[9, 10]等。而在针对非点状数据的时空同现模式挖掘方面,Pillai等[11]通过引入时空同现系数的概念,以太阳表面的活动数据为例,研究了面状时空数据中的时空同现模式挖掘方法。Akbari等[12]则进一步将时空同现模式挖掘方法扩展到了可对点、线、面3种类型数据进行处理与分析的水平。根据这些研究成果不难看出,现有的时空同现模式挖掘研究大多都是空间同位模式挖掘[13,14]在时间维度上的拓展,其挖掘过程除了要依赖预先所给定的空间频繁阈值外,还需借助所指定的其他相关指标(如时间频繁阈值、相似度阈值和时空同现指数阈值等)。然而,目前设定这些阈值的方式依旧缺乏客观依据和现实意义的阐明,这也使得现有挖掘方法难以被应用到犯罪地理研究中。而且现有方法的绝大多数都对研究数据按时间间隔进行了切片处理,这虽然降低了挖掘计算的复杂性,但不可避免地割裂了不同对象在相邻时段上可能存在的联系,造成信息的遗失。此外,虽然Wang等[3]从时空邻域的角度研究了拓扑模式的挖掘方法,但是在实际的挖掘过程中该研究还是根据空间邻近距离和时间窗口大小对时空数据所占据的时空立方体进行了划分,这也导致其只能得到近似的分析结果。

2 研究方法


2.1 主要定义

定义1 轨迹。给定由n个不同对象(比如n个犯罪嫌疑人)构成的集合 O = { o 1 , o 2 , , o n } O中的任意一个对象 o i ( i = 1 , 2 , , n ) 的一条轨迹是一个有序的时空点列表 < p 1 o i , p 2 o i , , p m o i > 。其中, p q o i = ( x q , y q , t q ) oitq时刻的时空位置(也称轨迹点),且 x q , y q R , t q R + ( q = 1,2 , , m )
定义2 Ε-空间邻域。给定一个距离常数Ε,以点 p q o i 的空间位置 ( x q , y q ) 为中心,E为半径的圆形区域称为点 p q o i 的E-空间邻域(图1(a)),记作Spatial-N( p q o i , E)。需要说明的是,本文所述的距离可以是任意一种空间距离(如曼哈顿距离、欧式距离或明氏距离等)。
Fig. 1 Neighborhoods

图1 邻域

定义3 ∆T-时间邻域。给定一个正实数∆T,以点 p q o i 所在时刻tq为中心,∆T为半径的闭区间 [ t q - Δ T , t q + Δ T ] 称为点 p q o i 的∆T-时间邻域(图1(b)),记作Temporal-N( p q o i , ∆T)。
定义4 Ε-∆T时空邻域。以点 p q o i 的E-空间邻域Spatial-N( p q o i , E)为底面, p q o i 的∆T-时间邻域Temporal-N( p q o i , ∆T)为高的圆柱体称为点 p q o i 的 Ε-∆T时空邻域(图1(c)),记作Spatiotemporal-N( p q o i , E, ∆T)。
定义5 时空邻近。若点 p s o j 在点 p q o i 的Ε-∆T时空邻域Spatiotemporal-N( p q o i , E, ∆T)内,那么 p q o i p s o j 在时空上相互邻近,即这两点的空间距离disSpatial p q o i , p s o j 和时间距离disTemporal p q o i , p s o j = t q - t s 同时满足条件: 0 disSpatial p q o i , p s o j E ; 0 disTemporal p q o i , p s o j ΔT 。很明显,若 p s o j p q o i 的Ε-∆T时空邻域内,那么 p q o i 也必然在 p s o j 的Ε-∆T时空邻域内。
定义6 时空状态同现模式(Spatiotemporal Status Co-occurrence Patterns, STSCPs)。若 p q o i p s o j 时空邻近,则tq状态下的oits状态下的oj构成时空状态同现模式,记为STSCPi, j(q,s),且 STSC P i , j ( q , s ) = { p q o i , p s o j | o i , o j O ; i j ; q , s R + } 。一般地,若任意状态下的k个不同对象两两间构成时空状态同现模式,那么这k个不同对象间就存在时空状态同现模式(也称k维时空状态同现模式),记为 STSC P 1,2 , , k ( t 1 , t 2 , , t k ) ,且 STSC P 1,2 , , k ( t 1 , t 2 , t k ) = { p t 1 o 1 , p t 2 o 2 , , p t k o k | o k O ; t 1 , t 2 , t k R + ; 2 k n }
定义7 候选时空同现模式(Candidate Spatiotemporal Co-occurrence Patterns, CSTCOPs)。若tq状态下的oits状态下的oj构成时空状态同现模式 STSC P i , j ( q , s ) ,那么oioj之间存在候选时空同现模式,记作 CSTCO P i , j ,且 CSTCO P i , j = { o i , o j | o i , o j O , i j } 。一般地,若任意特定状态下的k个不同对象构成时空状态同现模式 STSC P 1,2 , , k ( t 1 , t 2 , , t k ) ,那么这k个不同对象间就存在候选时空同现模式(也称k维候选时空同现模式),记作 CSTCO P 1,2 , , k ,且 CSTCO P 1,2 , , k = { o 1 , o 2 , , o k | o k O ; 2 k n }
很明显, CSTCO P 1,2 , , k 是集合O的一个子集。此外,若 CSTC O P 1,2 , , k 对应着l种互不相同的 STSC P 1,2 , , k ( t 1 , t 2 , t k ) ,那么 CSTCO P 1,2 , , k 在研究数据集中出现的总次数 N ( CSTCO P 1,2 , , k ) 就等于l。例如,若 { o 1 , o 2 , o 4 } 这一候选时空同现模式总共对应着 { p t 1 o 1 , p t 2 o 2 , p t 3 o 4 } { p t 2 o 1 , p t 2 o 2 , p t 4 o 4 } 这两种不同的时空状态同现模式,那么 N ( CSTCO P 1,2 , , k ) = 2

