尹延中(1999— ),男,江苏盐城人,硕士生,研究方向为时空大数据分析。E-mail: yinyanzhong2021@163.com |
Copy editor: 蒋树芳
收稿日期: 2023-03-28
修回日期: 2023-05-05
网络出版日期: 2024-03-31
Analysis of Urban Centrality and Community Patterns from the Perspective of "Intercity Mobility Flow" in China
Received date: 2023-03-28
Revised date: 2023-05-05
Online published: 2024-03-31
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42201500)
The Central Guided Local Development of Science and Technology Project(2022L3003)
城市网络的组织结构与运行机制离不开城市间的关联关系。本文基于2021年10月至2022年9月的百度迁徙大数据,构建了中国366个城市的城际人口流动网络。在节点层面,提出了城际人口流动超越指数衡量城市中心性,探索城市中心性的空间聚类特征;在网络社区层面,分析了中国366个城市的月际城际人口流动特征及社群格局。结果表明: ① 城际人口流动超越指数能够有效表征城际人口流动网络中各城市的中心性; ② 城际人口流动网络中各城市根据其中心性形成“高高”集聚分布和“低低”集聚分布的特征; ③ 城际人口流动集聚格局受节假日因素、新型冠状病毒感染等综合影响,在不同月份表现出不同的特征,总体上符合地理学第一定律,并呈现省际分异特征; ④ 城市凝聚子群发现结果表明,成渝、大湾区、中原、关中平原、长三角等城市群人口流动格局较为稳定,具有跨省人口流动融合特征;山东半岛城市群与京津冀城市群的人口流动格局联系密切,出现跨城市群人口流动特征;浙江省省域内人口流动特征逐渐加强;长江中游、海峡西岸城市群仍未形成跨越省界的稳定人口流动社群格局。
关键词: 城市中心性; 城市相互作用; 社区检测; 城际人口流动网络格局; 百度迁徙数据; 城际人口流动超越指数; 区域协调 发展; 城市群
尹延中 , 邬群勇 , 林瀚 , 赵志远 . “人口流动”视域下中国城市中心性和社群格局分析[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2024 , 26(3) : 666 -678 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2024.230157
The effect of "space-time compression" caused by "space flow" breaks the independent allocation of resources between cities and drives the formation of regionally integrated development pattern, and the organizational structure and operation mechanism of the urban network cannot be separated from the inter-city relationship. Based on Baidu migration big data from October 2021 to September 2022, this paper constructs the intercity population flow network for 366 cities in China. At the node level, a population flow surpassing index is proposed to measure urban centrality and explore the spatial clustering characteristics of urban centrality. At the network community level, the monthly intercity population flow pattern and characteristics of 366 cities are analyzed. The results show that: (1) The population flow surpassing index considering flow direction meets the actual needs of intercity population mobility evaluation for measuring urban centrality and can effectively characterize the centrality of cities in the intercity population flow network. Using Baidu Migration big data from January 2023 to April 2023 after the end of the epidemic for comparison, we found that the central impact on national central city is small due to the prevention and control of COVID-19 transmission; (2) Cities in the intercity population flow network exhibit "High-High (HH)" and "Low-Low (LL)" agglomeration characteristics according to their centrality. HH clustering areas are formed in the eastern coastal and central regions, while LL clustering areas are mainly located at the edge of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, the edge of the three northeastern provinces, and some areas in Hainan Island; (3) The intercity population flow pattern shows different characteristics in different months due to the influence of holidays, COVID-19 transmission, etc., generally in accordance with the first law of geography, and exhibits provincial differentiation characteristics; (4) The finding of urban cohesive subgroups shows that the intercity population flow patterns of Chengdu-Chongqing Urban Agglomeration, Greater Bay Area, Central Plains Urban Agglomeration, Guanzhong Plain Urban Agglomeration, Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration, and other urban clusters are relatively stable, characterized by cross-provincial population flow integration. The Shandong Peninsula Urban Agglomeration and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration have close connection in intercity population flow patterns, characterized by cross-urban cluster intercity population flow. The intercity population flow pattern within Zhejiang Province is gradually enhanced, and the urban clusters in middle reaches of Yangtze River and the west bank of the Taiwan Strait haven’t yet formed a stable population flow pattern across provincial borders.
表1 2021年10月—2022年9月中国城市中心性分区表Tab. 1 Division of urban centrality from October 2021 to September 2022 in China |
城市中心性分区 | 城市名称 |
城际人口流动一区(前5%) | 北京、上海、重庆、广州、杭州、深圳、成都、武汉、郑州、西安、长沙、苏州、南京、天津、宁波、合肥、青岛、济南 |
城际人口流动二区(5%~25%) | 石家庄、东莞、昆明、无锡、温州、南阳、福州、金华、佛山、南昌、保定等74个城市 |
城际人口流动三区(25%~50%) | 达州、镇江、赣州、渭南、淄博、泰州、安庆、德州、常德、衡阳、亳州等91个城市 |
城际人口流动四区(50%~100%) | 马鞍山、永州、自贡、忻州、淮南、庆阳、西双版纳、大理、清远、宣城等183个城市 |
表2 2021年10月—2022年9月中国凝聚子群识别结果汇总Tab. 2 Summary table of urban community identification results from October 2021 to September 2022 in China |
类型 | 区域名称 |
跨界省域融合 | 川渝、京津冀鲁、江皖沪、陕宁蒙、黑吉辽片区 |
省域主体融合 | 湖北、广西、甘肃、广东、云南、西藏等主体片区 |
省域融合 | 贵州、山西、浙江、福建、青海、海南、湖南、新疆、河南 |
表3 2021年10月—2022年9月中国未形成稳定社群模式的城市汇总Tab. 3 Table of cities without stable community patterns from October 2021 to September 2022 in China |
所属省区 | 区域名称 |
内蒙古自治区 | 锡林郭勒盟 |
云南省 | 昭通市 |
湖南省 | 恩施土家族苗族自治州 |
安徽省 | 亳州市、阜阳市 |
江西省 | 上饶市、吉安市、宜春市、抚州市、新余市、景德镇市、萍乡市、赣州市、鹰潭市 |
表4 不同网络视角下区域融合发展格局Tab. 4 Regional integration development pattern from different network perspectives |
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