

  • 吴吉东 , 1, 2 ,
  • 王旭 1, 2 ,
  • 王菜林 1, 2 ,
  • 何鑫 1, 2 ,
  • 叶梦琪 1, 2
  • 1. 北京师范大学 地理科学学部 环境演变与自然灾害教育部重点实验室,北京 100875
  • 2. 民政部教育部 减灾与应急管理研究院,北京 100875


收稿日期: 2018-03-15

  要求修回日期: 2018-06-27

  网络出版日期: 2018-09-25




The Status and Development Trend of Disaggregation of Socio-economic Data

  • WU Jidong , 1, 2 ,
  • WANG Xu 1, 2 ,
  • WANG Cailin 1, 2 ,
  • HE Xin 1, 2 ,
  • YE Mengqi 1, 2
  • 1. Key Laboratory of Environmental Change and Natural Disaster,MOE,Faculty of Geographical Science,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China
  • 2. Academy of Disaster Reduction and Emergency Management,MCA & MOE,Beijing 100875,China;
*Corresponding author: WU Jidong; E-mail:

Received date: 2018-03-15

  Request revised date: 2018-06-27

  Online published: 2018-09-25

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41571492

National Key Research and Development Program, No.2016YFA0602403.


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有




吴吉东 , 王旭 , 王菜林 , 何鑫 , 叶梦琪 . 社会经济数据空间化现状与发展趋势[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2018 , 20(9) : 1252 -1262 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.180137


There is a spatial unit mismatch between statistical socio-economic data that based on administrative division statistics and geographic elements expressed in spatial grid units. It requires spatial processing technique to solve this mismatch. Research on the disaggregation of socio-economic data currently focuses on the indicators of population and gross domestic product. There is relatively few disaggregation of other socio-economic indicators, such as capital stock and housing which are essential input data for risk analysis. Dozens of spatial disaggregation models exist for different research objects. According to the differences in disaggregation ideas and methods of disaggregation, disaggregation models can be classified into three categories: area weighting method, statistical model method, and multi-source data fusion method. Area weighting method is simple but was criticized by its low resolution when applied on small scale studies. Statistical model method is widely used in disaggregation of large-scale socioeconomic statistical data, but needs sufficient spatial data for spatial statistics. While these methods can produce acceptable results, their actual resolution cannot be considered ideal. With the updating and appearing of new data sources for the disaggregation of socio-economic data, multi-source data fusion method has become the main disaggregation method recently. Moreover, the data and methods needed for disaggregation are continuously improved. Comparing principles, advantages and disadvantages of different disaggregation methods, we can see that diversification of socio-economic research indicators and spatial precision requirements, and wide application of big data are the development trend of disaggregation of socio-economic data. Meanwhile, the appearance of new data source is an important opportunity for improving spatial accuracy of the disaggregation. Overall, disaggregation of the socioeconomic data will be a hot subject for future study, one of the reasons for which is the increase of the research needs for high resolution grid data. Another reason is that research institutes and publishers have paid more attention to the scientific data which is reflected by new emerging scientific data journals.

1 引言


2 空间化方法研究现状

Tab. 1 Comparison of major disaggregation models

表1 主要空间化模型的综合比较

研究方法 相关模型 基本原理 优势 不足 主要数据
面积权重法 无辅助数据的权重插值模型[36] 假设研究对象在空间上均匀分布,根据次一级的格网占整体的面积比例计算其值 所需数据源少,便捷 与实际差异较大 行政区划
有辅助数据的权重插值模型[37] 通过辅助数据限定研究对象在空间分布范围,并根据面积比重计算空间分布值,以期符合实际 缩小了社会经济数据的空间分布范围误差,更贴近实际 区域均匀分布的结果不能表达空间差异 行政区划、土地利用、居民点信息等
统计模型法 数学函数
通过已有的数学函数引入参数建立模型,模拟社会经济数据的空间分布 引入数学函数表达空间差异,科学性强,理论基础完备 数学函数较复杂,参数设置针对性强,不易理解 中心密度、带宽
不同地区密度存在差异,将研究区根据特征范围划分等级,不同等级建立不同的密度模型 分区概念符合实际,模型简单易懂 区域划分难度会随分区细化程度逐渐增加 人口密度、土地利用、居民点分布、地形、道路等
多源数据融合法 因子权重
确定不同影响因子对要素空间分布的权重系数,最后叠加得到空间分布结果 要素空间分布更加贴近实际 确定不同因子的权重过程复杂,可控性差 土地利用、居民点分布、夜间灯光、手机信令、道路等
多元回归模型[58] 不同影响因子之间也存在相互影响,通过多种影响因子建立回归模型模拟社会经济数据空间分布 多源数据融合弥补了单一要素表达空间分布密度的不足 不同数据的融合过程容易产生误差,计算过程复杂 土地利用、夜间灯光、手机信令等