2.2 E和∆T的确定

如何确定空间邻近距离 Ε 和时间邻近距离∆T的具体取值是本研究的难点之一。根据在现实生活中人们总是先在一定距离以外辨认出对方的存在后,才逐渐达到彼此在某地碰面和面对面交流的目的这一事实,本文将从人眼的最小分辨视角、中国成年人人脸平均高度和正常成年人的平均舒适步行速度3种因素出发来确定E和∆T的具体取值。
根据Miller等[15]在Yanoff和Duker编著的《Ophthalmology》一书中给出的结果,了解到人眼的最小分辨视角为1'。另外,Bergman[16]在其研究成果中指出,人脸的下脸部高度(从鼻下点到颏下点)大约占整个人脸高度(从发迹线到颏下点)的1/3。于是,根据Xiao等[17]为中国国家标准化管理委员会起草并现行的关于中国成年人头面部尺寸的国家标准所给出的鼻下点到颏下点的平均距离(女:62 mm,男:71 mm)(本文取中间值66.5 mm),本文首先计算出中国成年人人脸的平均高度大约在20 cm左右。据此,按图2所述的方式,最终计算出E的取值约为688 m(向上取整)。因此,E=688 m在本研究中的现实意义是,一个拥有正常视力(包括校正后的视力)的人在理想环境下能够最大限度地分辨出距离他688 m以内的人脸。
Fig. 2 The determination of neighborhood distance E

图2 邻近距离E的计算

在不清楚移动对象使用了何种交通工具出行的情况下,为了保证能够完整地挖掘出各对象之间所形成的时空同现模式,本研究假设所有犯罪嫌疑人均采用步行的方式出行。因此,在E=688 m的基础上,本文根据正常成年人的平均舒适步行速度大约在1.272~1.462 m/s这一现象[18](本文取中间值1.367 m/s),计算出∆T的值约为504 s(向上取整),即∆T=E/1.367 m/s≈504 s。故,∆T=504 s在本研究中的现实意义是,在不考虑其它因素的情况下,当一个正常的成年人以正常的步行速度行走时,能够在504 s内达到与他在初始位置认出的688 m以内的人进行面对面交流的目的。

2.3 最小时空参与率

为度量某一候选时空同现模式 CSTCO P 1,2 , , k 在研究数据集中出现的频繁程度,本研究构建了最小时空参与率(Minimum Spatiotemporal Participation Rate, minSTPR)这一指标。某一 CSTCO P 1,2 , , k 的最小时空参与率minSTPR是由该模式下的所有对象对该模式的时空参与率 STP R CSTCO P 1,2 , , k i 构成的集合 STP R CSTCO P 1,2 , , k 中的最小值,可衡量 CSTCO P 1,2 , , k 出现的频繁程度。某一 CSTCO P 1,2 , , k 的minSTPR值越大,则表示该模式出现的频繁程度就越高。 CSTCO P 1,2 , , k 的最小时空参与率minSTPR的计算方式如下:
min STPR = min ( STP R CSTCO P 1,2 , , k ) (1)
STP R CSTCO P 1,2 , , k = { STP R CS TCO P 1,2 , , k i | i = 1,2 , , k ; 2 k n } (2)
STP R CSTCO P 1,2 , , k i = N ( CSTCO P 1,2 , , k ) N ( o i ) + [ N ( CSTCO P 1,2 , , k ) - N ( CSTCO P 1,2 , , k , i ) ] (3)
式中: min ( STP R CSTCO P 1,2 , , k ) 表示对集合 STP R CSTCO P 1,2 , , k 求最小值; N ( CSTCO P 1,2 , , k ) 表示某一k维候选时空同现模式 CSTCO P 1,2 , , k 出现的总次数;N(oi)代表某一 CSTCO P 1,2 , , k 中的对象oi在整个移动轨迹数据集中出现的总次数,即轨迹点数; N ( CSTCO P 1,2 , , k , i ) 表示oi在所有构成 CSTCO P 1,2 , , k 的时空状态同现模式中出现的不同状态总量; N ( CSTCO P 1,2 , , k ) - N ( CSTCO P 1,2 , , k , i ) 的值则表示oi在某一或某些状态下重复参与构成 CSTCO P 1,2 , , k 的次数。显然,minSTPR的取值介于0到1之间,并且可能等于1。

