

  • 周文 ,
  • 明冬萍 , * ,
  • 闫鹏飞
  • 中国地质大学(北京)信息工程学院,北京 100083
*通讯作者:明冬萍(1976-),女,博士,副教授,主要从事遥感信息提取及地学尺度研究。E-mail: mingdp@cugb.edu.cn

作者简介:周 文(1993-),女,硕士生,主要从事高空间分辨率遥感影像信息提取。E-mail:

收稿日期: 2018-01-09

  要求修回日期: 2018-04-09

  网络出版日期: 2018-07-13



Cultivated Land Extraction Based on Image Region Division and Scale Estimation

  • ZHOU Wen ,
  • MING Dongping , * ,
  • YAN Pengfei
  • School of Information Engineering, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China
*Corresponding author: MING Dongping, E-mail:

Received date: 2018-01-09

  Request revised date: 2018-04-09

  Online published: 2018-07-13

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41371347, 41671369;Open Fund of Twenty First Century Areospace Technology Company Limitied. No.21AT-2016-07;Fundamental Research Funds for Central Universities


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有




周文 , 明冬萍 , 闫鹏飞 . 结合影像分区与尺度估计的耕地提取方法研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2018 , 20(7) : 1014 -1025 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.180076


Influenced by scale effect, different objects have different spatial and attribute scales, so there is no one set of segmentation parameters can suit all objects in the same image. However, classifying similar objects into same region, and then setting optimal segmentation parameters for different regions can improve the overall segmentation accuracy of the images effectively. In cultivated land extraction, it is critical to have clear and continuous boundary for the segmented plots. This paper presents a cultivated land extraction method combining image region division and segmentation parameters estimation. Temperature inversion was used to divide the image into different regions, of which the types of covered objects are different or the growths of crops are different. Next, regional image segmentation is performed for different regions. Since different object's inherent spatial scales are different, so different regional images' optimal segmentation parameters are also different. The optimal segmentation parameters of the image can be estimated to a certain level by analyzing the characteristics of the image space quantitatively. Compared with other segmentation parameter optimization selection methods, this method can be accurately and quickly positioned, and has a higher efficiency. Next, estimated segmentation parameters were used in the process of cultivated land segmentation by using edge restraint watershed segmentation algorithm. Edge restraint watershed segmentation algorithm uses the canny operator for the post-processing of the watershed segmentation algorithm. The boundary of the canny operator is used to constrain the consolidation process. The experimental result shows that the method proposed in this paper can set segmentation parameters for different regions quickly and accurately. Compared with other segmentation methods, this propose method has a quite clearer and more continuous block boundaries and the boundary fragmentation problem is greatly relieved.

1 引言


2 研究方法

在分区的基础上,若要提高影像分割的整体效率,使得每一次分割的结果都尽可能接近地物的固有空间尺度,接近最佳分割结果,便需要进行分割参数的选择。分割参数的选择主要分为两大类型,① 基于对分割评价的尺度优选,该方法受评价指标的影响较大,且在评价指标合理的情况下,其所得的为众多分割结果的最优,不一定代表着影像的最佳分割尺度。② 分割前的尺度估计[15],该方法利用地统计学知识,通过计算寻找的为全局的最优,该最优也仅是指明影像实际的最佳分割尺度所在的大致范围。总体来讲,第2种方法仅对影像进行一次计算,较之第一种需要对分割结果进行多次分割评价,更为高效省时;且可围绕估计参数设置参数减少了参数设置的盲目性。因此本文将第2种方法用于耕地地块提取中的尺度参数设置。
Fig. 1 Flow chart of arable land plots segmentation technology

