作者简介:张雪莹(1997-),女,本科生,研究方向为水文水资源及气候变化。E-mail: zxy970716@163.com
收稿日期: 2018-05-17
要求修回日期: 2018-08-16
网络出版日期: 2018-11-20
Suitability Evaluation of Ice and Snow Tourism Resources in Xinjiang
Received date: 2018-05-17
Request revised date: 2018-08-16
Online published: 2018-11-20
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41761108
National College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program, No.201710759065
The "3152" High-Level Personnel Training Support Program Project of ShiHeZi University, No.CZ0227.
冰雪旅游正在成为冬季旅游出行的新选择。新疆冰雪旅游资源丰富,如何合理开发利用资源成为当地旅游开发亟待解决的问题,因此本文从旅游资源适宜性角度出发,选取自然条件、旅游资源、社会经济和交通可达性等方面的18个影响因子,采用层次分析法(AHP)和熵值法(EWM)确定组合权重,运用GIS空间分析技术和多因子加权评价模型(MCE)对研究区冰雪旅游资源适宜性进行评价。研究结果显示:① 就自然条件来看,伊犁东部、阿勒泰北部沿山脉边缘的丘陵和平原等地区较适宜发展冰雪旅游;② 阿勒泰地区和乌鲁木齐市的旅游资源相关基础设施完备,昌吉和伊犁在旅游资源方面也有较强竞争力;③ 社会经济来看,伊犁、乌鲁木齐市和阿勒泰地区为代表的北疆城市较南疆有更强的游客接待能力;④ 伊犁、乌昌经济带沿线地区交通可达性明显优于南疆各地州市。新疆冰雪旅游综合适宜性指数为1.8622-7.5724之间,其中天山北坡、阿勒泰北部、伊犁、塔城北部、哈密中部等地区为高度适宜;南疆大部分区域处于中低度适宜。建议通过加强新型旅游资源开发和整合,积极承办大型冰雪运动相关赛事,借助丝绸之路经济带发展交通道路建设,以加速推进新疆冰雪旅游发展。本研究可为冰雪旅游区开发和选址提供空间导向和科学依据。
张雪莹 , 张正勇 , 刘琳 . 新疆冰雪旅游资源适宜性评价研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2018 , 20(11) : 1604 -1612 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.180258
The ice-snow tourism is becoming a new option for People who want to travel in the winter. Xinjiang is rich in ice and snow tourism resources. Therefore, it will be a problem of local tourism exploitation to be tackled immediately how to tap and utilize resources. From the light of tourism resources suitability, the thesis evaluates on the tourism resources suitability of researching zone, selecting 18 elements including natural conditions, tourism resources, social economy and transportation connectivity, taking Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Entropy Weight Method (EWM) to identify the group weight and using GIS spatial analysis and Multi-criteria Evaluation (MCE) model. The results show: (1)As natural condition goes, the eastern part of Yili District and the plain and the hills in the rim of Mountains in northern part of Altay District are suitable for ice-snow tourism; (2) The relevant infrastructure of the tourism resources are nearly self-contained in Altay and Urumqi. Changji District and Yili District are also competitive in tourism resources. (3)As for social economy, the cites in northern Xinjiang like Yili, Urumqi and Altay District are stronger in acceptance ability of visitors than that in Southern Xinjiang. (4) The traffic accessibility of the areas along the U-Chang economic belt and Yili District is clearly better than that in the cities in southern part of Xinjiang. The comprehensive suitability index of ice-snow tourism in Xinjiang is between 1.8622 and 7.5724, of which the north slopes of the Tianshan Mountains, north Altay District, Yili District, north Tacheng District, and central Hami District are in high suitability; Most part of southern Xinjiang are moderately suitable regions. For better development, we need to reinforce exploitation and coordination new tourism resources and actively undertake large snow sports competitions as well. We should take advantages of the Silk Road to develop cities' transportation, to accelerate the development of ice and snow tourism in Xinjiang. This study can provide spatial guidance and scientific evidence for ice-snow tourism development and site selection.