2.4 时空同现模式探测

一组数据中的异常值往往反映出了某种现象的异常特征[19]。由于minSTPR的取值反映的是某一候选时空同现模式 CSTCO P 1,2 , , k 在研究数据集中出现的频繁程度,因此对由所有 CSTCO P 1,2 , , k 的minSTPR值构成的单变量数据集minSTPRs进行异常值检验,可识别出存在于研究数据集中的那些具有统计学意义的时空同现模式。本文所述的犯罪嫌疑人间的时空同现模式的概念可由定义8给出。
定义8 时空同现模式(Spatiotemporal Co-occurrence Patterns, STCOPs)。在特定的异常值检验法下,若某一候选时空同现模式的minSTPR值在数据集minSTPRs中被诊断为显著异常,那么该候选时空同现模式便是所探求的时空同现模式。
R i = max x i - x ̅ s (4)
式中: x i , x ̅ , s , n 分别表示样本数据集的某一观测值、均值、标准差和数据量大小。本研究在此使用的样本数据即为由所有 CSTCO P 1,2 , , k 的minSTPR值构成的集合minSTPRs。
(2)然后,从样本数据中移除使得Ri取值最大的 观测值xi,并重新计算移除xi后新样本数据的统计量Rj;
(3)重复上述过程,直到有r个观测值被移除为止,从而得到r个统计量 R 1 , R 2 , , R r
(4)接着,针对r个统计量 R 1 , R 2 , , R r ,计算其各自对应的临界值(也称判别值)λi,如式(5)所示。
式中:tp, n-i-1表示在显著性水平α的条件下,t分布在自由度为n-i-1;p值为1-α/2(n-i+1)时的取值。
(5)最后,将每一个统计量Ri与其对应的λi进行比较,如果Ri>λi,那么Ri所对应的观测样本即为显著的异常值。在本研究中,每一个被探测为显著异常的minSTPR值其所对应的 CSTCO P 1,2 , , k 便是显著的时空同现模式。
由于本文关注的是那些频繁程度很高且显著的 CSTCO P 1,2 , , k ,而这些 CSTCO P 1,2 , , k 的minSTPR值不可能低于数据集minSTPRs的平均水平,因此本文在利用广义Grubbs异常值检验法对minSTPRs进行异常值检验时,所给定的r值为该数据集中不低于其平均水平的观测数据量的大小。