图1 耕地地块分割技术流程图

2.1 区域划分

Fig. 2 Temperature inversion flow chart

图2 温度反演流程图


2.2 影像分割

2.2.1 分割参数预估
2.2.2 基于边缘约束的影像分割

3 实验结果与分析

3.1 实验数据及区域划分结果

本实验耕地地块划分所用影像为江苏省滁州市2016年6月18日北京二号高分数据,图3(a)为其假彩色合成结果。影像大小为37 488像元×35 990像元,处于一年两熟的平原地区,影像中主要地物有:城镇建筑、林地、裸地、农田、水体。温度反演需用到热红外波段,而北京二号影像仅有蓝、绿、红、近红外4个波段,故先用拥有热红外波段的Landsat影像进行温度反演。但该地点同时期的Landsat 8影像云雾遮挡现象严重,而其他年份种植作物种植情况可能与实验影像不同,因此选择与实验影像相同年份,且相近月份的2016年4月29日Landsat 8数据(图3(b))。两幅影像由于农作物种类不同及物候差异的存在,Landsat 8中的裸地在6月变为农作物区域;而Landsat中右侧的农作物区域在6月完成了收割,变为了裸地。在图3(a)的北京二号影像中,右上角的林地与其附近的农作物区域从色调上看差异较小,但由于物候差的存在,图4则可以一定程度上将林地划分出。
Fig. 3 Experimental data

图3 实验数据

Fig. 4 Temperature inversion data

图4 温度反演数据

对Landsat 8影像进行温度反演,并对得到的温度数据(图4)进行多分辨率分割得到如图5所示的区域划分结果。图5中的农作物主导区域对应着温度反演数据中温度较高的区域,该区域对应着Landsat影像中裸地主导区域,故温度相对较高, 2个月后该区域变为了图3(a)中的农作物主导区域。相反的,温度反演数据中右下方温度较低区域在两月后则变为了裸地。水体比热容较大,对光谱有着强吸收特性,其温度最低,故图4中最暗的区域对应着水体。而建筑物的强反射特征,导致在白天其表面温度比裸地更高,因此图4中温度最高的区域对应着建筑物所在区域。目视可得,除林地主导区域中混杂了部分农作物外,本文提出的利用温度反演数据进行区域划分的结果基本符合预期目标,不同区域之间的边界与目视判断基本一致。
Fig. 5 Region division result of Beijing No.2 satellite data image

图5 北京二号影像分区结果

3.2 分割尺度估计

鉴于耕地地块主要存在于图6所示的裸地主导区域及农作物主导区域。故接下来的分割尺度估计及基于边缘约束的分水岭所用影像为图6(a)(7372像元×6447像元)所示的农田主导区域及 图6(b)(5013像元×5818像元)所示的裸地主导区域。图6(a)、(b)为上述2个区域的近红外、红光、绿光波段的RGB合成结果。
Fig. 6 Regional experimental image

图6 区域试验影像

图7、8所示,ALV为影像的平均局部方差,ROC-ALV是平均局部方差随计算窗口尺寸变化的一阶变化率;SCROC-ALV是ROC-ALV的变化,是其二阶变化率。计算得出,裸地影像的hs为30, hr约为20,M为200;农作物影像的hs为29,hr约为19,M为145。标准差直方图如图9、10所示。
Fig. 7 Mean local variance and its related parameters for bare land image

