刘权毅(1991— ),男,河南洛阳人,硕士生,现主要从事大数据在城市规划与管理中的应用。E-mail:2017282090233@whu.edu.cn |
收稿日期: 2019-09-22
要求修回日期: 2020-01-16
网络出版日期: 2020-07-25
Research on the Characteristics of Urban Network Assocoation and Spatial Organization Structure based on Railway Passenger Flow in Hubei Province
Received date: 2019-09-22
Request revised date: 2020-01-16
Online published: 2020-07-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(51878515)
以湖北省为研究对象,基于铁路客流的动态关系数据,采用城市网络连锁模型,以城市之间铁路客流的流动性和集聚性为研究切入点,辨析省域城市的网络关联强度和空间组织结构特征。研究表明:① 湖北省域城市网络结构初步形成,整体呈现“东强西弱,北低南高”的态势,省域“单中心”网络格局特征突出,武汉是链接鄂东、鄂中、鄂西三大区域的核心枢纽;② 中心城市指向性和地域邻近指向性特征明显,整体受省域中心城市武汉的影响较大,与之紧密联系的周边城市是构成武汉“1+8”都市圈的主体;③ 交通轴线是客流联系的主要方向,以“十堰—襄阳—荆门—武汉”、“恩施—宜昌—荆州—武汉”等城市为主体的“>”型城市带,其空间组织结构联系较为紧密,是推动湖北省经济发展和实施城镇化战略的重要载体,同时襄阳、宜昌在鄂西地区的枢纽作用日益凸显。最后基于实证研究结论,为省域空间规划的要义、趋势和取向提出了若干探讨。
刘权毅 , 詹庆明 , 刘稳 , 杨晨 . 基于铁路客流的湖北省城市网络关联与空间组织结构特征[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2020 , 22(5) : 1008 -1022 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2020.190539
Based on the data of railway passenger flow, this paper uses the urban network model to analyze the characteristics of network connection strength and organizational structure in Hubei Province from the mobility and agglomeration of railway passenger flow between cities. Results show that: (1) The urban network structure within the scope of Hubei Province has initially formed, showing the overall trend of “strong in the east, weak in the west, low in the north, and high in the south”. At the same time, within the scope of Hubei Province, the single-center network pattern is obvious while the cross-regional links are weak; (2) The directivity of the central city and the regional proximity are obvious, and the whole province is greatly influenced by Wuhan. The eight surrounding cities closely related to them are the main parts of Wuhan “1+8” urban circle; (3) The traffic axis is the main direction of passenger flow connection, with Shiyan-Xiangyang-Jingmen-Wuhan, and Enshi-Yichang-Jingzhou-Wuhan as the main cities, the “>” type cities with passenger flow are closely linked. Moreover, the pivotal role of Xiangyang and Yichang in Western Hubei has become increasingly prominent. Finally, based on empirical research, this paper makes some discussion on the meaning, trend, and orientation of provincial spatial planning.
表1 跨区域间城市客流强度Tab. 1 The intensity of cross-regional urban passenger flow (万人) |
出发地 | 目的地 | |||
武汉 | 鄂中城市(除武汉) | 鄂东城市 | 鄂西城市 | |
武汉 | — | 144.22 | 171.75 | 116.03 |
鄂中城市(除武汉) | 152.94 | — | 6.03 | 9.05 |
鄂东城市 | 183.54 | 4.71 | — | 39.66 |
鄂西城市 | 128.29 | 7.27 | 24.00 | — |
图5 湖北省城市间铁路客流首、次位联系结构注:上图中的椭圆是依据城市间首、次位联系形成的区域组团结构。 Fig. 5 Inter-city railway passenger flow and directions in Hubei province |
表2 跨区域最大客流方向以及强度Tab. 2 Maximum passenger flow direction and intensity across the region (万人) |
出发地 | 目的地 | |||
武汉 | 鄂中城市(除武汉) | 鄂东城市 | 鄂西城市 | |
武汉 | — | 武汉-黄冈(75.71) | 武汉-孝感(93.02) | 武汉-襄阳(43.20) |
鄂中城市(除武汉) | 黄冈-武汉(80.96) | — | 武汉-孝感(93.02) | 黄冈-恩施(4.96) |
鄂东城市 | 孝感-武汉(96.84) | 咸宁-黄石(2.75) | — | 孝感-随州(9.84) |
鄂西城市 | 襄阳-武汉(50.09) | 恩施-黄冈(2.83) | 随州-孝感(93.02) | — |
表3 湖北省各地级市铁路客流方向与总客流强度Tab. 3 Railway passenger flow direction and total passenger flow intensity of all prefecture-level cities in Hubei province (万人) |
首位客流城市 | 次位客流城市 | 关联首位度 | 迁入客流量 | 迁出客流量 | |
鄂州 | 武汉(37.05) | 黄石(22.53) | 1.64 | 71.55 | 72.16 |
恩施州 | 武汉(27.68) | 宜昌(16.43) | 1.68 | 54.39 | 40.05 |
黄冈 | 武汉(80.96) | 黄石(12.09) | 6.70 | 101.84 | 95.73 |
黄石 | 武汉(34.93) | 鄂州(22.77) | 1.53 | 79.91 | 78.67 |
荆门 | 武汉(29.56) | 宜昌(6.92) | 4.27 | 58.33 | 53.91 |
荆州 | 武汉(43.44) | 宜昌(13.21) | 3.31 | 67.96 | 62.50 |
潜江 | 武汉(11.38) | 荆州(3.23) | 3.52 | 21.19 | 20.31 |
神农架 | 宜昌(1.51) | 武汉(0.91) | 1.65 | 3.29 | 2.91 |
十堰 | 武汉(31.28) | 襄阳(28.88) | 1.08 | 71.03 | 64.57 |
随州 | 武汉(28.60) | 孝感(10.09) | 2.83 | 51.54 | 50.71 |
天门 | 武汉(17.26) | 仙桃(4.41) | 3.91 | 28.49 | 26.38 |
武汉 | 孝感(97.08) | 黄冈(75.71) | 1.23 | 372.76 | 429.33 |
仙桃 | 武汉(16.81) | 天门(4.65) | 3.61 | 30.53 | 29.22 |
咸宁 | 武汉(31.25) | 黄石(4.25) | 7.64 | 49.52 | 45.05 |
襄阳 | 武汉(50.09) | 十堰(27.69) | 1.81 | 100.11 | 91.54 |
孝感 | 武汉(96.84) | 随州(9.84) | 9.84 | 120.49 | 119.94 |
宜昌 | 武汉(36.72) | 荆州(12.71) | 2.89 | 73.19 | 70.55 |
注:括号内的数据表示每个城市首、次位联系强度的测量值。 |
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