We investigated the evaluative process of ecological environment of the Beijing-Tianjin sand and dust source region since 2000 based on three periods of land-use data (1995,2000 and 2005), which were acquired from interpretation of TM images, and NDVI product of MODIS. The spatial conversion matrix method, average value method, MVC(Maximum Value Composites)method and linear regression of one variable method were adopted to analyze the trends of land use and vegetation cover condition. The results show that: (1) the tendency of farmland reclamation has decreased; the rate of grassland and forest reducing has decreased, too; and the area of water bodies reduced, because of the arid climate. The phenomenon of grassland degradation and unused land increasing still exists. (2) The disturbing degree of human activities on ecological environment got slow down; but the rapid growth of residential land and industrial and mining land has brought great pressure to ecological environment of the study region. And (3) the research on the change of maximum value of NDVI shows that the NDVI has increased in the study region. That means the vegetation cover condition becomes better. With the comprehensive analysis on the arid climate, we consider that the trend of ecological environment deterioration in the study region has been restrained. The regulation programs of the Beijing-Tianjin sand and dust source region has showed its effect.
LIU Luo, XU Xinliang, DUAN Jiannan, LIU Xiaofang
. The Spatial-Temporal Changes Monitoring of Ecological Environment in Source Area of the Sand and Dust Endangering Beijing-Tianjin by Remote Sensing[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2011
, 13(6)
: 819
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2011.00819
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