韩 燕(1984-),女,河南洛阳人,硕士生导师,博士后,副教授,主要从事区域经济、资源环境经济学方面的研究。E-mail:yingyuhy@163.com |
收稿日期: 2019-03-17
要求修回日期: 2019-05-26
网络出版日期: 2019-12-11
Spatiotemporal Variations of County Economies and Influencing Factors: A Case Study of Gansu Province
Received date: 2019-03-17
Request revised date: 2019-05-26
Online published: 2019-12-11
Supported by
Hu manities and Social Sciences Research Program of Ministry of Education(No.18YJCZH044)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41401653)
不同因子对区域经济差异的影响一直是国内外学者关注的重点及热点问题,探究县域经济时间过程演变和空间格局分异的主导影响因子,科学揭示各因子的作用机制,将为区域经济发展战略的制定提供重要指导依据。本文以甘肃省县域为研究单元,利用空间化表达、标准差椭圆分析县域经济空间分异现象,借助多元线性逐步回归和地理探测器对县域经济时空分异影响因素进行探讨。研究结果表明:① 甘肃省县域经济之间的总体差异明显,随时间波动较大;② 县域经济空间分布重心不稳定,变动较大;③ 财政收入、城镇化率和工业产业比重是主导的时间影响因子;④ 铁路密度、公路密度、河流密度是甘肃省县域经济空间分异的主要地理因子,且因子之间的交互作用强于单因子对经济空间分异的作用。在协调县域经济发展过程中,应根据主要影响因素精准实施发展策略,合理利用因子之间的交互作用,加快经济协调发展。
韩燕 , 张苑 . 甘肃省县域经济差异时空分异及影响因子研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2019 , 21(11) : 1735 -1744 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2019.190125
The influence of factors on regional economic disparity has always been the focus and a hot issue of scholars at home and abroad. Exploring the dominant influencing factors of the spatiotemporal evolution of county economies and scientifically revealing the mechanism of each factor will provide an important guiding basis for formulating regional economic development strategies. The present paper took the counties of Gansu Province as the research units, and analyzed the spatial differentiation of the county economies by standard deviation ellipse, and examined the factors affecting the spatiotemporal differentiation of the county economies by multivariate linear stepwise regression and geographic detectors. The results show that: (1) The overall difference was obvious between the county economies of Gansu Province, and it fluctuated greatly with time; (2) The spatial distribution of the county economy was unstable and had a large change; (3) fiscal revenue, urbanization rate, and industrial proportion were the main time impact factors of time evolution differentiation; (4) railway density, highway density, river density were the main geographical influence factors of spatial differentiation of the county economies of Gansu Province, and the interaction between two factors was stronger than the effect of one single factor on the economic spatial differentiation. Our findings suggest that, in the process of coordinating county-level economic development, the development strategy should be accurately implemented according to the main influencing factors, and that the interactions between factors should be rationally utilized to accelerate the coordinated development.
表1 自变量对因变量交互作用的类型Tab. 1 Interaction types between covariates |
q值关系 | 交互作用 |
非线性减弱 | |
单因子非线性减弱 | |
双因子增强 | |
独立 | |
非线性增强 |
注::在二者之间取最小值或最大值;:二者之和;:二者相交。 |
表2 县域经济发展水平及影响因子指标Tab. 2 Economy development level and Influencing factors of county economy |
衡量指标 | 变量 | 计算方法 | 数据来源[23,24,25,26] | |
经济发展水平 | 人均GDP | 各县人均国内生产总值 | 2003、2008、2013、2017年《甘肃省统计年鉴》 | |
时间影响因子(社会经济因素) | 经济政策指标 | 固定资产投资 | 各县全社会固定资产投资 | 2017年《甘肃省统计年鉴》 |
财政收入 | 各县财政收入 | |||
人口指标 | 人口密度 | 各县常住人口/各县行政面积 | ||
城镇化率 | 各县城镇人口/各县总人口 | |||
产业结构指标 | 工业产值比重 | 各县工业总产值/三产总产值 | ||
第三产业比重 | 各县第三产业总产值/三产总产值 | |||
空间影响因子(自然地理因素) | 资源禀赋指标 | 海拔 | DEM数据提取海拔数据 | 国家地理信息中心提供的DEM数据 |
河流密度 | 河流矢量数据提取密度数据 | 国家地理信息中心提供的矢量数据 | ||
交通区位指标 | 铁路密度 | 铁路矢量数据提取密度数据 | ||
公路密度 | 公路矢量数据提取密度数据 | |||
经济区位指标 | 到中心城市距离 | 地级市作为中心城市,统计各县距最近中心城市的距离 |
表3 甘肃省县域经济差异与时间影响因子的估计结果Tab. 3 Estimates of the influencing factors of the county-level economic difference |
y | p | y | 标准误 | T | P>t | Test | |
0.383>0.05 | 4.52×10-6 | 2.8 | 0.01*** | F(3, 83) | 32.95 | ||
0.785>0.05 | 1.12 | 2.03 | 0.05** | Prob>F | 0.00 | ||
0.691>0.05 | 1.25 | 8.18 | 0.00*** | R-squared | 0.55 | ||
常数 | 0.39 | -0.6 | 0.551 | Adj R-squared | 0.53 |
注:***表示1%显著性水平;**表示通过5%显著性水平。 |
表4 甘肃省县域经济差异地理影响因子交互作用探测结果Tab. 4 Results of Detected interactions of geographical influencing factors of the economic difference in the counties of Gansu Province |
双因子交互作用 | q值 | 值对比 | 交互结果 |
海拔∩铁路密度 | 0.39 | NE | |
海拔∩公路密度 | 0.50 | NE | |
海拔∩河流密度 | 0.35 | NE | |
海拔∩到中心城市距离 | 0.32 | NE | |
公路密度∩铁路密度 | 0.63 | NE | |
公路密度∩河流密度 | 0.46 | NE | |
公路密度∩到中心城市距离 | 0.47 | NE | |
铁路密度∩河流密度 | 0.58 | NE | |
铁路密度∩到中心城市距离 | 0.47 | NE | |
河流密度∩到中心城市距离 | 0.41 | NE |
注:NE(Nonlinear Enhancement)表示非线性增强型。 |
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