2.1 面积权重法

POPde n C = POPde n A × Are a a + POPde n B × Are a b Are a a + Are a b (1)
Fig. 1 Diagram of the areal weighting interpolation method

图1 面积权重法图解[35]


2.2 统计模型法

2.2.1 数学函数模型
通过已有的数学函数来模拟社会经济数据的空间分布也可以得到较好的结果[38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47]。比如,负指数模型、空间Copula统计模型和随机森林法等。最早在城市地理学中假设人口密度从市中心向外围存在递减的规律,采用距离衰减模型来模拟人口的空间分布[39,40]。空间Copula模型将各个随机变量的一元分布边缘函数连接起来,用以表示多元随机变量的联合分布函数。通过Copula函数可以估计未知参数[41,42],是对非高斯分布、多峰的极值数据进行空间模拟的有效工具[43]。随机森林模型是一种基于决策树的数据挖掘方法[43,44],通过行政级别的人口密度变量与若干个协变量拟合一个随机森林模型可以预测栅格单元级的人口密度[45,46]图2),也是WorldPop全球人口数据集的主要生成方法[7]。谭敏等[47]选取了道路网络、夜间灯光、建成区范围、水体以及地形坡度等多个变量因子,利用随机森林模型探索了不同空间变量与珠江三角洲人口空间分布之间的关系,对珠江三角洲2010年人口统计数据进行了30 m格网的空间分布模拟。
Fig. 2 Diagram of spatial population density disaggregation base on the random forest method

图2 基于随机森林法的人口密度示意图[47]

2.2.2 分区密度制图模型
Fig. 3 Framework of multi-layer and multi-class dasymetric model

图3 分区密度制图模型图解[49]

2.3 多源数据融合法

因子权重思路为:根据相关性分析结果选择主要影响因子后,计算不同影响因子对社会经济数据空间分布的权重系数W,然后按照权重分配统计数据 G sum ,并根据影响因子格网单元值 valu e i 占整体的比重计算格网的社会经济数据值,最后求和得到格网上的社会经济数据值 G i
$G_{i}=G_{sum}\times W_{1}\times \frac{value_{i1}}{\sum\limits_{i1=1}value1}+G_{sum}\times W_{2}\times \frac{value_{i2}}{\sum\limits_{i2=1}value2}$(2)

3 研究趋势

3.1 空间化指标更加多样化

随着空间化方法研究的深入、大数据的挖掘和精细化管理需求的增加,除人口、GDP以外的社会经济对象空间分布特征模拟也受到学者的关注。尤其在灾害风险分析领域,需要综合考虑人口、房屋、资本存量等多种承灾体的空间分布[51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59]。 Ibrahim等[35]回顾了近几十年气候变化研究领域被关注的社会经济指标,指出GDP在表达社会经济发展情况具有一定的局限性。非GDP统计指标的经济活动空间化研究也逐渐增多,顾羊羊等利用夜间灯光数据和能源消费数据模拟得到了区域碳排放空间分布特征和规律[60]。而对于人口的空间分布研究需求也不断细化,不仅要分析人口的时空分布特征,还要分析不同人群的时空分布特征[61]。随着研究需求的增加,未来的社会经济研究指标会更加的多样化。以人口为基础,包括资本存量、房屋等研究指标的空间分布模拟逐渐受到关注。

3.2 空间化精度要求不断提高

时间和空间分辨率是空间化精度的重要参数,空间分辨率越高则说明空间表达精度越高;同时,在快速城市化和人口膨胀带来的社会经济活动急剧变化背景下,自然灾害风险和社会管理的精细化也对动态社会经济空间数据及其时间分辨率提出了需求。实际研究过程中主要根据研究对象、研究范围、数据源限制、模型方法等来确定时空分辨率。以人口为例,一天之内,人口的空间分布存在巨大差异,模拟人口的时空移动特征对于城市应急管理具有重要的价值[62,63]。研究中应用最多的空间分辨率为1 km,尤其在全球、国家及省级尺度的研究中非常常见[52,64],而到了县市及以下的研究区则要求有更高的空间分辨率,如30、50、100 m等[65,66,67,68]。不同的研究对象对空间分辨率的要求也不一样,如房屋资产价值等要求空间分辨率达到可以识别独栋房屋价值为最佳,而人口由于其空间流动性,过高的空间分辨率无法保证其模拟结果的准确性,需要根据数据源等选取适宜的空间分辨率[6]
空间分辨率的高低与应用需求密切结合。Figueiredo等[69]以建筑物为例通过回归拟合分析了空间分辨率的选择如何影响洪水风险评估模型的不确定性和误差,并从概念上说明二者之间应该存在的平衡。结果如图4(c)所示,采用低分辨率可以降低模型的不确定性(灰色曲线),但是会带来较大的风险评估误差(黑色线条),所以二者的交集可以对应最佳的平衡范围。图4(a)、(b)分别为500 m×500 m和125 m×125 m分辨率的格网表达效果,可以作为模型最佳分辨率选取的参考。随着科学技术的进步,社会经济数据空间分布精度要求越来越高,如何在降低不确定性的同时提高时空分辨率是未来空间化研究的难点之一。
Fig. 4 Building grids with resolutions of 500 m×500 m and 125 m×125 m and their relationship with flood risk assessment uncertainty

图4 不同分辨率建筑格网表达及与洪水风险评估不确定性的关系[69]

3.3 大数据的应用越加广泛

Fig. 5 Identified commuting pattern for extreme commuting trips and main commuting directions using the bus smartcard data

图5 基于公交卡记录的北京市中心区极端出行和通勤链接形态[78]


4 结论与讨论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.



