魏 伟(1988— ),男,河南安阳人,副教授,博士,硕士生导师,主要研究方向为旅游信息科学、政策与科学的共演化、文本挖掘等。E-mail: weiwei123@zzu.edu.cn |
收稿日期: 2022-06-19
修回日期: 2022-11-10
网络出版日期: 2023-09-05
Tourism Information Science: Research on Theory and Practice under the Background of Interdisciplinary Integration
Received date: 2022-06-19
Revised date: 2022-11-10
Online published: 2023-09-05
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(72001191)
Henan Province Philosophy and Social Science Planning Project(2020CZH009)
魏伟 , 丁双莹 , 刘方方 , 李金铠 , 郑鹏 . 旅游信息科学:多学科交叉融合背景下的理论与实践探究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2023 , 25(9) : 1747 -1764 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2023.220416
With the widespread application of information technology in the field of tourism, the importance of tourism information science has gradually become prominent. In order to systematically summarize the research progress of tourism information science, this paper collects and organizes research literature in the field of tourism information science at home and abroad from 2011 to 2022, and comprehensively uses literature analysis method and LDA topic model to discuss the literature overview and research progress of tourism information science under the background of interdisciplinary integration. This study summarizes that: In the past 12 years, the research on tourism information science has shown a trend of rapid growth, which has attracted the attention of many disciplines such as tourism, geographic science, environmental science and ecology, and computer science at home and abroad. However, compared to the domestic research, the international research progress in this field is more remarkable in recent years, and Chinese scholars have played an important role in international studies. The methods and theories used in the research show obvious interdisciplinary characteristics. The introduction of multi-disciplinary theories such as the spatial theory of geography, the relationship theory of journalism and communication, and the decision theory of behavior and psychology, the innovation of data acquisition methods such as wireless sensor networks, data mining, and API interfaces, and the comprehensive application of various research methods such as empirical research, model algorithms, mathematical statistics, and econometric analysis have innovated the research ideas of tourism information science. The research content focuses on the promotion of diversified technologies such as geographic information technology, data mining technology, and network communication technology in the field of tourism, and the exploration of the core topics such as tourism information spatiotemporal evolution law, tourism data mining and forecasting, tourism information behavior characteristics, and tourism information technology innovation and application. There are still problems in the field of tourism information science, such as the insufficient cooperation and exchange at home and abroad, the imbalance between theoretical research and practical application, the inflexibility of data methods and technologies, and the lack of innovative and practical research content. Finally, this paper proposes that tourism information science should accelerate the localization process of international frontier research, focus on the sorting and discussion of basic theories and concepts, emphasize the integrated application of multiple technologies and methods, and strengthen the interaction of disciplines in research application.
表1 传统数据和多源大数据的特征对比Tab. 1 Characteristics comparison of traditional data and multi-source big data |
传统数据 | 多源大数据 | |
数据类型 | 以结构化数据为主,例如旅游统计年鉴数据、问卷调查数据、实验观察数据等 | 包括结构化、半结构化和非结构化数据,例如地理位置数据、UGC数据、旅游交互数据等 |
获取方式 | 官方统计、抽样调查、实验观察等 | 无线传感器网络、GPS和LBS定位、数据挖掘算法、搜索引擎指数等 |
数据体量 | 数据量小,可采集多重社会经济属性 | 数据量大,波及范围广、维度高、实时性强 |
表2 旅游信息科学中英文文献主题分布结果Tab. 2 Topic distribution results of Chinese and English literature in tourism information science |
中文文献 | 英文文献 | ||||||||||||
主题1 | 主题2 | 主题3 | Topic1 | Topic2 | Topic3 | Topic4 | |||||||
特征词 | 概率 | 特征词 | 概率 | 特征词 | 概率 | 特征词 | 概率 | 特征词 | 概率 | 特征词 | 概率 | 特征词 | 概率 |
模型 | 0.040 | 信息 | 0.048 | 旅游信息 | 0.045 | analysis | 0.048 | data | 0.081 | social | 0.026 | social media | 0.022 |
空间 | 0.040 | 旅游资源 | 0.041 | 评价 | 0.021 | network | 0.028 | technology | 0.024 | behavior | 0.013 | smart tourism | 0.022 |
数据 | 0.028 | 旅游信息流 | 0.027 | 感知 | 0.019 | design | 0.018 | value | 0.015 | implicati-ons | 0.011 | destinations | 0.012 |
系统 | 0.026 | 大数据 | 0.024 | 信息搜寻 | 0.014 | managem-ent | 0.016 | impact | 0.011 | web | 0.011 | influence | 0.011 |
技术 | 0.023 | 时空 | 0.021 | 传播 | 0.013 | forecasting | 0.012 | quality | 0.010 | demand | 0.010 | marketing | 0.011 |
旅游业 | 0.018 | 信息技术 | 0.021 | 网站 | 0.013 | recommen-dation | 0.012 | satisfaction | 0.009 | mining | 0.007 | algorithm | 0.009 |
在线旅游 | 0.015 | 产业 | 0.019 | 旅游产业 | 0.013 | data mining | 0.008 | models | 0.009 | machine learning | 0.007 | spatial | 0.009 |
智慧旅游 | 0.013 | 信息化 | 0.012 | 影响因素 | 0.012 | websites | 0.007 | perceived | 0.008 | characteri-stics | 0.006 | activities | 0.008 |
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