Model coupling has been a prevalent research method in geoscience recently. Modeling framework is of the same category among various modeling environments by coupling, which gains many applications at present time. But the requirement of the frameworks decreases their usability, and also throws a heavy burden to users, which is researchers have to perform the coding and compiling tasks for coupling models. Taking ESMF as the foundation that is a representative modeling framework, this paper gives a detailed discussion on the problems presented in the research of building an icon-based modeling environment by coupling and their solutions. A methodology of generating codes of coupled models automatically is first proposed according to the coupling modes refined, as well as the relationships implicated by them which are the orders of calling models and the dependency of the input and output variables of coupled models. Then an approach of Open Concept Framework is developed with the purpose of expressing and confirming the semantic similarity between model variables. Based on the OCF and its building foundations, model metadata, a method is designed to verify the spatial and temporal consistency between the coupling models, and the matching between the input and output variables. Lastly, a prototype of icon-based modeling environment by coupling is developed, which implements the methodologies given above. Furthermore, two testing scenes are devised to examine the characters of the prototype. The results indicate that the entire error coupling operations existing in the scenes are refused by the system, and oppositely the correct couplings are accepted completely. Also, valid codes for the accepted coupling models are generated by the system and run in ESMF successfully.
ZHANG Zimin, ZHOU Ying, LI Qi, MAO Xi
. Design of an Icon-based Modelling Environment Prototype for Coupling Geoscience Models[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2011
, 13(1)
: 48
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2011.00048
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