廖嘉欣(1997— ),男,江西定南人,硕士,主要从事无线传感器网络与GIS研究。E-mail: 1204163777@qq.com |
收稿日期: 2020-12-22
要求修回日期: 2021-02-18
网络出版日期: 2022-01-25
Urban Travel Trajectory Extraction based on WiFi Probe Data
Received date: 2020-12-22
Request revised date: 2021-02-18
Online published: 2022-01-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China, No(41561085)
National Natural Science Foundation of China, No(40971234)
廖嘉欣 , 吴启用 , 兰小机 , 张红庆 . 基于WiFi探针数据的城市出行轨迹提取[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2021 , 23(11) : 1946 -1955 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2021.200777
In order to extract the travel trajectory of urban residents more conveniently, analyze the daily spatial behavior of individuals, and provide data support for the decision-making of urban management measures, this paper proposes an urban travel trajectory extraction method based on WiFi probe data, which mainly solves the problem of map matching and lost trajectory reconstruction of WiFi probe data. First, extract the track record sequence by sorting the terminal MAC code and timestamp in multiple columns, and use the RSSI value to extract the candidate point set located on the road network for each record. Secondly, an algorithm based on local evaluation is designed: for each candidate point, the spatio-temporal relationship between the candidate point set extracted from the adjacent records is used to evaluate its temporal consistency and spatial consistency, and then the final score is obtained by combining with the weight function dynamically constructed in inverse time ratio, then the highest score point in each candidate point set is selected as the best matching point. Finally, a depth-first-based path search algorithm is used to search for all feasible paths between the upper and lower points of the lost trajectory, and then the optimal reconstruction path is determined based on the TOPSIS method. In this paper, the WiFi probe data collected in the central area of Dongguan City is used as the experimental data to test, and more than 60 000 tracks can be extracted every day on average. Compared with the GPS data, the feasibility of the method is verified, which provides a new solution for urban travel trajectory mining.
表1 WiFi探针数据中的问题Tab. 1 The problem with WiFi probe data |
问题 | 描述 | 特征/例子 |
数据错误 | 信号源自身故障或环境干扰导致的终端MAC、时间、RSSI值错乱 | 终端MAC全为“0”或全为“F”时间属性缺失或记录错误RSSI为“-1”或小于-100 |
MAC随机跳变 | 部分苹果和华为的设备存在MAC码随机跳变情况 | MAC码仅出现一次 |
“乒乓效应” | 数据重复 | 终端处于2个或多个探针之间时,短时间内被重复检测到 |
固定设备干扰 | 不构成轨迹的设备如路由器、闲置的笔记本、手机平板等 | 长时间仅被个别探针重复检测到 |
表2 清洗之后的数据记录样例Tab. 2 The sample data records after cleaning |
探针的MAC地址 | 终端的MAC地址 | 时间戳 | 信号强度 |
00117F1B93CC | BCE******7E0 | 2020-07-09 09:20:50 | -85 |
00117F14C3D4 | BCE******7E0 | 2020-07-09 09:22:45 | -80 |
00117F1B9584 | BCE******7E0 | 2020-07-09 09:30:35 | -76 |
…… | …… | …… | …… |
表3 轨迹提取实例结果统计Tab. 3 Statistics of trajectory extraction instance results (m) |
轨迹 | 实际匹配长度 | 提取长度 | 提取正确 | 提取错误 | 未提取 |
一号轨迹 | 17 750 | 16 596 | 14 177 | 2419 | 3573 |
二号轨迹 | 11 324 | 10 727 | 10 727 | 0 | 597 |
三号轨迹 | 2634 | 2634 | 2634 | 0 | 0 |
四号轨迹 | 2940 | 2940 | 2940 | 0 | 0 |
五号轨迹 | 15 217 | 13 663 | 13 407 | 256 | 1810 |
表4 轨迹重构整体情况Tab. 4 The overall situation of trajectory reconstruction |
重构点个数 | 重构次数/次 | 占比/% |
1 | 234 826 | 70.50 |
2 | 55 073 | 16.53 |
3 | 24 915 | 7.48 |
4 | 10 083 | 3.03 |
≥5 | 8184 | 2.46 |
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