图7 裸地影像平均局部方差及其相关参数

Fig. 8 Mean local variance and its related parameters for crop land image

图8 农田影像平均局部方差及其相关参数

Fig. 9 Histogram of local variance of bare land image

图9 裸地影像局部标准差直方图

Fig. 10 Histogram of local variance of crop land image

图10 农田影像局部标准差直方图

3.3 分割评价

为了证明本文提出方法的有效性,本文除采用影像分割评价来对耕地地块划分的效果进行评价外,还引入了对照试验:对影像进行多分辨率分割,并取其最佳分割评价结果与基于边缘约束的分水岭分割对比。根据是否有主观因素的参与,可分为定性评价及定量评价。优度试验法作为定量评价方法中的一种,无需真实地表数据,且无需人工创建参考,从而提高了效率并降低了主观性的影响[30]。本文分割评价主要采用分割后斑块的区域内均质性,和分割后斑块的区域间异质性这2个评价测度。均质性指标反应的是对象内部的方差,异质性指标反应的为对象间的莫兰指数,均质性、异质性指标均与分割质量负相关。均质性的倒数越大代表影像的分割质量越佳。异质性的范围为[-1, 1],且其越接近1,分割对象间相关性越大;越接近-1,代表对象之间的负相关性越强,对象间的差异越大;当其接近0,代表对象随机分布。对于Ui其值越小代表影像均质性越佳,因此Umax-Ui值越大,则影像均质性越佳,而Ui-Umin越大则均质性越差,同理异质性指标也如此。因此本文对张仙等[30]的优度评价方法进行了改进,改进后的评价指标如式(1)所示。对于Fi),该值恒大于0,理想情况下,在一系列参数中,当Fi)的绝对值为极大值且同时为最大值时所对应的尺度即为该影像在此系列中的最佳分割尺度。
F ( i ) = m × ( U max - U i ) U max - U min + ( 1 - m ) × ( V max - V i ) V max - V min (1)
A ( i ) = m × 1 U i - ( 1 - m ) × V i (2)

3.4 地块划分及实验验证

围绕裸地区域的预估参数(hs=30,hr=20, M =200)对裸地区域设置不同的分水岭分割参数,并对分割结果进行分割评价。对影像进行多分辨率分割,将形状指数及紧致度指数设置为0.5,改变scale参数从中择优,2种方法的分割评价结果见 图11。从图11(a)中可看出,当M为250,hr为7时,边缘约束的分水岭分割评价较高。上述结果显示分水岭分割的预估参数与最佳分割参数的吻合度极高,显示了尺度预估的良好精度,以及式(1)的有效性。多分辨率分割的最佳评估参数为:尺度80,形状参数0.6,紧致度参数0.5。
Fig. 11 Evaluation of segmentation results of bare land image

图11 裸地试验区分割评价

Fig. 12 Evaluation of segmentation results of crops image

图12 农田试验区边缘约束分水岭分割评价

Fig. 13 Comparison of edge-constrained watershed and multi-resolution segmentation result

图13 边缘约束的分水岭与多分辨率分割结果对比

Fig. 14 Comparison of edge-constrained watershed and multi-resolution segmentation result

图14 边缘约束的分水岭与多分辨率分割结果对比

Tab. 1 Comparison of two segmentation methods in bare land image

表1 裸地影像2种分割方法对比

最佳评价结果 边缘约束分水岭分割 多分辨率分割
基元数 1900284 2388
Ui 2029.231 353.086
Vi -0.042009 0.119191
A(i) 0.021250899 -0.058179414
Tab. 2 Comparison of two segmentation methods in bare crops image

表2 农田试验区影像2种分割方法对比

最佳评价结果 边缘约束分水岭分割 多分辨率分割
基元数 1840250 9120
Ui 927.049 127.009
Vi -0.048007 0.000182
A(i) 0.024542846 0.003845729
(2)边缘约束分水岭分割中地块分割结果更为完整,内部过分割现象得到了极大改善,从图 14(a)、(c)的对比结果中可看到,多分辨率分割的水体边界处存在过分割现象,而边界约束的分水岭分割中,通过设置适合的属性合并参数hr,过分割现象得到了极大的改善。

