黄 娟(1995— ),女,四川成都人,硕士,主要从事地理信息工程研究。E-mail:huangj0120@foxmail.com |
收稿日期: 2019-12-27
要求修回日期: 2020-03-16
网络出版日期: 2020-07-25
Organization and Visualization for MinGuo QingLiu Celebrity Cultural Theme Data
Received date: 2019-12-27
Request revised date: 2020-03-16
Online published: 2020-07-25
Supported by
National Key Research and Development Project(2017YFB0504200)
Fujian Science and Technology Innovation Leading Talent Funding Project(00387005)
黄娟 , 陈崇成 , 叶晓燕 , 马腾 . “民国清流”名人文化主题数据的组织和可视化方法[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2020 , 22(5) : 954 -966 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2020.190809
Historical celebrities are the creators and inheritors of outstanding Chinese culture in thousands of years. The spread of historical celebrity culture is of great educational value. The “MinGuo QingLiu” is an outstanding part of celebrity culture. However, most of the descriptions about it exist in literary works, such as pan-literary narratives and stories, lacking systematic collection of celebrity cultural theme data, i.e., celebrity sites, life trajectory, and social relationship. Based on the heterogeneous celebrity cultural data, this paper constructs a digital framework of celebrity culture, and takes "MinGuo QingLiu" as an example to solve the problem of the organization and visualization of celebrity cultural data. Based on the digital celebrity culture framework, text mining can be used to extract hidden information from group biographies, and dynamic display of celebrities' two-dimensional life trajectory, three-dimensional former residence locations, and celebrity knowledge graph is performed to realize intelligent query analysis of related information. The results of the visual analysis reveal changes incelebrity groups' central figures and gathering places, social relationship, the degree of intimacy between celebrities, and the reasons for the intersection. Thus, the proposed method not only allows ordinary people to understand the characteristics of the "MinGuo QingLiu" intuitively and multi-dimensionally, but also helps literary researchers to deeply analyze the life and social relationships of characters, and to develop new models for inheriting and promoting celebrity theme culture.
表1 民国初期名人共现矩阵(部分)Tab. 1 Celebrity co-occurrence matrixofearly Republic of China(partial) |
人物名称 | 鲁迅 | 胡适 | 陈独秀 | 蔡元培 | 周作人 |
鲁迅 | 0 | 4138 | 887 | 1074 | 2167 |
胡适 | 4138 | 0 | 5562 | 2605 | 3733 |
陈独秀 | 887 | 5562 | 0 | 3953 | 1546 |
蔡元培 | 1074 | 2605 | 3953 | 0 | 780 |
周作人 | 2167 | 3733 | 1546 | 780 | 0 |
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