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何春阳,李景刚,陈晋,等.基于夜间灯光数据的环渤海地区城市化过程[J].地理学报,2005,60(3):409-417.利用1992年、1996年和1998年的三期DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据,提取了区域尺度的环渤海地区20世纪90年代的城市群空间信息,建立了城市群地区面状、线状和点状城市化空间模式,分析了环渤海城市群地区20世纪90年代的城市化过程。基本结论如下:①20世纪90年代环渤海城市群地区城市斑块数量增长较快,城市化过程明显,但小斑块所占比重较大,城市斑块破碎度增加。同时,区域内城市重心基本维持在经度117.93o和纬度38.49o附近,整体上表现出向西北方向移动的趋势。②20世纪90年代环渤海城市群地区城市化过程基本上可以从空间上概括为在中心城市和大城市周围的面状城市化过程、沿交通干线周围的线状城市化过程和广大区域内以新兴小城市或小城镇出现为特征的点状城市化过程三种基本过程。其中,面状城市化过程一直居于优势地位,但面状城市化过程的基本有效范围主要局限在面状城市斑块周围3 ̄4km范围。线状城市化过程和点状城市过程所占的比例相对较小,但表现出明显的增强趋势,在区域内的影响范围正逐渐扩大。


[He C Y, Li J G, Chen J, et al.The urbanization model and process in Bohai Sea surrounding area in the 1990s by using DMSP/OLS data[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2005,60(3):409-417. ]



[ Wang X, Wu J D, Wang H, et al.Comparison of GDP disaggregation in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei based on night light and population density data[J]. Geo-information Science, 2016,18(7):969-976. ]


[ Chen Q, Hou X Y, Wu L.Comparing of population disaggregation models based on land use data and DMSP/OLS data respectively: A case study in the efficient ecological economic zone of the Yellow River Delta[J]. Human Geography, 2014,29(5):94-100. ]

Fan J, Ma T, Zhou C, et al.Comparative estimation of urban development in China's cities using socioeconomic and DMSP/OLS night light data[J]. Remote Sensing, 2014,6(8):7840-7856.


Rosina K, Hurbánek P, Cebecauer M.Using OpenStreetMap to improve population grids in Europe[J]. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 2017,44(2):139-151.OpenStreetMap (OSM) database has previously been used to support spatial disaggregation of population data by partly masking out non-residential impervious areas in the European Copernicus imperviousness layer (IL). However, the exact procedure of OSM data incorporation is unknown, and its contribution to the improvement of estimation accuracy has never been studied. In this article, we present a sensitivity study to find out which road categories should be used for masking of IL and how the linear features might be transformed to raster representation. Using Austria and Slovenia as a study area, 2006 commune population counts are disaggregated into 100 m grid cells using 12 versions of modified IL. Further tuning of estimates is performed using CORINE Land Cover (CLC) data in an iterative algorithm. Disaggregated grids are then validated against reference 1 km census-based data. The results show that overall error was reduced thanks to OSM incorporation in all tested scenarios, although the relative improvement varies between as well as within the two countries. The best result (5.3% reduction) was achieved using railways and three major road categories (motorway, trunk, and primary) with double exaggeration of width.


Bakillah M, Liang S, Mobasheri A, et al.Fine-resolution population mapping using OpenStreetMap points-of-interest[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2014,28(9):1940-1963.2014). Fine-resolution population mapping using OpenStreetMap points-of-interest. International Journal of Geographical Information Science: Vol. 28, No. 9, pp. 1940-1963. doi: 10.1080/13658816.2014.909045



[ Yan Q W, Bian Z F.Method of pixelizing social statistical data based on the GIS[J]. Yunnan Geographic Environment Research, 2007,19(2):92-97. ]

Ibrahim I, Samah A A, Asmawi M Z.Reviews on the socio-economic indicators for spatial urban scale[J]. Planning Malaysia Journal, 2017,15(4):139-150.


