

  • 叶鹏 , 1, 2 ,
  • 张雪英 , 1, 2, * ,
  • 杜咪 1, 2
  • 1. 南京师范大学 虚拟地理环境教育部重点实验室, 南京 210023
  • 2. 江苏省地理信息资源开发与利用协同创新中心,南京 210023
*通讯作者:张雪英(1970-),女,博士,教授,主要从事时空大数据挖掘、空间位置服务和地理信息系统等方面研究。E-mail: zhangsnowy@163.com


收稿日期: 2017-11-12

  要求修回日期: 2018-05-04

  网络出版日期: 2018-07-13



Query Method of Chinese Gazetteer Based on the Character Features

  • YE Peng , 1, 2 ,
  • ZHANG Xueying , 1, 2, * ,
  • DU Mi 1, 2
  • 1. Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment, Nanjing Normal University, Ministry of Education, Nanjing 210023, China
  • 2. Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application, Nanjing 210023, China
*Corresponding author: ZHANG Xueying, E-mail:

Received date: 2017-11-12

  Request revised date: 2018-05-04

  Online published: 2018-07-13

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41671393, 41631177; National Key Research and Development Program of China, No.2017YFB0503602; University Natural Funding Project of Jiangsu Province, No.15KJA420002; Special Project of the BasicWork of Science and Technology Police in the Ministry of Public Security, No.2016GABJC43, 2017GABJC23; Open Project of Key Laboratory of Police Department of Police, Geographic Information Technology, Ministry of Public Security, No.2016LPGIT01


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有




叶鹏 , 张雪英 , 杜咪 . 顾及字符特征的中文地名词典查询方法[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2018 , 20(7) : 880 -886 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.170530


With the rapid development of mobile Internet and the wide application of location-based service technology in various industries, the public's demand for the application of place information is growing rapidly. The gazetteer query, which can provide the support for place names knowledge, is an important basic link in the location information service. At present, because of the significant increase of the data volume of the place names, the query performance of gazetteers is facing a severe challenge. Most of the existing gazetteers directly use general retrieval methods, ignoring the characteristics of the characters and the description rules of the place names themselves. In order to solve these problems, a Chinese gazetteer query method (CGQM) is proposed based on the character features of place names. The CGQM uses the character features of the names with the same character characteristics, character's number and character's position, and query the gazetteer according to the main line of "candidate place name query, place name filtering, place name similarity ranking". Firstly, the single character index of the gazetteer is constructed, and based on this index, the place names containing the same characters in the gazetteer are queried to form a candidate dataset. Secondly, the place names are filtered from the candidate dataset, which has large differences in the number of characters with the search place names. The aim of this step is to enhance the accuracy of the candidate dataset and to ensure the efficiency of the later sorting process. Thirdly, the candidate place names are sorted based on the algorithm of character position similarity. Taking the national Chinese gazetteer as an example, an experiment was implemented with CGQM and a full text query method (Lucene) on 5 test datasets. The purpose of the experiment was to verify that the CGQM method could accurately and efficiently query the gazetteer. The experimental performance evaluation indexes include the operation efficiency, the precision rate, the recall rate and the F value. The results of experiment prove that CGQM can achieve much more better query performance than the Lucene based method. In the future research on gazetteer query, we will also consider many other factors, such as glyph, semantics, etc., and learn from the distributed and multithreading techniques in the retrieval system at the same time. These methods will promote the accuracy and efficiency of gazetteer query and expand the public service of place information.

1 引言


2 基本思路

Fig. 1 The technical framework of the Chinese gazetteer query method

图1 中文地名词典查询的技术框架

3 基于相同字符的候选地名查询

3.1 单字索引构建

中文地名单字索引由词典文件和索引文件两部分组成。词典文件用于存储地名词典中全部的地名数据,按照无换行无间隔的方式依次排列,形成一条连续的字符串;索引文件是存储索引记录的物理文件,用于存储索引记录和词典文件中地名词项之间的对应关系。一条索引记录中包含3部分信息:地名个数,字符编码以及词典位置。假设词典文件中共有n个不重复汉字Wi,i∈[1, n],Ci表示汉字Wi的UTF-8编码,Ni为词典文件中包含汉字Wi的地名个数,每个地名的起始位置与结束位置分别表示为SnmEnm,那么地名在词典文件中的存储位置序列表示为<Sn1,En1,Sn2,En2,…,Snm,Enm>。以地名“中岗子”为例,将“中岗子”存储到词典文件中,记录下Snm(“中”在字符串中位置1001)与Enm(“子”在字符串中位置1003)。之后在索引文件中生成“中”、“岗”、“子”3条索引记录,其中“中”字索引为[11079][0xE4B8AD][1001,1003,1015,1017,…,83475,83478],记录字符编码(0xE4B8AD)、词典文件中所有包含“中”字地名的个数(11079)及其存储位置,既有“中岗子”所在位置(1001,1003),还有“中夹滩”、“姜尾林中”等其它含“中”地名所在位置,如(1015,1017)(83475,83478)等(图2)。
Fig. 2 Chinese gazetteer index based on single characters

