郭 玮(1994— ),女,河南漯河人,硕士生,主要从事地图制图学与地理信息工程研究。E-mail: 437288475@qq.com |
收稿日期: 2021-10-03
修回日期: 2022-03-07
网络出版日期: 2022-09-25
Generation Methods of the Web Electronic Map for Data Model of Multi-granularity Spatio-temporal Object
Received date: 2021-10-03
Revised date: 2022-03-07
Online published: 2022-09-25
Supported by
National Key Research and Development Program of China(2021YFB3900900)
郭玮 , 谷宇航 , 江南 . 面向多粒度时空对象数据模型的网络电子地图生成方法[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2022 , 24(7) : 1264 -1274 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2022.210603
Traditional web electronic map is a composition of several layers containing geometry elements, which rely on an object-oriented model. However, this model is too abstract to map a more complex world. So the maps based on this model have limitations in expressing the characteristics of dynamic changes and correlation of geographical entities. Domain experts have proposed the data model of Multi-Granularity Spatio-Temporal Object (MGSTO) in recent years, aiming to solve problems of mapping the real world to the “thing space” which is full of “objects”. This inspires new visualizations on the spatio-temporal phenomenon, at the same time, changes the way of map making. Visualizations or maps based on this data model have access to data that are more reliable. The problem is that there is no such map making technique or tool that can deal with it. Therefore, we propose two map marking methods that can make full use of this data model. Firstly, we think it is necessary to bridge existing web cartography platforms and the MGSTO database, so we propose the layer-reconstruction method. In this way, all the online mapping platforms have the ability to understand the data model of MGSTO and make maps depending on it. This method looks like a "middleware" of online mapping tools. Secondly, we propose a method that binds MGSTO onto HTML DOMs, for example, Scalable Vector Graphic(SVG) objects. The MGSTO data is visualized directly into graphic elements (or symbols) and its changes and transforms can be easily reflected onto symbols. The advantage of this method is that updating maps is synchronized with database updates. Maps made by this method can be linked to the real world due to the data model of MGSTO, which has the ability to manage multi-scale features. More complex information such as relation and composition can be easily extracted from the data model of MGSTO, which can be further mapped as thematic maps. Multi-granularity features can be shown by this method. Each of these two map making methods has distinct characteristics. The first method provide mature and stable style of geographic data visualization, and it can be published online easily because it use online infrastructure provided by online mapping platforms. The second method provide map makers more freedom in map design. Users can perfect the data model of MGSTO targeting certain map making objectives. However, more algorithms such as generalization need to be developed for the data model of MGSTO. In addition, this research carries out two experiments using the same dataset to verify our methods, which demonstrates the feasibility our proposed methods.
表1 实验1的地图显示风格Tab. 1 Customised style of maps in experiment-1 |
图层 | 渲染类型 | 渲染属性 | 渲染参数 | 示例 |
面状:居民地、水库和河流 | fill | paint | 颜色、边线颜色等 | |
线状:铁路、城市道路、乡道、 县道、省道和国道 | line | layout、paint | 颜色、宽度、线条末端线帽样式等 | |
点状居民地 | circle、symbol | layout、paint | 颜色、圆点半径等 | |
注记 | symbol | layout、paint | 内容、颜色、字体等 |
表2 多粒度时空对象子类划分Tab. 2 Division of object subclasses |
对象大类 | 对象子类 | |
居民地类 | 街区类、村庄类、地方政府类、院校类 | |
交通类 | 公路类 | 城市道路类、乡道类、县道类、省道类、国道类 |
铁路类 | 标准轨距铁路类 | |
水系类 | 水库类、河流类、湖泊类 |
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