董 勇(1997— ),男,甘肃天水人,硕士生,研究方向为地理大数据。E-mail: dongyongabcdy@163.com |
收稿日期: 2022-11-16
修回日期: 2022-12-31
网络出版日期: 2023-07-14
Detection and Spatial Heterogeneity Analysis of Terrain Fragmentation on the Loess Plateau
Received date: 2022-11-16
Revised date: 2022-12-31
Online published: 2023-07-14
Supported by
General Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China(42271214)
Key Program of Natural Science Foundation of Gansu Province(21JR7RA281)
Key Program of Natural Science Foundation of Gansu Province(21JR7RA278)
Science-Technology Foundation for Young Scientists of Gansu Province(22JR11RA149)
地形破碎化是导致多山地区空间连通性和可进入性差的重要因素,严重制约了区域交通可达性和城乡一体化发展。研究以沟谷密集、地形高度破碎的黄土高原为例,基于DEM数据从整体破碎、正负地形和地形过渡构建地形破碎化指标体系,分别采用空间聚类方法AZP-SA(Automated Zoning Procedure-Simulated Annealing)和客观赋权方法CRITIC(Criteria Importance Though Intercrieria Correlation)生成县域地形破碎化空间分区和评价分级,探讨了黄土高原地形破碎化的空间异质性。研究结果表明:① 地形破碎化指标在空间上普遍表现为连片集聚分布特征,其中高程标准差、地形起伏度等指标的高值单元主要位于陇中高原和秦岭附近区域,低、中值单元主要分布在六盘山-渭河以北区域;② 黄土高原可划分为空间上连续的8个地形破碎化分区,面积最大的4个分区位于高原中部的陕北高原、吕梁山脉以及北部的鄂尔多斯高原等地区,占总面积比例为66.37%,呈倾斜“田”字型分布;其余分区位于高原西部和东南部边缘,面积较小、形状狭长,表明黄土高原地形破碎化的空间分异具有中心区简单、边缘区复杂的特点;③ 黄土高原地形破碎化程度可划分为5级,高破碎化区域占高原总面积的13%,主要分布在陇中高原和秦岭山脉北部,中等和较高破碎化区域面积占高原总面积的55%,主要分布在高原中东部的陕北高原和山西高原,地形破碎化呈现西部高、北部低的整体空间分布特征。本研究可为黄土高原城乡一体化发展政策的制定、交通基础设施规划提供一定的借鉴。
董勇 , 周亮 , 高鸿 , 王宝 . 黄土高原地形破碎化探测及空间异质性分析[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2023 , 25(8) : 1625 -1636 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2023.220892
Terrain fragmentation is an important factor that can result in poor spatial connectivity and accessibility in mountainous areas, which seriously restricts regional transportation accessibility and urban-rural integration development. This study takes the Loess Plateau with dense valleys and highly fragmented terrain as an example and constructs a terrain fragmentation index system based on DEM data for overall fragmentation, positive and negative terrain, and transition terrain. We use the spatial clustering method (Automated Zoning Procedure-Simulated Annealing) and the objective weighting method (Criteria Importance Though Intercrieria Correlation) to generate spatial zoning and evaluation grading of topographic fragmentation at the county level and explore the spatial heterogeneity of topographic fragmentation on the Loess Plateau. The results show that: (1) The general spatial distribution of terrain fragmentation indicators are characterized by contiguous clusters, among which high values of Elevation Standard Deviation and Terrain Relief are mainly located in the Longzhong Plateau and the area near the Qinling Mountains, and the low and medium values are mainly distributed in the north of Liupanshan-Weihe River; (2) The Loess Plateau can be divided into eight spatially continuous topographic fragmentation zones, and the four largest zones are located in the northern Shaanxi Plateau within the central part of the Loess Plateau, the Lvliang Mountains, and the Ordos Plateau in the north. They account for 66.37% of the total area and are distributed in a shape of Chinese character "田", while the rest of the subregions located along the western and southeastern edges of the plateau are small areas with long and narrow shapes. The spatial differentiation of the topographic fragmentation of the Loess Plateau has a simple characteristic in central area and are complex at the edge area; (3) The terrain fragmentation degree of the Loess Plateau can be divided into five levels. The highest fragmentation area accounts for 13% of the total area of the plateau, which is mainly distributed in the Longzhong Plateau and the northern part of the Qinling Mountains. And 55% of the total area of the plateau presents an spatial pattern of high in the west and low in the north, which is mainly distributed in the northern Shaanxi plateau and Shanxi plateau located in the central and eastern part of the plateau. This study provides references for the formulation of urban-rural integration development policy and transportation infrastructure planning in the Loess Plateau.
表1 地形破碎化测度指标体系Tab. 1 Index system of terrain fragmentation measurement |
指标分类 | 指标名称 | 指标缩写 | 计算方式 |
整体破碎 | 高程标准差/m | ESD | 区域内所有像元高程值的标准差 |
流域密度/(个/km2) | WD | 根据DEM划分出区域内流域个数与区域总面积比值 | |
地形起伏度/m | TR | 区域内最高点海拔高度与最低点海拔高度的差值 | |
地表粗糙度/(m2/m2) | SR | 特定区域内地球表面积与其投影面积之比 | |
沟谷密度/(km/km2) | VD | 单位面积内的沟谷长度 | |
山脊密度/(km/km2) | RD | 单位面积内的山脊线长度 | |
正负地形 | 正地形占比/% | PTR | 高于基准高程值像元个数与区域总像元个数比值 |
负地形占比/% | NTR | 低于基准高程值像元个数与区域总像元个数比值 | |
地形过渡 | 2°~5°坡度面积比/% | S0205 | 坡度在2°~5°内的像元数与区域内总像元个数比值 |
5°~15°坡度面积比/% | S0515 | 坡度在5°~15°内的像元数与区域内总像元个数比值 | |
15°~35°坡度面积比/% | S1535 | 坡度在15°~35°内的像元数与区域内总像元个数比值 | |
35°~90°坡度面积比/% | S3590 | 坡度在35°~90°内的像元数与区域内总像元个数比值 |
注:表中所有指标缩写全称为ESD(Elevation Standard Deviation)、WD(Watershed Density)、TR(Terrain Relief)、SR(Surface Roughness)、VD(Valley Density)、RD(Ridge Density)、PTR(Positive Terrain Ratio)、NTR(Negative Terrain Ratio)、S0205(2°~5° Slope Area Ratio)、S0515 (5°~15° Slope Area Ratio)、S1535(15°~35° Slope Area Ratio)、S3590(35°~90° Slope Area Ratio)。 |
表2 CRITIC客观赋权法各指标权重系数Tab. 2 Weight coefficients of indicators of CRITIC objective weighting method |
整体破碎 | 正负地形 | 地形过渡 | |||||
变量 | ESD | WD | PTR | NTR | S0515 | S1535 | S3590 |
权重 | 0.123 3 | 0.046 3 | 0.190 2 | 0.200 4 | 0.188 9 | 0.182 6 | 0.068 3 |
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