祝开心(2000— ),男,广西灵山人,本科生,主要从事空间数据分析研究。E-mail: zhukaixin@hhu.edu.cn |
收稿日期: 2021-03-14
要求修回日期: 2021-05-21
网络出版日期: 2022-02-25
Spatiotemporal Pattern Analysis of Fire Service Coverage Rate in Nanjing from Real-time Road Conditions
Received date: 2021-03-14
Request revised date: 2021-05-21
Online published: 2022-02-25
Supported by
National Key Research and Development Program of China(2019YFC1510601)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42071315)
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(B210202008)
快速城镇化导致我国城市消防应急服务基础设施与城市发展不同步的问题日益凸显,城市消防救援覆盖率评估是提升消防服务质量与优化消防资源配置的重要手段。本文提出一种基于实时路况的城市消防救援覆盖率评估模型,通过考虑消防站管辖区域的空间限制,在2020年9月连续三周时间内利用高德地图API获取消防站到达历史火灾事件的实时出行救援时间,对南京市消防救援覆盖率的时空模式进行分析与挖掘。结果显示:① 南京城市火灾密集区域(简称火灾密集区)消防站的平均出行救援时间约10 min,非火灾密集区约16 min,均比国家规定的5 min到达时间标准明显要长,导致南京市消防站在5 min到达标准下的覆盖率仅为8.2%;② 由于南京火灾密集区消防站的平均行车救援距离仅为非火灾密集区的37%,导致火灾密集区火灾事件等待救援时间明显低于非火灾密集区,尤其火灾密集区西南部、东北部及部分消防站周边火灾事件等待救援时间相对较短,但南京全区火灾事件等待救援时间在5 min以内的比例不足7%,且等待救援时间在5~10 min之间的短距离火灾事件受早晚交通出行高峰期交通拥堵影响最大;③ 南京市消防站救援覆盖率受早晚交通出行高峰影响呈现早晚交通出行高峰期明显低于其他时段的“W”形变化模式,火灾密集区消防站在5 min到达标准下的救援覆盖率从非交通出行高峰期的11.5%降低到交通出行高峰期的8.4%,而非火灾密集区从6.1%降低到5%,火灾密集区东南部石门坎与东山交界区域和北部汉中门与迈皋桥周边区域早晚交通出行高峰时段等待救援时间超过15 min的火灾事件比非交通出行高峰时段明显增多;④ 在5 min到达标准下,南京市消防站救援覆盖率“W”形模式波动最小,10 min到达标准下的平均覆盖率为43.5%且波动最明显,15 min到达标准下的平均覆盖率达到75%。最后根据分析结果给出了南京市消防未来建设发展意见。
祝开心 , 张凤焰 , 李余郁 , 陈跃红 . 实时路况支持下的南京市消防救援覆盖率时空模式分析[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2021 , 23(12) : 2201 -2214 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2021.210129
The rapid urbanization in China results in the problem that urban fire facilities fail to keep pace with urban development. Assessing urban fire service coverage rate plays an important role in optimizing urban fire resource allocation. This paper aimed to propose an assessment for the fire service coverage rate using real-time road conditions to explore the spatiotemporal pattern of urban fire service coverage rate. By consideration of the coverage area of fire stations, the real-time rescue time of fire stations arriving at historical fire incidents was obtained by using the AutoNavi Maps API for three consecutive weeks in September 2020. The real-time travel time was then used to calculate the fire service coverage rate for investigating the spatiotemporal pattern of fire service coverage rate in Nanjing, China. Results show that: (1) The average travel time of fire stations was 10 minutes in urban fire-intensive area and 16 minutes in non-fire-intensive area. The average travel time for both areas was significantly longer than the national standard arrival time of five minutes. Thus, the fire service coverage rate of fire stations that met the national standard in Nanjing was only 8.2%; (2) As the average travel distance for fire stations in fire-intensive area of Nanjing was 37% of that in non-fire-intensive area, the waiting time for fire incidents rescue in fire-intensive area was significantly shorter than that in non-fire-intensive area, especially in the southwest and northeast of fire-intensive area and around some fire stations. The proportion of fire incidents with waiting time for rescue within five minutes in Nanjing was less than 7%, and fire incidents with waiting time for rescue between five to ten minutes were mostly affected by traffic congestion during morning and evening rush hours; (3) The fire service coverage rate in Nanjing was affected by the morning and evening rush hours which presented a "W" shaped pattern, resulting in lower fire service coverage rate in morning and evening rush hours than that in other time. The fire service coverage rate in fire-intensive area complying with the five minute standard arrival time decreased from 11.5% during the non-rush hours to 8.4% during the rush hours, and decreased from 6.1% to 5% in non-fire-intensive area. In the intersection area of Shimenkan and Dongshan fire stations and the surrounding area of Hanzhongmen and Maigaoqiao fire stations, the number of fire incidents with waiting time for rescue over 15 minutes in morning and evening rush hours was larger than that in other time; (4) The fire service coverage rate with the "W" shaped pattern had the smallest fluctuation with the use of 5 minutes as the standard arrival time, and the largest fluctuation occurred with the use of 10 minutes as the standard arrival time. The fire service coverage rate reached 43.5% using 10 minutes as the standard and 75% using 15 minutes as the standard arrival time. Finally, based on the analysis, suggestions were made for the future construction and planning of Nanjing fire facilities.
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