[ Fan Y D, Shi P J, Gu Z H, et al.A method of data gridding from administration cell to gridding cell[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2004,24(1):105-108. ]

金有杰,曾燕,邱新法,等.人口与GDP空间化技术支持下的暴雨洪涝灾害承灾体脆弱性分析[J].气象科学,2014,34(5):522-529.基于统计年鉴资料和土地利用数据,分别建立人口、GDP空间化模型,模拟南京市浦口区人口和GDP的空间分布。并结合暴雨洪涝历史灾情数据,探索区县级行政区域暴雨洪涝灾害承灾体脆弱性风险评估技术方法,最终获得100 m×100 m格网的浦口区暴雨洪涝灾害承灾体脆弱性空间分布图。研究结果表明:(1)人口、GDP的空间化模拟结果,既与各镇街统计数据保持一致,又反映了各镇街内部的人口、GDP分布的空间变化,可以为承灾体脆弱性评估提供精细化、可靠的数据源。(2)浦口区暴雨洪涝灾害承灾体脆弱性高风险区,分布在东北部经济较为发达的城镇街道而老山山脉和沿江内陆滩涂地区脆弱性风险较低。


[ Jin Y J, Zeng Y, Qiu X F, et al.Vulnerability analysis of flood disasters hazard-affected body under the support of disaggregation technology of population and GDP[J]. Journal of the Meteorological Sciences, 2014,34(5):522-529. ]



[ Yang Q, Li L, Wang Y D, et al.Spatial distribution pattern of population and characteristics of its revolution in China during 1935-2010[J]. Geographical Research, 2016,35(8):1547-1560. ]

江东,杨小唤,王乃斌,等.基于RS, GIS的人口空间分布研究[J].地球科学进展,2002,17(5):734-738.lt;p>人口的空间分布问题涉及人口学、经济学、地理学等多个学科,统计型人口数据的空间化是&quot;数字地球&quot;的重要研究内容。阐述了人口地域分布的基本理论,回顾了人口空间分布的研究进展,结合研究实践,提出了在遥感、GIS技术支持下,统计型人口数据空间化的研究思路和技术流程,并对该方法的特点和应用前景做了展望。</p>


[ Jiang D, Yang X H, Wang N B, et al.Study on spatial distribution of population based on remote sensing and GIS[J]. Advance in Earth Sciences, 2002,17(5):734-738. ]


[ Yan Q W, Bian Z F, Wang H.Census disaggregation based on thiessen polygons and grids[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2011,36(8):987-990. ]

张强,李剑锋,陈晓宏,等.基于Copula函数的新疆极端降水概率时空变化特征[J].地理学报,2011,66(1):3-12.依据新疆地区53个雨量站1957-2009年日降水资料,根据研究需要,定义了8个极端降水指标。运用K-S法确定降水指标最适概率分布函数,确定十年一遇极端降水量值;在此基础上,采用Copula非参数估计方法,通过Akaike Information Criterion(AIC)法确定两降水指标联合分布函数,系统分析极端降水单变量极值及降水极值二维联合概率分布特征,研究新疆地区降水极值概率变化的空间演变特征。研究结果表明:(1)北疆比南疆湿润,北疆发生极端强降水的概率大,而南疆发生极端弱降水的概率较大,另外,相比较而言,山区要比平原降水多;(2)极端强、弱降水同年发生的概率分布特征复杂,从降水天数来看,一年内同时发生长历时强降水与弱降水事件的概率山区较平原大;从极端降水总量来看,同时发生强降水与弱降水事件的概率在平原区较山区为大;从极端降水强度来看,同时发生强度较大的强降水与弱降水事件的概率在天山南坡较其他地区为大;(3)洪旱发生概率与地形有关,天山是洪旱发生的分界线,山区发生洪旱灾害的概率比平原小。


[ Zhang Q, Li J F, Chen X H, et al.Spatial variability of probability distribution of extreme precipitation in Xinjiang[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2011,66(1):3-12. ]

Poulin A, Huard D, Favre A C, et al.Importance of tail dependence in bivariate frequency analysis[J]. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 2007,12(4):394-403.



[ Fang K N, Wu J B, Zhu J P, et al.A review of technologies on random forests[J]. Statistics & Information Forum, 2011,26(3):32-38. ]

Gaughan A E, Stevens F R, Huang Z, et al.Spatiotemporal patterns of population in mainland China, 1990 to 2010[J]. Scientific data, 2016,3:160005.According to UN forecasts, global population will increase to over 8 billion by 2025, with much of this anticipated population growth expected in urban areas. In China, the scale of urbanization has, and continues to be, unprecedented in terms of magnitude and rate of change. Since the late 1970s, the percentage of Chinese living in urban areas increased from ~18% to over 50%. To quantify these patterns spatially we use time-invariant or temporally-explicit data, including census data for 1990, 2000, and 2010 in an ensemble prediction model. Resulting multi-temporal, gridded population datasets are unique in terms of granularity and extent, providing fine-scale (~100?m) patterns of population distribution for mainland China. For consistency purposes, the Tibet Autonomous Region, Taiwan, and the islands in the South China Sea were excluded. The statistical model and considerations for temporally comparable maps are described, along with the resulting datasets. Final, mainland China population maps for 1990, 2000, and 2010 are freely available as products from the WorldPop Project website and the WorldPop Dataverse Repository.


