何惠馨(1993— ),女,浙江舟山人,硕士生,主要从事城市遥感。E-mail: hehx_sdut@163.com |
收稿日期: 2019-05-29
要求修回日期: 2019-07-23
网络出版日期: 2020-04-13
Extraction of Shaded Roads in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery based on Brightness Compensation
Received date: 2019-05-29
Request revised date: 2019-07-23
Online published: 2020-04-13
Supported by
National Key Research and Development Program of China(2017YFB0503500)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41601478)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41501425)
Project of Shandong Province Higher Educational Science and Technology Program(J16LH03)
Young Teacher Development Support Program of Shandong University of Technology(4072-115016)
何惠馨 , 范俊甫 , 陈文贺 , 周玉科 , 张鹏 , 俞宵 . 基于亮度补偿的遥感影像阴影遮挡道路提取方法[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2020 , 22(2) : 258 -267 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2020.190270
While extracting roads from high-resolution remote sensing imagery, shadow shielding is a main factor causing roads missing or defects, which could lead to difficulties for automatic road extraction. Therefore, developing methods for shaded road extraction with strong applicability has a great significance in map data production and research of geographical data. Traditional methods, such as the shadow coefficient amendment method, are difficult to remove the shadows of plants and buildings, and they would undermine the integrity of extracted roads. So, this paper proposed a feasible approach to extracting shaded roads based on brightness compensation and a high-performance segmentation method. First, after image preprocessing, a threshold segmentation method in HSI space was used to obtain the shadow area. Second, a combination of blue components suppression in the RGB space and divided linear strength was applied to enhance the pixel points in spatial domain and recover the information of the shaded areas, which made the difference between shaded roads and surrounding areas more obvious. Shaded roads were extracted by an efficient segmentation algorithm, and unshaded roads were calculated by K-means clustering segmentation. The initial value of clustering was based on color distribution in the HSI space. To ensure the integrity and details of extracted roads, the morphology method and contour repair algorithm were introduced into the extraction process after rough roads mergence. Results show that this method could extract shaded road successfully. For suburban roads, the integrity of extracted shaded roads was 96.84%. For urban roads, the accuracy was also higher than 80%. Compared with traditional methods based on the threshold segmentation in HSI, this method decreases the fragmentation of road patches while extraction, and keeps the integrity of the roads. This approach could be used for smart manufacturing and mapping of internet map data in high-resolution remote sensing imagery.
Key words: shadow shaded; road extraction; brightness compensation; HSI; K-means clustering
表1 道路提取效果评价指标Tab. 1 Evaluation of the shaded roads extraction results |
郊区道路 | 市区道路 | ||||
本文方法 | 传统方法 | 本文方法 | 传统方法 | ||
TP/个 | 60 328 | 53 145 | 87 636 | 73 447 | |
FN/个 | 1969 | 6640 | 23 107 | 37 296 | |
FP/个 | 13 631 | 61 031 | 19 367 | 46 683 | |
完整率/% | 96.84 | 88.89 | 79.13 | 66.32 | |
正确率/% | 81.57 | 46.55 | 81.90 | 61.14 | |
检测质量/% | 79.45 | 43.98 | 67.36 | 46.65 |
图11 基于亮度补偿的阴影道路提取结果Fig. 11 Result of shaded roads extraction based on the brightness compensation method |
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