收稿日期: 2018-01-22
要求修回日期: 2018-03-23
网络出版日期: 2018-07-13
Spatio-temporal Dynamics of the Impacts of Rainstorm Disaster on Crop Growing Using Multi-satellites Remote Sensing
Received date: 2018-01-22
Request revised date: 2018-03-23
Online published: 2018-07-13
Supported by
The National Key Research and Development Program of China, No.2016YFB0501505;Ministry of Land and Resources Key Laboratory of Land Use Open Funding, No.KLLU201604
强暴雨淹没耕地形成灾害的同时,对耕地作物的生长也产生着极大的影响,而暴雨灾害对耕地作物生长的影响是一个渐变过程,需要由时空动态的观测进行监测。多源卫星遥感观测技术具有捕捉地面瞬间状态和刻画过程的优势。论文利用Terra/MODIS、Landsat和Sentinel卫星观测数据,挖掘多源卫星遥感观测数据,提出了一种利用NDVI变化的特征值进行灾情动态信息提取方法;并以2016年发生暴雨灾害的巢湖地区为实验区进行了方法的应用和讨论。结果表明,基于MODIS多时相NDVI变化结果提取的信息能够获得受灾害影响开始时期和持续时长等丰富的时空动态信息,根据这些信息可以统计得出大范围区域中受灾害影响的面积。另外,结合利用30 m和10 m的Landsat和Sentinel观测数据提取的水淹区,可为在暴雨致灾范围方面提供准确的参考信息。多源遥感作为评估灾情信息的依据之一,其获取的灾情动态信息能够为灾后耕地的恢复情况以及国家灾后损失评估和救助决策提供科学的数据依据。
苏亚丽 , 郭旭东 , 雷莉萍 , 汪晓帆 , 吴长江 . 基于多源卫星遥感的暴雨灾情时空动态信息的提取[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2018 , 20(7) : 1004 -1013 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.180065
The heavy rain may induce flood disaster inundating crop lands while the long period of the continues heavy rainfall may strongly affect the growth of crops even not evolving into a flood disaster. The impact of heavy rainfall on the growth of crops is a gradual process due to the long period of time needed for soil to become saturated. Multi-satellites remote sensing observations can capture and characterize the ground conditions over large area in multiply time. To develop the potential applications of the multi-satellites remote sensing observations, this paper proposes a method of extracting dynamic information of heavy rain disaster and its impacts on the growth of crops using multi-satellites data including Terra/MODIS, Landsat and Sentinel. We implemented the application of the proposed method in the studying area around Chaohu lake, where the heavy rainfall started from the end of June and continued to August in 2016, and a heavier rain in July brought about the flood in large crop areas. The beginning period and the duration of the heavy rainfall, leading to the impacts on the growth of crops, were identified using a dynamic threshold method of multi-temporal NDVI derived from MODIS. Based on this information, the area with crop fields impacted by heavy rainfall and flooded were obtained. On the other hand, the dynamic information of flooded lands was extracted by using Landsat observing data in July and Sentinel observation data in August, respectively. These results provide more accurate area of flooded crop fields, and can be used to modify the area derived from MODIS although they have only few temporal data available. In conclusion, multi-satellites remote sensing, as one of the tools for monitoring and assessing the influences of heavy rainfall, can obtain the dynamic information of the heavy rainfall impacts on the growth of crops in addition to flooded land area and the recovery of the farmland, which provide the supporting scientific data for the assessment of the loss caused by the disaster and making the disaster relief policy.
Key words: multi-satellites; disaster; rainstorm; farmland; disaster situation
Tab. 1 Specification of Multi-satellites remote sensing observation data product表1 多颗卫星遥感观测数据产品信息 |
卫星/传感器 | 时间(覆盖景数) | 产品级别 | 数据源 |
Landsat-8/OLI | 2015-10-11(2景) 2016-01-15(2景) 2016-07-25(2景) | L1T | http://glovis.usgs.gov/ |
Sentinel-2A/MSI | 2016-08-15(6景) | Level-1C | https://scihub.copernicus.eu/ |
Terra/MODIS | 2015年1-12月45个时相(1景) 2016年1-12月45个时相(1景) | MOD13Q1 | http://ladsweb.nascom.nasa.gov/ |
Fig. 1 Method of extracting dynamic information about rainstorm disaster based on Multi -Satellites Remote Sensing图1 基于多源卫星遥感的暴雨灾情动态信息提取方法流程 |
Fig. 2 Characteristics of NDVI multi-temporal changes in affected years (red) contrast with unaffected years (blue)图2 受灾年(红色)和未受灾年(蓝色)的NDVI多时相变化特征 |
Fig. 3 Precipitation in 2016 measured in Hefei meteorological station in the study area图3 研究区合肥市气象站2016年的降水量 |
Fig. 4 The beginning period and the duration in the year of 2016 affected by heavy rainfall图4 2016年受暴雨灾害影响的开始时期和持续天数 |
Fig. 5 Histograms of △NDVI affected by heavy rainfell in study areas图5 研究区受暴雨灾害影响的直方图 |
Fig. 6 Spatial distribution of flooded areas on July 25 and August 15 derived from Landsat and Sentinel data图6 应用Landsat和Sentinel数据提取的7月25日和8月15日水淹区的空间分布 |
Fig. 7 Examples of the extraction results of flooded area from Landsat-30m and Sentinel 10 m data图7 Landsat 30 m以及Sentinel 10 m的水淹区域提取结果的样例 |
Tab. 2 Area affected and flooded by heavy rainfall extracted by different satellite observations表2 各卫星观测提取的变化面积统计(km2) |
类型 | 日期 | |||||||
5月24日-6月8日 | 6月9日-6月24日 | 6月25日-7月10日 | 7月11日-7月26日 | 7月27日-8月11日 | 8月12日-8月27日 | 8月28日-9月12日 | ||
MODIS提取的 灾害影响面积 | 新增 | 111.6 | 338.7 | 565.7 | 293.6 | 206.0 | 107.5 | 65.5 |
实际 | 318.6 | 528.0 | 1016.0 | 1198.0 | 1328.4 | 1344.8 | 1230.0 | |
Landsat/Sentinel 提取的水淹面积 | - | - | - | 1233.9 | - | 751.1 | - |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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