Precision agriculture adjusts soil and crop management practices accurately to pursue the optimal use of agricultural inputs (such as fertilizers, pesticides, water, seeds and other inputs) and obtain maximum yield and maximum economic efficiency in accordance with the specific conditions of each operating unit, while reducing chemical use, protecting agricultural ecological environment, land and other natural resources. In this paper, starting with the requirements of precision agriculture data, based on the geographic grid system, we made the precision agriculture database design with the grid as the basic unit. Grid database accurately reflects the need to obtain plots of differences in soil within meters of the bottom level, yield, fertility, micro-topography, crop, water, worms, grass and other information, so the stored data using a grid is in line with the needs of precision agriculture. The use of geo-spatial positioning of the grid to support the sharing of geographic data, to facilitate the integration and application of spatial information analysis of the grid within the soil background and crop research in order to achieve precision agriculture has a very important significance. We studied changes of various factors (climate, soil, seeds, agricultural machinery, fertilizers, pesticides, energy, etc.) in the field (different grid), and the relationship between them, in order to adopt the best planting program and the adaptive water, fertilizer and pesticide, to maintain good crop growing conditions as well.
JIANG Lili, QI Qingwen, ZHANG An
. Grid-based Precision Agriculture Database and Its Demonstrative Application: Taking Shuangshan Farm in Heilongjiang Province as an Example[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2011
, 13(6)
: 804
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2011.00804
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