4 结论

本文提出的方法的总体流程为,利用温度反演数据进行区域划分,并在划分所得区域的基础上,对各个区域计算其最佳分割尺度,再针对耕地地块边界单一连续这一特点,利用Canny算子对传统的分水岭分割算法进行边界约束,利用此改进的基于边缘约束的分水岭分割算法进行耕地地块划分。区域划分一定程度上减少了尺度效应对影像分割结果的影响,是接下来获得更精确的适合某一区域内绝大部分地物的最佳尺度参数的基础。基于空间统计学的分割参数预估方法,则在区域划分的基础上,为各个区域锁定了最佳分割参数所在的一个大致范围。改进的基于边界约束的分水岭方法,可获得较精确的耕地地块边界,在耕地地块提取方面具有较大的优势。在区域划分及参数预估的基础上,围绕预估分割参数进行基于边缘约束分水岭分割,可使得各个区域获得较高的分割精度,进而提高影像整体的分割效果,提高耕地地块划分效果。实验结果表明:① 本文提出的区域划分方法是有效且必要的;② 本文采用的尺度估计方法可有效锁定最佳分割参数所在范围,减少分割过程的工作量;③ 从耕地地块提取的角度,本文采用的基于边缘约束的分割方法可获得更优分割边界,而这对耕地地块提取具有重要的意义。总体上讲,本文提出的结合影像分区与尺度估计的耕地地块提取方法可更高效快速地获得不同区域耕地地块的最佳分割结果,且鉴于其良好的分割边界,在耕地地块提取方面更具优势。但本文同样存在着不足,预估的分割参数与目视判读的最佳分割参数存在一定差异,边缘约束的分水岭算法所得分割结果中,无论分割参数设置的大或是小,都或多或少的存在破碎对象。因此寻找适合耕地地块提取的尺度估计方法及进一步优化边缘约束的分水岭分割方法是后续研究的重点。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Wu Z, Yi L, Zhang G.Uncertainty analysis of object location in multi-source remote sensing imagery classification[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2009,30(20):5473-5487.In object-oriented multi-source remote sensing imagery classification, it is an essential prerequisite to locate objects on different images. The spatial uncertainty of located object boundaries is unavoidable and may have a significant impact on the subsequent object feature calculation and classification. To seek the proper object location scheme, the image resampling and the transfer of object boundaries are studied by uncertainty impact analysis. Results indicate when images are resampled to high spatial resolution, the object statistical features and classification accuracy are little affected by the object boundary uncertainty; transfer of raster or vector object boundaries are both adoptable. Whereas when images are geo-registered without changing spatial resolution boundary uncertainty has a significant influence on the statistical value of texture feature and tends to induce the instability of classification results, the object locational uncertainty cannot be disregarded unless it is controlled in a certain limited range.


Bhandarkar K J, Suk M.Multiscale image segmentation using a hierarchical self-organizing map[J]. Neurocomputing, 1997,14(3):241-272.Multiscale structures and algorithms that unify the treatment of local and global scene information are of particular importance in image segmentation. Vector quantization, owing to its versatility, has proved to be an effective means of image segmentation. Although vector quantization can be achieved using self-organizing maps with competitive learning, self-organizing maps in their original single-layer structure, are inadequate for image segmentation. A hierarchical self-organizing neural network for image segmentation is presented. The Hierarchical Self-Organizing Map (HSOM) is an extension of the conventional (single-layer) Self-Organizing Map (SOM). The problem of image segmentation is formulated as one of vector quantization and mapped onto the HSOM. By combining the concepts of self-organization and topographic mapping with those of multiscale image segmentation the HSOM alleviates the shortcomings of the conventional SOM in the context of image segmentation.


Raffaele S G, P Giovanni. Hierarchical texture-based segmentation of multiresolution remote-sensing images[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2009,47(7):2129-2140.In this paper, we propose a new algorithm for the segmentation of multiresolution remote-sensing images, which fits into the general split-and-merge paradigm. The splitting phase singles out clusters of connected regions that share the same spatial and spectral characteristics. These clusters are then regarded as atomic elements of more complex structures, particularly textures, that are gradually retrieved during the merging phase. The whole process is based on a recently developed hierarchical model of the image, which accurately describes its textural properties. In order to reduce the computational burden and preserve contours at the highest spatial definition, the algorithm works on the high-resolution panchromatic data first, using low-resolution full spectral information only at a later stage to refine the segmentation. It is completely unsupervised, with just a few parameters set at the beginning, and its final product is not a single segmentation map but rather a sequence of nested maps which provide a hierarchical description of the image, at various scales of observations. The first experimental results, obtained on a remote-sensing Ikonos image, are very encouraging and confirm the algorithm potential.