2.5 候选时空同现模式挖掘算法

根据前文中的相关定义和计算公式,本文给出了一种自动挖掘不同对象之间所存在的候选时空同现模式的算法CSTCOPsMiner。算法1给出的便是实现此算法的伪代码,其输入参数包括:时空轨迹数据集D,空间邻近距离E和时间邻近距离∆T;其输出结果是带有最小时空参与率属性的候选时空同现模式集CSTCOPs。CSTCOPsMiner算法主要分为3个部分:① 获取不同对象之间的二维时空状态同现模式(第5-13行);② 基于所获取的最高维度的时空状态同现模式,在时空轨迹数据集中寻找更高维度的时空状态同现模式并更新候选时空同现模式集合(第16-29行),此过程直至在给定条件下找不到更高维度的模式才结束;③ 计算每一种候选时空同现模式的最小时空参与率,并在计算结束后将结果返回(第31-41行)。
1 令exceptO=[ ],表示当前已参与计算的对象集合
2 令STSCPs=[ ] ,表示当前已获取到的时空状态同现模式集合
3 令CSTCOPs=[ ] ,表示当前已获取到的候选时空同现模式集合
4 汇总D,以得到对象集合O
5 for each oi in O do //首先获取二维时空状态同现模式
6 exceptO.add (oi);
7 for each p q o i in oi do
8 在D中寻找除exceptO以外的且在Spatiotemporal-N( p q o i , E, ∆T)内的点集P;
9 for each p s o j in P do
10 STSCPs.add ({ p q o i , p s o j });
11 end for
12 end for
13 end for
14 令currentHDSTSCPs = STSCPs,表示当前已获取的最高维度 的时空状态同现模式集合
15 令nextHDSTSCPs = [ ],表示下一维度的时空状态同现模式集合
16 do //然后获取高维时空状态同现模式
17 nextHDSTSCPs.clear();
18 for each currentHDSTSCP in currentHDSTSCPs do
19 获取currentHDSTSCP中各点的公共时空邻域 commonSpatiotemporalN;
20 获取currentHDSTSCP所对应的对象集合currentO;
21 CSTCOPs.add(currentO); //将已获取的候选时空同现模式添
22 在D中寻找除currentO以外的且在commonSpatiotemporalN
23 for each point in Points do
24 nextHDSTSCPs.add (currentHDSTSCP { point });
25 STSCPs.add (currentHDSTSCP { point });
26 end for
27 end for
28 currentHDSTSCPs= nextHDSTSCPs;
29 while (nextHDSTSCPs.size()>0)
30 令STPR=[ ],表示某一候选时空同现模式的时空参与率数集
31 for each CSTCOP in CSTCOPs do //最后计算各候选时空同现
32 STPR.clear();
33 在STSCPs中统计CSTCOP出现的次数 N ( CSTCOP ) ;
34 for each oi in CSTCOP do //计算oi对CSTCOP时空参与率
35 在D中统计oi出现的次数N(oi);
36 在STSCPs中统计oi在参与构成CSTCOP时所出现的不同
状态总量 N ( CSTCOP , i ) ;
37 STPR.add ( N ( CSTCOP ) N ( o i ) + [ N ( CSTCOP ) - N ( CSTCOP , i ) ] );
38 end for
39 CSTCOP.minSTPR=min(STPR); //计算CSTCOP的最小时空
40 end for
41 return CSTCOPs

3 实验与分析

为验证所提出的方法在挖掘不同类型犯罪嫌疑人间的时空同现模式上的有效性,本文将中国某省内2009-2015年超过40万条记录,涵盖诈骗和扒窃这两种犯罪类型(分别记为X和G),共计726名犯罪嫌疑人的移动轨迹数据用于本次实验分析(部分实验数据及其所涵盖的信息如表1所示)。最终,在空间邻近距离E=688 m和时间邻近距离∆T=504 s的条件下,实验总共挖掘到了219种互不相同的二维候选时空同现模式,并且发现研究数据集中不存在三维及三维以上的候选时空同现模式。这表明,实验数据中的各犯罪嫌疑人之间只存在二元结构的关系。也就是说,这些嫌疑人的日常活动关系相对分散,没有构成团体(3人及3人以上)活动的现象。
Tab. 1 Partial tracking points from the study data set

表1 部分实验数据列表

嫌疑人唯一标识 时间 位置 类型
G100007 2012-04-23 07:15 111.78015E, 22.17441N G
G100169 2013-06-24 19:23 110.17009E, 20.33165N G
X100002 2012-09-11 18:47 113.24755E, 22.66717N X
X100659 2012-12-01 12:20 115.35218E, 22.77415N X

3.1 最小时空参与率分布特征

在将所有候选时空同现模式的minSTPR值绘制在同一张控制图上(图3)后发现,绝大部分候选时空同现模式的minSTPR值都主要集中分布在均值0.03附近,而有2种候选时空同现模式(分别为{X700010, G100106}、{X100098, G300052})的minSTPR值到达了1,另外还有4种候选时空同现模式(分别为{X100649, G100898}、{X100348, G300226}、{X100889, G300272}、{X101144, G300268})的minSTPR值也表现出相当高的水平,且均在0.43这条高出均值3倍标准差的控制线以上。这一现象不仅说明上述6种候选时空同现模式中的各犯罪嫌疑人之间构成了较强的时空同现关系,同时也意味着这些嫌疑人之间是很有可能相互认识的。
Fig. 3 The control chart distribution of minSTPRs

图3 minSTPRs的控制图分布

Fig.4 Original and transformed minSTPRs in normal Q-Q plot

图4 变换前后minSTPRs的正态Q-Q图

Tab. 2 One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test result

表2 单样本柯尔莫戈洛夫-斯米诺夫检验结果

个案数 219
正态参数a,b 平均值 4.944 7
标准差 1.593 71
最极端差值 绝对 0.063
检验统计 0.063
渐近显著性(双尾) 0.033c


