Design and Implement of a Web Spatial Data Publish and Online Processing Platform

  • Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Beijing 100101, China

Received date: 2011-03-11

  Revised date: 2011-06-28

  Online published: 2011-08-23


Recent advances in internet technologies, coupled with wide adoption of the web services paradigm and interoperability standards, make the World Wide Web a popular vehicle for geo-spatial information distribution and online geo-processing. In this paper, a new spatial computing and data service publishing platform, i.e. LreisServer, is designed and implemented. The platform complies with OGC specification and implement WMS, WFS, GML standards. The extension implement details are discussed through a cooperation perspective. In the backside this platform takes postgis as spatial database and applys its powerful ability to analyze and query spatial data. In the frontside, RIA technology such as openlayers and active is hybrid used, and use c# to display map and couple with fat client spatial operation.The geometry objects model in this platform comply with OGC simple feature specification (point, polyline, polygon), and has map project function, including algorithm buffer, overlay, etc. The spatial index implement quardtree, R-tree, etc. A new kind of map cache mechanism is designed and developed to help speed up historical map data showing and accelate interoperation on the client side. Unit test is done with different data sources on this platform. In this papaer we also evaluate alternative approaches and assess the pros and cons of our design and implementation. The results showed that: (1)because of the cache tool, this platform can have a better performance in WMS service than ordinary OGC WMS. (2)On the benefit of spatial data storage and operating functions in Postgis, LreisServer can provide spatial data service and raw data in GML format. And (3)using the loading balance strategy, LreisServer can do simple spatial process and analysis on the client side.

Key words: WebGIS; OGC; WMS; GML; PostGIS

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ZHOU Yuke, ZHOU Chenghu, CHEN Rongguo, ZHANG Mingbo, CHEN Yingdong . Design and Implement of a Web Spatial Data Publish and Online Processing Platform[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2011 , 13(4) : 486 -491 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2011.00486


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