[ Ming D P, Zhou W, Wang M.Scale parameter estimation based on the spatial and spectral statistics in high spatial resolution image segmentation[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2016,18(5):622-63.]


[ Lin D Q, Gao Z Y, Chen X H.Medical images segmentation based on Improved watershed algorithm and canny operator[J]. Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities (Natural Science Edition), 2007,26(3):66-70. ]

刘荣,侯志强,谭洪波.结合分水岭变换的彩色图像边缘检测算法[J].微计算机信息,2010,26(26):189-191.针对Cannv算子和分水岭算法各自的优缺点,提出一种结合二者 优点的彩色图像边缘检测算法.在Canny算子检测到目标的粗略轮廓的基础上,从基于标记的分水岭算法的过分割结果中根据最小距离准则搜索缺失的边缘段进 行边缘连接完成边缘检测.仿真结果表明,该方法能够提取到连续光滑的边缘并形成封闭的区域,具有更强的抗噪性能.


[ Liu R, Hou Z Q, Tan H B.Color image edge detection using watershed transform[J]. Microcomputer Information, 2010,26(26):189-191.]


[ Zhang Y T, Chen Y, Wang R S. Multispectral image classification based on subRegion and hierarchical theory[J]. Remote Sensing Technology and Application, 2005(3):332-337.]


[ Jing X, Wang J D, Wang J H, et al.Classifying forest vegetation using sub-region classification based on multi-temporal remote sensing images[J]. Remote Sensing Technology and Application, 2008,23(4):394-397,360. ]

师庆东,吕光辉,潘晓玲,等.遥感影像中分区分类法及在新疆北部植被分类中的应用[J].干旱区地理,2003(3): 264-268.对遥感影像提出了一种分区分类的思想 ,根据影像所包含的局部特征将整体影像化为几个局部的影像 ,然后根据局部影像的特点对图像进行分类 ,使得每一区域的种类数目相对于整体减少 ,种类的特点得以突出 ,分类更具有针对性 ,再加以高程、坡度等地貌信息 ,提高分类精度。该分类法在新疆北部的植被分类中得到了应用 ,从NOAA影像中提出的NDVI为数据源 ,根据该植被区域特点 ,将研究区的植被区域划分为四个区 ,即 :新疆阿勒泰草原区、昭苏区、西准噶尔区和东天山区。利用GIS软件将整个研究区的NDVI指数图像化分为四块子图 ,根据各个区域植被的特点 ,采用不同的分类标准 ,对四块子图分类。在此之后 ,再利用GIS软件将所有分类子图合并为整个区域的分类图。结果表明 ,该类方法可以大大提高NDVI指数的植被分类精度。


[ Shi Q D, Lu G H, Pan X L, et al.Vegetation classification method of divided area and DEM at North Xinjiang[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2003,(3):264-268. ]

于菲菲,曾永年,徐艳艳,等.基于植被分区的多特征遥感智能分类[J].国土资源遥感,2014,26(1):63-70.lt;p>为了有效地提取大范围地形复杂区域的土地利用/土地覆盖遥感信息,以位居青藏高原与黄土高原过渡地带的青海东部地区为研究区,研究基于蚁群智能优化算法(ant colony intelligent optimization algorithm,ACIOA)的土地利用/土地覆盖遥感智能分类。首先选用TM图像、DEM、坡度和坡向数据作为分类的特征波段;然后利用归一化植被指数NDVI对实验区数据进行植被分区;最后利用ACIOA算法进行分类规则挖掘,并依据分类规则进行土地利用/覆盖信息的提取。研究表明,基于植被分区的多特征蚁群智能分类的总体精度为88.85%,<em>Kappa</em>=0.86,优于传统的遥感图像分类方法,为大范围地形复杂区域的土地利用/土地覆盖遥感信息提取提供了有效的方法。</p>