3.2 时空同现模式及其时空分布特征

鉴于在minSTPRs中,大于或等于0.03的观测数据个数为19,故本文在r=19和显著性水平α=0.05的条件下,对变换后的minSTPRs进行了广义Grubbs异常值检验。由此次检验所得到的6个异常值及其与原始minSTPR和相关候选时空同现模式之间的对应关系(表3)可看出,最终被确定为时空同现模式的是:{X700010, G100106}、{X100098, G300052}、{X100649, G100898}、{X100348, G300226}、{X100889, G300272}、{X101144, G300268}。这一结果不仅与图3反映的情况相呼应,而且还得到了公安部门的证实,即上述6种时空同现模式中的各犯罪嫌疑人之间在现实社会中确实是相互认识的。
Tab. 3 The detected outliers and their corresponding minSTPR and CSTCOP

表3 异常值探测结果及其所对应的minSTPR和CSTCOP

1 1 {X700010, G100106}
1 1 {X100098, G300052}
1.02 0.910 485 934 {X100649, G100898}
1.05 0.813 888 889 {X100348, G300226}
1.18 0.523 423 091 {X100889, G300272}
1.2 0.486 381 323 {X101144, G300268}
为了方便公安机关等执法部门对上述6种时空同现模式所涉及的犯罪嫌疑人进行有针对性的监控,本文利用核密度估计法对这些模式的空间分布特征进行了分析。核密度估计是一种非参数密度估计法,其本质是将离散的采样数据转换成连续的密度表面。核密度估计如今被认为是一种最适合于点模式分布状态下的热点分析方法,这不仅是因为该方法具有严格的数学基础,还在于其能够根据所生成的平滑美观的密度表面来直观地反映数据的分布状况[22,23,24]。本文在进行核密度分析时,所设定的带宽和像元大小分别为688 m和100 m,选用的核函数为Silverman著作中的二次核函数[25](这也是ArcGIS核密度分析工具所选用的核函数)。在该条件下,对各时空同现模式的核密度分析结果如图5所示。根据图5可看出,上述6种时空同现模式的绝大部分都集中分布在不同乡镇或街道的建成区内,而只有一种模式({X100348, G300226})集中分布在离建成区较为偏远的村落上。可见,这6种时空同现模式的空间分布特征基本与人们对犯罪活动易发生在非农业生产区这一共识相符[26,27,28]
Fig. 5 The spatial distributions of 6 kinds of STCOPs

图5 6种时空同现模式的空间分布

在时间上,本文对上述6种时空同现模式在全天每小时内出现的频率分布进行了统计分析(图6)。由图6可知,各时空同现模式在上午的各时段内具有相似的频率分布特征,且集中在[07:00, 09:00)和 [10:00, 11:00)时段内出现。在下午,{X100649, G100898}、{X100889, G300272}、{X101144, G300268}这3种STCOP除了在[14:00, 15:00)时段内与{X700010, G100106}、{X100098, G300052}、{X100348, G300226}这3种STCOP一样具有明显的集中分布特点外,还在[12:00, 13:00)时段内表现出独有的集聚特征。在傍晚和晚上,{X700010, G100106}、{X100098, G300052}、{X100348, G300226}这3种STCOP只集中分布在[18:00, 19:00)时段内,而{X100649, G100898}、{X100889, G300272}、{X101144, G300268}主要出现在[17:00, 18:00)和[19:00, 20:00)时段内。可见,上述6种时空同现模式的时间分布特征基本与诈骗和扒窃犯罪在一天内的活动规律一致(即与居民的日常出行高峰相适应),符合犯罪地理学中日常活动理论的基本观点[29,30,31]
Fig. 6 The temporal distributions of 6 kinds of STCOPs

图6 6种时空同现模式的时间分布(%)

4 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

刘大有,陈慧灵,齐红,等.时空数据挖掘研究进展[J].计算机研究与发展,2013,50(2): 225-239.近年来,随着全球定位系统、传感器网络和移动设备等的普遍使用,非时空数据和时空数据急剧增加,加之时空数据处理更为复杂,使数据处理任务日趋繁重的形势更加严峻.因此,寻找有效的时空数据挖掘方法具有十分重要的意义.针对这一背景,主要围绕时空模式发现、时空聚类、时空异常检测、时空预测、时空分类、时空数据挖掘与推理的结合等方面,对时空数据挖掘研究的现状进行了详细介绍,对其当前所面临的一些主要问题及可能的解决方案进行了探讨.

