林筱妍(1997— ),女,福建闽侯人,硕士生,主要从事灾害信息挖掘等研究。E-mail: 542726737@qq.com |
收稿日期: 2021-09-24
修回日期: 2021-11-29
网络出版日期: 2022-03-25
Typhoon Disaster Network Emotion Analysis Method based on Semantic Rules and Word Vector
Received date: 2021-09-24
Revised date: 2021-11-29
Online published: 2022-03-25
Supported by
Fujian Science and Technology Innovation Platform Project(〔2015〕75)
Fujian Science and Technology Innovation Platform Project(〔2017〕675)
林筱妍 , 吴升 . 基于语义规则和词向量的台风灾害网络情感分析方法[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2022 , 24(1) : 114 -126 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2022.210575
During natural disasters, public opinion guidance contributes to maintaining social stability. Social media is an important channel for the dissemination of public opinion. Understanding users' network emotions and topics of concern through microblog comments can help relevant public opinion monitoring departments master the hot spots of public concern, so as to select appropriate intervention nodes to deal with network public opinion and dredge public emotions, which is of practical significance for emergency management. Most of the existing researches use supervised machine learning methods for emotion classification, which requires manual labeling of corpus, and the workload is large. While the unsupervised methods are mainly based on the existing emotional dictionary, which can reflect the unstructured characteristics of the text and is easy to understand and explain. According to the characteristics of microblog comments, this paper constructs an emotional dictionary in the field of typhoon disaster by comprehensively considering multiple emotional sources such as emotional words and emoticons. Based on this, this paper proposes a method to calculate emotional tendency based on semantic rules of emotional words and a topic clustering method based on word vector. Firstly, this study collected a total of more than 400 000 comments on Sina Weibo during five times typhoon disasters in recent years and constructed the emotional dictionary in the field of typhoon disaster based DUTIR. We built the expression symbol dictionary combined with the Pointwise Mutual Information method. We determined the emotional tendencies according to the semantic rules, and we used 3500 comments to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Secondly, based on the clustering method of word vector, TF-IDF, and K-means, we explored the hot topics during these disasters. Finally, taking typhoon Hagupit, the fourth typhoon in 2020, as an example, this paper conducted an analysis on more than 50 000 Weibo comments during the typhoon disaster, and identified 6 categories of typhoon-related topics. Through the