张 帆(1989— ),男,河北张家口人,博士,助理研究员,主要从事环境与生态管理、气候变化应对等领域的研究。E-mail: zhangf.ccap@igsnrr.ac.cn |
收稿日期: 2021-01-25
要求修回日期: 2021-02-08
网络出版日期: 2021-10-25
Research Progress and Prospect on the Non-Uniform Distribution of Atmospheric CO2 Concentration and its Influence on Surface Warming
Received date: 2021-01-25
Request revised date: 2021-02-08
Online published: 2021-10-25
Supported by
National Key Research and Development Program of China(2016YFA0602500)
张帆 , 宣鑫 , 邓祥征 . 大气CO2浓度非均匀分布及其对地表升温影响的研究进展与展望[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2021 , 23(8) : 1362 -1371 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2021.210041
Global climate change is not only the most important environmental problem, but also one of the most complex challenges mankind faces in the 21st century. In the context of the increasing challenges of climate change and global governance, the assessment of CO2 emissions and costs has attracted increasing attention from academia and policy makers. At present, almost all global studies, including the assessment by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), use global average CO2 concentration to drive the climate models. However, there are many controversies on the impact assessment based on the global average distribution of CO2 in academia. To formulate countermeasures to deal with carbon emissions and reduction and enhance China’s international discourse on dealing with climate change, it is of great importance to explore the mutual feedback mechanism between the inhomogeneity of atmospheric CO2 concentration and geophysical processes (e.g. surface temperature rise), and explore the impact mechanism of the inhomogeneous distribution of atmospheric CO2 concentration on global climate change. This paper reviews the research progress of non-uniform distribution of atmospheric CO2 concentration and its effects on surface warming. Firstly, this paper reviews the evidence of non-uniform distribution of atmospheric CO2 concentration from three aspects, ground-based measurement, numerical simulation, and remote sensing. It summarizes the advantages of these three methods and analyzes the discovery process of non-uniform distribution of global atmospheric CO2 concentration. Secondly, this paper explores the mutual feedback between the non-uniform distribution of global atmospheric CO2 concentration and surface temperature rise. The non-uniform distribution of atmospheric CO2 concentration directly affects the radiative forcing or indirectly affects the regional warming through affecting the photosynthesis. Regional warming has a direct or indirect impact on the ability of the ocean and vegetation to absorb CO2, which ultimately affects the non-uniform distribution of global atmospheric CO2 concentration. Finally, this paper reviews the problems of existing studies on non-uniform distribution of atmospheric CO2 and discusses the prospect of future development trends. This study provides a scientific basis for understanding the current situation of global/regional carbon emissions and climate change impacts, and further explores the feedback mechanism among atmospheric CO2 non-uniform distribution, surface temperature rise, and socio-economic system.
表1 我国WMO/GAW本底观测站自然、生态特征及区域代表性Tab. 1 Natural and ecological characteristics and regional representation of WMO / GAW background stations in China |
站点名称 | 站点类型 | 纬度/N | 经度/E | 气候特征 | 代表区域 | 据市中心距离 |
瓦里关(WLG) | 全球本底站 | 36°17′ | 100°54′ | 高原大陆性 | 欧亚大陆腹地 | 距西宁市150 km |
上甸子(SDZ) | 区域本底站 | 40°39′ | 117°07′ | 暖温带半湿润季风 | 京津冀经济圈 | 距北京市150 km |
临安(LAN) | 区域本底站 | 30°18′ | 119°44′ | 亚热带季风 | 长三角经济圈 | 距杭州市50 km |
龙凤山(LFS) | 区域本底站 | 44°44′ | 127°36′ | 温带大陆性季风 | 东北平原区 | 距哈尔滨市180 km |
香格里拉(XGLL) | 区域本底站 | 28°00′ | 99°44′ | 高原寒温性湿润 | 青藏高原横断山区腹地 | 距昆明市450 km |
阿克达拉(AKDL) | 区域本地站 | 47°06′ | 87°58′ | 大陆性温带干旱半干旱 | 北疆地区 | 距乌鲁木齐市400 km |
表2 大气CO2浓度非均匀分布数值模拟研究常用模型/模式Tab. 2 Commonly used models for simulation of non-uniform distribution of atmospheric CO 2 concentration |
模式/模型名称 | 模式简介 | 优势 |
WRF-GHG模式 | 由中尺度天气研究与预报模式WRF与植被光合呼吸模型VPRM直接动态耦合的大气-温室气体模式 | 能直接计算陆地生态系统与大气中之间温室气体的相互交换,考虑大气中的扩散、输送等过程对温室气体的影响,模拟和预报温室气体在时间和空间上的分布和演变[32,33,34] |
区域碳数据同化系统 | 将集合四维变分数据同化方法(POD-4DVar)融入通用多尺度空气质量(Community Multiscal Air Quality)区域化学输送模型 | 可以持续、动态描述地表CO2通量演变并避免信噪比问题,使CO2通量可以在网格尺度上作为一个整体参与估计[35] |
CESM模式 | 由一个中央耦合器和大气模型、海洋模型、陆地模型、海冰模型和冰盖模型组成,不同圈层之间采用耦合方式进行交互 | 开放获取源代码,且采用国际上主流的模块化结构,便于更换或升级分量和开发新的气候模型产品[36,37,38] |
RAMS-CMAQ模式 | 由区域大气模拟系统RAMS和环境空气质量模型Modoles-3 CMAQ构成 | 通过VPRM模块,综合考虑了陆地生态系统中植被光合作用和呼吸作用对CO2通量的影响,能够模拟CO2迁移和扩散的物理过程[39,40,41] |
区域气候模式REMO | 由德国气象局(DWD)的EM (Europa Modell)发展而来,研究区域限定在欧洲和西西伯利亚 | 拥有“气候模式”和“预报模式” 2种工作模式,能够对天气和次天气特征进行可靠模拟[42] |
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