[ Liu D Y, Chen H L, Qi H, et al.Advances in spatiotemporal data mining[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2013,50(2):225-239. ]

Celik M, Shekhar S, Rogers J P, et al.Mixed-drove spatiotemporal co-occurrence pattern mining[J]. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2008,20(10):1322-1335.Mixed-drove spatio-temporal co-occurrence patterns (MDCOPs) represent subsets of two or more different object-types whose instances are often located in spatial and temporal proximity. Discovering MDCOPs is an important problem with many applications such as identifying tactics in battlefields, games, and predator-prey interactions. However, mining MDCOPs is computationally very expensive because the interest measures are computationally complex, datasets are larger due to the archival history, and the set of candidate patterns is exponential in the number of object-types. We propose a monotonic composite interest measure for discovering MDCOPs and novel MDCOP mining algorithms. Analytical results show that the proposed algorithms are correct and complete. Experimental results also show that the proposed methods are computationally more efficient than naive alternatives.


Wang J, Hsu W, Lee M L.A framework for mining topological patterns in spatio-temporal databases[C]//Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Bremen, Germany, October 31-November 5, 2005:429-436.

Yoo J S, Shekhar S, Kim S, et al.Discovery of co-evolving spatial event sets[C]//Sixth SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, Bethesda, MD, USA, April 20-22, 2006:306-315.

Celik M.Partial spatio-temporal co-occurrence pattern mining[J]. Knowledge and Information Systems, 2015,44(1):27-49.Spatio-temporal co-occurrence patterns represent subsets of object-types that are often located together in space and time. The aim of the discovery of partial spatio-temporal co-occurrence patterns (PACOPs) is to find co-occurrences of the object-types that are partially present in the database. Discovering PACOPs is an important problem with many applications such as discovering interactions between animals in ecology, identifying tactics in battlefields and games, and identifying crime patterns in criminal databases. However, mining PACOPs is computationally very expensive because the interest measures are computationally complex, databases are larger due to the archival history, and the set of candidate patterns is exponential in the number of object-types. Previous studies on discovering spatio-temporal co-occurrence patterns do not take into account the presence period (i.e., lifetime) of the objects in the database. This paper defines the problem of mining PACOPs, proposes a new monotonic composite interest measure, and proposes novel PACOP mining algorithms. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithms are computationally more efficient than the na茂ve alternatives.


Qian F, He Q, He J.Mining spread patterns of spatio-temporal co-occurrences over zones[C]//International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2009, Seoul, Republic of Korea, June 29-July 2, 2009:677-692.

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Mohan P, Shekhar S, Shine J A, et al.Cascading spatio-temporal pattern discovery[J]. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2012,24(11):1977-1992.Given a collection of Boolean spatiotemporal (ST) event-types, the cascading spatiotemporal pattern (CSTP) discovery process finds partially ordered subsets of these event-types whose instances are located together and occur serially. For example, analysis of crime data sets may reveal frequent occurrence of misdemeanors and drunk driving after and near bar closings on weekends, as well as after and near large gatherings such as football games. Discovering CSTPs from ST data sets is important for application domains such as public safety (e.g., identifying crime attractors and generators) and natural disaster planning, (e.g., preparing for hurricanes). However, CSTP discovery presents multiple challenges; three important ones are 1) the exponential cardinality of candidate patterns with respect to the number of event types, 2) computationally complex ST neighborhood enumeration required to evaluate the interest measure and 3) the difficulty of balancing computational complexity and statistical interpretation. Current approaches for ST data mining focus on mining totally ordered sequences or unordered subsets. In contrast, our recent work explores partially ordered patterns. Recently, we represented CSTPs as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs); proposed a new interest measure, the cascade participation index (CPI); outlined the general structure of a cascading spatiotemporal pattern miner (CSTPM); evaluated filtering strategies to enhance computational savings using a real-world crime data set and proposed a nested loop-based CSTPM to address the challenge posed by exponential cardinality of candidate patterns. This paper adds to our recent work by offering a new computational insight, namely, that the computational bottleneck for CSTP discovery lies in the interest measure evaluation. With this insight, we propose a new CSTPM based on spatiotemporal partitioning that significantly lowers the cost of interest measure evaluation. Analytical evaluation shows that our new CSTPM is correct and complete. Results from significant amount of new experimental evaluation with both synthetic and real data show that our new ST partitioning-based CSTPM outperforms the CSTPM from our previous work. We also present a case study that verifies the applicability of CSTP discovery process.


Qian F, Yin L, He Q, et al.Mining spatio-temporal co-location patterns with weighted sliding window[C]//2009 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems, ICIS 2009, Shanghai, China, November 20-22, 2009:181-185.

Huo J, Zhang J, Meng X.On co-occurrence pattern discovery from spatio-temporal event stream[C]//14th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, WISE 2013, Nanjing, China, October 13-15, 2013:385-395.

