Correcting and Downscaling SRTM DEM Using Auxiliary Street Map and GPS Data

  • 1. Institute of Geodesy &|Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430077, China;
    2. LAGE, Instituto de Geografia, UNAM, Mexico City 04510, Mexico

Received date: 2010-08-25

  Revised date: 2011-01-19

  Online published: 2011-02-25


We developed and tested a geo-statistical methodology to correct the spatially correlated errors of SRTM DEM and downscale the spatial resolution of the DEM using auxiliary street map and GPS data in city areas. The methodology was based on geo-statistics and spatial analysis techniques in GIS. The calculation procedures were illustrated using a case study in the Xico area of Mexico City. Spatial structures of all the surface features contributing the elevation value within a single SRTM resolution cell were separated into basic components. Then the syntagmatic relationships among the basic components were evaluated and verified using GPS survey data in the study area. Afterwards, spatial relations between the structure of the basic components and the errors surface of the DEM were analyzed using GIS spatial analytical methods. From spatial analysis, the error surface of SRTM DEM proved to be spatially correlated with spatial patterns of streets in the study area. A global error of the DEM was also identified through the above process. Accordingly, the spatially correlated random errors and the global error can be located and corrected by using the auxiliary street map and GPS data. Since the auxiliary street map has finer resolution than the SRTM DEM and is spatially correlated with the error surface of the DEM, the coarse-resolution DEM in the city area can be downscaled to a finer resolution DEM according to the spatial relations between DEM and the auxiliary street map using geo-statistical methodology. The result shows that the downscaled DEM has better performance on the representation of real topography and urban structure. Even though the result was determined by the accuracy of the original DEM, the methodology presented here is effective at downscaling of spatial resolution and the correction of the spatially correlated errors for SRTM in city areas, and could be helpful in topographical information collection provided that there are deficient of other higher resolution DEMs.

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XIAO Fei, PARROT J.F., DU Yun, LING Feng . Correcting and Downscaling SRTM DEM Using Auxiliary Street Map and GPS Data[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2011 , 13(1) : 118 -125 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2011.00118


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