周良辰(1979— ),男,江苏南京人,博士,副教授,研究方向为虚拟地理环境与三维GIS。E-mail: zhoulch@njnu.edu.cn |
收稿日期: 2020-07-26
修回日期: 2020-09-24
网络出版日期: 2021-03-25
3D Real Estate Data Models of Land and Housing Integration
Received date: 2020-07-26
Revised date: 2020-09-24
Online published: 2021-03-25
Supported by
National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China(41625004)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41631175)
房地不动产具备天然的立体特性,在三维空间中对其进行准确刻画是当前城市地上地下综合开发的关键问题,国内外学者已经提出了各类房地不动产数据模型,旨在解决房地不动产的管理与权利空间的三维表达问题。分析国内外学者的研究成果发现,国外学者提出的房地不动产数据模型多以地籍为核心展开,不能完全适用于我国的房地不动产管理;而国内学者虽兼顾了地籍和房产,但忽略了建筑实体、建筑空间与产权空间的关系,无法将房地不动产信息与建筑物信息模型(Building Information Modeling,BIM)整合,不利于房地不动产的精细化管理。针对以上问题,本文提出了基于IFC(Industry Foundation Classes)标准扩展的房地一体化三维不动产数据模型,并通过实例验证了该模型在我国房地不动产管理上是可行的。研究结果表明,本文提出的模型正确表达了各类建筑对象和产权对象,既可以支持业务相关的关联关系的查询,也支持GIS常见拓扑关系的查询和表达,该模型除了能表达符合我国体制的房地不动产对象外,还关联了BIM模型中的建筑构件、建筑空间, 为城市建设与运维管理提供技术模型支持。
周良辰 , 王鹏翔 , 陈奔 , 吴敏睫 , 闾国年 . 房地一体化不动产三维数据模型研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2021 , 23(1) : 143 -154 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2021.200403
Accurately quantifying the three-dimensional (3-D) characteristics of real estate in a 3-D space is a key issue for the comprehensive development of urban above ground and underground spaces. The domestic and foreign scholars have proposed various real estate data models to improve the real estate management and the 3-D expression of space rights. By reviewing domestic and foreign researches, it is found that the real estate data models proposed by foreign scholars mostly focus on cadastre, which cannot be fully applied to the real estate management in China. Although the domestic scholars have considered the cadastre and real estate, they neglected the relationship between architectural entities, architectural space, and property right. Thus, the real estate information and the Building Information Modeling (BIM) have not been integrated together in domestic models, which limits the management of real estate. Based on this, this paper proposes a 3-D real estate data model which integrates the land and housing based on extended Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) and further confirms the model feasibility for management of the real estate. The model proposed in this paper clearly expresses the building objects and property rights. It can not only support the query of association for business, but also support the query and expression of topological relations in GIS. The 3-D real estate data model integrates architectural components and architectural spaces in BIM, which provides technical support for urban construction and operation.
表1 房地一体化不动产权籍对象分类体系及层次关系Tab. 1 The classification system and hierarchical relationship of land and housing integrative right objects |
等级 | 名称 | 定义 | 说明 |
1 | 宗地 | 宗地是土地使用权人的权属界址范围内的地块 | 第一层次产权空间,包含若干自然幢,兼顾地表、地上或者地下空间 |
2 | 自然幢 | 指一座包括不同层次、结构的独立房屋 | 第二层次产权空间,包含若干逻辑幢 |
3 | 逻辑幢 | 对自然幢按照结构或者类型进行逻辑分割而成的房屋 | 第三层次产权空间,包括单元和功能区的划分策略,可以在逻辑幢中分层 |
4 | 层 | 划分建筑在垂直方向上的产权 | 第四层次产权空间,包含若干户以及共有区域 |
5 | 户 | 房地不动产管理中的最小产权单元 | 第五层次产权空间,包含若干室,共有区域同样视为一户 |
6 | 室 | 以墙、楼板等建筑构件为边界分割封闭而成的内部空间区域 | 第六层次产权空间,不再具有下级隶属产权空间 |
表2 不动产权籍对象与IFC空间结构单元映射关系Tab. 2 The mapping relation between real estate right objects and spatial structure unit of IFC |
不动产权籍对象实体名称 | IFC空间结构单元 |
宗地 | IfcSite场地 |
自然幢 | IfcBuilding建筑 |
逻辑幢 | — |
层 | IfcBuildingStorey楼层 |
户 | — |
室 | IfcSpace空间 |
表3 房地一体化不动产三维模型扩展属性集Tab. 3 Extended attribute set in 3d real estate data models of land and housing integration |
主要扩展属性集 | 字段名称 | 字段代码 | 字段类型 | 字段长度 | 备注 |
房产面积属性集 | 宗地面积 | ZDMJ | Float | 15 | |
建筑面积 | JZMJ | Float | 15 | ||
房产面积 | FCMJ | Float | 15 | ||
套内面积 | TNMJ | Float | 15 | ||
公摊面积 | GTMJ | Float | 15 | ||
使用面积 | SYMJ | Float | 15 | ||
土地分摊面积 | TDFTMJ | Float | 15 | ||
… | |||||
权属信息属性集 | 宗地代码 | ZDDM | Char | 19 | |
不动产单元号 | BDCDYH | Char | 28 | ||
幢号 | ZH | Char | 24 | ||
单元号 | DYH | Char | |||
户号 | HH | Char | 50 | ||
坐落 | ZL | Char | 200 | ||
使用期限 | SYQX | Date | |||
权利人 | QLR | VarChar | |||
权利类型 | QLLX | Char | 2 | ||
权利性质 | QLXZ | Char | 2 | ||
真实高度 | ZSGD | Float | 15 | ||
层高 | CG | Float | 15 | ||
户型类型 | HXLX | Char | 2 | ||
是否出售 | CS | Bit | |||
… |
图10 层内产权空间与公摊区域关系Fig. 10 The relationship of private property right and public property right in floor |
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