Pillai K G, Angryk R A, Banda J M, et al.Spatio-temporal co-occurrence pattern mining in data sets with evolving regions[C]//12th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, ICDMW 2012, Brussels, Belgium, December 10-10, 2012:805-812.

Akbari M, Samadzadegan F, Weibel R.A generic regional spatio-temporal co-occurrence pattern mining model: a case study for air pollution[J]. Journal of Geographical Systems, 2015,17(3):249-274.Spatio-temporal co-occurrence patterns represent subsets of object types which are located together in both space and time. Existing algorithms for co-occurrence pattern mining cannot handle complex...


Shekhar S, Huang Y.Discovering spatial co-location patterns: a summary of results[C]//7th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases, SSTD 2001, Redondo Beach, CA, USA, July 12-15, 2001:236-256.

Huang Y, Shekhar S, Xiong H.Discovering colocation patterns from spatial data sets: A general approach[J]. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering, 2004,16(12):1472-1485.Given a collection of Boolean spatial features, the colocation pattern discovery process finds the subsets of features frequently located together. For example, the analysis of an ecology data set may reveal symbiotic species. The spatial colocation rule problem is different from the association rule problem since there is no natural notion of transactions in spatial data sets which are embedded in continuous geographic space. We provide a transaction-free approach to mine colocation patterns by using the concept of proximity neighborhood. A new interest measure, a participation index, is also proposed for spatial colocation patterns. The participation index is used as the measure of prevalence of a colocation for two reasons. First, this measure is closely related to the cross-K function, which is often used as a statistical measure of interaction among pairs of spatial features. Second, it also possesses an antimonotone property which can be exploited for computational efficiency. Furthermore, we design an algorithm to discover colocation patterns. This algorithm includes a novel multiresolution pruning technique. Finally, experimental results are provided to show the strength of the algorithm and design decisions related to performance tuning.


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Chainey S P.Examining the influence of cell size and bandwidth size on kernel density estimation crime hotspot maps for predicting spatial patterns of crime[J]. Bulletin of the Geographical Society of Liege, 2013,60: 7-19.Hotspot mapping is a popular technique used for helping to target police patrols and other crime reduction initiatives. There are a number of spatial analysis techniques that can be used for identifying hotspots, but the most popular in recent years is kernel density estimation (KDE). KDE is popular because of the visually appealing way it represents the spatial distribution of crime, and because it is considered to be the most accurate of the commonly used hotspot mapping techniques. To produce KDE outputs, the researcher is required to enter values for two main parameters: the cell size and bandwidth size. To date little research has been conducted on the influence these parameters have on KDE hotspot mapping output, and none has been conducted on the influence these parameter settings have on a hotspot map鈥檚 central purpose 鈥 to identify where crime may occur in the future. We fi ll this gap with this research by conducting a number of experiments using different cell size and bandwidth values with crime data on residential burglary and violent assaults. We show that cell size has little influence on KDE crime hotspot maps for predicting spatial patterns of crime, but bandwidth size does have an influence. We conclude by discussing how the findings from this research can help inform police practitioners and researchers make better use of KDE for targeting policing and crime prevention initiatives.

Chainey S, Tompson L, Uhlig S.The utility of hotspot mapping for predicting spatial patterns of crime[J]. Security Journal, 2008,21(1):4-28.


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刘大千,修春亮,于嘉.长春市财产犯罪的空间分析[J].地理科学,2012,32(4):477-484.基于长春市公安局提供的警区层面的犯罪数据,分析了长春市2008 年财产犯罪率的空间分布特征。研究发现长春市财产犯罪率呈现出城市中心高而外围低的圈层式空间模式。通过对犯罪高发区域的用地性质和功能的分析发现,长春市主要商业区和主要客运交通枢纽所在警区均具有较高的财产犯罪率。利用空间分析的方法,判定出长春市财产犯罪的热点地区,从统计学意义上验证了犯罪活动的空间集聚性,进而推测这些区域可能存在犯罪扩散和溢出效应。借鉴国外相关理论及实证研究,结合长春市实际情况,通过回归建模分析,探讨了长春市财产犯罪率同人口、社会经济、土地利用等各因子可能存在的相互关系,发现长春市财产犯罪率受到人口密度、就业活跃度、商业区、服务业活跃度、客运枢纽和年轻人口比例的显著影响,在一定程度上支持了日常活动理论的基本观点,但需结合长春市实际情况做具体分析与解释。

[ Liu D Q, Xiu C L, Yu J.Spatial analysis of property crimes in Changchun[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2012,32(4):477-484. ]



[ Feng J, Huang L S, Dong Y, et al.Research on the spatial-temporal characteristics and mechanism of urban crime: A case study of property crime in Beijing[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2012,67(12):1645-1656. ]