Key words: Xinjiang; GIS; ice and snow tourism; suitability; evaluate
Tab. 1 Seources and illustration of data表1 数据来源与说明 |
数据来源 | 数据信息 |
国家气象信息中心 (http://www.nmic.cn/) | 气温、日照(2011-2016年) |
寒区旱区科学数据中心[14] | 积雪深度 |
全国城市空气质量实时发布平台 ( | 空气质量指数(AQI)(2015-2016年) |
中国科学院计算机网络信息中心国际科学数据镜像网站 (http://www.gscloud.cn/) | 数字高程模型DEM(90 m分辨率) |
全国地理信息资源目录服务系统 (http://www.webmap.cn) | 新疆行政区划图、道路矢量数据 |
《新疆统计年鉴》(2012-2016)[15] | 人口、旅游人数、旅游收入及地县人均生产总值 |
新疆旅游官方网 (http://www.xinjiangtour.gov.cn/) | 星级农家乐酒店、冰雪节、滑雪场及景区分布等信息 |
Tab. 2 The appraisal indexes weight and grades of ice and snow tourism resources suitability in Xinjiang表2 新疆冰雪旅游资源适宜性评价指标权重及等级划分 |
准则层 | 指标层 | 要素层 | 因子重要性等级 | ||||
不适宜 (分值=1) | 临界适宜 (分值=3) | 低度适宜 (分值=5) | 中度适宜 (分值=7) | 高度适宜 (分值=9) | |||
自然环境指标 (0.4434) | 气候适宜度 (0.3122) | 平均温度/℃(0.0986) | -2.3~-5 | -5~-10 | -10~-15 | -15~-20 | -20~-24.2 |
日照时数/h(0.0545) | 233.2~300 | 300~400 | 400~500 | 500~600 | 600~690.8 | ||
积雪深度/cm(0.1024) | 0~1.5 | 1.5~3.4 | 3.4~6.6 | 6.6~12 | 12~21 | ||
空气质量指数(0.0557) | >200 | 150~200 | 100~150 | 50~100 | <50 | ||
地形适宜度 (0.1323) | 高程/m(0.0620) | >5000 或<500 | 500~1000 4000~5000 | 1000~1500 3500~4000 | 1500~2000 3000~3500 | 2000~3000 | |
坡度/°(0.0703) | >30 | 25~30 | 16~25 | 8~16 | 0~8 | ||
旅游资源指标 (0.2641) | 资源质量条件 (0.0689) | 星级农家乐数目/个(0.0334) | 0-3 | 3-6 | 6-8 | 8-13 | 13-35 |
星级酒店数目/个(0.0335) | 0 | 0~2 | 2~5 | 5~9 | 9~19 | ||
资源开发条件 (0.1598) | 5A和4A级旅游景区/km(0.0517) | 5A:>80 4A:>40 | 5A:60~80 4A:30~40 | 5A:40~60 4A:20~30 | 5A:20-40 4A:10-20 | 5A:0~20 4A:0~10 | |
冰雪节/次(0.0552) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ||
滑雪场/km (0.0529) | 5s4s: >80 3s2s: >40 S:>20 | 5s4s: 60~80 3s2s: 30~40 S:15~20 | 5s4s: :40~60 3s2s: 20~30 S:10~15 | 5s4s: 20~40 3s2s: 10~20 S:5~10 | 5s4s: 0~20 3s2s: 0~10 S:0~5 | ||
资源特色条件 (0.0354) | 少数民族聚集/万人(0.0354) | 0.3~7.3 | 7.3~10.1 | 10.1~16.5 | 16.5~34.1 | 34.1~70.9 | |
社会经济指标 (0.1343) | 旅游市场规模 (0.0589) | 全年入境旅游人数/万人(0.0288) | 0.01~0.7 | 0.7~2.3 | 2.3~5 | 5~26.1 | 26.1~98.9 |
全年旅游收入/千万(0.0300) | 18.7~93.2 | 93.2~172.3 | 172.3~243.1 | 243.1~563 | 563.5~2583.4 | ||
市场开发潜力 (0.0755) | 人均GDP/千万 (0.0372) | 5.5~13.5 | 13.5~26.8 | 26.8~44.2 | 44.2~75.8 | 75.8~188.2 | |
人口密度(0.0383) | 0.2-3.6 | 3.6-14.1 | 14.1-51.7 | 51.7-226.4 | 226.4-2996 | ||
交通可达性 指标 (0.1581) | 交通条件 (0.0760) | 道路密度(0.0760) | 0-2 | 2-5.2 | 5.2-9.5 | 9.5-15.4 | 15.4-30.1 |
交通成本 (0.0821) | 可达范围(0.0821) | 5 h外 | 5 h内 | 3 h内 | 2 h内 | 1 h内 |
Fig. 1 Suitability index of natural condition indicators of ice and snow tourism in Xinjiang图1 新疆冰雪旅游自然条件指标适宜性指数 |
Fig. 2 Suitability index of ice and snow tourism resources in Xinjiang图2 新疆冰雪旅游资源指标适宜性指数 |
Fig. 3 Suitability Index of Social and Economic Indicators of Ice and Snow Tourism in Xinjiang图3 新疆冰雪旅游社会经济指标适宜性指数 |
Fig. 4 Suitability index of accessibility indicators of ice and snow tourism in Xinjiang图4 新疆冰雪旅游交通可达性指标适宜性指数 |
Tab. 3 Classification criteria for comprehensive appraisal of ice and snow tourism resources suitability in Xinjiang表3 新疆冰雪旅游资源适宜性综合评分分级标准 |
适宜性分区 | 阈值划分 | 面积/万km2 |
高度适宜地区 | 5.5668 | 18.9543 |
中度适宜地区 | 4.7836~5.5668 | 31.5129 |
低度适宜地区 | 4.1034~4.7836 | 39.0269 |
临界适宜地区 | 3. 3210~4.1034 | 54.3230 |
不适宜地区 | 1.8622~3.3210 | 28.3415 |
Fig. 5 Suitability spatial distribution of comprehensive evaluation of ice and snow tourism resources in Xinjiang图5 新疆冰雪旅游资源综合评价适宜性空间分布 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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