Stevens F R, Gaughan A E, Linard C, et al.Disaggregating census data for population mapping using random forests with remotely-sensed and ancillary data[J]. PloS one, 2015,10(2):e0107042.


Sorichetta A, Hornby G M, Stevens F R, et al.High-resolution gridded population datasets for Latin America and the Caribbean in 2010, 2015, and 2020[J]. Scientific data, 2015,2:150045.


谭敏,刘凯,柳林,等.基于随机森林模型的珠江三角洲30 m格网人口空间化[J].地理科学进展,2017,36(10):1304-1312.

[ Tan M, Liu K, Liu L, et al.Disaggregation of population in the Pearl River Delta in 30 m grids using random forest model[J]. Progress in Geography, 2017,36(10):1304-1312. ]



[ Wang K j, Cai H y, Yang X h, et al. Disaggregation method for census data based on reclassifying residential land use in urban areas: A case study in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River Watershed[J]. Remote Sensing Technology and Application, 2015,30(5):987-995. ]

Su M D, Lin M C, Hsieh H I, et al.Multi-layer multi-class dasymetric mapping to estimate population distribution[J]. Science of the total environment, 2010,408(20):4807-4816.The spatial patterns of population distribution are very important information for most regional planning and management decisions. But the socioeconomic data are usually published in areal aggregated format due to privacy concerns. Although choropleth maps are used extensively to display spatial distributions of these areal aggregated data, patterns may be distorted due to assumptions of homogeneous distributions and the modifiable areal unit problem. Most human activity, including population distribution, is spatially heterogeneous due to variations in topography and regional development. A multi-layer multi-class dasymetric (MLMCD) framework was proposed in this study to better redistribute the regionally aggregated population statistics into smaller areal units and reveal more realistic spatial population distribution pattern. The Taipei metropolitan area in Taiwan was used as a case study area to demonstrate the disaggregation ability of the proposed framework and the improvements to the traditional binary or multi-class dasymetric method. Assorted data, including remote sensing images, land use zoning, topography, transportation and accessibility to facilities were introduced in different layers to improve the redistribution of aggregated regional population data. The concept of multi-layer multi-class dasymetric modeling is both useful and flexible. Different levels of accuracy in this population redistribution process can be achieved depending on data and budget availabilities and the needs for different data usage purposes.



[ Ding W X, Zhang Y M, Cheng Z Y, et al.Population grid disaggregation research in Hubei province and the application of rapid earthquake loss assessment: A Case of Badong Ms5. 1 earthquake[J]. Journal of Geodesy and Geodynamics, 2014,34(3):28-30. ]

Wu J, Li Y, Li N, et al.Development of an asset value map for disaster risk assessment in China by spatial disaggregation using ancillary remote sensing data[J]. Risk Analysis, 2018,38(1):17-30.


Bhaduri B, Bright E, Coleman P, et al.LandScan USA: a high-resolution geospatial and temporal modeling approach for population distribution and dynamics[J]. GeoJournal, 2007,69(1-2):103-117.


柏中强,王卷乐,姜浩,等.基于多源信息的人口分布格网化方法研究[J].地球信息科学学报,2015,17(6):653-660.lt;p>格网化人口分布数据比行政单元人口密度数据更易直观表达人口的真实分布状况。本文面向人口格网化管理的区域发展需求, 以延安市为研究对象, 基于增强居民地空间分布及其内部结构信息的理念, 利用乡镇界线和乡镇级人口统计数据为输入控制单元, 以土地利用数据、居民点信息、DEM、夜晚灯光数据等多源信息为指示因子, 采用多元回归建模方法获得了延安市2010年100 m格网人口分布数据。结果表明, 本文采用的人口格网化建模方法最终模型选用变量数少, 决定系数(<em>R</em><sup>2</sup>)达到0.872。最终模型在用于验证的24个乡镇中, 有18个乡镇的估计人口数与统计值误差绝对值小于10%。分析认为, 该建模策略结果可信, 多源的人口分布指示信息在人口格网化方法上明显优于单独的土地利用数据方法。本文获得的100 m格网延安市人口数据格网化结果, 显著增强了人口空间分布的细节信息, 对于县市一级的人口数据格网化具有借鉴意义。</p>


[ Bai Z Q, Wang J L, Jiang H, et al.The gridding approach to redistribute population based on multi-source data[J]. Journal Geo-information Science, 2015,17(6):653-660. ]

闫庆武,卞正富,张萍,等.基于居民点密度的人口密度空间化[J].地理与地理信息科学,2011,27(5):95-98.提出了一种基于居民点密度的人口密度空间化方法.以江苏省人口数 据空间化为例,在采用核密度估计法得到江苏省镇(乡、街道)居民点密度后,运用基于居民点密度的人口密度空间化计算公式获得江苏省1 000 m×1 000 m的人口密度格网图,结果表明:江苏省人口分布的热点地区正是在建的三大都市圈(苏锡常都市圈、南京都市圈和徐州都市圈),其中苏锡常都市圈的人口分布呈 现各向异性,而南京和徐州都市圈的人口分布则表现为各向同性;人口密度不仅取决于居民点密度,还与平均每个居民点的人口数密切相关,居民点密度大的区域的 人口密度不一定大,居民点密度小的区域的人口密度也不一定小.