spatial-temporal analysis, it was found that the number of comments on Weibo changed as time went on, and the areas with a large number of comments were also concentrated in coastal areas and areas with high economic level. On the day of typhoon Hagupit landing, the fear in Zhejiang province reached the highest level. The results show that the typhoon disaster network emotion analysis method based on semantic rules and word vector can provide assistance for government departments to master and guide network public opinion when similar disaster events occur.
表1 程度副词词表Tab. 1 Degree adverb list |
等级 | 程度副词 | 强度值 |
最,顶,极(most) | 最,不得了,不堪,极了,极端,极其,绝了,绝对,刻骨铭心,酷,死,滔天,痛,完全,万万,无比,要命,要死,贼,卓绝 | 2 |
更,越,愈,格外(very) | 太,越发,更,更加,愈加,十二分,非常,十分,不少,出奇,多多,多,多加,多么,格外,好不,何等,很,很是,十足,甚,甚至,实在,太,实在太,特,特别,尤其,着实,过于,过度,万分,真,真的,异常 | 1.5 |
较,还(more) | 还好,还,较,较为,进一步,那么,那样,如斯,尤甚,愈发,越发,越来越,挺,颇受,多一些 | 1 |
略,稍,些微(ish) | 蛮,稍,有点,有点儿,稍稍,稍微,略,些小,些许,一点,一点儿 | 0.5 |
表2 否定词词表Tab. 2 List of negative words |
否定词 |
不,非,无,别,甭,不要,不是,不必,不曾,不可,不用,并非,毫无,毫不,切勿,不够,绝不,决不,绝非,绝无,没有,从没,尚未,白白,从不,从未,何必,何曾,何尝,何须,没,没有,莫,难以,徒,徒然,枉,未,未必,未曾,未尝,未有,无从,无须,无庸,毋须,毋庸,勿 |
表3 经否定词修饰后的情感转变Tab. 3 Emotion conversion modified by negative word |
原始的情感类别 | 奇数个否定词修饰后 |
快乐 喜爱 愤怒 悲伤 恐惧 厌恶 惊讶 | 悲伤 厌恶 无 无 无 无 无 |
表4 表情符号词典(部分)Tab. 4 Partical Emotions |
情感类别 | 表情符号 |
快乐(83) 喜爱(69) 愤怒(8) 悲伤(37) 恐惧(18) 厌恶(18) 惊讶(13) | [微笑] [嘻嘻] [笑cry] [太开心] [鼓掌] [憧憬] [good] [中国赞] [耶] [哼] [小黄人不屑] [怒骂] [弱] [失望] [摊手] [下雨] [哪吒委屈] [衰] [求饶] [抓狂] [骷髅] [阴险] [费解] [黑线] [晕] [吃惊] [哆啦A梦吃惊] [awsl] |
表6 实验结果评价Tab.6 Evaluation of experimental results (%) |
情感类别 | 准确率P | 召回率R | 综合评价指标F1 |
快乐 | 86.00 | 87.40 | 86.69 |
喜爱 | 87.40 | 88.46 | 87.93 |
愤怒 | 89.20 | 94.09 | 91.58 |
悲伤 | 93.20 | 82.04 | 87.27 |
恐惧 | 86.80 | 88.21 | 87.50 |
厌恶 | 85.80 | 93.06 | 89.28 |
惊讶 | 93.00 | 89.60 | 91.27 |
表7 话题讨论情况Tab. 7 Topic discussion of Typhoon Hagupit |
话题 编号 | 话题 类型 | 话题词条(部分) | |
起编日当天话题情况 | 停编日当天话题情况 | ||
Topic 0 | 天气与警示 | 夏天、打雷、降降温、盼来、风感、烤熟、清凉、西南风 | 小雨、炎热、暴风雨、高温、太惨、停电 |
Topic 1 | 交通状况 | 延误、学车、停航、推迟、耽误、计划、旅行、取消 | 开车、高铁、堵车、旅行、取消、车票、公交车 |
Topic 2 | 台风路径描述 | 登陆、威力、交界处、纬度、东南、外围、低压 | - |
Topic 3 | 灾情讨论 | - | 工程质量、安全性、点餐、玻璃、承担责任、恶魔、辟谣 |
Topic 4 | 祈祷及感谢 | 注意安全、灾难、平安、点赞、希望、盼望、保护 | 感激、因公殉职、节哀顺变、送别、英雄人物、缅怀 |
Topic 5 | 抢险救灾 | - | 善后工作、电力供应、设施、防洪、隐患、公务员、负责人 |
表8 2020年8月1日—8月6日负面情感数量及占比Tab. 8 Number and proportion of negative emotions from August 1 to August 6, 2020 |
愤怒情感数量/条 | 愤怒情感占比/% | 悲伤情感数量/条 | 悲伤情感占比/% | ||
浙江省 | 1613 | 30.11 | 浙江省 | 1383 | 24.64 |
广东省 | 596 | 11.13 | 广东省 | 733 | 13.06 |
江苏省 | 476 | 8.89 | 北京市 | 441 | 7.86 |
恐惧情感数量/条 | 恐惧情感占比/% | 负面情感数量/条 | 负面情感占比/% | ||
浙江省 | 953 | 27.02 | 浙江省 | 3949 | 27.24 |
广东省 | 390 | 11.06 | 广东省 | 1719 | 11.86 |
上海市 | 281 | 7.97 | 上海市 | 1113 | 7.68 |
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