收稿日期: 2019-08-24
要求修回日期: 2019-11-11
网络出版日期: 2020-04-08
Quantifying Spatial Accessibility of Shenzhen's Hospitals by the Isochrone Model
Received date: 2019-08-24
Request revised date: 2019-11-11
Online published: 2020-04-08
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41531180)
可达性是在空间分布格局、设施约束等综合条件下的空间决策问题,等时线模型为该决策分析可提供方法支持,它是以时间地理为框架,用时间成本来衡量时空可达性的重要模型。面向兴趣点(Point of Interest, POI)可达性分析通常包括2种形式:① 基于“供给”角度从特定POI出发的服务可达分析;② 基于“需求”角度从任意空间位置出发获得最近服务的便利度分析。目前的研究从“供给”角度探求特定POI的服务范围居多,对“需求”角度的等时线分析关注不够。本研究针对这一缺陷,开展面向服务需求的兴趣点可达性等时线分析,考察任意位置达到某类服务设施最近点的时间代价。在几何度量方法上,本研究利用了网络空间Voronoi图模型,与传统欧氏空间Voronoi图相比,本方法顾及了街道网络对空间通达的直接影响。本研究发现了等时线的形态、坡度等特征能够反映POI的疏密分布和道路网的通达性。
艾廷华 , 雷英哲 , 谢鹏 , 周校东 . 等时线模型支持下的深圳市综合医院空间可达性测度分析[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2020 , 22(1) : 113 -121 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2020.190470
Spatial accessibility is a basic decision-making question constrained by spatial distribution situations and infrastructure conditions. The isochrone model can help address this question by applying temporal geography principles to measure by time-costs. The spatial accessibility aiming at POI facilities can be conducted from two perspectives in general: (1) on the supply side, the supplier's service accessibility is analyzed starting from specific POIs; (2) on the demand side, the customer’s service convenience is analyzed starting from any location to get the nearest service. However, most studies focus on the service area of specific POIs from the perspective of supply. There is no enough attention on isochrones from the perspective of demands. To help close this gap, this study conducted the isochrone analysis of POI accessibility from the perspective of service demand, to explore the time cost starting from any place to the nearest service facility. The geometric measure applies the network Voronoi diagram model considering the distance difference from that in Euclidean Voronoi diagram. We first theoretically explained the idea of the isochrone model in terms of service demands, and then detailed the steps to apply the isochrone model. To construct the model, the POI data were firstly matched with road networks. Then a network Voronoi diagram model was developed using hospital POIs and road networks to acquire massive useful sampling points along road networks and to calculate their network distance to their nearest POIs. The isochrone model was finally constructed using the sampling points and their distance properties which reflect space-time accessibility of any place in the city in the demand of medical care to get the most convenient service. The study used the isochrone model to reveal the potential relationships between the space-time accessibility of POIs and road networks. The influence of road levels was also examined in comparison with a weighted network Voronoi diagram model. It was found that the morphology of the isochrones had close association with the distribution of POIs and the connectivity of road networks.
表1 深圳市各行政区综合医院可达性的面积比例Tab. 1 Area proportions of time accessibility of hospital POIs in Shenzhen city |
行政区 | 10 min/% | 20 min/% | 30 min/% |
宝安区 | 10.60 | 31.55 | 51.86 |
南山区 | 9.50 | 30.92 | 51.03 |
福田区 | 34.25 | 71.33 | 91.32 |
罗湖区 | 21.78 | 40.46 | 58.26 |
盐田区 | 5.52 | 15.95 | 31.16 |
龙华区 | 6.14 | 22.60 | 44.20 |
龙岗区 | 7.82 | 23.85 | 41.37 |
坪山区 | 3.64 | 14.76 | 27.29 |
光明新区 | 5.40 | 17.76 | 31.95 |
大鹏新区 | 1.96 | 6.44 | 14.30 |
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