[ Yan Q 2, Bian Z F, Zhang P, et al. Census disaggregation based on settlements density[J]. Geography and Geo-information Science, 2011,27(5):95-98. ]

高义,王辉,王培涛,等.基于人口普查与多源夜间灯光数据的海岸带人口空间化分析[J].资源科学,2013,35(12):2517-2523.我国海岸带区域是台风、风暴潮、地震海啸和海岸侵蚀等海洋灾害的重灾区,精细空间分辨率的人口数据,能够有效服务海岸带灾害风险管理.本文基于我国第六次人口普查资料、OLS/DMSP和NPP/VIIRS DNB两种夜间灯光数据及Landsat卫星遥感影像,综合利用遥感与地理信息系统理论与技术,进行了我国海岸带人口空间化方法与应用研究.利用建筑物与裸地增强指数法(EBBI)基于Landsat卫星遥感影像提取了我国沿海区县建成区数据,作为人口分布的空间控制因素,以普查人口数与夜间灯光数据回归函数关系为依据,对人口进行空间化处理.反演得到了我国海岸带区县1km×1km和0.5km×0.5km两个空间尺度的人口格网数据.并利用福建省沿海乡镇人口数据对人口空间化结果进行了精度评价.研究结果表明NPP/VIIRS DNB夜间灯光数据适用于人口空间化研究,且其反演精度整体优于基于DMSP/OLS传统夜间灯光数据反演的人口格网模型.通过本文实践,可以发现NPP/VIIRS DNB夜间灯光数据具有实现人口和社会经济数据空间化的巨大潜力.

[ Gao Y, Wang H, Wang P T, et al.Population spatial processing for Chinese coastal zones based on census and multiple night light data[J]. Resources Science, 2013,35(12):2517-2523. ]



[ Yang Z S, Long Y, Douay N.Opportunities and limitations of big data applications to human and economic geography: The state of the art[J]. Progress in Geography, 2015,34(4):410-417. ]



[ Zhuo L, Huang X R, Tao H Y, et al.High spatial resolution population distribution simulation based on building information and multi-agent[J]. Geographical Research, 2014,33(3):520-531. ]

Cockx K, Canters F.Incorporating spatial non-stationarity to improve dasymetric mapping of population[J]. Applied Geography, 2015,63:220-230.Population data are traditionally obtained through censuses and aggregated up to the level of administrative units for reasons of privacy. This way, however, detailed information on the spatial distribution of the population within these units is masked. Dasymetric mapping techniques were developed to disaggregate population to a finer spatial level using ancillary data. However, a frequently recurring problem in dasymetric mapping studies relates to the overestimation of low-population-density areas and the underestimation of high-population-density areas. To tackle this issue, this research proposes a novel dasymetric mapping approach explicitly dealing with spatial non-stationarity. For this purpose, a comparative model building framework was set up. The impact of spatial non-stationarity on model performance was investigated by comparing global (OLS), regional (rule-based) and local (geographically weighted) regression. Also, the impact of model complexity was considered through stepwise inclusion of information on address type and location, household size and demographic and residential characteristics in the dasymetric model. The approach was tested in the highly complex environment of the Flanders russels region. It was found that the regional model that incorporates address type and household size information performs best and overcomes the structural over- and underestimation issue in dasymetric mapping.



[ Qi W, Li Y, Liu S H, et al.Estimation of urban population at daytime and nighttime and analyses of their spatial pattern: A case study of Haidian District, Beijing[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2013,68(10):1344-1356. ]



[ Gu Y Y, Qiao X N, Fan L X, et al.Spatial analysis of carbon emissions from region energy consumption based on night light data[J]. Science of Surveying and Mapping, 2017,42(2):140-146. ]

Dmowska A, Stepinski T F.Mapping changes in spatial patterns of racial diversity across the entire United States with application to a 1990-2000 period[J]. Applied Geography, 2016,68:1-8.



