作者简介:金星星(1991-),女,福建霞浦人,博士生,研究方向为经济地理与空间规划。E-mail: xxjin91@126.com
收稿日期: 2018-06-22
网络出版日期: 2018-12-20
Evaluation and Spatial Differentiation of Heat Waves Risk of Fujian Province
Received date: 2018-06-22
Online published: 2018-12-20
Supported by
National Key Research and Development Program of China, No.2016YFC0502900;National Natural Science Key Foundation of China, No.41430635;Humanities and Social Sciences Program from Ministry of Education of China, No.14YJCZH112;Science and Technology Department Public Welfare Program of Fujian, No.K3-360.
作为气候变化风险问题之一,高温热浪已引起各国政府与学术界的普遍关注。基于VSD (The Vulnerability Scoping Diagram)模型,文章构建了高温热浪风险评价指标体系,同时引入空间关联指数,探讨了福建省高温热浪风险时空分异特征、热点区演化以及类型划分。结果表明:① 2000-2015年,福建省高温热浪风险水平整体呈下降趋势,且不同城市间风险等级转化明显;② 高温热浪风险空间为跳跃变化的“圈层”结构,风险指数呈由中心向外围 “低-高-低”变化;③ 高温热浪风险的空间集聚程度整体趋于减小,热点区呈收缩态势并由“多核心”演变为“双核心”结构,冷点区则稳定分布于闽东北的宁德地区;④ 福建省高温热浪风险划分为5大类型,即省会-副省级高风险区、市辖区次高风险区、河谷中风险区、沿海平原次低风险区以及闽东-内陆山区低风险区。研究结果能够为未来福建省高温热浪风险格局演变提供预判依据,并为风险管理和合理布局公共服务设施提供决策参考。
金星星 , 祁新华 , 陆玉麒 , 叶士琳 , 王毅 . 福建省高温热浪风险评估与空间分异研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2018 , 20(12) : 1820 -1829 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.180295.
As one of the climate change risk which profoundly affected the natural environment and human society, heat waves has aroused increasing attentions all around the world. Based on VSD (The Vulnerability Scoping Diagram), the evaluation index system of t heat waves risk is constructed. With the method of exploratory spatial data analysis, the spatial-temporal characteristic, hot spots evolution and spatial differentiation of heat waves risk in Fujian Province from 2000 to 2015 are carefully examined. The results show that: ① The index of heat waves risk is decreasing in Fujian Province, at the same time, the internal transitions among different risk levels are obvious . ② The spatial distribution of heat waves risk in Fujian Province has the “layer structure”, and the risk index varies from central to peripheral areas as characteristic of “low-high-low”. ③ The spatial agglomeration degree of heat waves risk decreases. The hot spots presents a tendency of shrinking, from “multi-core” to “dual core”, while the cold spots presents a tendency of stabilizing in the northeast. ④ The heat waves risk in Fujian Province can be divided into 5 types, including high risk area of capital-deputy provincial area, sub-high risk area of prefecture-level city district, medium risk area of river valley, sub-low risk area of coastal plain, and low risk area of eastern-inland mountainous area. This result is the prejudgment of spatial evolvement of heat waves risk of Fujian Province in the future. It also can provide references for risk management and public service facilities .
Fig. 1 The map of study area and research units图1 研究区域与研究单元划分 |
Tab. 1 The evaluation indexes and weight values of heat waves risk表1 高温热浪风险评价指标体系及权重 |
目标层 | 准则层 | 测度 | 指标层 |
风险暴露性(0.46) | 高温热浪暴露度(0.71) | 频度 | 连续3d≥35 ℃频次(0.16) |
强度 | 高温日数(0.12) | ||
高温热浪总天数(0.41) | |||
日最高气温(0.31) | |||
人口暴露度(0.29) | 人口数量 | 常住人口数(0.45) | |
人口密度(0.55) | |||
风险敏感性(0.31) | 人口属性(0.23) | 人口经济社会特征 | 0-14岁人口(0.35) |
65岁以上人口(0.45) | |||
性别比(0.20) | |||
经济发展水平(0.24) | 经济发展 | 工业生产总值(0.28) | |
人均GDP(0.72) | |||
社会保障能力(0.21) | 低保力度 | 居民最低生活保障人数(1.00) | |
环境本底状况(0.32) | 地表水量 | 河流湖泊面积(0.25)) | |
地表硬化程度 | 城镇面积(0.47) | ||
地表植被覆盖度 | 植被覆盖度(0.19) | ||
地势 | 平均高程(0.09) | ||
风险适应性(0.23) | 资金可达性(0.28) | GDP | 地区生产总值(0.34) |
政府财政收入 | 地方一般公共财政预算收入(0.33) | ||
居民存款余额 | 城乡居民储蓄存款余额(0.33) | ||
基础设施可达性(0.27) | 交通条件 | 公路通车里程(0.32) | |
防病条件 | 每万人病床数(0.34) | ||
遮阴降温条件 | 人均绿植面积(0.34) | ||
信息可达性(0.19) | 信息传播条件 | 电视人口综合覆盖率(0.73) | |
本地电话用户(0.27) | |||
技术可达性(0.26) | 专业技术人员 | 每万人专任教师数(0.35) | |
每万人医生数量(0.65) |
Fig. 2 The risk map of heatwaves in Fujian Province图2 福建省高温热浪风险空间分布图 |
Fig. 3 The transitions of the risk area among different risk level in Fujian Province图3 福建省不同等级高温热浪风险区转化 |
Fig. 4 The map of hot-spots evolvement of heat waves risk of in Fujian Province图4 福建省高温热浪风险“热点”演化 |
Fig. 5 Type classification of heat waves risk in Fujian Province图5 福建省高温热浪风险类型划分 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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