任 福(1976— ),男,内蒙古包头人,博士,博士生导师,教授,主要从事行业专题地图服务、智能制图、地理信息工程等方面研究。E-mail: renfu@whu.edu.cn |
收稿日期: 2023-12-12
修回日期: 2024-01-15
网络出版日期: 2024-03-26
Interdisciplinary-Driven Evolution of Map Thinking
Received date: 2023-12-12
Revised date: 2024-01-15
Online published: 2024-03-26
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42071448)
任福 , 王昭 , 杜清运 , 李中 , 李博辉 . 学科交叉驱动的地图思维演化[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2024 , 26(1) : 46 -55 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2024.230740
The map is one of the most powerful and lasting geographical thinking, reflecting the way of human observing and understanding geographical elements and phenomena. In the era of information and communications technology, the map is defined as a visual information representation of ternary space consisting of physical space, social space, and information space. In the three stages of digitalization, intelligentization, and smartization, the knowledge system of cartography has also undergone profound changes and evolution, whose connotation and extension are constantly expanding and generalizing, and it is constantly cross-penetrating with multiple disciplines in terms of depth and breadth. In this process, map thinking has become an important way of knowing, understanding and constructing spatial thinking, which can be specifically distilled into four ways of thinking, namely, Digital-Shape-Graph-Spectrum thinking. Map thinking is an important research method in geographic science and even in earth science, and refining and coalescing map thinking can form a new path for understanding spatial thinking in ternary space. Respectively,digital thinking is a quantitative description and expression of geographical entities and phenomena in the traditional binary space, pursuing the "precision and accuracy" of spatial description; Shaped thinking is a symbolic form of mapping of "digital", which focuses on "similarity and detail" expressing human geographical insights in a visual form; Thinking about geographical problems through graph thinking is to show the connections between things and form a logical abstraction. It is the foundation for establishing the "map/GIS + professional applications" ecology, and its basic paths include metaphorical inspiration, generalized expression, and knowledge linking. Spectral thinking is a system that organizes a series of maps based on the category or system of objects, using certain characteristics to form a dynamic evolutionary system. Driven by multidisciplinary, the four modes of thinking of Digital-Shape-Graph-Spectrum have significant differences in grammatical features, semantic functions, pragmatic characteristics, implementation paths, expression types, and key technologies. Map thinking is an advanced cognitive activity in which humans use graph and images to understand, analyze and express spatial problems, from the perspective of Number-Shape-Graph-Spectrum thinking, it is clear that maps occupy a unique position at the intersection of geography and surveying and mapping science. Surveying and mapping science is more based on the Digital-Shape thinking of map, focusing on scientific measurement and expressing the spatial distribution of geographical elements; Geography is more inclined to the Graph-Spectrum thinking of map, focusing on revealing the laws and mechanisms of geographical phenomena in nature.
表1 “数-形-图-谱”思维的比较Tab. 1 Comparison of Digital-Shape-Graph-Spectrum thinking |
数思维 | 形思维 | 图思维 | 谱思维 | |
语法格式 | 点云(数据集) | 线条(坐标串) | 图模型(节点-链) | 图(集/系统)+时间 |
语义功能 | 精度、准确 | 相似、保真 | 抽象、联系 | 系统演化、生态格局 |
语用特征 | 空间记载工具 | 科学认知工具 | 空间思维模式 | 时空作用规律 |
实现路径 | 物联感知 | 自动几何算法 | 地图模版+机器学习 | 时空大模型+知识图谱 |
表达类型 | 文本信息、空间信息数据等 | 普通地图、信息图表、 三维实景等 | 专题地图、图网络、 泛地图等 | 地学知识图谱、 地学信息图谱 |
关键技术 | 测量、语义转换、数字高程 分析 | 地图综合、矢栅一体化、 科学可视化 | 空间关系建模 时空数据模型 | 人工智能、空间机器学习、 深度学习 |
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