Urban environmental impact assessment is an important problem in urban planning and for urban sustainable development. According to the need of analysis, comparison and quantitative evaluation to design plans by relative departments, we established an urban planning environment simulation model for design and implementation of urban master planning. The model was composed of three sub-models, i.e. atmospheric environment, water environment and noise environment simulation models, involving GIS techniques such as establishing of regional boundary layer mode (RBLM) and urban planning meteorological feasibility evaluation technique route, and using of land use regression (LUR) method. The modle was used in a case city. We quantitatively evaluated the environmental impact before the implementation of the urban planning scheme. This is helpful for the optimization of whole urban planning and part arrangement in a city.
CHENG Xi, SHEN Zhanfeng, YANG Banghui, LIU Yi, ZHANG Zhiguo
. Method of Environmental Impact Assessment for Urban Master Planning Based on GIS[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2011
, 13(4)
: 513
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2011.00513
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