张小东(1988— ),男,重庆开州人,硕士,主要从事城市区域规划与区域发展研究。E-mail:21712250@zju.edu.cn |
收稿日期: 2019-09-03
要求修回日期: 2019-11-18
网络出版日期: 2020-11-25
Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Land Use Right Assignment Transactions in Prefecture-Level Cities of China from 2003 to 2018
Received date: 2019-09-03
Request revised date: 2019-11-18
Online published: 2020-11-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(51778560)
本文结合2003—2018年中国土地市场网的土地出让数据,利用核密度分析、冷热区分析和空间可视化等方法,对土地出让空间分布、出让土地来源和用途等要素进行对比研究,总结出中国地级市土地出让的空间结构分布特征。研究结果显示:① 2003—2013年全国土地出让增速明显,2013年后土地出让总量增速放缓,但土地出让收入在持续增长,土地出让整体呈现出“量变到值变转化”的特征;② 2003—2018年用地出让构成变化趋势为:道路与交通设施用地、绿地与广场用地出让占比增长较为明显,居住用地、商业用地、公共管理与公共服务设施用地出让占比稳定,工业用地、物流仓储用地和公用设施用地出让占比增速开始放缓,并呈现出收缩趋势;2003—2018年土地出让来源差异显著,主要来源于新增建设用地,对存量用地的再开发利用率较低,盲目的外向扩张不利于新型城镇化建设;③ 2003—2018年土地出让呈现出“点-线-面”的空间演变特征,形成了多核心、层级分明的圈层空间结构,展现出“核密度重心由北向南、由西向东转移”、“核心城市高度集聚、外围城市密集、区(县)稀疏”的空间演进特征;其中,不同用地也呈现出不同的空间演进特征:工业用地出让增速由东北地区向全国扩张后,逐步向华东沿海城市收缩,并呈现出“由一般城市到省会城市,再到其周边城市”的空间演变特征;居住用地出让面积由省会城市带动周边城市增长,增长到一定程度,逐渐向华南和华东中心城市收缩;商业用地出让较为稳定,未出现收缩现象、增速较为均衡;其他建设用地出让面积分布覆盖范围较均衡,也反映出全国基础设施建设土地资源配置比较均衡。
张小东 , 韩昊英 , 陈宇 . 2003—2018年中国地级城市土地出让交易状况及时空动态特征[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2020 , 22(9) : 1823 -1836 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2020.190487
Using the data of China's land use right assignmentons from 2003 to 2018, the paper visualized the spatial distribution, source, and use of land right assignment, and analyzed the spatial characteristics. The methods of the research included the nuclear density analysis, nuclear density analysis, Getis-Ord, and spatial visualization. The results are as follows: (1) From 2003 to 2013, the growth rate of land use rights assignment in China was remarkable. The growth rate of the total land use rights assignment slowed down after 2013, but the income of land use rights assignment continued to grow, and it showed changing characteristics from quantity to value. (2) The growth of land for roads and transportation facilities, greenland and square was more prominent; the land use for residential commercial, public management and public service facilities was stable; while the growth rate of land for industrial, logistics, storage, and public facilities began to slow down and showed a contraction trend. There were significant differences in the sources of land use right assignment between 2003 and 2018. The main source was the new construction, while the utilization rate of the redevelopment of the stock land was low, and the blind outward expansion was not conducive to the new urbanization construction. (3) From 2003 to 2018, the land use right assignment showed a "point-line-surface" spatial pattern, forming a multi-core, hierarchical layer structure. Over time, the core of nuclear density had shifted from north to south and from west to east, with high concentration of core cities, dense peripheral cities, and sparse districts/counties". Among them, different land uses also presented different spatial evolution characteristics. After the growth rate of industrial land use right assignment expanded from the northeast region to the whole country, it gradually contracted to the coastal urban agglomerations in East China, and presented the spatial evolution characteristics of “from ordinary cities to provincial capitals, and from provincial capitals to cities around provincial capitals.” The land area for residential uses was that the provincial capitals drove the growth of surrounding cities to a certain extent, and gradually shrunk to the central cities of South and East China. Commercial land use right assignment was relatively stable; there was no shrinkage, and the growth rate was relatively balanced. The coverage of other construction land use right assignment areas was relatively balanced, which also reflects the relatively balanced allocation of resources for infrastructure construction in China.
表1 土地出让样例数据Tab. 1 Land use right assignment sample data |
省/市 | 项目名称 | 项目位置 | 面积/hm2 | 土地 来源 | 土地 用途 | 供地 方式 | 行业 分类 | 土地 级别 | 成交价格/ 万元 | 合同签 订日期 |
广东省阳江市 | 工业项目 | 北惯镇325国道北边及金田七路西边 | 0.71 | 新增建设用地 | 工业用地 | 挂牌 出让 | 金属制品业 | 三级 | 284.00 | 2017-11-09 |
浙江省宁波市 | 高新区公园与绿地 | 宁波国家高新区 | 5.41 | 新增建设用地(来自存量库) | 公园与绿地 | 划拨 | 公共设施管理业 | 五级 | 10 151.25 | 2018-12-26 |
陕西省宝鸡市 | 文曲商业街 | 高新七路以西、宝钛以东、渭滨大道以北 | 0.04 | 现有建设用地 | 住宿餐饮 用地 | 挂牌 出让 | 餐饮业 | 九级 | 140.00 | 2018-12-24 |
湖南省娄底市 | 娄底市顺发房地产开发有限公司 | 长青西街南侧、甘桂路东侧 | 2.72 | 现有建设用地 | 其它普通商品住房用地 | 挂牌 出让 | 房地 产业 | 九级 | 6000.00 | 2018-01-18 |
… | … | … | … | … | … | … | … | … | … | … |
注:数据整理来源中国土地市场网(http://www.landchina.com/)。 |
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