耿莎莎,张旺锋,刘勇,等.基于GIS的城市犯罪行为空间分布特征及预警分析[J].地理科学进展,2011,30(10):1240-1246.本文利用中原某县城区土地利用现状图、道路图、社区人口统计资料,以及10 年的城区犯罪案例数据等,对该县城区不同犯罪类型和不同年份的犯罪数据进行了空间分析。对该县城区犯罪及其影响因素的空间格局研究表明:①该县城区的核心区案件数量最多,其次为东关和西关较多,而边缘区案件数量相对较少;②就所有犯罪案件在城区的空间分布看,犯罪密度空间分布具明显的分区特征,其中水口路、十字街和袁山市场是犯罪密度最高的区域;东关、西关以及城北新区是犯罪密度较高的区域;城市边缘区的犯罪密度最低。研究表明城市犯罪与城市建成区的发展有关系;城市犯罪案件数与城市出行人数存在较强的线性关系。通过建立城市犯罪空间分布模型,可以模拟与预测城市犯罪未来空间分布,从而使公安部门及时准确地作出防范措施。


[ Geng S S, Zhang W F, Liu Y, et al.GIS-based spatial pattern of the crimes in cities and the early warning mechanism[J]. Progress in Geography, 2011,30(10):1240-1246. ]

宋广文,肖露子,周素红,等.居民日常活动对扒窃警情时空格局的影响[J].地理学报,2017,72(2):356-367.扒窃现象与居民的日常活动有较强的关系,已有文献研究了不同活动场所对扒窃的影响,但鲜有考虑不同类型居民活动出行量及其场所对扒窃影响的时间差异。本文基于日常活动理论,以南方某大城市为例,以派出所为分析单元,利用居民人户调查问卷、兴趣点(Point of Interest,POI)、扒窃报警数据,检验不同类型活动出行量与扒窃的时间相关性,并划分时间段,建立多个空间滞后负二项回归模型分析不同时段居民日常活动对应场所与扒窃的关系。研究发现,扒窃警情存在明显的时空集聚性,其中,凌晨和早上的集聚性最强,白天和晚上相对较弱;不同类型的日常活动对扒窃时空格局的作用存在差异。买菜活动出行量与扒窃的时间变化存在正相关关系,买菜场所在凌晨和早上容易吸引扒窃者;购物活动与扒窃亦存在较强的时间正相关,白天和晚上在购物场所附近被盗的风险较高;外出吃饭的出行量与扒窃行为无直接关系,但在凌晨和早上餐馆周边容易吸引扒窃者;娱乐活动与扒窃同样存在较强的时间正相关,不同类型的娱乐场所对扒窃的影响存在差异,电影院、酒吧在大部分时间段均会吸引犯罪者,凌晨时段KTV附近区域的被盗风险较高。场所对扒窃的影响主要与犯罪机会吸引(犯罪目标的丰富性、暴露性)及场所自身属性有关(是否为犯罪者的集聚地)。文中最后对时间地理学和犯罪地理学结合的可能性、研究的应用意义等方面进行了探讨。


[ Song G W, Xiao L Z, Zhou S H, et al.Impact of residents' routine activities on the spatial-temporal pattern of theft from person[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017,72(2):356-367. ]

柳林,张春霞,冯嘉欣,等.ZG市诈骗犯罪的时空分布与影响因素[J].地理学报,2017,72(2):315-328.react-text: 348 Based on the crime record data from the Suzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, this project utilizes a variety of methods, e.g. difference in differences (DID), hierarchical linear regression, to…" /react-text react-text: 349 /react-text [more]

[ Liu L, Zhang C X, Feng J X, et al.The spatial-temporal distribution and influencing factors of fraud crime in ZG city, China[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017,72(2):315-328. ]

Cohen L E, Felson M.Social change and crime rate trends: a routine activity approach[J]. American Sociological Review, 1979,44(4):588-608.In this paper we present a "routine activity approach" for analyzing crime rate trends and cycles. Rather than emphasizing the characteristics of offenders, with this approach we concentrate upon the circumstances in which they carry out predatory criminal acts. Most criminal acts require convergence in space and time of likely offenders, suitable targets and the absence of capable guardians against crime. Human ecological theory facilitates an investigation into the way in which social structure produces this convergence, hence allowing illegal activities to feed upon the legal activities of everyday life. In particular, we hypothesize that the dispersion of activities away from households and families increases the opportunity for crime and thus generates higher crime rates. A variety of data is presented in support of the hypothesis, which helps explain crime rate trends in the United States 1947-1974 as a byproduct of changes in such variables as labor force participation and single-adult households.


