吴田军(1986— ),男,浙江嘉兴人,博士,副教授,主要从事智能遥感分析与地理信息应用研究。 |
收稿日期: 2023-12-14
修回日期: 2024-01-13
网络出版日期: 2024-05-11
Theoretical Framework Construction and Application Practice of the Geographic Spatiotemporal Digital Base
Received date: 2023-12-14
Revised date: 2024-01-13
Online published: 2024-05-11
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42071316)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42201413)
National Key Research and Development Program of China(2021YFB3900905)
Science and Technology Project of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region(2021ZD0045)
the Project of Chongqing Agricultural Industry Digital Map(21C00346)
吴田军 , 骆剑承 , 李曼嘉 , 张静 , 赵馨 , 胡晓东 , 左进 , 闵帆 , 王玲玉 , 黄启厅 . 地理时空数字化底座理论框架构建与应用实践[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2024 , 26(4) : 799 -830 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2024.230747
With high quality development becoming the primary task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country, the importance of geographic spatiotemporal information in supporting national and local socio-economic development has been raised to new heights. Based on the urgent need for high-quality development to empower geographic spatiotemporal information, this paper first comprehensively reviews the theoretical and methodological research status of geographic spatiotemporal expression and computation from the perspectives of complex land surface system expression, spatiotemporal uncertainty analysis, and geographic spatial intelligent computing. It is pointed out that there is an urgent need to update concepts, integrate across borders, and innovate technologies to improve the production level of spatiotemporal information products and assist in the high-quality transformation and development of social and economic activities in the three living spaces. Furthermore, driven by the problems of deconstructing complex land surface and analyzing precise parameters, we propose relevant theoretical thinking and research ideas of geographic spatiotemporal digital base (GST-DB) with an overview of basic concepts and technical points. The GST-DB is based on the uniqueness and distribution of time and space, and is proposed by three basic elements around brackets, containers, and engines. The paper focuses on analyzing three key scientific issues, including multiple representations and knowledge association for complex land surface systems, uncertainty analysis of spectral feature reconstruction under spatial form constraints, signal transmission and optimized control with the collaboration of satellite, ground, and human. The three key objectives, namely deconstruction of global space, analyticity of local space, and transferability between spaces, cut into the process of connecting the two-step process of spatial expression and parameter calculation, and further explain the difficulties and feasible solution paths of reliable expression, reliable analysis, and controllable computing. Through the analysis of the solution approach, the feasibility and necessity of the organic synergy of geoscientific analysis ideas, remote sensing mechanism knowledge, and machine intelligence algorithms are demonstrated. On this basis, this paper focuses on the monitoring and supervision of agricultural production as a demand-oriented problem for introducing agricultural application cases of GST-DB. Four types of application models for people, land, money, and things are preliminarily described. By demonstrating the construction process and implementation effectiveness of integrated intelligent computing, the advantages and basic supporting role of the base in carrying and utilizing spatiotemporal data elements are highlighted. This case study demonstrates the potential to provide high-quality spatiotemporal information services for the development of modern agriculture in complex mountain areas.
图13 重庆开州区行政分区边界微调Fig. 13 Fine adjustment of administrative division boundaries of Kaizhou District, Chongqing City |
表2 种植地块分级属性Tab. 2 Attribute table of land geo-parcel |
分级类别 | 字段名称 | 属性名称 | 属性说明与示例 |
基本属性 | land_code | 地块编号 | 1,2,…,分区号 [分区号为086+500(省代码)+0000(分区编号代码)] |
land_xz | 行政区划 | 例:500154109000 | |
land_zrea | 地块面积 | 单位:hm2 | |
land_lengt | 地块周长 | 单位:m | |
土地利用 | lu_1 | 地块类别(一级类) | 耕地:0100;园地:0200;水域:0400 |
lu_2 | 土地利用类型(二级类) | 水田0101;旱地0102;水浇地0103;果园0201;茶园0202;经济园0203;其他园地0204;坑塘水面0401 | |
土地覆盖 | zw_1 | 作物类型(一轮) | 水稻、玉米、蔬菜…… |
zw_2 | 作物类型(二轮) | 再生稻…… | |
zw_3 | 作物类型(三轮) | 油菜、小麦…… | |
land_grow | 作物长势 | 5个等级:好、较好、持平、较差、差 | |
land_prod | 作物产量 | 单位:kg | |
土地资源 | land _tem | 地块积温 | 单位:℃ |
land _rain | 地块降水 | 单位:mm | |
land_dem | 地块高程 | 单位:m | |
land_aspec | 地块坡度 | 单位:° | |
land_slope | 地块坡向 | 单位:° |
表3 重庆开州区地块属性表实例Tab. 3 Example of land geo-parcels' attributes in Kaizhou District, Chongqing City |
地块编号 | 行政区划 | 地块面积 /hm2 | 地块周长 /m | 地块高程 /m | 地块坡向 /(°) | 地块坡度 /(°) | 土地利用 一级类 | 土地利用 二级类 |
340865000026 | 500154115000 | 0.112 | 154.98 | 310 | 111 | 6 | 0100 | 0101 |
1260865000026 | 500154115000 | 0.019 | 55.39 | 366 | 315 | 2 | 0100 | 0101 |
1270865000026 | 500154115000 | 0.005 | 29.90 | 324 | 298 | 8 | 0100 | 0103 |
1290865000026 | 500154115000 | 0.177 | 171.21 | 329 | 255 | 4 | 0100 | 0101 |
1330865000026 | 500154115000 | 0.092 | 173.97 | 368 | 212 | 11 | 0100 | 0103 |
1750865000026 | 500154115000 | 0.185 | 233.37 | 316 | 258 | 2 | 0100 | 0103 |
… | … | … | … | … | … | … | … | … |
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