Valley economy is a new mode of mountainous development. By studying its spatial structure, we can interpret the spatial structure, find out spatial characteristics, and probe internal mechanism and development rules, which will make reference for mountain economies' space optimization, population and industrial distribution. This posses significance value theoretically and practically. Mentougou District is the pure mountains area of Beijing, the development of which is rather typical. Adopting DEM data, using ArcGIS, SPSS software, in this paper we comprehensively considered the factors of height, length and slope, and then extracted the representative valleys of Mentougou. On the base of interpreting the content of valley economy spatial structure in Mentougou, we obtained basic characteristics of spatial variation of valley economy by spatial data analysis. Through spatial structure analysis of village based valley economy and evaluation of current situation of valley economy, we discovered that"one core area, several growth areas, a spindle, several local axes and numbers of nodes"represent the typical spatial structure of Mentougou valley economy. The development mode of the typical valley economy has integrated rural spatial structure, gathered rural population, coupled mountain transportation network, eventually promoted economic development in mountainous areas. In all, development of valley economy in Mentougou showed the characteristics of spatial concentration, which played a role in gathering population, resources and industry, and promoted mountain farmers to get rich. In future, valley economy has a trend of centrality so we need make scientific planning, and doing works for the further optimization. The results of this study, initially revealed basic situation of the spatial structure of valley economy development in Mentougou, can provide reference for valley economy planning and its spatial structure optimization. The formation of spatial structure of valley economy development in Mentougou is closely related to the complexity of their own development, the complexity of the system elements and the integrity of the driving mechanism.
LIU Chunla, ZHANG Yifeng, CAO Jun, MU Songlin, JIA Dameng, LAN Tingting
. Study on the Spatial Structure of Valley Economy Development ——A Case of Mentougou District in Beijing[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2011
, 13(2)
: 189
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2011.00189
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