黄宗财(1992-),男,江西兴国人,硕士生,主要研究方向为地理信息抽取、时空数据挖掘与可视化研究。E-mail: 1262686237@qq.com |
收稿日期: 2019-01-21
要求修回日期: 2019-06-21
网络出版日期: 2019-10-29
Detection of Environmental Pollution Events in News Corpora based on Joint Thematic Features
Received date: 2019-01-21
Request revised date: 2019-06-21
Online published: 2019-10-29
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41631177)
Digital Fujian Construction Project([2014]191号)
Digital Fujian Construction Project([2016]23号)
Digital Fujian Construction Project([2016]77号)
Fujian Science and Technology Innovation Platform Project(2015H2001)
黄宗财 , 仇培元 , 陆锋 , 吴升 . 基于联合主题特征的网络新闻文本蕴含环境污染事件检测[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2019 , 21(10) : 1510 -1517 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2019.190037
News have important application value in especially detecting environmental pollution event perceptions. However, due to the "domino effect" of environmental pollution incidents, news corpora often have mixed descriptions of multiple types of pollution incidents, and existing event detection methods easily lead to text classification errors. This paper proposed a new method for detecting environmental pollution events in news corpora based on joint theme features, which accounts for the global features and theme distribution characteristics. In this method, a joint topic feature vector,which combines TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) and theme distribution feature vector of the document, is constructed as the input of the supervised classification model to detect environmental pollution events. Using joint topic feature vector as the input of SVM (Support Vector Machine) method, the experimental results show that the average F1 value of event classification detection was 15% higher than that of global feature and 36% higher than that of topic feature.Our findings suggest that the proposed method supports the detection of pollution event types and the extraction of information and helps reveal their spatiotemporal statistical characteristics and the temporal trends.
表1 初始主题词及其扩展词Tab. 1 Initial thesaurus and its extensions |
初始主题词 | 扩展主题词 |
粉尘 | 污垢、烟尘、浮灰、沙尘、尘埃、灰尘、纤尘、火山灰、宇宙尘、灰原子尘、煤灰、烬、烟灰、藏污纳垢、污痕、粉煤灰、尘、秽土、浮尘、尘烟、埃、炮灰、污、黄尘、垢、尘垢、泥垢、灰渣、尘暴、污渍、油垢、污秽、污点、垢污、灰烬、油泥、浮土、肮脏、灰土、香灰、油污、矿尘、污浊、黄埃、炉灰、水垢、风尘、飘尘、粉尘、煤尘、尘土、煤尘、飘落、带起、粉尘 |
表2 1996-2018年城市环境污染事件新闻数量Top12Tab. 2 Top12 Number of news on urban environmental pollution events during 1996-2018 |
城市 | 新闻数量/篇 | 城市 | 新闻数量/篇 |
北京 | 1017 | 香港 | 70 |
上海 | 331 | 天津 | 60 |
广州 | 203 | 杭州 | 59 |
深圳 | 158 | 成都 | 53 |
南京 | 136 | 福岛 | 51 |
重庆 | 78 | 西安 | 46 |
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