TM remote sensing data of Guansihe watershed in the two periods of 1995 and 2005 was taken as the basic information source, and vector data of landscape types was extracted with the RS, GIS and mathematical statistics methods. Three indices such as matrix proportion, change rate of patch number and area, change rate of patch density as well as transform rule of Landscape types were used for landscape stability study of the watershed. The results showed that: (1)In the whole watershed, cultivated land was matrix of the artificial landscape which was in frequent farming and dynamic change, the stability was not high; Pinus massioniana woodland was matrix of the semi-natural landscape whose stability was also low but had improved; (2) Patch stability of town and water areas were the highest, Pinus massioniana woodland, Quercus aliena woodland and Cupressus funebrius woodland took the second place, cultivated land and villages were the lowest; (3) Dramatic transformation of cultivated land, water areas and woodlands were the most, which was closely related to the land conversion projects implemented in the watershed since 1998. When cultivated land areas decreased, water areas and woodlands would increase gradually. As a result, the ecosystem and biodiversity would increase, function of the ecology would improve respectively, and the landscape pattern presented good development tendency, but the stability of water areas and woodlands still depended on its natural stability; And (4) stability of medium and small patches of Pinus massionian woodland and Cupressus funebrius woodland played an important role in the stability of the watershed. They should be protected, planed and constructed scientifically and reasonably.
LIU Yanguo, WANG Qing, WANG Jun
. Study on Landscape Stability in Guansihe Watershed[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2012
, 14(1)
: 137
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2012.00137
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