岳振宇(1997— ),男,山东德州人,硕士生,主要从事数字摄影测量研究。E-mail: 2015301610373@whu.edu.cn |
收稿日期: 2021-09-01
要求修回日期: 2021-10-18
网络出版日期: 2022-07-25
A Generation Method of Spaceborne Lightweight and Fast Matching
Received date: 2021-09-01
Request revised date: 2021-10-18
Online published: 2022-07-25
Supported by
High Resolution Remote Sensing, Surveying and Mapping Application Demonstration System(42-Y30B04-9001-19/21)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41971427)
岳振宇 , 范大昭 , 董杨 , 纪松 , 李东子 . 一种星载平台轻量化快速影像匹配方法[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2022 , 24(5) : 925 -939 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2022.210529
To solve the existing problem that traditional matching methods are difficult to achieve fast matching on the spaceborne platform under the condition of limited storage and computing power. So, this paper proposes a fast image matching algorithm based on spaceborne platform. The feature descriptors of the same-origin satellite images are used as the training set to calculate the hash function, and the floating-point feature descriptors are mapped to the Hamming space to calculate the similarity. The mismatching elimination method is used to get a set of matching points with higher matching accuracy. And the types of feature descriptors can be flexibly adjusted according to the sensor type of the spaceborne platform load, image resolution, and landform type of the target area image, which makes the proposed method have good reconfigurability. The hamming distance is calculated to measure the similarity between feature point pairs and improve the application ability of the method in the light-weight processing of the spaceborne platform. The matching experiments of different geomorphological features using the different orbital imageries from ZY-3 and GF-7 satellites are completed. The experiments prove that compared with the SIFT, the LW-SIFT (Light Weight Scale-Invariant Feature Transform) proposed in the paper can achieve satellite remote sensing image matching more efficiently, reducing time consumption by 50.12% and increasing the number of correct matching points by 20.28 %. This proposed method can significantly improve the accuracy and timeliness of matching and has a large application potential for spaceborne platform applications.
表1 同源影像数据集Tab. 1 Same-source image data set |
实验1 | 实验2 | ||||||
左影像 | 右影像 | 左影像 | 右影像 | 左影像 | 右影像 | ||
卫星名称 | ZY3-1 | ZY3-1 | GF7 | GF7 | GF7 | GF7 | |
传感器 | NAD | NAD | BWD | BWD | FWD | FWD | |
采集时间 | 2019-05-22 | 2020-05-10 | 2020-12-15 | 2020-12-15 | 2020-12-30 | 2020-12-30 | |
分辨率/m | 2.10 | 2.10 | 0.65 | 0.65 | 0.80 | 0.80 |
表2 匹配方法使用情况Tab. 2 Matching method usage |
序号 | 特征检测方法 | 描述符生成方法 | 描述符维度 | 描述符存储类型 | 描述符存储大小/bit | 描述符匹配方法 | |
1 | SIFT | SIFT | 128 | float | 4096 | ANN | |
2 | LW-SIFT | SIFT-Hamming | 128 | unsigned char | 128 | BF-Hamming | |
3 | SURF | SURF | 64 | float | 2048 | ANN | |
4 | LW-SURF | SURF-Hamming | 64 | unsigned char | 64 | BF-Hamming | |
5 | BRISK | BRISK | 64 | unsigned char | 64 | BF | |
6 | ORB | ORB | 32 | unsigned char | 32 | BF-Hamming |
图5 4类地物不同匹配方法检测特征点数比较Fig. 5 Comparison of the number of feature points detected by different matching methods for four types of ground features |
图6 4类地物不同匹配方法检测到的正确匹配点对数目比较Fig. 6 Comparison of the number of correct matching point pairs detected by different matching methods for four types of features |
表3 4类地貌区域的匹配效果比对Tab. 3 Comparison of the matching effect of the four types of geomorphic regions |
匹配方法 | 地貌类型 | 影像数量 | 检测特征点 总数/个 | RANSAC后正确匹配总数/个 | 匹配总耗时/s | 平均特征点 增加比率/% | 平均耗时减少 比率/% |
SIFT | 农田 | 27 | 1 179 572 | 26 503 | 433.544 | - | - |
山地 | 46 | 2 253 819 | 94 751 | 853.594 | - | - | |
居民地 | 13 | 988 022 | 46 923 | 288.170 | - | - | |
城镇 | 35 | 2 108 630 | 60 043 | 821.901 | - | - | |
LW-SIFT | 农田 | 27 | 925 733 | 31 153 | 178.002 | 18.87 | 57.26 |
山地 | 46 | 1 766 759 | 114 827 | 367.511 | 21.19 | 54.18 | |
居民地 | 13 | 768 160 | 56 137 | 231.192 | 19.64 | 39.50 | |
城镇 | 35 | 1 641 941 | 72 876 | 380.483 | 21.37 | 49.56 |
表4 异轨影像的匹配效果比对Tab. 4 Comparison of the matching effect of hetero-track images |
影像类型 | 匹配方法 | 检测特征点总数/个 | RANSAC优化后正确匹配总数/个 | 匹配总耗时/s | 平均特征点增加 比率/% | 平均耗时减少 比率/% |
G7-BWD (80-23) | SIFT | 1 286 691 | 23 827 | 534.625 | - | - |
LW-SIFT | 1 015 306 | 28 040 | 299.209 | 16.59 | 32.36 | |
SURF | 1 626 460 | 40 505 | 600.890 | - | - | |
LW-SURF | 942 109 | 8 667 | 224.770 | -75.80 | 60.45 | |
BRISK | 1 202 657 | 28 202 | 182.361 | - | - | |
ORB | 4 186 775 | 130 829 | 1 143.461 | - | - | |
G7-FWD (36-10) | SIFT | 304 796 | 3 129 | 145.891 | - | - |
LW-SIFT | 240 096 | 3 648 | 98.684 | 17.68 | 44.03 | |
SURF | 639 063 | 6 566 | 222.127 | - | - | |
LW-SURF | 376 989 | 1 589 | 87.859 | -78.60 | 62.59 | |
BRISK | 267 828 | 6 631 | 51.944 | - | - | |
ORB | 990 204 | 25 187 | 218.379 | - | - |
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