潘雨飘(1999— ),女,贵州三穗人,硕士生,主要从事机器学习和国土空间规划决策支持研究。E-mail: yupiaopan@whu.edu.cn |
收稿日期: 2022-07-02
修回日期: 2022-10-08
网络出版日期: 2023-03-25
Identifying the Class of the Villages based on SMOTE-RF Algorithm
Received date: 2022-07-02
Revised date: 2022-10-08
Online published: 2023-03-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41971336)
National Key Research and Development Program of China(2018YFD1100801)
潘雨飘 , 赵翔 , 王静 , 张亦清 , 刘耀林 . 基于SMOTE-RF算法的村庄发展类型识别方法研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2023 , 25(1) : 163 -176 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2023.220468
To achieve sustainable development and revitalization of the rural areas, it is significant to identify the development pattern of villages according to their natural, social, and economic conditions. To accurately identify the development pattern of villages in rural areas, this study aims to develop a village classification method based on the SMOTE-RF algorithm. To achieve this goal, first, we designed a multi-dimensional index system that includes aspects of topography, location, socioeconomics, agricultural production, construction lands, ecosystem services, and characteristics of rural settlements, to quantify and assess the development characteristics of villages. Second, the classification information of villages identified by planning experts were collected as a sample dataset for model training and validation. To address the overfitting issues of classification algorithms caused by imbalanced sample sets, an oversampling algorithm called SMOTE was applied to produce a balanced synthetic sample set from the original sample set obtained by planning experts based on the K-nearest neighbor strategy. Third, the balanced sample set produced by SMOTE algorithm was used to train the classifier for village classification. Then, the nonlinear relationship between the multi-dimensional development characteristics of the villages and the development pattern of villages was identified using the Random Forest (RF) algorithm. Finally, Zhaoyuan city, which is located in Shandong Province, China, was selected as the study area to evaluate the performance of our model. The experimental results show that the classification model we built based on the SOMTE-RF algorithm can automatically extract the multi-dimensional and nonlinear expert knowledge for village classification from a small number of samples. Compared with the unsupervised classification methods such as SOFM algorithm, the classification results produced by our model can better support the spatial planning decision-making, because the SMOTE-RF algorithm can intuitively present the classification rules in a tree structure. In addition, with the application of oversampling algorithm, the overall accuracy, the accuracy, and the AUC value of the classification model were increased from 0.93 to 0.99, 0.73 to 0.88, and 0.895 to 0.982, respectively, compare with the model results without oversampling. The village classification results in Zhaoyuan also demonstrated that the results obtained by SMOTE-RF algorithm were overall consistent with that of planning experts. For instance, the consistency between the results classified by our model and the planning experts reached 88.27%, and the Kappa coefficient was about 0.78. The village classification model we developed in this study can significantly reduce the uncertainty of the classification results, thus providing a reliable decision-making basis for the territorial planning and rural revitalization.
表1 村庄类型识别指标体系Tab. 1 Index system for village classification |
因素 | 指标名 | 变量名 | 因素 | 指标名 | 变量名 |
地形条件 | 村庄平均地形位指数 | X1 | 建设用地构成 | 工矿用地占建设用地比例/% | X16 |
村庄平均坡度/° | X2 | 住宅用地占建设用地比例/% | X17 | ||
区位条件 | 道路密度/(m/km2) | X3 | 公共服务用地占建设用地比例/% | X18 | |
居民点与公路的平均距离/km | X4 | 交通运输用地占建设用地比例/% | X19 | ||
居民点与小学的平均距离/km | X5 | 生态环境条件 | 林地占国土面积比例/% | X20 | |
居民点与镇区的平均距离/km | X6 | 草地占国土面积比例/% | X21 | ||
居民点与城市的平均距离/km | X7 | 水面与湿地占国土面积比例/% | X22 | ||
社会经济状况 | 乡村人口密度/(人/hm2) | X8 | 净初级生产力/(g/m2/a) | X23 | |
平均夜间灯光强度/(μW/cm2/sr) | X9 | 生境质量 | X24 | ||
平均夜间灯光强度变化/(μW/cm2/sr) | X10 | 农村居民点状况 | 人均农村建设用地面积/(m²/人) | X25 | |
农业生产条件 | 人均耕地面积/(m²/人) | X11 | 农村居民点扩张速度/(m²/a) | X26 | |
耕地占国土面积比例/% | X12 | 平均斑块面积/hm² | X27 | ||
园地占国土面积比例/% | X13 | 平均斑块指数 | X28 | ||
建设用地构成 | 人均建设用地面积/(m²/人) | X14 | 斑块边缘密度/(m/hm2) | X29 | |
商服用地占建设用地比例/% | X15 | 散布与并列指数/% | X30 |
表2 研究数据及来源Tab. 2 Research data sources |
数据类型 | 数据年份 | 数据来源 | 数据说明 |
DEM | 2015 | ALOS地形产品(https://search.asf.alaska.edu/) | 12.5 m分辨率 |
行政区境界线 | 2017 | 国家地理信息公共服务平台( https://www.tianditu.gov.cn/) | 国家基础地理信息中心数据 |
土地利用 | 2014、2018、2020 | 自然资源和规划部门 | 国土调查数据 |
道路网络 | |||
设施分布 | 2020 | 自然资源部门和POI数据 | 地理国情和百度POI点 |
人口数据 | 2020 | 各派出所户籍资料 | 分村户籍人口统计台账 |
夜光遥感数据 | 2015、2020 | NPP-VIIRS年产品(https://eogdata.mines.edu/products/vnl/) | 500 m分辨率 |
净初级生产力数据 | 2020 | MODIS净初级生产力产品(https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/product_search/) | 500 m分辨率 |
村庄分类样本 | 2020 | 自然资源和规划部门 | 国土空间规划村庄体系规划方案 |
表3 RF方法及SMOTE-RF方法的村庄分类精度比较Tab. 3 Accuracy comparison of village classification results between the RF model and the SMOTE-RF model |
类别 | RF方法 | SMOTE-RF方法 | |||||||
训练样本数/个 | 精准率 | 召回率 | F1分数 | 训练样本数/个 | 精准率 | 召回率 | F1分数 | ||
聚集提升类 | 330 | 0.89 | 0.71 | 0.79 | 290 | 0.8 | 0.79 | 0.80 | |
城郊融合类 | 30 | 0.42 | 0.56 | 0.48 | 299 | 0.99 | 0.91 | 0.95 | |
特色保护类 | 8 | 0.09 | 1.0 | 0.17 | 297 | 1.00 | 0.96 | 0.98 | |
搬迁撤并类 | 97 | 0.20 | 0.40 | 0.27 | 295 | 0.74 | 0.86 | 0.79 |
表4 招远市村庄分类结果一致性评估混淆矩阵Tab. 4 Confusion matrix for consistency assessment of village classification results in Zhaoyuan (个) |
专家分类方案 | 模型预测结果 | ||||
集聚提升类 | 城郊融合类 | 特色保护类 | 搬迁撤并类 | 合计 | |
集聚提升类 | 378 | 12 | 7 | 25 | 422 |
城郊融合类 | 1 | 51 | 0 | 0 | 52 |
特色保护类 | 0 | 0 | 21 | 0 | 21 |
搬迁撤并类 | 28 | 4 | 1 | 137 | 170 |
合计 | 407 | 67 | 29 | 162 | 665 |
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