图2 中文地名单字索引组织方式


3.2 候选地名查询

Fig. 3 The query mode of Chinese gazetteer index based on single characters

图3 中文地名单字索引查询方式

4 基于字符数量的地名过滤

Tab. 1 Common inaccurate description form in the place name search

表1 查询地名中常见的不准确描述方式

类型 查询地名 目标地名
替换字符 候家宅子村 侯家宅子村
晌滩村 响滩村
缺失字符 采石南路南 采石南路南口
合肥南 合肥南站
增加字符 多余空格 南京 市 南京市
特殊符号 凉水-井湾 凉水井湾
偏旁分离 夕卜坡 外坡
交换字符 北新桥路口南 北新桥南路口
塔什库尔干塔吉克县 塔库什尔干塔吉克县

5 基于字符位置的地名相似度排序

sim P , W = α × 1 2 c m + c n + β × min m n , n m × 1 2 i = 1 c L 1 i t = 1 m t + i = 1 c L 2 i k = 1 n k (1)
sim P , W = 0.6 × 4 4 + 4 6 × 1 2 + 0.4 × min 4 6 , 6 4 × 1 2 × 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 0.75 (2)

6 实验评估分析

A p , w = c n (3)
式中:c表示查询地名p中与目标地名w相比准确的字符数量;n表示查询地名p字符数量。开源全文搜索引擎Lucene在文本分类、信息检索等方面有大量研究与应用[17]。词典作为非结构化文本文件,能够应用Lucene索引机制。因此,本文选取Lucene检索方法与CGQM进行对比实验。查询性能评价指标包括运行效率、准确率(P)、召回率(R)、F值。其中,运行效率是指单条地名查询所耗费的时间。PRF度量值的具体计算公式如式(4)-(6)所示。式中,nij是指目标地名i和查询结果j之间相同的数量,ni是指目标地名i的数量,nj是指模型查询结果j的数量,Fi,j)是指ij之间的F度量值。本次实验中设置的地名过滤阈值k,为查询地名与目标地名中较长地名字符数量的30%。同时以相似度数值大于60%的候选地名作为查询结果,结果依据相似度数值大小进行排序。实验测试机器配置为 Intel Core i7-7700HQ主频2.8 GHz处理器,内存 16 GB,Windows 10操作系统,开发语言为Java。
Tab. 2 Samples of test datasets

表2 实验测试集划分明细及示例

等级 测试集单条地名准确度 测试集地名数量 测试集示例 对应目标地名
测试集1 [90%, 100%] 133 南京明文化村阳山碑村 南京明文化村 阳山碑村
测试集2 [80%, 90%) 377 候家石良村,勒图音敖包 侯家石良村,勒图音敖包
测试集3 [70%, 80%) 389 大新冊村,豆家吕村 大新册村,豆家营村
测试集4 [60%, 70%) 665 樁木槽,达强 椿木槽,达强弄
测试集5 [50%, 60%) 136 橫山,痳冲 横山,麻冲
P i , j = n ij n j (4)
R i , j = n ij n i (5)
F i , j = 2 × P ( i , j ) × R ( i , j ) P i , j + R ( i , j ) (6)
Tab. 3 Statistics of experimental results

表3 实验结果评价指标统计

测试集 地名数量/个 CGQM方法 Lucene方法
P/% R/% F 平均效率/ms P/% R/% F 平均效率/ms
1 133 95.49 100.00 98.08 409 93.23 98.50 95.79 576
2 377 91.78 94.43 93.09 335 90.45 91.51 90.98 537
3 389 82.26 88.95 85.47 437 79.18 84.83 81.91 548
4 665 72.03 80.00 75.81 388 69.02 76.09 72.38 513
5 136 53.97 73.53 62.25 186 50.74 68.38 58.25 562
Tab. 4 Details of the query process of the part of experimental data

表4 部分实验数据查询过程明细

查询地名 所属测试集 初步结果集合
努木其音乌 测试集2 力努;努松;桥努;…;株木塘;木底塘;木山冲;…;佳木斯我的家生态健康社区;米欠扎木阿吉坎儿孜买里斯;树木岭民营工业园基地三门;…
(共50 430个)
(共22 101个)
努木其音乌兰 努木其音乌兰
兩山村 测试集4 雨道;雨潭;山岗;…;社山后;开化山;山马岭;…;石家庄华南新村;浚县王升屯新村;平成日式度假村;…
(共313 867个)
(共265 970个)
村山村;山村;陈山村;东山村;三山村;阳山村;檀山村;嶂山村;横山村;兴山村 雨山村

7 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.



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