Service and Application of Grid Based Distributed Spatial Outliers Mining

  • 1. Key Lab of Spatial Data Mining and Information Sharing of MOE, Spatial Information Research Center of Fujian, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350002, China;
    2. Fujian Economic Information Center, Fuzhou 350001, China

Received date: 2010-11-01

  Revised date: 2011-03-29

  Online published: 2011-06-15


A spatial outlier is a spatial object whose non-spatial attribute values are significantly deviated from the other data's in the dataset. The identification of spatial outliers can lead to the discovery of some unexpected knowledge, and it has a number of practical applications. There are massive spatial data maintained over geographically distributed sites in WAN. It's necessary to analyse and process the data by using the high-performance distributed parallel processing system. Grid is one of the most effective approaches to meet this requirement. The geographical knowledge grid platform (GeoKS-Grid) established by our research group is the application of knowledge grid in geo-information science, which integrate technologies of grid computing, web service, WebGIS, data mining, information visualization, knowledge base of ontology and knowledge reasoning, online analytical processing, decision analysis, data warehouse and workflow, to form a geographical problem solving environment. In this paper, a grid based distributed framework and the corresponding strategy for distributed spatial data mining system are discussed, and a distributed algorithm for spatial outlier mining is designed and implemented. In general, the process of distributed spatial outlier mining can be seen to be a series of services including atomic services and composite services. Furthermore, according to the principle of web service reusage and compositionality, the distributed spatial outlier mining algorithm is decomposed into several grid atomic services. Distributed spatial outlier mining including local spatial outlier mining and global spatial outlier mining is realized by grid workflow approach to discovery and composition of knowledge atomic grid services provided by knowledge grid. Finally, demonstration application is carried out on the basis of soil geochemistry data inspected by the Ecological Geochemistry Survey of Fujian Coastal Economic Belt, the efficiency and the validity of the distributed spatial outlier mining service and system are verified and confirmed.

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YAO Minjing, LIN Jiaxiang, CHEN Chongcheng, MA Hengbing . Service and Application of Grid Based Distributed Spatial Outliers Mining[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2011 , 13(3) : 383 -390 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2011.00383


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