王益鹏(1999— ),男,湖南益阳人,硕士研究生,主要从事地理知识图谱和大数据挖掘研究。 E-mail: wyp@njnu.edu.cn |
收稿日期: 2021-09-30
修回日期: 2021-12-03
网络出版日期: 2023-06-02
Knowledge Graph Representation of Typhoon Disaster Events based on Spatiotemporal Processes
Received date: 2021-09-30
Revised date: 2021-12-03
Online published: 2023-06-02
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41971337)
National Key Research and Development Program(2021YFB3900903)
王益鹏 , 张雪英 , 党玉龙 , 叶鹏 . 顾及时空过程的台风灾害事件知识图谱表示方法[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2023 , 25(6) : 1228 -1239 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2023.210800
China is one of the countries that are most severely affected by typhoons. The direct economic losses caused by typhoons amount to more than 10 billion yuan, and the affected population is more than one million each year in China. Typhoon disasters seriously threaten the social economy and natural environment of coastal areas. As a result, there is an immediate necessity to improve disaster emergency management and comprehensive disaster prevention and mitigation. With the concept of knowledge graph proposed by Google in 2012, it has gradually become a research hotspot in the field of artificial intelligence and played a role in applications such as information retrieval, question answering, and decision analysis. The information integration and representation capability of the knowledge graphs can provide effective support for dynamic monitoring and management decisions of typhoon disaster events. There are problems with the current typhoon disaster models in the representation of spatiotemporal processes. Most disaster knowledge graphs are analyzed for single elements of disaster events, and the research on ontological representation and analysis of disaster development process is still lacking. Firstly, we propose a typhoon disaster events knowledge representation model established from five levels: concept, object, state, characteristic, and relationship, by analyzing the components and dynamic characteristics from the typhoon disaster mechanism. Second, this model considers the multi-granularity of typhoon event information, and unifies the different feature information into each object. Besides, in order to highlight the evolutionary characteristics of typhoon events, the state is taken as the cross-section of the process in a specific spatiotemporal feature. The state is an action or record of an object occurring in time and space. The process is the procedure that properties, forms, and patterns undergo as it gradually changes over time. Finally, we construct a knowledge graph of typhoon disaster events using the 2021 severe typhoon In-Fa as a case study. The results show that the model not only highlights the characteristics of different objects portrayed in the event, but also expresses the spatiotemporal processes of typhoon disaster events through the state sequences of multiple objects. The knowledge graph can be applied as a primary knowledge source in the emergency decision management of typhoon disaster events, which can undoubtedly enable relevant decision-makers to better perceive the spatial and temporal development of typhoon disaster situations. In disaster assessment, based on the rich contents covered in the knowledge graph, it can cope with assessing various aspects such as human casualties, economic losses, and secondary disasters.
表1 台风灾害知识图谱概念节点(部分)Tab. 1 Part of the typhoon disaster knowledge graph concept nodes |
类型 | 名称 | 说明 |
概念节点 | 台风灾害事件 | 事件顶层概念 |
致灾因子 | 致灾因子概念 | |
承灾体 | 承灾体概念 | |
孕灾环境 | 孕灾环境概念 | |
台风 | 台风基本概念 | |
台风结构 | 台风的结构划分 | |
台风等级分类 | 台风的分类依据和等级 | |
台风命名 | 台风的命名标准 | |
台风编号 | 台风的编号方法 | |
人 | 承灾体中人的概念 | |
人受灾指标 | 人的受灾指标的划分 | |
财产 | 承灾体中财产的概念 | |
财产受灾指标 | 财产的受灾指标的划分 | |
资源与环境 | 承灾体中资源与环境的概念 | |
…… | 其它概念节点 |
表2 台风灾害知识图谱中对象、状态、特征节点(部分)Tab. 2 Part of the typhoon disaster knowledge graph objects, states, characteristic nodes |
类型 | 名称 | 说明 |
对象节点 | 台风对象 | 事件中的台风实例 |
人物对象 | 事件中人物实例 | |
房屋 | 事件中房屋实例 | |
交通设施 | 事件中交通设施实例 | |
通信设施 | 事件中通信设施实例 | |
市政设施 | 事件中市政设施实例 | |
基础设施 | 事件中基础设施实例 | |
公共服务设施 | 事件中公共服务实例 | |
工业设施 | 事件中工业设施实例 | |
服务业设施 | 事件中服务设施实例 | |
农业产品 | 事件中农业产品实例 | |
…… | 其他对象节点 | |
状态节点 | 形成阶段 | 台风的形成状态 |
发展阶段 | 台风的发展状态 | |
持续阶段 | 台风的持续状态 | |
衰亡阶段 | 台风的衰亡状态 | |
特征节点 | 时间 | 基于时间参考的特征节点 |
地点 | 基于空间参考的特征节点 | |
台风名称 | 台风灾害事件中台风的名称 | |
台风编号 | 台风的编号 | |
风力大小 | 台风的风力大小 | |
移动速度 | 台风的移动速度 | |
受灾人数 | 台风灾害事件中受灾人口 | |
死亡人数 | 台风灾害事件中死亡人口 | |
紧急转移人口 | 台风灾害事件中紧急转移人口 | |
直接经济损失 | 台风灾害事件的直接经济损失 | |
损毁道路长度 | 台风灾害事件道路损毁的长度 | |
农作物受灾面积 | 农作物的受灾面积 | |
受灾企业数量 | 受灾的企业数量 | |
倒塌房屋间数 | 倒塌的房屋间数 | |
…… | 其他特征节点 |
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