As a kind of crucial data which was able to reflect the continuous coverage of vegetation on the earth surface, the long time-series MODIS NDVI products have already become a reliable data source used in remote sensing for crop measurement. In this paper, a long time-series and high-resolution (250m) MODIS data in 2008 was used to extract the area of the paddy land in Jiangsu Province, China. In the beginning, an annual time-series NDVI dataset of the study area was built up by pre-processing,and a reconstruction of time-series based on Savitzky-Golay filter provided this study excellent images with the better visual effect and NDVI temporal profile. Considering the paddy phenological calendar, the identifiers of paddy were parameterized as starting time, range, extent, and maximum of NDVI during the growth period. In the end, through comparing the phenological key values, a reasonable classification rule was generated based on the thresholds of phenological key values, and a decision tree classifier was constructed to extract Paddy land area, whose precision was 87.5%. It turned out the feasibilities of long time-series MODIS NDVI data and our classification strategy adapted to the extraction of crop land area.
MIAO Cuicui, JIANG Nan, PENG Shikui, LV Heng, LI Yang, ZHANG Yu, WANG Ni, LI Jun
. Extraction of Paddy Land Area Based on NDVI Time-series Data: Taking Jiangsu Province as an Example[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2011
, 13(2)
: 273
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2011.00273
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