In this paper we developed a digital integrated system for the Eurasian mountain altitudinal belts based on the digital integrated framework of mountain altitudinal belts and 880 Mountain Altitudinal Belt Spectra data of Eurasian Continent. The main functions of this system are: 1) dynamic visualization function of mountain altitudinal belts, including real time generation of geographic distribution map, stacked bar chart and curve of upper and lower height limits change with latitude and longitude; 2) extraction of upper and lower limits of mountain altitudinal belts and transformation between absolute height and relative height; 3) query and analysis of mountain altitudinal belts, including query of mountain altitudinal belts based on geographic coordinate, temperature zone and vegetation zone and analysis of the query results by mapping; and 4) extraction of altitudinal boundary, including curve plotting of single lines (such as timberline, snow line and frozen line, etc.) with changes of geography, climate and the topography, export of single line data. The open feature of this system makes it convenient to add data and to improve the functions and to upgrade, and consequently makes it a very unique geographic information system. This system provides a new platform for analyzing the geographic and ecological features of the mountain altitudinal belts on continental and global scale and lays the groundwork for revealing the vertical distribution and three-dimensional distribution of the Eurasian mountain environment.
ZHAO Fang, ZHANG Baiping, TAN Jing, HAN Fang, , YAO Yonghui
. Structure and Function of the Digital Integrated System for the Eurasian Mountain Altitudinal Belt[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2011
, 13(3)
: 346
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2011.00346
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