连晨晨(1994— ),女,河南安阳人,博士生,主要从事空间优化等研究。E-mail: cclian@henu.edu.cn |
收稿日期: 2023-12-26
修回日期: 2024-01-26
网络出版日期: 2024-05-11
Balancing Service Efficiency and Equality in Location Models: Research Progress and Prospects
Received date: 2023-12-26
Revised date: 2024-01-26
Online published: 2024-05-11
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41871307)
Postgraduate Cultivating Innovation and Quality Improvement Action Plan of Henan University(SYLYC2022012)
连晨晨 , 张广利 , 孔云峰 , 翟石艳 . 公共服务空间公平性区位问题研究进展与展望[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2024 , 26(4) : 915 -926 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2024.230768
Efficiency and equity are two most important concepts in public services. Public facility locations play a critical role in the delivery of quality services in a convenient and equitable manner. In this paper, the facility location problems considering efficiency and equity are reviewed, and the further research on equitable aggregation functions is suggested. Firstly, the concepts of service equity, spatial equity, and service efficiency in public services are analyzed. The commonly used indicators of spatial equity are redefined mathematically by introducing the weight of service demand. Secondly, according to the key principles of model formulation, three approaches to handle spatial equity of service in location modeling are briefly summarized. The first approach directly uses one of the inequality indicators, as an objective or a constraint, in the mathematical model. Based on Rawls' fairness principle of "veil of ignorance", the second approach uses a well-designed ordered weighted distance function to construct an order median model. Following the sociological principle of "inequity aversion", the third approach uses equitable aggregation functions that take into account both efficiency and equity concerns. The monotonicity, anonymity, and Pigou-Dalton principles of transfers are the essential standards to formulate an equitable aggregation function. An aggregation function that weakly satisfies monotonicity, or the Pigou-Dalton principle of transfers is also acceptable in facility location modeling. Thirdly, several research directions are suggested to overcome the limitations of existing location models. Based on the concept of spatial envy of service, a general inequity-averse aggregation function, which weakly satisfies the criteria of equitable aggregation, is recommended for public facility location modeling. Theoretical analysis shows that the aggregation function has serval advantages: easy to formulate a new location model, relatively easy to solve the new model, and effective to increase the spatial equity by slightly increasing the average travel distance. Finally, it is encouraged to explore the general relationships between service cost, spatial access to service, and spatial equity, which are fundamental for public service evaluation, improvement, and decision making.
表1 常见空间公平性指标Tab. 1 Commonly-used spatial equity indicators |
指标 | 公式 | 编号 | 意义 |
最大值(Max) | (1) | 最大距离 | |
区间(RG) | (2) | 最大最小距离之差 | |
最大偏差(MD) | (3) | 出行距离与距离均值的最大偏差 | |
平均偏差(MAD) | (4) | 所有需求点出行距离与距离均值偏差的均值 | |
Schutz指数(SI) | (5) | 标准化平均偏差 | |
方差(VAR) | (6) | 所有需求点出行距离与均值的偏离程度 | |
标准差(SD) | (7) | 方差的平方根 | |
变异系数(VC) | VC= | (8) | 标准化方差 |
绝对偏差(AD) | (9) | 所有需求点间出行距离差异之和 | |
Gini系数(GI) | (10) | 标准化绝对偏差 | |
Theil指数(TI) | (11) | 需求点出行距离与距离均值间的差异程度 |
注:公式中各变量含义见本文2.2节。 |
表2 3种公平区位建模途径比较Tab. 2 Comparison of three approaches to equity-related location problems |
建模途径 | 公平与效率目标优化 | 有序中值问题 | 公平聚合函数 |
理论基础 | 基于Pareto最优理论,选择效率指标和空间公平指标作为目标函数 | 基于罗尔斯主义无知之幕原理,减低若干最劣区位的出行距离 | 基于社会学不公平厌恶理论,目标函数满足单调性、匿名性和PD转移规则 |
模型特征 | ①公平指标与效率指标内在冲突,Pareto解集中存在大量低效解,浪费计算时间; ②为获得“公平有效”解,需要引入效率指标约束条件,或者公平性目标函数需要满足若干数学性质 | ①建模重点在于出行距离排序及其权重设置; ②需要引入额外的决策变量和约束条件,模型计算复杂度很高; ③模型结果与权重设置关系密切,实际应用中如何确定权重尚无共识 | ①构造的目标函数需要从数学上证明其是否满足公平聚合基本要求,也需要设置适当的权重参数; ②理论分析较多,满足此要求的实际模型及实际应用罕见 |
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