[ Yu F F, Zeng Y N, Xu Y Y, et al.Intelligent remote sensing classification of multi - character data based on vegetation partition[J]. Remote Sensing for Land and Resources, 2014,26(1):63-70. ]


[ Mo Y F, Zhou L X. Sub-region classification methodUB: An new classification method to remote sensing in mountain areas[J]. Carsologica Sinca, 2000(4):70-75. ]


[ Li W L, Yang Z Y, Li Y, et al. Ili valley land use classification of SPOT remote sensing image based on partition and texture information[J]. Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology, 2013(8):68-71. ]


[ Li S H, Wang J L, Chen Y.An investigation on subr-egion classification method of TM image in Dulong River Basin[J]. Remote Sensing Information, 2006(3):40-43,93. ]

丁凤,徐涵秋.基于Landsat TM的3种地表温度反演算法比较分析[J]. 福建师大学报(自然科学版),2008,24(1):91-96.以福州市为研究区,使用Landsat TM数据,利用基于影像的反演算法(IB算法)、单窗算法(MW算法)和单通道算法(SC算法)对研究区进行地表温度反演,并将这3种算法的反演结果与研究区的亮度温度进行了比较,结果表明:(1)3种算法反演的结果总体趋势比较接近,其中尤以MW算法和IB算法较为接近,研究区整体平均温度二者仅相差约1.0℃;(2)3种算法反演的结果均比亮度温度高,其中IB算法高出约1.9℃,MW算法高出约2.9℃,而SC算法则要高出约5.3℃.

[ Ding F, Xu H Q.Comparison of three algorithms for retrieving land surface temperature from Landsat TM thermal infrared band[J]. Journal of Fujian Normal University, 2008,24(1):91-96. ]

徐涵秋. 新型Landsat8卫星影像的反射率和地表温度反演[J].地球物理学报,2015,58(3):741-747.Landsat 8卫星自2013年2月发射以来,其影像的定标参数经过了不断调整和完善,针对Landsat 8开发的各种算法也相继问世.本文采用最新的参数、算法和引入COST算法建立的大气校正模型,对Landsat 8多光谱和热红外波段进行了处理,反演出它们的反射率和地表温度,并与同日的Landsat 7数据和实测地表温度数据进行了对比.结果表明,现有Landsat 8多光谱数据的定标参数和大气顶部反射率反演算法已有很高的精度,本文引入COST算法建立的Landsat 8大气校正模型也与Landsat 7的COST模型所获得的结果几乎相同,相关系数可高达0.99.但是现有针对Landsat 8提出的地表温度反演算法仍不理想,已提出的劈窗算法误差都较大.鉴于TIRS 11热红外波段的定标参数仍不理想,因此在现阶段建议采用单通道算法单独反演TIRS 10波段来求算地表温度,但要注意根据大气水汽含量的情况选用正确的大气参数计算公式.


[ Xu H Q.Retrieval of the reflectance and land surface temperature of the newly-launched Landsat 8 satellite[J]. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2015,58(3):741-747. ]

宋挺,段峥,刘军志,等. Landsat 8数据地表温度反演算法对比[J].遥感学报,2015,19(3):451-464.随着卫星遥感技术的发展,利用遥感反演地表温度的方法不断出现,如劈窗法、双角度法和单通道算法等。Landsat系列卫星的遥感数据是地表温度反演的重要数据之一。本文选择无锡周边区域为研究区,利用Landsat 8卫星遥感数据,对两种劈窗算法(Juan C.Jiménez-Muoz劈窗算法和Offer Rozenstein劈窗算法)和两种单窗算法(Juan C.Jiménez-Muoz单通道算法和覃志豪单窗算法)的地表温度反演精度进行了对比和敏感性分析。采用太湖16个浮标站的实测数据来验证了4种算法的反演精度。结果表明:两种劈窗算法的精度较高且较为接近,误差为0.7 K左右;覃志豪单窗算法和Juan C.Jiménez-Muoz单通道算法精度较低,误差分别为1.3 K和1.4 K左右。Juan C.Jiménez-Muoz劈窗算法对参数的敏感性最低,Juan C.Jiménez-Muoz单通道算法次之,覃志豪单窗算法和Offer Rozenstein劈窗算法敏感性相对最高。其中Juan C.Jiménez-Muoz单通道算法只适用于一定的水汽含量范围,有一定的局限性。