[ Li M X, Chen J, Zhang H C, et al.Fine-grained population estimation and distribution characteristics in shanghai[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2017,19(6):800-807. ]

Lwin K K, Sugiura K, Zettsu K.Space-time multiple regression model for grid-based population estimation in urban areas[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2016,30(8):1579-1593.We can collect, store, and analyze a huge amount of information about human mobility and social interaction activities due to the emergence of information and communication technologies and location-enabled mobile devices under cyber physical system frameworks. The high spatial resolution of population data on a multi-temporal scale is required by transport planners, human geographers, social scientists, and emergency management teams. In this study, we build a space-time multiple regression model to estimate grid-based (500 m 500 m) spatial resolution at multi-temporal scale (30-min intervals) population data based on the space-time relationship among geospatially enabled person trip (PT) survey data and incorporate both mobile call (MC) and geotagged Twitter (GT) data. Since using geospatially enabled PT survey data as dependent variables enables us to acquire actual population amounts, which strongly depend on MCs and social interaction activities. Although many grids have a strong correlation between PT and MC/GT, some show fewer correlation results, especially where the grids have factories, schools, and workshops in which fewer MCs are found but a large population is presented. Although GT data are sparser than MCs, people from amusement and tourist areas can be detected by GT data. The space-time multiple regression model can also estimate the different amounts of populations based on human travel behavior that changes over space and time. According to accuracy assessments, the night-time estimated results, especially between 00:00 and 06:30, strongly correlate with national census data except in places where the grids have railway and subway stations.



[ Liu J Y, Yue T X, Wang Y A, et al.Digital simulation of population density in China[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2003,58(1):17-24. ]

颜清梅. 基于格网的人口空间分布特征分析[D].成都:四川师范大学,2013.

[ Yan Q M.The analysis of population spatial distribution characteristics based of grid[D]. Chengdu:Sichuan Normal University, 2013. ]

Jia P, Qiu Y, Gaughan A E.A fine-scale spatial population distribution on the high-resolution gridded population surface and application in Alachua County, Florida[J]. Applied Geography, 2014,50:99-107.


Mennis J.Dasymetric mapping for estimating population in small areas[J]. Geography Compass, 2009,3(2):727-745.A dasymetric map depicts a statistical surface, most commonly population density, as a set of simply connected regions, such that variation within each region is minimized and the region boundaries approximate the steepest escarpments of the surface. Dasymetric mapping has its roots in early thematic mapping of population, but has recently been taken up by researchers focusing on areal interpolation and population estimation using remote sensing. The process of dasymetric mapping typically involves the disaggregation of population data encoded in choropleth map form using an ancillary spatial data set, most commonly either an area-class map or satellite image. The functional relationship between the ancillary data and the statistical surface being mapped may be specified a priori by the researcher or estimated using a variety of statistical techniques. Challenges facing dasymetric mapping research include handling spatio-temporal data and the development of standardized and accessible methods.


Dmowska A, Stepinski T F.High resolution dasymetric model of US demographics with application to spatial distribution of racial diversity[J]. Applied Geography, 2014,53:417-426.


Figueiredo R, Martina M.Using open building data in the development of exposure data sets for catastrophe risk modelling[J]. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2016,16(2):417-429.


李德仁. 展望大数据时代的地球空间信息学[J].测绘学报,2016,45(4):379-384.20世纪90年代,随着全球信息化和互联网的推进,地球空间信息学应运而生,推动了数字地球和数字城市的建设。21世纪以来,随着全球信息化与工业化的高度集成发展,出现了物联网和云计算,人类进入了大数据时代。本文论述大数据时代地球空间信息学的特点(无所不在、多维动态、互联网+网络化、全自动与实时化、从感知到认知、众包与自发地理信息、面向服务)和必须解决的主要关键技术问题(全球空天地一体化的非线性地球参考框架构建技术、星基导航增强技术、天地一体化网络通信技术、多源成像数据在轨处理技术、天基信息智能终端服务技术、天基资源调度与网络安全、基于载荷的多功能卫星平台设计与研制)。本文最后给出大数据时代地球空间信息学的新定义,即地球空间信息学是用各种手段和集成各种方法对地球及地球上的实体目标(physical objects)和人类活动(human activities)进行时空数据采集、信息提取、网络管理、知识发现、空间感知认知和智能位置服务的一门多学科交叉的科学和技术。从这个新定义出发,地球空间信息学将在构建智慧地球和智慧城市的大数据时代面临更多的发展机遇和艰巨的任务,必将为人类社会的进步和可持续发展作出更大的贡献。


[ Li D R.Towards geo-spatial information science in big data era[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2016,45(4):379-384. ]

Douglass R W, Meyer D A, Ram M, et al.High resolution population estimates from telecommunications data[J]. EPJ Data Science, 2015,4(1):4.Spatial variations in the distribution and composition of populations inform urban development, health-risk analyses, disaster relief, and more. Despite the broad relevance and importance of such data, acquiring local census estimates in a timely and accurate manner is challenging because population counts can change rapidly, are often politically charged, and suffer from logistical and administrative challenges. These limitations necessitate the development of alternative or complementary approaches to population mapping. In this paper we develop an explicit connection between telecommunications data and the underlying population distribution of Milan, Italy. We go on to test the scale invariance of this connection and use telecommunications data in conjunction with high-resolution census data to create easily updated and potentially real time population estimates in time and space.




