刘奕含(1998— ),女,辽宁抚顺人,硕士,研究方向为知识图谱及智慧交通。E-mail: yihanliu_1998@henu.edu.cn |
收稿日期: 2023-09-23
修回日期: 2023-11-29
网络出版日期: 2024-05-11
Survey of Dynamic Knowledge Graph for Urban Traffic: Construction, Representation and Application
Received date: 2023-09-23
Revised date: 2023-11-29
Online published: 2024-05-11
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(62176088)
International Strategic Innovative Project of National Key Research & Development Program of China(2023YFE0112500)
Key Science and Technology Research Project of Henan Province of China(222102210067)
Key Science and Technology Research Project of Henan Province of China(222102520028)
Key Project of Science & Technology Research of the Education Department of Henan Province(22A120001)
刘奕含 , 宁念文 , 杨东霖 , 李伟 , 吴斌 , 周毅 . 面向城市交通的动态知识图谱综述——构建、表示与应用[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2024 , 26(4) : 946 -966 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2024.230572
In the field of intelligent transportation, various information collection devices have produced a massive amount of multi-source heterogeneous data. These data encompass various types of information, including vehicle trajectories, road conditions, and traffic incidents, soured from devices such as traffic cameras, sensors, and GPS. However, the current challenge faced by researchers and practitioners is how to correlate and integrate the massive amount of heterogeneous data to facilitate decision support. To address this challenge, knowledge graph technology, with its powerful entity-to-entity modeling ability, has shown great potential in knowledge mining, representation, management, and reasoning, making it well-suited for intelligent transportation applications. In this paper, we first review the construction techniques for geographic traffic graphs, multimodal knowledge graphs, and dynamic knowledge graphs, demonstrating the broad applicability of knowledge graphs in the field of intelligent transportation. Secondly, we summarize relevant algorithms of multi-modal knowledge graph representation learning and discuss dynamic knowledge graph representation learning in the field of intelligent transportation. Knowledge graph representation learning technology plays a crucial role in creating high-quality knowledge graphs by capturing and organizing the relationships between entities and their attributes within the transportation domain. This technology utilizes advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze and process the heterogeneous data from various sources to extract meaningful patterns and structures. We also introduce the completion technology and causal reasoning technology in dynamic transportation multi-modal knowledge graph, which is useful for improving the data of intelligent transportation systems. Comprehension ability and decision-making reasoning level have important theoretical significance and practical application prospects. Thirdly, we summarize the solutions of knowledge graph that provide important support for intelligent decision-making in several application scenarios. The utilization of knowledge graphs in intelligent transportation systems facilitates real-time data integration and enables correlation analysis of diverse data sources to provide a holistic view of the traffic ecosystem. This comprehensive understanding empowers decision-makers to implement targeted interventions and proactive measures, ultimately mitigating traffic congestion and reducing the occurrence of accidents. Through the continuous refinement and enrichment of the traffic knowledge graph, the intelligent transportation system can adapt and evolve to address emerging challenges and optimize transport networks for enhanced efficiency and safety. Finally, we analyze and discuss the existing technical bottlenecks. The future of traffic knowledge graphs and their auxiliary applications are also prospected and discussed, highlighting the potential impact of this important technology on intelligent transportation systems.
表1 交通领域各类知识图谱对比Tab. 1 Comparison of various types of knowledge graphs in transportation |
类型 | 优势 | 不足 |
静态知识图谱 | 描述精确,能够准确描述交通领域实体间的关系和属性,包括道路网络拓扑结构、交通规则等静态信息;适于长期存储和高效查询,支持路径规划、道路管理等应用 | 缺乏实时性,无法实时反映交通状况的变化,对实时决策和调整有限;对于动态变化的需求有限,如交通流量预测、拥堵分析等 |
动态知识图谱 | 具有实时性,能够捕捉实时数据,对于实时决策和调整具有较强的支持能力;能够追踪和分析实体的历史演化过程,对于预测、推荐系统以及时间序列分析等应用具有价值 | 图谱构建和维护方面面临数据质量和准确性方面的挑战,需要处理噪声、数据缺失等问题;存储和计算成本较高 |
多模态知识图谱 | 信息全面,可以提供更加全面丰富的交通状况描述;综合分析多种模态数据,帮助进行交通态势分析 | 数据量较大,计算复杂度较高;需要解决数据融合和一致性的问题 |
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