高海峰(1995— ),男,江苏盐城人,硕士生,主要从事人工智能算法、空间数据挖掘和并行计算等研究。E-mail:gaohaifeng@hhu.edu.cn |
收稿日期: 2019-07-17
要求修回日期: 2019-09-13
网络出版日期: 2020-05-18
K-means Classifier for Automatic Slope Position Detection in Mountainous Areas
Received date: 2019-07-17
Request revised date: 2019-09-13
Online published: 2020-05-18
Supported by
Major Science and Technology Projects of Yunnan Province: New Energy(2013ZB006)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41071347)
高海峰 , 葛莹 , 张杰 , 肖胜昌 , 陈科 . 面向复杂地形的坡位K-means聚类划分研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2020 , 22(3) : 474 -481 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2020.190381
The slope position has generally been applied in a wide range of soil and vegetation studies. The slope position is manually classified in a long history into five types such as valley, footslope, backslope, slope shoulder, and ridge. It leads to issues of low automation, low precision and time consuming. This paper proposed a K-means algorithm of Machine Learning for clustering classification of slope position in mountainous areas. The performance improvements for the conventional K-means algorithm can be achieved by clustering number selection using the Calinski-Harabasz clustering evaluation index and by initial clustering centers finding using K-means++ in the context of slope position detection. The optimized K-means algorithm of a combination of peak area identification through the morphological white top hat transform function was applied into the automatic detection of slope position in Yao'an County, Yunnan Province based on 90 m×90 m SRTM DEM data. In order to validate this algorithm, a series of replicated experiments were carried out with different threshold values. Three accuracy measures of this algorithm such as Calinski-Harabasz clustering evaluation index, Adjusted Rand index and SSE can be estimated for these experiments. The results show that: (1) the best performance of this K-means algorithm is achieved with a clustering number k = 5; (2) this K-means algorithm is significantly better by using K-means++ to select the initial clustering centers than unoptimized selection; (3) the convergence of this K-means algorithm is the best if the iterations iter = 10,000. Furthermore, these results were obtained in a particular suitable window i.e. 25×25, and the window was compared to other two windows, that is, 13×13 and 37×37. An alternative statistical approach is the direct estimation of classification proportions of slope position for the study area, which can be achieved by evaluating point samples of backslope, slope shoulder, and ridge. Automatic mapping results in the planned wind farms are obtained up to 57.13%, which also indicates that the use of the proposed K-means algorithm may further enhance the potential of slope position detection. The advantages of our algorithm seem to lie in the help it gives for the development of automatic clustering classification of slope position as well as simple manipulation in spatial databases. Further improvements are needed in better performances by integrating fuzzy theory into this algorithm, suitable window selection by using the abruptshift analysis approach, as well as more topographic attributions such as slope, profile curvature and plan curvature, which will lead to the development of our algorithm.
算法 1 运用白色顶帽变化函数提取山峰区域算法 |
输入:原始DEM数据;设定的山峰区域提取适宜窗口大小t×t。 输出:山峰区域图K (1)对原始DEM按式(1)进行腐蚀和膨胀变换。式中,λx为正方形结构元素,本文为适宜窗口,窗口大小t×t是设定的形态学处理阈值; (2)根据腐蚀变化图像Eλƒ(X)和膨胀变化图像Dλƒ(X)按式(2)进行开操作,生成除山峰区域之外的其它区域; (3)计算式(3),将原始DEM和Oλƒ(X)相减,生成山峰区域。 |
算法 2 基于K-means++方法的初始聚类中心优选算法 |
输入:山峰区域图,最优聚类数K 输出:优选的K个初始聚类中心μ1,μ2,… μK (1)从山峰区域图中随机选择一个格点作为初始聚类中心μ1; (2)计算各个格点到其最近聚类中心的距离D(xi),再将所有距离相加得到Sum(D(xi)); (3)生成随机数Random ≤ total,计算total=Sum(D(xi))×Random和total-=D(xi),直至total≤ 0。此时的格点就是一个初始聚类中心; (4)重复(2)和(3),直至选出K个初始聚类中心。 |
算法 3 基于K-means方法进行坡位聚类划分算法 |
输入:山峰区域图;最优聚类数K;优选的山峰区域初始聚类中心μ1,μ2…μK;前后2次聚类中心的限差tol;聚类迭代次数iter 输出:坡位划分结果(1)按式(5)计算格点xi与初始聚类中心μk之间的欧式距离J(Ck);J(Ck)计算公式如式(5)所示。 (2)设最小欧式距离minDist对应的k为minIndex,判断J(Ck)<minDist,如果是,则minDist=J(Ck),minIndex=k。否则,继续循环k; (3)将xi的最小欧式距离及其对应的k存入列表[minDist, minIndex]; (4)遍历格点xi,重复执行(2)和(3),直至i=m; (5)按各聚类中心计算每一坡位聚类类别Ck的栅格单元均值作为新的初始聚类中心; (6)反复执行(1)~(5)步骤,直至聚类迭代次数达到iter或新的初始聚类中心与前一次初始聚类中心误差达到限差tol; (7)按minIndex生成坡位矩阵,确定划分结果。 |
表1 不同适宜窗口下各类型坡位格点所占比率统计 |
风电场 | 适宜 窗口 | 沟谷 | 坡脚 | 背坡 | 坡肩 | 山脊 | 总计 | ||||||||||||
格点数 | 占比 | 格点数 | 占比 | 格点数 | 占比 | 格点数 | 占比 | 格点数 | 占比 | 格点数 | 占比 | ||||||||
3 | 13×13 | 5531 | 42.84 | 3674 | 28.45 | 2652 | 20.54 | 1025 | 7.94 | 30 | 0.23 | 12 912 | 100 | ||||||
25×25 | 3864 | 29.93 | 3916 | 30.33 | 3556 | 27.54 | 1494 | 11.57 | 82 | 0.64 | 12 912 | 100 | |||||||
37×37 | 3350 | 25.94 | 4300 | 33.30 | 4102 | 31.77 | 1110 | 8.60 | 50 | 0.39 | 19 635 | 100 | |||||||
4 | 13×13 | 7925 | 40.36 | 6193 | 31.54 | 4110 | 20.93 | 1383 | 7.04 | 24 | 0.12 | 19 635 | 100 | ||||||
25×25 | 5758 | 29.33 | 6856 | 34.92 | 5493 | 27.98 | 1499 | 7.63 | 29 | 0.15 | 19 635 | 100 | |||||||
37×37 | 5684 | 28.95 | 7587 | 38.64 | 5543 | 28.23 | 821 | 4.18 | 0 | 0.00 | 22 841 | 100 | |||||||
9 | 13×13 | 8518 | 37.29 | 5518 | 24.16 | 4703 | 20.59 | 3396 | 14.87 | 706 | 3.09 | 22 841 | 100 | ||||||
25×25 | 4914 | 21.51 | 4879 | 21.36 | 5635 | 24.67 | 5899 | 25.83 | 1514 | 6.63 | 22 841 | 100 | |||||||
37×37 | 3839 | 16.81 | 4864 | 21.30 | 6496 | 28.44 | 6760 | 29.60 | 882 | 3.86 | 22 841 | 100 |
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