闾国年(1961— ),男,江苏南通人,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为地理信息系统理论与应用。E-mail: gnlu@njnu.edu.cn |
收稿日期: 2024-03-19
修回日期: 2024-04-16
网络出版日期: 2024-05-11
Reflections on the Development of the Geographic Information Discipline
Received date: 2024-03-19
Revised date: 2024-04-16
Online published: 2024-05-11
Supported by
National Natural and Science Foundation of China(41930648)
National Natural and Science Foundation of China(41842047)
National Natural and Science Foundation of China(41930104)
闾国年 , 袁林旺 , 陈旻 , 张雪英 , 周良辰 , 俞肇元 , 罗文 , 乐松山 , 吴明光 . 地理信息学科发展的思考[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2024 , 26(4) : 767 -778 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2024.240149
Geographic Information Science (GIS) is not only the demand for the development of the discipline itself, but also the technical method to support the exploration of the frontiers of geography, earth system science and future geography, and the supporting technology to serve the national strategy and social development. In view of the intrinsic law of the development of geographic information science, the extrinsic drive of the development of related disciplines, and the pull of new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), this paper firstly analyses the development process of GIS and explores its development law from six dimensions, such as description content, expression dimension, expression mode, analysis method and service mode, etc.; then, on the basis of interpreting the original intention and goal of the development of geography, a geography discipline system oriented to the "physical-humanistic-informational" triadic world is proposed, the research object of information geography is discussed, and a conceptual model integrating the seven elements of information and seven dimensions of geographic descriptions is put forward; then, the development trend of geographic information science is analysed from three aspects, including geography from the perspective of information science, information geography from the perspective of geography, and geo-linguistics from the perspective of linguistics, information geography from the perspective of geography, and geolinguistics from the perspective of linguistics, the development trend of geographic information discipline is analysed. Finally, the paper summarises the possible directions and points of development of GIS, geography in the information age, geo-scenario, and geo-big model. We hope that our work can contribute to enriching the understanding of geographic information disciplines, promoting the development of geographic information related sciences, and enhancing the ability of the discipline to support national development needs and serve society.
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