[ Song T, Zheng D, Liu J, et al.Comparison of four algorithms to retrieve land surface temperature using Landsat 8 satellite[J]. Journal of Remote Sensing, 2015,19(3):1993-2002. ]

Ming D, Li J, Wang J, et al.Scale parameter selection by spatial statistics for GeOBIA: Using mean-shift based multi-scale segmentation as an example[J]. Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2015,106:28-41.Geo-Object-Based Image Analysis (GEOBIA) is becoming an increasingly important technology for information extraction from remote sensing images. Multi-scale image segmentation is a key procedure that partitions an image into homogeneous parcels (image objects) in GEOBIA. Hierarchical image objects also provide a better representation result than a single-scale representation. However, scale selection in multi-scale image segmentation is always difficult for high-performance GEOBIA. This paper first generalizes the commonly used segmentation scale parameters into three aspects: spatial bandwidth (spatial distance between classes), attribute bandwidth (difference between classes) and merging threshold. Next, taking mean-shift multi-scale segmentation as an example, this paper proposes a spatial and spectral statistics-based scale parameter selection method for object-based information extraction from high spatial resolution remote sensing images. The main idea of this proposed method is to use the ALV graph to replace the semivariogram to pre-estimate the optimal spatial bandwidth. Next, the selection of the optimal attribute bandwidth and the merging threshold are based on the ALV histogram and simple geometric computation, respectively. This study uses Ikonos, Quickbird and aerial panchromatic images as the experimental data to verify the validity of the proposed scale parameter selection method. Experiments based on quantitative multi-scale segmentation evaluation testify to the validity of this method. This pre-estimation-based scale parameter selection method is practically helpful and efficient in GEOBIA. The idea of this method can be further extended to other segmentation algorithms and other sensor data.


Wang M, Ye P.Remote sensing image segmentation method based on hard boundary constraint and two-stage combination:, CN 103208121 A[P]. 2013.

张仙,明冬萍.面向地学应用的遥感影像分割评价[J].测绘学报,2015,44(b12):108-116.影像分割是面向地理对象影像分析(GEOBIA)中的一个关键环节。分割评价有助于为影像选择合适的分割方法和最佳分割尺度。本文提出一种以遥感地学应用面向的对象为依据的分割方法分类及评价体系。首先将影像分割方法分为面向局部特征监测的典型目标识别和面向全局特征监测的面向GEOBIA的分割方法两组,进而针对这两组分割方法提出了两套分割评价测度指标及相应的综合评价方法。在面向典型目标识别的分割方法评价中,使用区域内部非均质度、区域间灰度对比度、区域间散度对比度、边界点梯度和单位像素运行时间作为评价测度,并针对由于评价测度间的相关性而无法直接确定各测度权重分配的问题,提出利用熵权法为各个评价测度分配权重以获得综合评价结果的分割评价方法,该评价方法可用于选择合适的分割方法。用于面向 GOEBIA 的分割方法中使用分割区域内均质性和区域间异质性作为评价测度,这种评价方法适用于选择最优分割尺度参数。本文通过定量试验论证了这两种评价方法的有效性,试验结果表明其在遥感应用中具有实际意义。最后本文分析了影像分割评价方法的不足及未来的发展方向。


[ Zhang X, Ming D P.Geo-application oriented evaluations of remote sensing image segmentation[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2015,44(b12):108-116. ]