[ Zhong W J, Wang D, Xie D C, et al . Dynamic characteristics of Shanghai's population distribution using cell phone signaling data[J]. Geographical research, 2017,36(5):972-984. ]

Patel N N, Stevens F R, Huang Z, et al.Improving large area population mapping using geotweet densities[J]. Transactions in GIS, 2017,21(2):317-331.Many different methods are used to disaggregate census data and predict population densities to construct finer scale, gridded population data sets. These methods often involve a range of high resolution geospatial covariate datasets on aspects such as urban areas, infrastructure, land cover and topography; such covariates, however, are not directly indicative of the presence of people. Here we tested the potential of geo-located tweets from the social media application, Twitter, as a covariate in the production of population maps. The density of geo-located tweets in 1x1 km grid cells over a 2-month period across Indonesia, a country with one of the highest Twitter usage rates in the world, was input as a covariate into a previously published random forests-based census disaggregation method. Comparison of internal measures of accuracy and external assessments between models built with and without the geotweets showed that increases in population mapping accuracy could be obtained using the geotweet densities as a covariate layer. The work highlights the potential for such social media-derived data in improving our understanding of population distributions and offers promise for more dynamic mapping with such data being continually produced and freely available


洪东升. 基于定位数据的人口分布特征研究[D].北京:中国地质大学 (北京),2015.

[ Hong D S.Research on characteristics of population distribution based on positioning data[D]. Beijing:China University of Geosciences, 2015. ]

Yao Y, Liu X, Li X, et al.Mapping fine-scale population distributions at the building level by integrating multisource geospatial big data[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2017,31(6):1220-1244.


[ Han H Y, Yu X, Long Y.Identifying urban functional zones using bus smart card data and points of interest in Beijing[J]. City planning review, 2016,40(6):52-60. ]



[ Qin X, Zhen F, Xiong L F.Human geography research and practical application in big data era[J]. Progress in Geography, 2013,32(9):1352-1361. ]


[ Long Y, Zhang Y, Cui C C.Identifying commuting pattern of Beijing using bus smart card data[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2012,67(10):1339-1352. ]


[ Shan J, Qin K, Huang C Q, et al.Methods of crowd sourcing geographic data processing and analysis[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2014,39(4):390-394. ]

Deville P, Linard C, Martin S, et al.Dynamic population mapping using mobile phone data[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2014,111(45):15888-15893.During the past few decades, technologies such as remote sensing, geographical information systems, and global positioning systems have transformed the way the distribution of human population is studied and modeled in space and time. However, the mapping of populations remains constrained by the logistics of censuses and surveys. Consequently, spatially detailed changes across scales of days, weeks, or months, or even year to year, are difficult to assess and limit the application of human population maps in situations in which timely information is required, such as disasters, conflicts, or epidemics. Mobile phones (MPs) now have an extremely high penetration rate across the globe, and analyzing the spatiotemporal distribution of MP calls geolocated to the tower level may overcome many limitations of census-based approaches, provided that the use of MP data is properly assessed and calibrated. Using datasets of more than 1 billion MP call records from Portugal and France, we show how spatially and temporarily explicit estimations of population densities can be produced at national scales, and how these estimates compare with outputs produced using alternative human population mapping methods. We also demonstrate how maps of human population changes can be produced over multiple timescales while preserving the anonymity of MP users. With similar data being collected every day by MP network providers across the world, the prospect of being able to map contemporary and changing human population distributions over relatively short intervals exists, paving the way for new applications and a near real-time understanding of patterns and processes in human geography.


Lin J, Cromley R G.Evaluating geo-located Twitter data as a control layer for areal interpolation of population[J]. Applied Geography, 2015,58:41-47.Control data are critical for improving areal interpolation results. Remotely sensed imagery, road network, and parcels are the three most commonly used ancillary data for areal interpolation of population. Meanwhile, the open access geographic data generated by social networks is emerging as an alternative control data that can be related to the distribution of population. This study evaluates the effectiveness of geo-located night-time tweets data as ancillary information and its combination with the three commonly used ancillary datasets in intelligent areal interpolation. Due to the skewed Twitter user age, the other purpose of this study is to test the effect of age bias control data on estimation of different age group populations. Results suggest that geo-located tweets as single control data does not perform as well as the three other control layers for total population and all age-specific population groups. However, the noticeable enhancement effect of Twitter data on other control data, especially for age groups with a high percentage of Twitter users, suggests that it helps to better reflect population distribution by increasing variation in densities within a residential area delineated by other control data.


Marin G, Modica M.Socio-economic exposure to natural disasters[J]. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2017,64:57-66.Even though the correct assessment of risks is a key aspect of the risk management analysis, we argue that limited effort has been devoted in the assessment of comprehensive measures of economic exposure at very low scale. For this reason, we aim at providing a series of suitable methodologies to provide a complete and detailed list of the exposure of economic activities to natural disasters. We use Input-Output models to provide information about several socio-economic variables, such as population density, employment density, firms' turnover and capital stock, that can be seen as direct and indirect socio-economic exposure to natural disasters. We then provide an application to the Italian context. These measures can be easily incorporated into risk assessment models to provide a clear picture of the disaster risk for local areas.


