何海清(1983— ),男,江西赣州人,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要从事摄影测量与遥感、人工智能等方面的研究。E-mail: hyhqing@163.com |
收稿日期: 2023-07-04
修回日期: 2023-08-09
网络出版日期: 2023-12-05
Fruit Tree Canopy Segmentation by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photogrammetry Coupled on Convolutional Neural Network and Attention Mechanism
Received date: 2023-07-04
Revised date: 2023-08-09
Online published: 2023-12-05
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants(42261075)
National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants(41861062)
Jiangxi Provincial Natural Science Foundation under Grant(20224ACB212003)
State Key Laboratory of Geo-information Engineering and Key Laboratory of Surveying and Mapping Science and Geospatial Information Technology of MNR, CASM under Grant(2022-02-04)
何海清 , 周福阳 , 陈敏 , 陈婷 , 官云兰 , 曾怀恩 , 魏燕 . 耦合卷积神经网络与注意力机制的无人机摄影测量果树树冠分割方法[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2023 , 25(12) : 2387 -2401 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2023.230370
The segmentation of fruit tree canopy based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) visible spectral images is greatly influenced by complex background information such as topographic relief, shrubs, and weeds. Although existing deep neural networks can improve the robustness of canopy segmentation to a certain extent, they ignore the global context and local detailed information of the canopy due to limited receptive field and information interaction, which restricts the improvement of canopy segmentation accuracy. To address these issues, this paper introduces the Canopy Height Model (CHM) and deep learning algorithms, and proposes a fruit tree canopy segmentation method that couples Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Attention Mechanisms (AM) based on UAV photogrammetry. This method first constructs a coupled deep neural network based on CNN and AM through transfer learning to extract both the local and global high-level contextual features of fruit tree canopies. Meanwhile, considering the correlation between deep semantic features and the position information of fruit tree canopies, a local and global feature fusion module is designed to achieve collaborative tree canopy segmentation of attributes and spatial positions. Taking the citrus tree canopy segmentation as an example, the experimental results demonstrate that the use of the CHM can effectively suppress the influence of topographic relief. Our proposed method can also significantly reduce the interference of underlying weeds or shrubs on canopy segmentation, and achieves the highest Overall Accuracy (OA), F1 score, and mean Intersection over Union (mIoU) of 97.57%, 95.49%, and 94.05%, respectively. Compared with other state-of-the-art networks such as SegFormer, SETR_PUP,TransUNet, TransFuse, and CCTNet, the mIoU obtained by the proposed method increases by 1.79%, 8.83%, 1.16%, 1.43%, and 1.85%, respectively. The proposed method can achieve high-precision segmentation of fruit tree canopies with complex background information, which has important practical value for understanding the growth status of fruit trees and fine management of orchards.
表1 LGFFM、CA和Lossaux的消融实验结果Tab. 1 Ablation experimental results of LGFFM, CA and Lossaux (%) |
方法 | OA | F1 | mIoU |
Baseline | 96.33 | 93.02 | 91.05 |
Net + LGFFM | 97.19 | 93.89 | 92.77 |
Net + CA | 96.97 | 93.44 | 92.14 |
Net + Lossaux | 97.04 | 92.93 | 91.56 |
Net + LGFFM + CA | 97.42 | 94.94 | 93.61 |
Net + CA + Lossaux | 97.07 | 93.74 | 92.69 |
Net + LGFFM + Lossaux | 97.21 | 94.52 | 93.31 |
Net + LGFFM + CA + Lossaux (CNNAMNet) | 97.57 | 95.49 | 94.05 |
表2 不同网络模型的2D和2.5D数据树冠分割定量评价结果Tab. 2 Quantitative evaluation results of 2D and 2.5D data crown segmentation for different network models (%) |
方法 | 数据集 | OA | F1 | mIoU |
区域生长 | 2D | 80.11 | 77.12 | 74.94 |
分水岭算法 | 2D | 87.38 | 82.60 | 80.45 |
FCN | 2D | 95.29 | 88.71 | 86.97 |
2.5D | 95.19 | 90.75 | 88.39 | |
BiseNet-V2 | 2D | 95.45 | 89.13 | 87.40 |
2.5D | 95.64 | 91.23 | 89.21 | |
PSPNet | 2D | 96.85 | 92.47 | 91.05 |
2.5D | 97.09 | 94.41 | 92.94 | |
EfficientNet-V2 | 2D | 96.89 | 92.80 | 91.47 |
2.5D | 96.75 | 93.99 | 92.16 | |
DANet | 2D | 96.90 | 92.57 | 91.17 |
2.5D | 97.15 | 94.73 | 93.08 | |
DeepLab-V3 | 2D | 97.15 | 93.26 | 91.85 |
2.5D | 97.06 | 94.56 | 92.88 | |
CSwin-Tiny | 2D | 97.08 | 93.29 | 91.96 |
2.5D | 97.26 | 94.35 | 92.95 | |
CNNAMNet | 2D | 97.20 | 94.62 | 93.03 |
2.5D | 97.57 | 95.49 | 94.05 |
图12 CNNAMNet在不同背景下柑橘果树树冠分割结果对比注:红色椭圆表示着重分析的区域。 Fig. 12 Comparison of citrus tree canopy segmentation result under different backgrounds using CNNAMNet |
表3 CNNAMNet在不同区域和数据的树冠分割定量评价对比Tab. 3 Quantitative evaluation comparison results of canopy segmentation in different regions and data using CNNAMNet (%) |
研究区域 | 数据集 | OA | Precision | Recall | F1 | mIoU |
区域1 | 2D | 96.39 | 92.17 | 93.94 | 93.05 | 91.12 |
2.5D | 96.94 | 93.61 | 94.56 | 94.08 | 92.39 | |
区域2 | 2D | 97.92 | 91.01 | 91.42 | 91.22 | 90.88 |
2.5D | 98.27 | 90.95 | 93.05 | 91.99 | 91.62 |
表4 CNNAMNet与其他先进网络模型对比结果Tab. 4 Comparison between the CNNAMNet and other state-of-the-art networks (%) |
方法 | OA | Precision | Recall | F1 | mIoU |
SegFormer | 97.28 | 92.18 | 94.99 | 93.56 | 92.26 |
SETR_PUP | 93.59 | 87.36 | 89.00 | 88.17 | 85.22 |
TransUNet | 97.07 | 94.12 | 95.03 | 94.57 | 92.89 |
TransFuse | 96.95 | 93.82 | 94.89 | 94.36 | 92.62 |
CCTNet | 97.26 | 92.10 | 94.95 | 93.51 | 92.20 |
CNNAMNet | 97.57 | 94.97 | 96.02 | 95.49 | 94.05 |
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